Chapter 193

The predecessor of Dazhi Bank's store was engaged in jewelry business. The second floor of their house was originally a separate VIP room. After He Yunxiao took over the store as Dazhi Bank, the layout downstairs was slightly modified to resemble a modern bank, while the upstairs remained virtually unchanged, preserved as it was. They added tables and chairs and arranged a "president's seat" for Du Yinyun. Honestly, when Du Yinyun sat in that seat, she did have a touch of a domineering female president's vibe. He even had the plot regarding He Yunxiao in mind already. He would be the novice "little milk dog" and, on the first day of work, he would be noticed by the female president in the company... He really didn't know if Ziruo's wife needed material for writing. "Master..." Du Yinyun noticed something was off with He Yunxiao's expression and asked carefully, "Are you feeling unwell again?" He Yunxiao felt quite awkward. Right now, in front of Du Yinyun, he seemed to be disabled, incapable of doing anything else. He Yunxiao explained, "It's nothing. Yinyun, it's almost noon, I'll take you to a nearby restaurant for lunch." In the bank, the food for the servants of the Marquis Mansion was delivered by the household servants of the Marquis Mansion. If Du Yinyun didn't come today, He Yunxiao would have just eaten the food sent by the Marquis Mansion. However, with Du Yinyun in the role of "girlfriend," He Yunxiao didn't plan on eating casually. Instead, he needed to entertain Du Yinyun properly. Even if you didn't count the unexpected sum of more than eleven thousand taels from yesterday, He Yunxiao still had money borrowed from the Medicine-Dispensing Miss. Subtracting the six thousand taels deposited in various shops, minus the daily expenses, He Yunxiao still had over three thousand taels in banknotes. With this much money, they could eat wherever they wanted. Whether it was to avoid the arena or to facilitate the development of Dazhi Bank, He Yunxiao couldn't get too close to Du Yinyun. While strolling, there was a slight distance between the two of them, a sense of stopping at a certain limit. "Yinyun, what do you want to eat?" Du Yinyun seemed aloof on the surface but said, "Yinyun will go with Master." "You can eat whatever you want, no need to be polite to me." He Yunxiao smiled. "Let's eat what Master likes then." He Yunxiao:... He Yunxiao should have thought of this earlier. Du Yinyun doesn't have her own opinion about anything and barely expresses any personal views in front of him. It's quite troublesome. Just like Nanzhu's wife's lack of trust, Du Yinyun's character flaw is hard to treat without psychological therapy. At the moment, there's nothing that can be done to treat the root cause. Instead of attempting to cure the root, He Yunxiao decided to listen to Du Yinyun's suggestion and chose the most expensive restaurant on the Beixiang Commercial Street to have lunch. A meal costing dozens of taels might not be the best tasting, but it would definitely have the best decor and be the most expensive restaurant in the area. When you have money but can't decide where to go, just choose the most expensive option. As they were about to enter the restaurant, He Yunxiao noticed that Du Yinyun's steps were hesitant, falling behind him. It seemed like she had something to say. Worried that she had something on her mind, He Yunxiao proactively asked, "Yinyun, is there something you want to say?" "I..." Du Yinyun hesitated. "It's okay, tell me, I'm listening." Du Yinyun tentatively said, "Master, do you want to eat at this restaurant?" He Yunxiao was fine with eating anywhere, even a roadside spot with a bowl, but the crucial point was that he sensed something different in Du Yinyun's tone. She seemed to have an idea! Du Yinyun was trying to express her opinion, and he had to encourage that. "Not really." He Yunxiao nonchalantly replied before explaining why he had chosen that place, "I mainly wanted Yinyun to choose, but since you didn't, I just randomly picked one." Du Yinyun softly said, "If Master doesn't want to eat here, we can go to another place." Du Yinyun was expressing her own idea! He Yunxiao was so excited he almost hugged her in the middle of the street. Suppressing his excitement, He Yunxiao asked, "Yinyun, where would you like to go then?" Du Yinyun pointed to a nearby restaurant and said, "This place, is it okay?" It had to be okay! He Yunxiao happily agreed to the first time Du Yinyun had voiced a request. Then, he asked her, "Why did you choose this place?" Du Yinyun pointed to the Dazhi Bank advertisement at the entrance of the restaurant. "It's promoting Master, so we can support its business." He Yunxiao:... He Yunxiao had been thinking that Du Yinyun finally stood up for herself, but it turns out she was standing up for him. Was this her having an opinion, or was she too deeply influenced to have one? But it counts as progress, at least in principle. Following the principle of encouraging her, He Yunxiao agreed to dine at the restaurant with the advertisements. As they entered, and it came time to order, Du Yinyun started to act indifferent, making decisions for herself. He Yunxiao stubbornly ordered expensive dishes, but Du Yinyun, subtly advised him, saying that this was the time for doing business, spending less and ensuring the expenses were focused on the core areas. Even though He Yunxiao continued ordering in silence, he understood what she meant. The "opinion" Du Yinyun had shown was actually her making an active choice when she was in self-contradiction. Going into business was the big premise, and the place for eating didn't matter. Dining expensively conflicted with doing business, so Du Yinyun took into account the price and advertising, concluding that it was better to eat at a restaurant advertising Dazhi Bank and offering cheaper rates. The same logic applied to ordering. When she could feel full with anything, she tended to choose less expensive dishes to save money for her business. This level of "opinion" was still far from her having her own desires and thoughts, but at least she was willing to speak out her current thoughts and able to "challenge" himself for those thoughts. Having the courage to resist authority was a good start. Among the female leads, Chuchu herself was the authority, Jiang Jie was either indulgent or simply indifferent to authority, Nanzhu's wife kept oscillating between listening to authority and resisting it, while Ziruo's wife was able to overthrow authority with reason and evidence. Du Yinyun had a good upbringing, and even when she ate, it was pleasing like Nanzhu's wife. Calm and composed, cherubic round lips chewing delicately, she chewed her food meticulously before swallowing. She was in a completely different world compared to He Yunxiao's voracious and relentless eating. As He Yunxiao's several big bowls were served, Du Yinyun had finished half of her small bowl of rice. Since taking the Soul-Eating Pill, He Yunxiao's appetite had increased considerably. It's fortunate to be born into a wealthy family, not needing to worry about meals. Otherwise, being born into a poor family could lead to financial ruin just from eating. Chapter 194 - Having Opinions Tl: