- What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Fan Ziruo's favorability surged from 45 to 65 as she suddenly became excited, then decreased to 52 as her emotions settled. "Master He, do you have any suggestions for my novel after reading it?" Fan Ziruo was still sitting and speaking as before, but this time He Yunxiao could sense a hint of expectation in her tone. "Any suggestions? I suggest that you shouldn't write novels." He Yunxiao carefully considered his words, contemplating how to point out the issues in her novel without dampening her enthusiasm for writing. "I think the biggest issue with your novel is... um... well, you... you actually..." You actually can't tell a story. He Yunxiao wanted to say this, but as he looked into Fan Ziruo's sparkling eyes, he couldn't bring himself to utter such harsh words. Forget it, since I'm here to improve her favorability, I'll help her with "writing novels." He Yunxiao finally said, "The biggest problem with your novel is that you lack experience." Fan Ziruo asked in confusion, "Lack of experience?" "Yes." He Yunxiao confidently discussed, "In martial arts novels, the protagonist often has to spend the night outdoors and the heroine has never caught a chicken or killed a rabbit. How can you describe the protagonist hunting for food?" "Similarly, the heroine knows nothing about martial arts. Although she studies martial arts manuals and imagines fight scenes, what she writes often lacks crucial details, making the entire scene seem unrealistic." "For example, here." He Yunxiao spread out the manuscript for Fan Ziruo to see. "In this fight scene, can you spot anything wrong?" Fan Ziruo looked back at the storyline she had written and after careful consideration, she indeed couldn't find anything amiss. "I don't see anything wrong." He Yunxiao whispered, "Ziruo." [The favorability of Fan Ziruo decreases from 52 to 51] Fan Ziruo didn't like being addressed intimately by anyone. She frowned and shifted her gaze from the novel on the table to He Yunxiao. However, what she saw was a fist whistling towards her! The fist was extremely swift and forceful! It transformed from a small object to a significant threat in an instant. Fan Ziruo was stunned, and the fist came to a halt just inches from her face. Even after the fist stopped, the force it generated continued to blow gently on Fan Ziruo's face and rustled her hair behind her. "How is it? Have you noticed anything wrong with your writing?" He Yunxiao withdrew his fist and asked with a smile. Fan Ziruo was speechless for a moment, lost in thought and suddenly realized. "When experts engage in combat, they don't care about the surroundings!" He Yunxiao, pretending to be an old scholar with a long beard, touched his fictitious beard and imitated an elderly voice, "Indeed, indeed." [Fan Ziruo's favorability increases from 51 to 55] "Hmm." Fan the beauty laughed at He Yunxiao's action, bending slightly and leaning on the table with one hand, her big eyes forming a crescent shape, while the other hand covered her upturned mouth. Seeing Fan Ziruo happy, He Yunxiao felt joyous as well. Then, he suddenly had a realization and said, "I know why the young lady doesn't often smile." Fan Ziruo asked in confusion, "Why?" "Because the young lady is kindhearted." "Why does being kindhearted make me smile less often?" "If the young lady smiles frequently and others see it, knowing that they can't compare to the young lady, it will only breed jealousy and resentment in the world." [Fan Ziruo's favorability increases from 55 to 56] Wow, the favorability difference is remarkable. When I praised her with low favorability before, it only decreased, but now, finally on the right track, it's increasing! Fan Ziruo smiled and didn't pay much attention to He Yunxiao's compliments. She valued inner satisfaction more than external matters. "Master He, please continue teaching me martial arts." He Yunxiao naturally agreed, saying with some emotion, "There are many reasons for people to practice martial arts: to stay fit, to join the military, to establish a sect. However, practicing martial arts for writing a novel is something I've never heard of." Fan Ziruo earnestly stated, "As you said, 'No investigation, no right to speak.'" Although these were He Yunxiao's words, he felt a bit embarrassed at this moment. "But one can't focus on everything personally?" Fan Ziruo reached back to adjust her flowing hair, ready to learn martial arts. "Why can't one focus on everything personally?" He Yunxiao didn't know how to explain it to her. Do you have to personally experience giving birth when writing about the heroine getting pregnant? Ugh… Maybe that's not entirely impossible? Fan Ziruo quickly tied up her hair, keeping it in place. Standing in the center of the study, she arranged the positions He Yunxiao had taught her the day before. He Yunxiao stood aside, saying, "Try practicing the poses I taught you yesterday." Fan Ziruo replied with an "Okay" and then diligently replicated the poses He Yunxiao had taught her the day before. Despite Fan Ziruo's delicate appearance, much to He Yunxiao's surprise, she managed to replicate the poses he taught her quite well. [Specialty: Learning] Truly a girl with a natural talent for learning! No wonder she can sleep her way to becoming a "top female talent" while reading. He Yunxiao taught her only a few poses yesterday, and Fan Ziruo quickly mastered them. "Master He, how was that?" He Yunxiao knew that Fan Ziruo was gravely serious and not fond of jesters. He abandoned the playful words that came to his lips and solemnly said, "Miss Ziruo did a good job. However, there is something I must clarify with you." "Go ahead." "In martial arts, apart from hard work, one's talent is also crucial. Miss Ziruo, if you intend to practice martial arts and portray thrilling fights in your novel, it may take many years of training to make it believable." This statement nearly extinguished Fan Ziruo's interest in learning martial arts. Do you have to become an expert first, then write a novel? How long would that take? Seeing her worried expression, He Yunxiao reassured her, "You don't necessarily have to become an expert; being a pseudo-expert is enough." Fan Ziruo, smart as a whip, immediately understood He Yunxiao's meaning. "Master He means I only need a superficial understanding?" He Yunxiao nodded, "Indeed, a superficial understanding is sufficient for writing novels." He Yunxiao took out an introductory palm technique book from his pocket and handed it to Fan Ziruo. "If you don't believe me, let's conduct an experiment. Study this technique, practice it, and then we'll try sparring." Fan Ziruo, not knowledgeable in martial arts, had no choice but to comply with He Yunxiao's proposal. She wasn't like Du Yinyin, who was deeply steeped in a martial family culture, with frequent martial arts training at home. Fan Ziruo's family was different; they deliberately resisted martial arts. This naturally resulted in Fan Ziruo having limited knowledge of martial arts. Even so, after reading through the introductory palm technique from He Yunxiao, and then practicing it by herself, she surprisingly managed to replicate it quite accurately. After observing that she had learned it quite well, He Yunxiao said, "Miss Ziruo, let's spar to test your grasp of the technique. You don't need to hold back; feel free to use the technique you just learned." Fan Ziruo nodded and demonstrated the move from the book, swinging her palm towards He Yunxiao. In He Yunxiao's eyes, Fan Ziruo's technique was light, soft, and slow. However, he deliberately slowed down his own movements to allow Fan Ziruo to experience it, making it seem like both of them were evenly matched. After exchanging palm strikes for a while, Fan Ziruo suddenly realized that something was amiss. A man and a woman, hand in hand... Was she, in a way, "holding hands" with He Yunxiao?