Chapter 188

He Yunxiao really didn't dare to move. Before, it was all him taking care of Sister Du, but now the tables have turned. Sister Du has taken charge. Her work pressure has been considerable, and her free time has been entirely occupied. In order not to add to her stress, He Yunxiao naturally abides by whatever Sister Du orders him to do. After about two hours. Du Yinyun knelt on the ground, supporting herself with one hand. She slightly lifted her head, swallowed a few times, and finished her task. In her cold eyes, there was a hint of flattery as she looked at He Yunxiao, waiting for his praise. He Yunxiao leaned down, lifted her and sat her on the chair, then poured water and brought a glass to her. This wasn't the first time. But Du Yinyun's eagerness still made He Yunxiao feel uneasy. She was too obedient. "Yinyun, you really don't have to do this," He Yunxiao didn't even know how many times he had tried to convince her. Du Yinyun looked at He Yunxiao and smiled, "Does Master not like it?" "I do like it... but..." He Yunxiao hesitated. "You are too good to me." Du Yinyun shook her head lightly, "Master is the one being too good to Yinyun. Yinyun can't repay Master's kindness no matter what she does." "Yinyun, sometimes, I hope you do things willingly, not out of obligation," He Yunxiao looked into her eyes and said. Du Yinyun didn't understand, "Yinyun is willing. As long as it's for Master, Yinyun can do anything." It's always like this... Talking to someone like Yinyun, who "completely dedicates" herself, didn't make sense. No matter what you say, her words and actions would make you feel like she is in the right, and you are the one at fault. After all, she trusts you completely, surrenders herself entirely to you, so with this trust, what reasons do you have to lecture her? He Yunxiao used a handkerchief to wipe the water traces from Du Yinyun's mouth after washing, then asked her, "Are the handkerchiefs from last time all washed?" Du Yinyun knew what she was about to face and blushed, handing the neatly washed and scented handkerchiefs to He Yunxiao, worried that the handkerchiefs she had used would dirty Master's hands, so she washed each of them several times and even used incense to freshen them up. In a relationship, mutual help is necessary. It's not right to let Sister Du do things for him without reciprocating, as doing so would just take advantage of her labor. He Yunxiao took the box with the handkerchiefs and placed it on the table, then asked thoughtfully, "What style does Yinyun like?" As a young woman, she felt shy to express her preference. "Whatever style Master likes, Yinyun will like," she replied. "Then I'll test you. How many different styles have we used?" Du Yinyun looked outside the courtyard, then back to the chairs, the table, and the bed inside the room. She remembered every encounter with He Yunxiao very clearly. "Four, four styles," she said. He Yunxiao shook his head, "It's five. Did you forget about the time with Sister Jiang?" Du Yinyun's face, which had always had a healthy blush, blushed even more at the mention of the old story. After that time with Sister Jiang, she had often suffered from insomnia at night. That time had been the most intense. She had even cried. He Yunxiao could tell just from looking at her expression that the most memorable one for her was that time. After all, the time in Sister Jiang's bedroom was her first time, and it involved both physical and psychological torment. It was not surprising that it left a deep impression. Bringing up Sister Jiang made He Yunxiao's restless mind calm down a little bit. Du Yinyun would have to know about Sister Jiang's situation soon, as she would be responsible for the management of Daqi Bank in the future. After all, the bank was established to redeem Sister Jiang. "Yinyun, do you know why I'm doing this business?" He Yunxiao asked. Du Yinyun shook her head. "Because of Jiang Wuyou. I want to help her redeem herself." Being willing to help a courtesan redeem herself said a lot. Du Yinyun didn't ask any further but nodded, "Okay." "Yinyun, do you agree to live with Sister Jiang?" His meaning was clear, but she still said, "Yinyun has received care from Sister Jiang and cannot forget her kindness. It's just... my sister..." In the end, it was still the issue of Ziruo's wife, "Combustion Chamber Engine." "Yinyun, I want to do business to make money. With money, I can build influence, train warriors, and build a big enough house. Then Jiang Wuyou and Fan Ziruo, and you, can all live there. A big enough house to prevent quarrels." "Yinyun believes in Master." He Yunxiao smiled, "Let's not talk about that now. Let's do something fun." ... Amidst his busy schedule, He Yunxiao managed to use one hand to pick up a handkerchief from the wooden box on the tea table and then immersed himself in the thrilling work. He hadn't noticed it before, but after mentioning Sister Jiang later, He Yunxiao carefully recalled and realized that it had indeed been quite intense during Sister Jiang's visit. One handkerchief was barely enough. He Yunxiao held the soft Du Yinyun and wondered how to recreate that situation again. "Knock, knock, knock." The knocking sound startled He Yunxiao, and he said, "I was just kidding, please don't actually come in!" Du Yinyun hastily propped herself up and whispered, "Master, it's probably Sister." If Sister Jiang were to find out, at most, she would be scolded for being shameless. But if Ziruo's wife were to find out, she might have to bear the consequences! A 101 approval rating is both a blessing and a curse. The power was insufficient, and the background was not enough. It was still not time to reveal everything to Ziruo's wife. He Yunxiao calmly said, "You speak first, tell her you're sleeping, and ask her to wait." The knocking sound resounded again, and Du Yinyun said, "Sister, please wait a moment. I just woke up." Seizing the moment when Du Yinyun spoke, He Yunxiao quickly cleaned up the scene of the "battle," got dressed, and sneaked out of the window just as Du Yinyun went to open the door. After Fan Ziruo entered the room, the first thing she said was, "Yinyun, there's a strange smell in your room." Du Yinyun's expression wasn't very natural. She liked to tease her sister by acting as if she didn't understand, so she said, "It may be because the dinner was left out overnight and was only put away this morning." Fan Ziruo didn't press on and just remarked with doubt, "Yinyun, how come you were sleeping, and where's Master?" "I didn't sleep well last night. He left, and I lay down for a bit again," Du Yinyun explained lightly. Fan Ziruo brought up a few more topics and then hesitantly said, "Yinyun, did you agree to something with Master?" "Yes." "Then do me a favor. When you are with Master, keep an eye on Chu Xiaoxiao." "Chu Xiaoxiao?" Du Yinyun was a little confused. Fan Ziruo frowned, "I always feel she's very dangerous. If you find anything suspicious, please let me know in time. I'll caution Master to be cautious around her." "Okay," Du Yinyun didn't think Chu Xiaoxiao was peculiar at all. When she had seen her before, she had seemed like an ordinary girl of sixteen or seventeen. Finally, Fan Ziruo asked, "Yinyun, what do you think of Master?" Du Yinyun didn't fall for her sister's suspicion. She was merely fishing for information. "Just average. If it weren't for Sister's sake, Yinyun wouldn't have helped him," she replied. Hearing her good younger sister say this, Fan Ziruo finally relaxed but scolded her, "Master is handsome, has outstanding martial arts, and is of good character. How is he just average? With such high standards, you won't be able to marry anyone in the future!" Du Yinyun joked, "In that case, in the future, whoever sister marries, I'll marry him too, and become sister's younger sister." Chapter 189 What's that smell? Tl.