Chapter 127 - What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

When He Yunxiao returned home from Linxuan Palace, it was already late at night. Because he had to rush to Fan Mansion in the morning, after returning home, He Yunxiao hastily made some arrangements and went back to his room to sleep. The protagonist, Chu Fan, made it a routine to visit Fan Mansion every morning in order to meet General Fan Yu. He Yunxiao had no choice but to accompany Chu Fan at Fan Mansion every morning. Chu Fan would sit in the living room, while He Yunxiao would sit in the study. However, the two of them had different objectives. Chu Fan wanted to meet General Fan to obtain clues about the family massacre. He Yunxiao, on the other hand, intended to win the affection of General Fan's daughter, Miss Fan, as well as the top talent of Lu Jiao Academy in Yinjing, the former main character of the novel, Fan Ziruo. Due to his visit to his wife Nanzhu last night, He Yunxiao had also performed pulse diagnosis, administered medicine, spanked her, prepared herbal medicine, and even had dinner. By the time he left the imperial palace, it was very late at night, past midnight. Having dinner late and still thinking about his wife, Nanzhu, and the matter of redeeming Sister Jiang kept He Yunxiao out until the early hours. Luckily, Miss Ziruo had no morning classes today, so He Yunxiao could afford to wake up a bit later, as long as he arrived earlier than Chu Fan. Unfortunately, He Yunxiao didn't even manage to arrive earlier than Chu Fan. As the morning sunlight spread across the land, illuminating the glistening dewdrops left by the morning, He Yunxiao pushed open the door of the study in Fan Mansion, only to see two familiar figures already seated in their usual spots. Fan Ziruo held a book, smiling gently at He Yunxiao. Chu Chu, on the other hand, crossed her arms and closed her eyes, only opening them to take a glance at He Yunxiao when he shifted his gaze towards her. It seemed perfunctory, but also not so. Quiet and beautiful. He Yunxiao smiled and greeted, "Good morning, Ziruo." Fan Ziruo glanced at the still-closed eyes of Chu Chu, then rose slightly and returned the greeting, "Good morning, Sir." He Yunxiao then addressed, "Good morning, Miss Chu." Chu Chu, as if she hadn't heard, continued to rest her eyes, indifferent to He Yunxiao's presence. He Yunxiao was not surprised by Chu Chu's attitude and paid it no mind. Only someone like Chu Chu, who appears aloof and disdainful while secretly caring about others, can be like this. When the day comes that Chu Chu turns into a demure lady like Nanzhu, sitting in a chair and greeting him with a sweet smile, that's when He Yunxiao will be taken aback. He Yunxiao didn't mind Chu Chu's attitude and closed the door after exchanging greetings, sitting down at his position in the study. With Chu Chu present, Fan Ziruo would not discuss novels with He Yunxiao, making their relationship appear more distant. "Sir, continue reading by yourself today, If you need any help ask Ziruo for help". Fan Ziruo said. He Yunxiao replied, "I will." Fan Ziruo nodded and said, "Very well." Then she turned gently to Chu Chu and asked, "Miss Chu, if you have any questions while reading, feel free to ask me." Chu Chu still paid no attention to Fan Ziruo. Fan Ziruo couldn't help but admire Chu Chu's unwavering affection for her brother, Chu Fan. Even as a fellow woman, she hesitated to engage with Chu Chu, which further deepened her respect. Despite He Yunxiao's prior explanation of Chu Chu's personality, Fan Ziruo did not take her indifference to heart. After speaking, she smiled at He Yunxiao and concentrated on her reading. While Fan Ziruo began reading, He Yunxiao took the opportunity to send a message to Chu Chu while pretending to read. He Yunxiao: Good morning, Lady Chu. Chu Chu: Hmm. He Yunxiao: Did you sleep well last night, Lady Chu? Chu Chu: Hmm. He Yunxiao: Oh, did you have breakfast, Lady Chu? Chu Chu: Hmm. He Yunxiao: I see. Are you not going to read, Lady Chu? Chu Chu finally changed her posture from crossing her arms and closing her eyes, to opening her eyes and lowering her hands, appearing to read. Chu Chu: You talk a lot, what do you want to say? Naturally, He Yunxiao wanted to ask when they could begin the energy transmission. However, he knew that Chu Chu wouldn't agree outright, so he decided to take a bold approach, just like last time, by grabbing Chu Chu's hand first! On the surface, they were quietly reading, but underneath the table, a silent battle was taking place. He Yunxiao's left hand gradually approached Chu Chu's hand and lightly touched it. Her hand trembled slightly in response. Then, like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, his hand firmly grasped hers, leaving no room for resistance. In reality, Chu Chu could easily free herself from He Yunxiao. She only allowed this due to her reluctance to reveal her martial arts skills in front of Fan Ziruo. However, to He Yunxiao's surprise, once he had grabbed her hand, she obediently left it in his grasp, showing no intention of pulling away, not even when he slightly loosened his grip or attempted to release it. Strange. Even Nanzhu, his wife, wasn't this obedient. What was going on with Chu Chu? Once he firmly held her hand, He Yunxiao asked via messaging, "Can you transmit energy to me, Lady Chu?" Chu Chu glanced at him and messaged back, "If you ask, I will transmit it to you." He Yunxiao was extremely puzzled. Chu Chu had spoken similarly before, but she had never allowed him to hold her hand so easily before speaking. The issue here isn't about transmitting energy, is it? It's about: The usually averse to physical contact, Lady Chu now has her hand held by me. Shouldn't she have asked me to let go of her hand first, before discussing the energy transmission? Why isn't she mentioning letting go of my hand before discussing this? Can I keep holding her hand if I don't transmit energy? That's impossible! Absolutely impossible! He Yunxiao tentatively messaged again, "Lady Chu, can I receive the energy transmission from you without asking?" Chu Chu replied, "No. Must I make you plead for it? That would be unfair to you." While messaging, He Yunxiao felt the pure and powerful energy being transmitted by Chu Chu's hand that he was still holding. Even after gently kneading her hand, it showed no sign of wanting to retreat. Reflecting on Chu Chu's words, he messaged again, "Lady Chu, will you transmit the energy to me as soon as I plead?" Chu Chu: "I always keep my word." He Yunxiao understood clearly in his heart what Chu Chu's "I always keep my word" meant. Although Chu Chu detested people begging her, she preferred strong-willed individuals who wouldn't easily give in. However, the circumstances were different now compared to before. They were more familiar with each other, and their mutual fondness had reached 40, which was not particularly low. In order to receive the energy transmission, He Yunxiao decided to take a risk and appeal to Chu Chu once. He messaged, "I beg Lady Chu to transmit the energy to me." Chu Chu, as if afraid that He Yunxiao would change his mind, promptly agreed, "Okay." He Yunxiao looked at Chu Chu in amazement. Not only did she not dislike his pleading, but she also agreed readily. It felt like a young lady waiting for the wooden ladder to be positioned beside her carriage - an elegant display of status while waiting to be assisted in descending from her carriage. As soon as the ladder was in place, the young lady would naturally disembark. Although it was just a guess or feeling, the pure internal energy couldn't deceive anyone. The pure and powerful energy flowed into He Yunxiao's body from Chu Chu's hand, following her quick agreement. Chu Chu perfectly controlled this energy, allowing it to enter He Yunxiao's body seamlessly. *Translated by