Chapter 164 - What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

He Yunxiao felt that in the future, once married, it wouldn't be much trouble to wake up a little earlier to help his wife dress, considering the hard work she put in the previous night. But now, the issue at hand was much more serious for He Yunxiao. It seemed that Nan Zhu, his wife, didn't know how to dress herself. At first glance, it sounded absurd, but upon closer thought, it seemed quite reasonable. Even if she was not as good, she was still the princess. Even if the Linxuan Palace was declining, she had several maids to serve her. Perhaps from a young age, it was Xing Er who helped her with dressing. Now that Xing Er was no longer around, then... Following the agreement, He Yunxiao closed his eyes and asked, "Nan Zhu, you don't know how to dress yourself?" "Xing Er said that the princess doesn't need to know how to dress," came Nan Zhu's reply. He Yunxiao was left speechless. That's true. Even if Nan Zhu could dress herself, she would likely be scolded if she did. But upon careful consideration, He Yunxiao felt that something was amiss. Was she not supposed to help her husband dress? Afterward, He Yunxiao realized that he was thinking too narrowly. Firstly, Nan Zhu probably never had the intention of getting married. Secondly, as long as the Meng family remained powerful, even if the princess married, she would be the one being served. How could a son-in-law dare to let the princess serve him? With his eyes closed, He Yunxiao could roughly tell where Nan Zhu was standing by her voice. But hearing alone wasn't enough. How could he dress Nan Zhu without opening his eyes? "Nan Zhu, I can't help you dress with my eyes closed." "What if you see?" He Yunxiao was about to say, "It's just a little goldfish – I've seen it all." But he quickly realized that he couldn't joke about this. After heading to Linxuan Palace early in the morning, thinking they had plenty of time, they ended up waiting for Nan Zhu for a while. Leaving the palace, taking a carriage to the He mansion, changing clothes... It dragged on until nearly noon. Today, He Yunxiao wasn't solely taking Nan Zhu shopping; there was also the important matter of examining the conditions for issuing the "supermarket card." "Nan Zhu, if I keep my eyes closed, I won't be able to dress you. But if I open my eyes, you're afraid I'll see. So, let's compromise. I'll keep one eye closed while helping you dress." Upon hearing this proposal, Meng Qingrou initially found it reasonable, but upon further thought, it seemed less so. What difference did one eye make compared to two? But Meng Qingrou had no better solution. She couldn't ask He Yunxiao to go back and find Xing Er again. In the end, Meng Qingrou reluctantly bit her lip and said, "Okay, but you promised to use only one eye. No cheating." He Yunxiao hastily responded, "Okay, I promise." In the flower petal shape of the clothing, Meng Qingrou slowly extended her arms. She felt embarrassed and turned her face away, unable to look at He Yunxiao. "Go ahead." "Then should I come over?" "Yes." "Is this okay?" "Yes." "He Yunxiao..." "Yes?" "Be gentle..." "Oh, okay, I'll be gentle." He Yunxiao had never helped a girl dress in two lifetimes. And the clothes were not modern, but rather elaborate ancient attire. He Yunxiao, not having dressed someone, mimicked the steps and mannerism of the maids who had dressed him in the past to dress Nan Zhu. It had to be said that Nan Zhu, with only a small piece of clothing, looked like a blooming flower, delicate and fragrant. As he helped her dress, he inevitably got close to her, and at times, He Yunxiao greedily breathed in the medicinal fragrance coming from Nan Zhu's body. The addictive scent entered his nasal cavity, reaching his throat, and continuing down to the trachea, bronchi, and finally the lungs. It was quite pleasant. Not to blame He Yunxiao for his greed – the scent was indeed captivating, not just a simple fragrance, but one with a hint of medicinal aroma. Perhaps it was due to her constitution or because Nan Zhu spent a lot of time in the medicine room, or maybe she had been raised in a jar of medicine from a young age? He Yunxiao had a daring but implicit thought. However, it was not the time to act on it; it had to wait for their wedding night. After much effort, He Yunxiao finally finished dressing Nan Zhu and, with a deliberate touch, tied a large bow to finish her sash. Her slender waist would have looked awkward with excess sash, so he fashioned the bow for a more appealing look. He Yunxiao remembered the "control points," her just-right-for-playing small hands, and her waist as he dressed her. It wasn't an extremely slender waist, but it seemed just right for him. Having finished dressing Nan Zhu, He Yunxiao led the veiled Meng Qingrou back onto the carriage. Although it was nearly noon, their shopping trip in Yinquan City had just begun. Their first stop was, of course, Nan Zhu's long-anticipated "Little Fat Dog Ceramics Shop." The shop's actual name was "Yao Hui Xin Porcelain" and was located on the bustling Northern Business Street in Yinquan City. This street was not far from Tingfeng Tower, slightly lower in status but still high-end, with minimal customized products, unlike the exclusivity of Tingfeng Tower, offering more avant-garde and quirky items. Many shops on the street pursued a particular exterior appeal rather than practicality, much like "Little Fat Dog Ceramics Shop." Their most cherished item, the ceramic base, had emerged in this context. Since there were many people on the street, the He family carriage stopped outside, and He Yunxiao and Meng Qingrou alighted. Upon leaving the carriage, He Yunxiao, as before, offered a wooden ladder to Nan Zhu to help her down. But Nan Zhu seemed stuck in the carriage. To be precise, her small hand was firmly grabbed onto the door frame. "Nan Zhu?" He Yunxiao sensed something amiss with Nan Zhu and asked, "What's wrong? Feeling unwell?" Meng Qingrou's voice trembled as she clung to the door frame. "He Yunxiao..." Although Nan Zhu had not called him "Brother Yunxiao" as agreed, He Yunxiao paid no heed to that. Nan Zhu's safety and health were the top priority. Hiding her identity took a back seat when his wife was unwell. He Yunxiao leaned in and noticed Meng Qingrou was trembling. "Nan Zhu, are you feeling unwell? Are you cold in that attire?" Clutching the door frame, Meng Qingrou trembled as she said, "He Yunxiao, there are too many people..." He Yunxiao: "Ah?" Tl: