815 - Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Translated and Implemented Instructions ### Chapter 815: The Childhood Friend of the Zenith Why is Mok Riseon labelled a spy? Several reasons justify such a judgment. Firstly. "There are many gaps in the information." Within the summarized data, there were numerous points of suspicion. While it's true that Gyecheonmun isn't the most reputable sect, it seemed excessively evaluated that they frequently interact with external forces. "He himself said it seemed like an outwardly normal merchant group." One could doubt it. Whether it was called Choya Sangdan (초야상단) or Chia Sangdan (치아상단), I'm uncertain of the exact name, but it happens at least seven out of fourteen days. This was the frequency of contacts between Gyecheonmun and the merchant group. At a glance, it seemed too frequent... What's crucial here is. "They've been overly sensitive and precise about these contacts." The information provided detailed an almost obsessive pursuit of this matter. Especially, if they went as far as trailing them, it implies they took substantial risks in doing so. The problem is. "The justification for doing so is weak." There's no apparent reason for Gyecheonmun to act so suspiciously. Even if they were overly cautious, considering them a group leaning towards the unorthodox factions, would that really justify such scrutiny? Perhaps. According to Mok Riseon, the Tang Clan ceased their activities some time ago. This leaves only the Martial Alliance or Emei Sect, but the head of Emei Sect, even Won Seon (권선) himself, is currently absent. In this scenario, it might be wise to keep a close watch. "Then what about the Demonic Evil Spear (Guiakchang / 귀악창)?" And what about Tang Deok? Simply linking someone with similar appearances to the Demonic Cult? That's also rather delicate. Of course, rumors of the Demonic Cult are slowly beginning to surface throughout the Central Plains, so were they cautiously considering the Demonic Evil Spear who was said to have killed the Blade King and fled? No, rather it feels more like a forced conclusion. Even the matter with the Azure Dragon Squad (Cheongryongdae / 청룡대) is similar. "They said the Azure Dragon Squad would be late, but there was no disappointment." Should I perceive a lack of disappointment as disrespect towards me? No. Be objective. This is the first mission for the Star Dragon Squad (Seongryongdae / 성룡대), and they have little experience. Even looking at me as the squad leader, it's evident. Originally from the Young Prodigies (후기지수), newly appointed to this position. It's uncertain whether I have capabilities or not, so when help was requested from the main force, this young one was dispatched as their response. "Even if I'm known for my strength, this is a different story." Under such circumstances, the Azure Dragon Squad leader was to come along. What would typically be expected? "Relief or gratitude, perhaps." Naturally preferring a veteran squad leader over an inexperienced one, that would be the typical reaction, not taking it negatively. From that standpoint, what was the chief's attitude likely to have