Chapter 196

The woman was about to wipe her tears, but was harshly interrupted by Jiang Wuyou: "Jiang Chenyue!" Seeing Jiang Wuyou like this, Jiang Chenyue simply didn't wipe her tears, but laughed with tears in her eyes. "Sister. Will you promise Chenyue?" Seeing this rude girl, Jiang Wuyou's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness. The girl was four years younger than Sister Jiang, and they entered the women's academy together. When Jiang Chenyue first entered the academy at a very young age, Jiang Wuyou took care of her like both a sister and a mother. Even the name "Jiang Chenyue" was given by Jiang Wuyou. When Jiang Wuyou reached a certain age and left the academy, Jiang Chenyue insisted on leaving with her, but she was too young to leave at the time. Later, when Jiang Chenyue reached the appropriate age, she immediately requested to go to the Chunfeng Tower for one reason - Jiang Wuyou was there. It was quite sad that, despite Jiang Chenyue's arrival, she was less successful than Jiang Wuyou, possibly due to her less refined skills and lively personality. At this point, it was time for Jiang Chenyue to be redeemed as a courtesan and then married off. Chenyue said, "Sister, I don't want to get married." Due to her familiarity, ordinary people would be in awe of her status as a special envoy of the Yan Emperor, but Chenyue was not afraid at all. Looking at her disobedient sister-cum-daughter, Jiang Wuyou gritted her teeth with resentment. "What's wrong with the Li family's son? He achieved the rank of jinshi at a young age, is currently serving in the palace, and is a seventh-rank official. His future prospects are limitless." Chenyue didn't care about any of that. She pouted, "I don't like him." For a courtesan, becoming a legal wife was an unattainable thing. Many didn't even aspire to it. Just as long as the husband treated them well, it was the best they could hope for. Jiang Wuyou said sternly, "If you don't like him, who do you like? The Emperor? Do you want to become the Empress?" Chenyue immediately threw herself into Jiang Wuyou's arms, saying, "I like sister the most." Jiang Wuyou slapped away Chenyue's wandering hand, reprimanding, "You're a grown woman now, stop hugging. You have no sense of propriety. If others see this, they will laugh at you. Get up and sit properly." Chenyue didn't want to leave her sister's embrace, but she had some restraint and didn't want to provoke her sister. Reluctantly, she nudged her sister and then returned to her seat. If it hadn't been for finding a man's painting collection in this girl's room, Jiang Wuyou would have really thought she was a polished mirror.[Tl- I.e: like girls] This girl had gained more advantage from her than He Yunxiao. It was simply outrageous. "In a few days, the Li family's son will come to redeem you. You must agree and then go back with him obediently. Make a good life. Deal with the task up north as you please." Jiang Wuyou's tone was stern. "I won't. Wherever you go, I'll go." Chenyue understood her sister so well. Wuyou was kind and softhearted. If she persisted a little longer, she would definitely agree. "No." "Why not? We've always been together since we were kids." "Because there's no 'why'." Jiang Wuyou was resolute. Jiang Wuyou was going to a remarkable place - the powerful Wuqing Marquis's mansion. Even for Jiang Wuyou, she couldn't be sure of securing a good status in the Marquis's mansion, let alone taking Chenyue with her. To Jiang Wuyou, the biggest obstacle to taking Chenyue to the Marquis's mansion for redemption wasn't the redemption money but the Marquis's attitude. He Yunxiao hadn't married yet. If he brought a courtesan home as a wife first, it would definitely tarnish his reputation and make it difficult to marry a legitimate wife. No respectable lady would be willing to share a husband with a courtesan. She didn't want to bring Chenyue to suffer. Jiang Wuyou was determined, "Chenyue, you must marry the Li family's son." "I won't." "If you don't agree, I'll tie you up." "Sister!" Jiang Wuyou was firm, "This is not negotiable." Chenyue wanted to argue, but suddenly felt the door behind her being pushed open abruptly. "Sister, have you missed me!" He Yunxiao had intended to surprise his sister, but when he opened the door and saw another girl inside, he stopped in his tracks. He had heard breathing outside and assumed it was his sister's maid, but to his surprise, it was the young flower courtesan. He recognized Chenyue, but they were not close. Conversely, Chenyue also recognized He Yunxiao, but they were not close. "Miss Chenyue." He Yunxiao, who had initially been planning to act freely, greeted her awkwardly in the presence of an outsider. "Master He." Chenyue replied in kind. Jiang Wuyou, on the other hand, had no such reservations. She was delighted to see He Yunxiao and couldn't control her expression, smiling warmly and gently. "Master, it's been a few days since you last visited." Observing Jiang Wuyou's expression, which shifted from stern to gentle in a second, Chenyue was surprised, her mouth slightly agape. He Yunxiao was a familiar guest in Sister Jiang's chamber, so he naturally sat beside her. Placing the items he had bought on the table, he picked up the teapot and took a sip directly from the spout. Jiang Wuyou, watching, said, "Don't rush, drink slowly." After drinking, He Yunxiao wiped his mouth with his sleeve, but he didn't completely clean it. Jiang Wuyou used her handkerchief to wipe away the water marks around his mouth. "Take your time." The rough actions of He Yunxiao made Jiang Wuyou flush with embarrassment. She wanted to pull her hand away but couldn't. After struggling for a while, she gave up. "Cough, cough." Unable to stay silent any longer, Chenyue couldn't help but speak out. If she didn't draw attention to herself, things would take a turn for the worse. Chapter 197: Something's Wrong Tl.