Chapter 191

He Yunxiao: ? So, he went out for a stroll, and the gold and silver notes were immediately bought? He bought over ten thousand taels? Who's this big shot? He Yunxiao couldn't believe it and asked, "Really?" "Really!" "Who bought them?" "Three people. They were all tall and strong. One of them bought over five thousand taels, and the other two bought over two thousand taels each. In total, it was eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty taels." The more He Yunxiao listened, the more puzzled he became, and asked, "Did you notice what they used the notes to buy after buying the gold and silver notes?" The maid shook her head. "They didn't buy anything. After the three of them finished buying, they just left." They left without buying anything after exchanging the gold and silver notes? They were clearly just giving him money. Aside from the medicine girl, Li Qingmeng, He Yunxiao considered that he didn't know any other wealthy person who would spend ten thousand taels without hesitation. The medicine girl would not come to help him. Even if she did, she wouldn't need to find someone else to secretly make the purchase. She would definitely do it herself with a sense of pride, saying, "He Yunxiao, come here and change the banknotes for me!" He couldn't understand, so he didn't dwell on it. Regardless of who this benefactor was, it was undeniably a confident boost to him, who was on the brink of despair. It was still early before midnight, with the encouragement of ten thousand taels tonight, He Yunxiao immediately discussed countermeasures with the owners of the five cooperative shops. In summary, he intended to subsidize the prices of their products and sell them at an unbelievable loss! ... The capital of the Yan Kingdom was about a thousand miles away from the capital of the Qi Kingdom, even with a carrier pigeon and the time for the Yan Emperor to draft a document, it would still take two days for a round trip. Jiang Wuyou sat in the room, resting her chin on her hand and staring to the north. It had been four days since she sent the letter to the Yan Emperor, far exceeding the usual response time from the Yan Emperor. Normally, important matters or major events required seeking the Yan Emperor's opinion using this method. After the Yan Emperor made a decision and sent the letter to the Yan capital, Jiang Wuyou would execute the strategy accordingly. The matter of redeeming herself to the Marquis's Manor. She had acted out of personal interests. This kind of thing shouldn't have been urgent and should have been sent back to the Yan Kingdom slowly with the help of spies. But Jiang Wuyou couldn't wait for the messenger to bring the news in ten days or more. She urgently wanted to know the Yan Emperor's attitude, whether he allowed her to redeem herself to the Marquis's Manor. So, she made an exception to use the carrier pigeon. Today was the fourth day of using the pigeon, and there still was no response from the Yan Emperor. At twenty-five years old, it was the prime of a girl's life. But Jiang Wuyou had been in the Yan capital for almost six years. Very few courtesans could attract attention in these years, and Jiang Wuyou was an exception. Looking at her current situation, her figure and appearance had not faded. Her popularity as a courtesan had not declined, and with the certification given by the Qi royal family, Jiang Wuyou could continue in her role as a courtesan for several more years. However, six years was too long for the Yan Emperor's special agent in charge of the Yan Kingdom's spy network. The longer Jiang Wuyou served as a special agent, the greater the likelihood of her exposure. Both the Yan Kingdom and Jiang Wuyou were aware of this. It was a matter of time before she was replaced, and the only uncertainty was whether it would be next year or the following year. Jiang Wuyou sat at the table, propping her chin on her hand, the other hand drawing circles on the table. The Yan Kingdom wasn't in a hurry to replace her, and neither was the Yan Emperor, but she was. At twenty-seven years old, she wondered if anyone would still want her. She didn't dare to think about becoming the Marquis's main wife, but she feared that in the end, she wouldn't even be able to become a concubine. "Sigh." As a gust of wind passed, Jiang Wuyou rested her arms on the table. After a while, she felt uncomfortable and had to sit up again. Staring at the corner of her eye, Jiang Wuyou sighed, "Sigh, only men like these kinds of things. It's so inconvenient. In the end, everything benefits that kid. Hmph." Just thinking of He Yunxiao made Jiang Wuyou's lips involuntarily curl upwards. It seemed that just thinking of him brought her great joy. But it wasn't enough to satisfy her longing. Quietly, Jiang Wuyou took out a wooden box from the room and, upon opening it, it was filled with small and fragmented pieces of paper. She spread them out on the table and carefully reviewed them. They were all news related to He Yunxiao. Given He Yunxiao's status and identity, if the Yan Kingdom sent people to monitor him, the Qi Kingdom would not only not stop them, but would also applaud He Yunxiao, praising him for successfully distracting the Yan Kingdom and creating a large amount of useless information to confuse their intelligence system. Of course, Jiang Wuyou did not specifically ask anyone to monitor He Yunxiao. Instead, whenever she came across information about him, she would cut out those parts. Over time, it accumulated into a substantial amount. Each piece of paper was short, some just a few words, others only a sentence. But to Jiang Wuyou, they were like being beside He Yunxiao. She couldn't leave Spring Breeze Pavilion, so she kept him company in this way. For example, the latest edition had progressed to "He Yunxiao setting up a shop." Jiang Wuyou could guess the reason behind He Yunxiao setting up a shop. He had never seemed concerned about money before, but ever since she mentioned redeeming herself to him, he had started working on business and making money. Jiang Wuyou watched how He Yunxiao silently took her words to heart, worked quietly and diligently, never complained. As she gazed at the written messages, her beautiful eyes transformed into two mesmerizing pools. There was a knock on the door, but Jiang Wuyou remained unfazed. Aside from He Yunxiao, no one dared to enter without her permission. Carefully tidying the small pieces of paper back into the wooden box, and then placing it away, Jiang Wuyou finally said, "Come in." It was a maid from the Spring Breeze Pavilion, usually unremarkable, who handed Jiang Wuyou a small bamboo tube. "Special Envoy, His Majesty's response has arrived." Jiang Wuyou took the tube, and after dismissing the maid, she broke the seal and retrieved the Yan Emperor's letter. The letter was short, only one word. Approved! The Yan Emperor approved her to go to the Marquis's Manor! Overjoyed, Jiang Wuyou stood up, ran to the window, then to the door, then back to the window, and then back to her room to change her clothes. She nearly forgot to destroy the Yan Emperor's letter in her excitement. After destroying the letter, Jiang Wuyou calmed herself down. She couldn't be hasty. As a young lady, she needed to maintain her composure and wait for He Yunxiao to come to her. Thinking of He Yunxiao being busy with his shop, she asked a soldier, named Yahu, to go to He Yunxiao's store for information. Yahu was a warrior from the Yan Kingdom, under Jiang's stewardship, and he was reluctant to personally go because of his familiarity with He Yunxiao. Thus, he sent his subordinate to handle it. The Yan spy network operated quickly, and half an hour later, they already had an idea of what He Yunxiao was up to. "Gold and silver notes?" Jiang Wuyou sat in the room, asking Yahu. "Yes," Yahu replied. "Nine taels for ten taels, how does that make money? Isn't that being reckless?" Jiang Wuyou exclaimed, as if He Yunxiao was squandering her money. Yahu smiled bitterly, "I don't know. But based on the description provided by my brothers who went to inquire, Master He seemed down when there was no business for a day. I guess the shop is going to fold." Jiang Wuyou fell silent upon hearing this, then turned and retrieved a larger wooden box hidden under her bed. It contained silver notes, which she counted meticulously. In total, there were sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty taels. Sixteen thousand taels were more than enough for her redemption. Jiang Wuyou bit her lip and took out two thousand taels. Even if He Yunxiao wasted it all, she still had fourteen thousand taels to redeem herself. She closed the box, but immediately reopened it and took out two thousand taels again. Then, she took out another two thousand taels. And another two thousand taels. She continued to do this until there were five thousand taels left in the box, and she already had eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty taels outside. Only then did she stop. At this moment, she thought that at least she could save up enough to redeem herself before she turned twenty-seven. That would be good. The eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty taels of silver notes were handed over to Yahu. In no time, they were exchanged for useless gold and silver notes. Jiang Wuyou once again took the money box from under the bed and put the gold and silver notes inside. Before closing the lid, she took the notes out again, carefully arranging them into neat stacks and placing them in a small box filled with small, fragmented pieces of paper. She packed it until it was full. She then hid it away. Chapter 192, Hidden Away Tl.