Chapter 147 - What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

The moment the commotion died down, He Yunxiao immediately thought it was an official who had arrived. After all, when factions confront each other on the street, it's necessary to maintain some order. However, when the members of the Short Blade Gang made way for someone to enter, the person who came in made He Yunxiao feel the impulse to take action. Fan Ziruo! Seeing this conspicuous woman approach, He Yunxiao truly had the urge to discipline her there and then. He had specifically instructed her not to come down, but she did so nevertheless, and at the time when the outer disciples were fighting! Doesn't she fear death, Fan Ziruo! Fan Ziruo walked up to He Yunxiao and Chu Fan and bowed slightly, saying, "Master He, Master Chu." Despite having privately committed to each other for life, they still had no formal title, so they couldn't appear too intimate publicly. He Yunxiao gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Ziruo seems in high spirits." Fan Ziruo winked at him, implying, "Although I am a woman, I also know the principle of standing up against injustice." He Yunxiao indicated, "Very well, I admire your spirit." Fan Ziruo immediately understood what He Yunxiao meant: Just you wait, I will deal with you when we return home. "A noble sacrifices for justice, and so does a young woman." He Yunxiao also got her message: Go ahead and hit me, I'm not afraid. With a sigh, He Yunxiao said, "Be careful." Upon hearing this, Fan Ziruo knew he had agreed to her going. Her remaining worry vanished in an instant. In the presence of two factions comprising no less than two to three hundred people, the only person capable of stirring her emotions was He Yunxiao. With his support, she could proceed with her plans. Smiling at her beloved, Fan Ziruo said, "I will go now." Helpless, He Yunxiao watched the independent-minded woman. Du Meimei, who was aloof and proud, should have been the least obedient, yet she was the most compliant. Nan Zhu, the lively and spirited young wife, was not expected to be so obedient, yet she was. Jiang Jiejie, gentle and accommodating, always went along with things, but when it came to crucial matters, she always procrastinated. As for Ziruo, according to traditional expectations, as the most intelligent and independent, she should have been the one heeded, but she was also the most contrary. Watching Fan Ziruo's figure, He Yunxiao suddenly felt that it would be pity if these female leads were only to stay at home to take care of their families. They also deserved to have their own lives and careers. If she wants to take action, so be it, I am unparalleled in lightness skills, and in the worst-case scenario, I will hold her and escape. Chu Fan didn't notice anything unusual when Fan Ziruo approached, not until after she conversed with He Yunxiao did he suddenly feel something was off. Being closest to the two, Chu Fan found many intriguing subtle expressions exchanged between Fan Ziruo and He Yunxiao. For instance, the corners of Fan Ziruo's mouth. When chatting with He Yunxiao, she couldn't help but smile, as if truly happy. In contrast, He did not show any particular reaction when facing Fan Ziruo. Could it be... Fan Ziruo likes He Yunxiao? Thinking of Fan Ziruo, and then of Chu Xiaoxiao, who always hid at home and never went out, made Chu Fan frustrated. He Yunxiao is so outstanding, likes Chu Xiaoxiao, but she is so disappointing, holed up at home all the time. She will never take the initiative unless He Yunxiao comes to her. Chu Fan intended to tell his sister about Fan Ziruo liking He Yunxiao, to make her feel a little uneasy. However, he decided after deep thought that whether Fan Ziruo likes He Yunxiao cannot be determined by mere speculation, lest it ends up slandering the girl's innocence. After careful consideration, Chu Fan decided to continue observing. As soon as there is solid evidence of Fan Ziruo liking He Yunxiao, he would inform his sister right away to make her feel uneasy. ... Fan Ziruo truly lived up to being the female lead, capturing everyone's attention the moment she appeared, especially in this all-male setting. Even in this tense standoff between the factions, Fan Ziruo remained graceful. Her dignified and straightforward manner showed no hint of fear. With her tall figure and stunning beauty, she had become the goddess in the hearts of many present, drawing shocked gazes from both the Iron Eagle Gang and the Short Blade Gang members. Even the slightly immature leader of the Short Blade Gang, Pang Ce, respectfully greeted Fan Ziruo, "Master." Fan Ziruo returned the gesture modestly, perfectly measured. "Young leader." In the state of Qi, respect for teachers has always been a priority. Regardless of age, a teacher should always be treated as an elder, especially having received the favor of imparting knowledge, making them akin to a benefactor. Therefore, when Fan Ziruo initially confronted her feelings for He Yunxiao, she struggled, knowing that it was absolutely unacceptable if they were truly teacher and student. Pang Ce bowed, "Just call me Pang Ce, Master." Fan Ziruo smiled, "Alright." She then turned to Tie Weiqi and greeted, "I am Fan Ziruo, the daughter of the head of the Fan Family, Dean Fan Changshu of the Lu Jiao Academy. How should I address the gentleman?" Tie Weiqi naturally knew who "Fan Ziruo" was, the famous top talent of Yinjing, one of the four beauties of Yinjing. Even distinguished figures such as the sons of the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Rites, and even the Crown Prince of Qi, all were her students. Many former disciples, now officials serving in court, were formidable individuals. When meeting Fan Ziruo, all of these individuals, like Pang Ce, respectfully addressed her as "Master." Even those who were students of Dean Fan Changshu, regardless of their age or official positions, must call the young woman "Sister." In places like the academy, seemingly lacking in fame and fortune, opportunities for fame and fortune are the greatest. Facing Fan Ziruo, Tie Weiqi dared not overstep, and thus said, "Miss Fan, I am Tie Weiqi, the son of the head of the Iron Eagle Gang, Tie Pengjun." Fan Ziruo bowed slightly, "Young leader." Having just been defeated at Pang Ce's hands, Tie Weiqi couldn't even take the title "Young Leader" before Fan Ziruo, naturally, as fan Ziruo did not let him. "Not at all, not at all. Miss Fan can just call me Tie Weiqi." Fan Ziruo nodded, then looked at the two of them. Instead of letting Pang Ce speak, she asked the unfamiliar Tie Weiqi, "Tie Young Master, can you briefly explain the situation to Fan Ziruo?" Tie Weiqi briefly recounted the situation, and Fan Ziruo then turned to Pang Ce and asked, "Pang Ce, is what he said accurate?" Pang Ce said, "The facts are mostly correct, but his speculation about my Short Blade Gang is entirely incorrect." Fan Ziruo nodded and said slowly, "I... passed by this street and saw the two factions in conflict. This is not something an ordinary scholar should intervene in, but Chu, on one side, is a guest of my family, while Pang Ce is my student. I know your characters well. None of you are capable of wrongdoing. Tie Weiqi, we have just met, but I trust you. None of you are capable of wrongdoing." "So..." Fan Ziruo paused. "I feel this matter is suspicious. To prevent a third party from benefiting, perhaps we can all sit down and talk." He Yunxiao carefully pondered the last sentence of Ziruo's wife. "The matter is suspicious" indicates that there is something abnormal about it. "Not letting a third party benefit" immediately sets up a common enemy for both sides, helping them to calm down. "Sitting down and talking" is laid on the groundwork of the previous two points, allowing for a peaceful discussion. Even though He Yunxiao was unwilling to let Fan Ziruo get involved in this matter, he couldn't help but admire her. She was far more cultured than he, who had only said, "It must be a misunderstanding" upon entering. Tl: