Chapter 151: Strategy of Power (3)

Chapter 151: Strategy of Power (3) The three of them asked for some time to think before disappearing. And I, along with Maiden, were doing interviews with reporters in front of the house. "I cannot answer questions about my abilities. I apologize." The passionate representatives of the supernatural industry had long since disappeared. Now, the only ones left were the reporters who wanted to interview me, so I decided to participate in the interviews with a light heart. It's not like I did anything wrong to end up surrounded by reporters like this. I didn't see the need to keep avoiding them. "Is it true that you possess all attributes?" "Yes, it's true." Compared to when I was being plagued by industry insiders, it felt like heaven to be able to give interviews to reporters. Why are they being so gentle? ...Is it because Maiden is next to me? Or is it because I just finished talking with The One-guild and my value has increased a bit under their reputation? "Could you demonstrate the multi-attribute magic yourself?" One reporter asked during his turn. "Hmm." It was being controversial on the internet. There were debates going on about whether I possessed all attributes or not. "You all have suffered for two days because of me." It would be better to address that controversy early on. "All right." "Wow!" Everyone seemed surprised. Well, it's a cautious request for a superhuman to show their abilities. Many superhumans are reluctant to reveal their abilities, and many others think it hurts their pride. "So, could you all take three steps back, please?" Everyone stepped back as if it were a command. It seems that even a military ceremony isn't this exact. Are they really that eager to see my magic? With such frivolous thoughts in my head, I raised my mana. "Oh my." "One, two, three..." "Six?" "Six attribute magic..." "And not just using them separately..." While the reporters were murmuring between flashes, 99% of the sounds were of astonishment. That should be enough. I casually canceled the magic. The simultaneous flash ceased as well. "Next reporter. Please ask your question." "Earlier, you had a meeting with The One-guild. Did you decide to join them?" Hmm, why hasn't this question been asked yet? "I cannot answer that yet. We haven't finished talking with The One-guild." You shouldn't give a hasty answer to this question. Especially now that I have become like someone who declined guild membership, making unnecessary remarks would only lead to friction between The One and us. "It's a delicate matter, so I believe you will all understand." They all had expressions that seemed dissatisfied. Becoming the first Korean member of The One-guild is probably the most concerning issue, so it's natural for them to feel dissatisfied when I can't say anything. Suddenly, Maiden interrupted. "There will be an official announcement regarding that matter later, so please wait for it. Next question, please." The interviews proceeded smoothly. "Then, do you have aspirations as a superhuman in the future?" "Who do you admire or consider as your role model?" After that, I had to endure the reporters' questions for three hours. * * * The next morning. But all the hard work was worth it. The reporters who had been crowding around had all disappeared. Everyone had found their own things to do and left. "But at least I can show my face one last time before the break." Even the scouts seemed to have lost interest in me. Well, it's true that interest fades quickly. ...Well, if it weren't for the scouts losing interest, there would still be a crowd around me even now. "Well then, princess. I'll be on my way." "Take care of yourself." The princess bowed her head. Lately, she has been showing more childlike behavior befitting her age. The Lena who uses Korean and the Lena who uses Sirene feel like two different people. "Oh, today I'm having lunch with Siyeon and Jia from The Norns' Guild. Don't eat lunch, just wait." "Yes." Well, they're both cute. I patted the heads of the princess, Geumho, and Baekho, and left the house. Bathing in the scorching sun of July, I headed towards school. I received a message saying that The One-guild's internal meeting was progressing positively. Even though my information may not be reliable, it seems that they have decided that my participation in the strategy itself will be a great benefit. More accurate information is always better. As Maiden said, the mercenary contract is almost certain, and it seems that there will be an additional reward for sharing the information about the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon, if it is considered "true" and "useful." Well, the result is the same, so it doesn't matter. "I can now officially obtain The One's support." No, before that, I have to think about conquering the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon safely. "The Cavern of the Ancient Dragon..." I still can't fully comprehend it. Why did The One-guild completely perish in the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon? The Cavern of the Ancient Dragon is certainly a difficult dungeon. Guardians that randomly change attributes, treacherous terrains, and all kinds of devices filled with variables. It is an indisputably difficult dungeon among all the existing ones. "But it's not to the extent that The One couldn't clear it." Four single-numbered beings, including the Master, the strongest superhuman in the world, participated in the strategy. Even if the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon is difficult, it shouldn't be cause for "total annihilation." "Moreover, with the preparations made based on the first, second, and third strategy journals..." It's impossible that it ended in total annihilation. "Besides, even if we assume that there was a mistake on The One's part that led to their total annihilation..." Something external to the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon must have caused variables. "Unconditionally..." It could be a hypothesis with more credibility than The One's mistake. "If that's the case, we should also prepare for that irregularity." Are the three ancient artifacts I have enough? "...I'm a little worried." It's good to have more insurance. Something that leads to the total annihilation of The One-guild. I can't feel completely at ease about that. "Well, it's okay. Soon, there will be more ancient artifacts coming in a month." The Mysterious Project is progressing rapidly even now. "And next week, we'll overcome a challenging obstacle." The Infinite Regenerating Dungeon, which has contributed greatly to the growth of superhumans, contains a "hidden piece." "If I'm the only one who consumes it..." A flicker passed through my eyes. * * * "Everyone, you've had a challenging semester. That's all." "Thank you for your hard work!" With those brief remarks from the instructor, all the classes for the first semester came to an end. "Seoyul! Let's go!" "I'll wait, Lena." Siyeon and Jia approached me, leaving Seoyul behind. We had decided to have lunch together today, so we'll go together. "Just wait a moment. I have something to discuss with the instructor. I'll be right back." "Ah, sure. We'll wait." Sorry, it won't be long. I headed towards the instructor's office, leaving the two of them waiting in the classroom. Tap tap- I lightly knocked on the door of the office. "Come in." I entered the room with the instructor's permission. "Have a seat." The instructor pointed to the couch opposite him. I sat down on the couch. The instructor had a serious expression on his face. "Seoyul..." Realizing that I was in distress, the instructor let out a deep sigh. "Sorry... I guess I can't hold back even if I try..." "..." I stared straight into the instructor's eyes. No words were exchanged. We just stared at each other. How much time went by like that? After closing his eyes for about three seconds, the instructor opened them again. "...I guess no matter how you look at it, it's useless for me to hold back." "Yes." The instructor took out something from his arms. It was a black envelope with a very sophisticated seal imprinted on it. "Also, here is an invitation to the Infinite Regenerating Dungeon." "Ah." So this is it. I took the envelope. "I hope you have the knowledge necessary to overcome the dungeon." "Yes, thank you." I bowed my head. * * * Time passed quickly, and today is the day we head to Japan. "Princess, take care of the house." "...Yes." "If you don't know something, what did I tell you to do?" "...Call Jia." Lena's expression was very downcast. "What if someone who doesn't know shows up?" "...Don't open the door..." I guess she feels lonely knowing that I'll be gone for two weeks. "And..." Suddenly, Princess grabbed onto my sleeve. -Please... can't you... not go? She trembled like a cold, shivering little kitten, her ears lowered and her body trembling. Tears welled up in her eyes. -Why? Are you scared? I held Lena in my arms and gently stroked her head. Lena has a tendency to dislike being alone. It must be scary for her to be left alone. "If you don't like being alone... would you like to stay with Jia and Yuhwa?" She hesitated for a moment, then looked up at me with a vulnerable smile. -Yes, I'd like that. I continued to stroke her head a little roughly. * * * Leaving Lena behind, I arrived at the airport. Remembering Lena, who had forced a smile and waved her hand, my heart suddenly felt heavy. 'I thought she was getting brighter and better.' I underestimated it. Overwhelmed by this thought, I couldn't help but feel burdened. 'These days, I thought she was becoming brighter, so I thought she would be okay.' My thoughts were too short-sighted. When someone has trauma, it's not something that can be overcome easily. In front of me, someone appeared. "Mr. Kang Seoyul." "!" He definitely wasn't here a moment ago. I was taken aback and instinctively entered a defensive posture. "Please keep calm and quiet. We have installed wide-area stealth mode, but just in case." I realized it was a familiar voice and sat back down. "Hemit." I was genuinely surprised. He was always so low-key, what is he doing here? "I heard that you will participate as a mercenary in the conquest of the Cavern of the Ancient Dragon, is that true?" He already got that information? Of course, it would be Hemit. "Yes." "I wonder if I could ask what your purpose is for participating in that conquest." "It's for various reasons." I couldn't say it was to prevent The One's complete annihilation, so I mumbled something vague. "Various reasons, huh..." Hemit's expression turned serious. "I only have one question." Hemit's sharp eyes pierced into mine. "Is that purpose based on the fact that 'Master' is actually a fake identity of 'Unknown?'" "...What?" What did he just say?

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