Chapter 174 - What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Nanzhu's wife on the left-hand side gracefully picked up the lamb skewers and ate them slowly and elegantly, just as before. On the other hand, Chuchu on the right-hand side didn't bother with such formality. She opened her mouth and took big bites of the meat, chewing it vigorously. He Yunxiao watched Chuchu, noticing her deliberate attempt to display the "unrestrained" manner of a martial artist. However, despite her efforts, she couldn't quite achieve that uninhibited attitude due to her innate excellence. Her eating style was more adorable than bold. The act of eating brought a lot more vitality to Chuchu, who normally seemed quite distant. Even the "Supreme Being" lived among mortals. In this round, He Yunxiao grilled a total of six skewers, three with lamb and three with beef. After giving some to Chuchu and Nanzhu, he had three beef skewers and one lamb skewer left for himself. For the sake of the heroines' fair, smooth, and tender skin, He Yunxiao used only a small amount of seasoning to enhance the flavor. After distributing the skewers to the heroines, he freely indulged in the rest when it came time for his own meal. Chuchu ate much faster than Nanzhu, prompting He Yunxiao to add another beef skewer on her side, generously sprinkling it with chili peppers. The grilled meat was already cooked, and a light roasting after adding the peppers was all it needed. He Yunxiao picked up the seasoned skewer and chewed on it heartily. Despite eating, he didn't forget to cater to "Boss" and "Wife." He Yunxiao noticed that Nanzhu's wife ate at a slow pace, as he had calculated on his side. Meanwhile, Chuchu's skewers were already finished. Swallowing the mouthful of beef, He Yunxiao handed the unseasoned beef skewer to Chuchu. "Chuchu, this is a beef skewer. Try it." Chuchu didn't say anything, glancing at the chili powder on He Yunxiao's mouth before taking the beef skewer and eating it. Perhaps due to the heightened senses of a martial artist, He Yunxiao's cooking skills had improved considerably after crossing over. Observing the earnest eating of Chuchu and Nanzhu, it was evident that his barbecue skills suited their preferences. As He Yunxiao indulged in the meat, he didn't forget to put new skewers on the grill to continue cooking. Of the previous round of six skewers, Nanzhu's wife consumed one, Chuchu ate two, and He Yunxiao finished the remaining three. This time, He Yunxiao grilled with more intensity, cooking eight skewers in total—four lamb and four beef. To be honest, even after several rounds, He Yunxiao didn't feel the slightest bit full. He needed to intensify his efforts. Last time, Nanzhu's wife had her share first. This time, following the principle of equity, He Yunxiao decided to ask Chuchu. "Chuchu, do you want lamb skewers or beef skewers?" "Beef." "Alright." Without a word, He Yunxiao handed the freshly grilled beef skewer to Chuchu. "And Rou'er?" Meng Qingrou glanced at the beef skewer in Chuchu's hand and also chose beef. He Yunxiao handed another beef skewer to Nanzhu's wife and let her enjoy it. Then, he added seasoning to create a "custom-made" skewer for himself. Last time, there was too little chili powder, and it lacked flavor. Before adding chili powder, He Yunxiao also made sure to set aside a skewer without chili powder for Chuchu. Last time, Chuchu had lamb first and then beef. This time, after she finished the beef, He Yunxiao had set aside a lamb skewer for her. After setting aside the lamb skewer, He Yunxiao generously sprinkled the remaining skewers with chili powder, then grilled them to release the aroma. Once done, he picked them all up and devoured them one by one. Seeing Chuchu finish her meal, He Yunxiao took the prepared, non-spicy lamb skewer and offered it to her. Unexpectedly, she didn't take it. "I want to eat spicy." When it comes to eating chili, He Yunxiao knew his limits. The chili he could handle was intolerable for most people, especially considering he was a modern man accustomed to salty and spicy foods, with a much stronger flavor preference than ancient people. "Chuchu, try this non-spicy one." "I want to eat spicy." Chuchu repeated what she had said before, with no change in tone or attitude. Nonetheless, He Yunxiao felt a strange sensation. He couldn't shake the feeling that Chuchu's repetition was a form of coquettishness. Kindly, He Yunxiao warned, "Chuchu, this is very spicy." "It's fine." By intuition, He Yunxiao sensed that Chuchu would definitely run into trouble eating his specially prepared lamb skewer. At the same time, he was curious to see how she would handle it. Conflicted, He Yunxiao cautiously and hesitantly handed the spiciest lamb skewer to Chuchu. Trying to distance himself, He Yunxiao reminded her, "It's very spicy." "Mmm." With her mouth slightly open, Chuchu bit into the chili-coated lamb under He Yunxiao's gaze. As she swallowed, she seemed to be fine. Opening her mouth again, she took another piece of lamb. Chuchu's demeanor remained stable, but He Yunxiao could see her face turning redder. Refusing to be outdone, under He Yunxiao's watchful eyes, Chuchu took another big bite of the chili-coated lamb. Chew, chew, chew. However, this time, it was too much. Her lips were slightly swollen from the spiciness, and her cheeks had turned a deep red. Her beautiful almond eyes were filled with watery sheen, like a pond ready to overflow. This scene excited He Yunxiao. Chuchu was blushing again! Although not as flushed as before, it was still a significant blush. With her slightly red face and those watery eyes, she looked vulnerable and adorable. This stark contrast to Chuchu's usual aloofness and her peerless martial skills was astounding. Blushing Chuchu was invincible! Chuchu was unparalleled! Watching Chuchu blush, He Yunxiao suddenly wished she wasn't Chufan's sister or the only female lead in the story. If that were the case, maybe... Although Chuchu had a weird temper, once you were on good terms with her, she was very accommodating. Recalling his earlier interactions with Chuchu—how she threatened to cut off his head when he initially touched her hand, and now he had cuddled, embraced, and even carried her without any fuss—he realized that in this aspect, she was more tolerant of him than Nanzhu. Nanzhu's wife always put up some resistance initially. Seeing Chuchu's red face from the chili, He Yunxiao chuckled, "Chuchu, is it too spicy?" Not wanting to argue with He Yunxiao, Chuchu shot him a look. Her blush, combined with her watery eyes, made her look very endearing. "Don't finish what's left." He Yunxiao took the half-uneaten lamb skewer from Chuchu's hand and replaced it with a non-spicy one. As for the skewer he took, he made a show of finishing what was left in front of her. In short, food shouldn't be wasted. Chuchu watched as He Yunxiao ate what she left behind. Her previously red face now bore an additional layer of shy embarrassment. Pointing at the empty bamboo skewer, she hinted at something. After all, indirectly sharing saliva was akin to indirectly sharing a kiss—something He Yunxiao wouldn't mind with Chuchu. For a lecherous man like him, if he found a woman 'disappointing', it meant she wasn't pretty enough. As a leading lady, Chuchu's beauty was beyond question—no way he'd be disappointed in her. Amused, He Yunxiao asked, "What's the matter?" "Nothing..." "Chuchu, I'll go downstairs and get you some sweet soup." Chuchu nodded faintly, "Oh..." Before leaving, He Yunxiao didn't forget to ask Nanzhu's wife, who was eating obediently, "What does Rou'er want to drink?" Tl.