Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Looking at the Almanac before Heading Out "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a special sea creature demon beast - the Blue Velvet Fish, which can also thrive in lake waters. However, because this place is far from the mouth of the sea, these Blue Velvet Fish find it difficult to swim upstream and reach here, so I believe most of you have never seen them before," Yu Keqing briefly introduced the species of this demon beast before slowly explaining the reason for her presentation. "The flesh of this fish is delicious, with strong breeding capabilities. It can lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs at a time, and it is very easy to keep. Under normal circumstances, they can grow to a foot within three to five months. Furthermore, there is a great chance for them to transform into a Qi Refining realm demon beast! If we engage in aquaculture, I won't speak much about the profits involved. If the water areas near Taiyun Town were not favorable, I wouldn't bring them out for auction. There are six Blue Velvet Fish, two males and four females. The female fish are about to lay eggs, and the starting price is ten thousand spiritual stones." Yu Keqing's explanation truly surprised Xia Changge. In the coastal area, one Blue Velvet Fish cost just a few dozen spiritual stones, after all, it was just a Qi Refining realm demon beast. But here, the starting price was actually ten thousand spiritual stones. They really didn't consider spiritual stones as money. However, it should be quite difficult to transport several demon fish from Yun'an Xiancheng, considering the distance from the sea. There was indeed a lot of business opportunities here, but Xiao Yun was not tempted. After all, with the manpower available to her Xiao family, they weren't capable of doing such things. The six breeding fish were sold to the Ren family, a well-established Qi Foundation realm family in Yun'an Xiancheng, for a high price of seventy-eight thousand spiritual stones. It was not surprising for the Ren family, whose industry in the water area of the immortal town was most developed, to buy this item. Xia Changge didn't know whether to describe this Ren family as a fool or not. If the Ren family needed it, they could simply send a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator to the sea area for some time. But maybe the Ren family was really wealthy, so Xia Changge couldn't be bothered. The final highlight was without surprise, a golden pill realm cultivation method. A scroll of a cultivation method called "Cangshui Scriptures." Originally, Xiao Yun would definitely be tempted by it. But now, she already had the method for Foundation Establishment cultivation because of Xia Yijiao's matter, so she didn't need to worry about it anymore. Now Xiao Yun even had a hint of watching the show, watching her former fellow cultivators giving their all for an advanced cultivation method, while she sat comfortably on the sidelines. In an instant, the pressure fell on other Foundation Establishment venerable families, as well as... the princess. After all, obtaining a cultivation method meant that a Foundation Establishment family had hope of breaking through to the Golden Core realm, albeit a slim hope. By then, Yun'an Xiancheng would have more than one Golden Core realm cultivator, and the interests of the princess would be affected. "Xiao Yun, could you lend me some spiritual stones?" It was a fierce competition, and this Foundation Establishment realm cultivator soon raised the price of the cultivation method to three hundred and seventy thousand spiritual stones. But a Golden Core realm cultivation method was worth much more than that. However, because the auctioneer brought it to Yun'an Xiancheng for auction, the price wouldn't be much higher. Half a million spiritual stones might be the upper limit. After all, the financial resources of the Foundation Establishment families in Yun'an Xiancheng could only reach this level. A Foundation Establishment cultivation realm cultivator, who seemed to have a relatively good relationship with Xiao Yun, begged her for spiritual stones. Obviously, he had given his all for the cultivation method of Foundation Establishment. Even though it was beyond his means, he would rather borrow money than give up. "Sure, go ahead and bid!" Xiao Yun nodded and agreed. This Wu Shi was one of the few cultivators in Yun'an Xiancheng with whom Xiao Yun had a good relationship, so she didn't mind helping. After all, it was just spiritual stones, and she wasn't worried that Wu Shi wouldn't return them. She didn't mention anything about interest or the like. After all, even if she lent her friends the spiritual stones she had, they might not be able to obtain this Foundation Establishment cultivation method anyway. By the time they really needed them, there would be time to negotiate interest and the like. With Xiao Yun's support of spiritual stones, the Foundation Establishment realm cultivator successfully obtained the cultivation technique. The final price was five hundred and twenty thousand spiritual stones. Xiao Yun lent him one hundred and forty thousand, and the Wu family would have to return one hundred and sixty thousand spiritual stones to the Xiao family within five years. Now that the Golden Core cultivation method had been auctioned off, this auction could be considered over. Before the curtain fell, Yu Keqing also expressed in front of everyone that their Yu family had just arrived and asked the senior cultivators of Yun'an Xiancheng for their guidance. Yu Keqing's tone was humble, her attitude sincere, and there was no trace of arrogance. In addition to requesting certain Foundation Establishment families to show mercy, Yu Keqing also stated that their Yu family in the immortal town had prepared many discounted goods and welcomed all cultivators to take a look. Of course, there was also the information that the Yu family wanted to recruit independent cultivators. After all, the Yu family had just arrived, and it was said that there were only a few dozen people who came here, severely lacking in manpower. It was only logical to recruit independent cultivators as followers. The benefits offered by the Yu family sounded good, and some independent cultivators were indeed moved, ready to give up their status as freelancers and become servants. Xia Changge and the Xiao sisters could leave, but Xiao Yun had to stay. Because although the auction was over, there was still a small gathering that only Foundation Establishment cultivators could attend. It was not an auction, but an exchange of treasures for treasures. Xiao Yun had to try her luck and see if there was anything that would pique her interest and help her cultivation. Xia Changge, of course, had nothing to say and prepared to go back with the Xiao sisters. "Miss Xiao, please wait!" Just as the three of them were about to leave the auction house, someone called out to them outside. It was a male cultivator in the Foundation Establishment realm, at the ninth level of Qi Refining. He had a relatively handsome appearance, but his skin was slightly tanned and not as fair as other cultivators. "You are... Miss Xiao Wan?" Xiao Wan was familiar with the young masters in the Foundation Establishment families nearby. After all, it was a small circle, and they would encounter each other sooner or later. This guy in front of her was extremely unfamiliar, so he must be one of the newcomers from the Yu family. "I'm Yu Haoran, nice to meet you, Miss Xiao Wan." After introducing himself, Yu Haoran spoke expectantly, "I would like to invite Miss Xiao Wan to a restaurant opened by my family for a meeting. Our seafood is a delicacy that you haven't tasted before." Just as he opened his mouth, Xia Changge already knew what he meant. He encountered... a pursuer as soon as he came out? Or perhaps it was love at first sight? Infatuation at first sight? Or something else entirely? These newcomers from the Yu family seemed to have come with the intention of forming an alliance with certain Foundation Establishment families to stabilize their own family's development. For a family like the Xiao family, which had powerful cultivators but lacked a profound background, they were indeed the best choice. "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, we have other important matters to attend to. We will take our leave now," Xiao Wan declined Yu Haoran's invitation without hesitation. Seemingly, she saw a hint of arrogance in Yu Haoran's gaze. Her self-esteem wouldn't allow that, and she didn't like it at all. Wasn't the Yu family just three Foundation Establishment cultivators? In less than two years, she would also be in the Foundation Establishment realm! What right did the Yu family have to be noble in front of her? After saying this, Xiao Wan left without any further delay, followed closely by Xia Changge and Xiao Lin. Yu Haoran's smile stiffened on his face. In the end, he could only return disappointedly. "Miss, what should we do about cultivating when we reach the Foundation Establishment realm?" On the way back, seeing that Xiao Wan seemed a little unhappy, Xia Changge found a topic to shift her attention. After all, Xia Changge didn't understand this realm very well. But it was a pity that even though he had a Foundation Establishment realm cultivation, his soul puppet had stopped there and couldn't make any more progress. (End of this chapter)