Chapter 202

He Yunxiao always felt that Sister Jiang was acting strange lately. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt that after he had escorted his sister-in-law around and returned, Sister Jiang seemed more distant. "Sister?" "Hmm?" "Are you really okay?" "Mm." Jiang Wuyou was too tired to talk. She couldn't understand how He Yunxiao could remain so energetic and not feel tired at all. It was nothing like what the academy teachers had said. They had clearly mentioned... At first, they had been evenly matched, back and forth, with Jiang Wuyou even taking the lead at one point. But as time went on, it had completely become He Yunxiao's tempo. She was exhausted, yet he was full of energy. As a result, just when Sister Jiang had become familiar and intimate, wanting to regain her authoritative aura as an older sister, He Yunxiao immediately restrained her. Whether you were an older sister or a younger sister, it didn't matter to the Spirit Devouring Pill. Bending down, He Yunxiao hooked his arm around Jiang Wuyou's leg and carried her into the inner room of the boudoir. Sitting on the edge of her bed, He Yunxiao held Jiang Wuyou's hand, resting his face against her forehead, using the "Sharing Good and Bad Fortune" skill given by Zi Ruo's wife to transfer some energy to Sister Jiang. This level of intimate contact had a low transmission efficiency, which was basically better than nothing. He Yunxiao reflected on himself. Such intimacy with the female lead was harmless until it was transgressed, then it became like an insatiable appetite, impossible to satisfy. Damn it! It was all because of the Spirit Devouring Pill. However, after that incident, He Yunxiao did not make any further overstepping moves. He just held Sister Jiang, the two of them huddling together for warmth. As the day gradually turned to dusk, the sunset cast an orange-red light through the window into the room. A strand of light fell on Jiang Wuyou's delicate cheek, and He Yunxiao could see the lovely fuzz on her face more clearly. After being disciplined for a quarter of an hour, He Yunxiao decided to reward himself. So, he leaned down to kiss the warm mark on Jiang Wuyou's face. When He Yunxiao kissed her, Jiang Wuyou slightly flinched and then squinted her eyes. "It tickles," she said. He Yunxiao replied, "Sister, don't move. I am kissing the sunlight." Jiang Wuyou said, "But there's sunlight elsewhere. Why don't you go kiss that?" "Elsewhere? Where else? I have always been holding the sunlight in my arms." He Yunxiao blinked at Sister Jiang. Perhaps it was late, so the "sunlight" became redder. Jiang Wuyou lightly tapped He Yunxiao's chest and scolded him, "You're such a flirt, only good with smooth talk." He Yunxiao leaned his face against Sister Jiang's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "How does Sister know that I am smooth-tongued?" Slight blush appeared on Jiang Wuyou's face for a moment as she stared warningly at He Yunxiao, telling him not to misbehave. It was in vain. He Yunxiao not only kissed the sunlight but also tasted its flavor. He stopped after tasting it briefly. When their lips separated, Jiang Wuyou leaned on He Yunxiao and used a handkerchief to wipe away the trace of his kiss. Gazing at his gentle and warm wife in his arms, He Yunxiao regretted for only having a taste. He was so preoccupied with the flavor that he forgot to try the "Sharing Good and Bad Fortune" skill after deepening their intimacy. He missed the opportunity and could only try next time, hoping he would remember. "Yunxiao," Jiang Wuyou spoke. "What is it?" "Have you talked to your father about redeeming me?" He Yunxiao was embarrassed. "No." Jiang Wuyou sighed. "I think your father won't agree easily." On this matter, He Yunxiao was very indifferent. "It's alright. If he disagrees, I'll just take a couple of beatings." He Yunxiao touched Sister Jiang's small belly. He always struck out here, never making any progress. "What is in your embrace, Sister? It feels like a lot of paper." Jiang Wuyou remained composed. "It's your promissory notes. Okay, let me down. I need to go greet other ladies for you. It's almost late now." He Yunxiao refused to let go of Sister Jiang, holding onto her body. "Just one more bite." "Um..." Jiang Wuyou pushed against He Yunxiao's chest to no avail. She had no choice but to let him have his way, even if he overused the "interest" for weeks to come. ... Seizing an intimate moment with Sister Jiang, He Yunxiao tried the "Sharing Good and Bad Fortune" skill and the result was very good. The transmission speed under the level of intimate contact like kissing had reached 0.005 units per second. In other words, it could transfer 0.3 units of strength in a minute, and 3 units of strength in ten minutes. As a reference, Zi Ruo's wife's strength was only 5, and Sister Jiang, due to her practice of dancing, had a strength of 12, stronger than an average person. This meant that with just a ten-minute kiss, most of Zi Ruo's wife's strength could be replenished, or a twenty-minute kiss could replenish half of Sister Jiang's strength. With this speed, the skill became much more practical. It was no longer so negligible. Otherwise, by just using contact through hands, the transmitted strength was less than what was used, getting less and less transmitted. When He Yunxiao left the Chunfeng Building, it was already late. Tonight, the Chunfeng Building would promote the business of the Daqi Bank, and the business of the gold and silver notes would surely experience a surge in the coming days. Upon returning to the Daqi Bank, He Yunxiao immediately instructed people to print a batch of gold and silver notes and then went to have dinner with his younger sister, Du Yinyun. He couldn't afford to eat too much, as there was still a dinner at the Linxuan Palace. After dinner, he escorted Du Yinyun back to the Fan Mansion. The Daqi Bank had to stay open late, but He Yunxiao couldn't bear to let Du Yinyun work overtime. She would be the one suffering from it with dark circles under her eyes. While riding in the carriage, He Yunxiao took the opportunity to ask Du Yinyun about the sales of the gold and silver notes that day. Du Yinyun calmly said, "We sold nine thousand taels this afternoon, and by the end of tonight, the sales are expected to reach twenty thousand taels." Twenty thousand taels? He Yunxiao had conservatively estimated ten thousand taels, but it unexpectedly doubled. It seemed that the business of the Daqi Bank was unexpectedly good. Du Yinyun continued, "We have negotiated with twenty-one businesses this afternoon, and including the previous ones, the bank has a total of twenty-six business partners. Among them, seven are in the first-tier partnership..." As Du Yinyun continued speaking, He Yunxiao found it hard to keep up. It seemed that appointing Du Yinyun to manage the Daqi Bank was indeed a very wise decision. After dropping Du Yinyun off at the Fan Mansion, He Yunxiao should have gone to the Linxuan Palace to take the medicine. However, when passing through Moyicheng, he suddenly remembered the main residence beside river, and he thought of Chuchu. Being busy with the affairs of the Daqi Bank for the past few days, he hadn't seen Chuchu and missed her a little. It wasn't that he missed her, he was just thinking about practicing through muscle and bone transmission. He consoled himself in this way. Thinking of Chuchu always made him think about the original female lead of the book, which was not good. It was lethal to chase after her. Chapter 203 - Visiting Chuchu's House for a Free Meal Tl.