Chapter 49 - Transmigrated as a Fake Daughter in Cultivation Novel

Chapter 49 Wei Zhao anxiously touched the scattered long hair around her ears and turned back, sitting next to Zhou Qingxue. Zhou Qingxue buried herself in her legs, crying. Her hand was trembling as she held onto a storage bag. Wei Zhao grabbed the bag from Zhou Qingxue, opened it with a spell, and lightly patted her, saying dryly, "Here's your storage bag. I've opened it for you." While crying, Zhou Qingxue glanced at Wei Zhao and snatched the bag back. She buried her head and said between sobs, "Sob, Big Ice Cube, don't you know how to comfort someone? Can't you see I'm crying like this?" In the past, she always received care and concern from her senior and junior martial brothers and sisters for even a slight injury. This Ice Cube, however, didn't care about her at all! Wei Zhao thought she definitely saw it, but what did it have to do with her if a cabbage cried? If it weren't for the sake of virtue, she wouldn't bother with her. But this cabbage seemed to be crying too hard. If one didn't know any better, they would think something serious had happened. Wei Zhao felt a bit sorry, but she wasn't good at comforting people. In this world, she had always revolved around Song Weizhi. After racking her brains, she finally remembered how her master used to comfort people. So, Wei Zhao leaned towards Zhou Qingxue and hugged her, dryly saying, "Baby, don't cry." Zhou Qingxue, already weak from crying, with a slight headache, was astonished when Wei Zhao called her "baby." She attempted to push Wei Zhao away with all her might but failed. "Deng Tuzi, what nonsense are you talking? Let go of me," Zhou Qingxue said angrily, tears in her eyes. Innocently, Wei Zhao said, "Didn't you ask me to comfort you? That's how my master comforts people. You're really a bother, being unable to be comforted." "Is this how you comfort someone? It's clearly... clearly taking advantage of me," Zhou Qingxue blushed as she spoke. "Taking advantage of you? Don't worry, I'm not interested in a cabbage like you. Hurry up and take the medicine from your storage bag. I shouldn't have bothered." Wei Zhao glanced at Zhou Qingxue with some disdain. Wei Zhao's words made Zhou Qingxue furious. She considered herself fairly good-looking, and this Ice Cube actually called her a cabbage! Once she regained her strength, she would definitely teach this Ice Cube a lesson! "You're the cabbage! Sob, when I regain my spiritual power, I'll teach you a lesson." Zhou Qingxue threatened, but she still leaned on Wei Zhao, barely managing to take out some spirit pills from her storage bag, swallowing a dozen or so. Depleted of spiritual power and in the dry desert, Zhou Qingxue felt thirsty, but she didn't have any spring water or liquid in her storage bag. Unable to move, she could only rest against the Ice Cube. Wei Zhao, on the other hand, took out a bag of spring water from her storage bag. Not that she liked drinking it, but her master's junior needed it when she first declined fasting. Since she felt a bit parched as well, she took out a bag to drink. After a few sips, the dryness in her mouth subsided. Wei Zhao felt a scorching gaze beside her. She turned to see Zhou Qingxue, still red-eyed, looking at her. Seeing Zhou Qingxue in such a distressed state tugged at Wei Zhao's heart, so she handed her the water, saying, "Drink some spring water. It's too dry here." Zhou Qingxue, feeling weak, couldn't hold the bag steadily with both hands. Wei Zhao had to help her lift the bag and slowly bring the water to her lips. Once she had a few sips, Zhou Qingxue shook her head slightly and whispered, "No more, thank you." Wei Zhao almost doubted her ears. Did this miss just thank her? It made her feel quite awkward. "It's fine. I can't let you die of thirst," Wei Zhao said nonchalantly. Meanwhile, Song Zhixia and Zhao Xuankun weren't as fortunate. Countless octopus demons emerged from the sea, depleting their spiritual powers. Covered in filth and barely holding onto their spirit swords, the duo struggled to fend off the demons. After what seemed like an eternity, a black barrier appeared above the endless sea. Expending almost all their strength, Song Zhixia and Zhao Xuankun managed to break through and dive into the barrier. As they landed in a spacious area, the stench on their bodies, reminiscent of fish innards, made others feel queasy, distancing themselves from the pair. With their spiritual powers depleted, they couldn't cast purification spells. Song Zhixia found the smell overwhelming and fretted about her senior sister's potential reaction to her disheveled appearance. In another part of the forest, a similar black barrier emerged, catapulting Song Weizhi out, not far from where Song Zhixia and Zhao Xuankun were. Upon landing, she overheard someone discussing her and the stench. "Where did they go? I can't stand the smell. I won't be able to eat fish from now on." "Indeed, the fish innards smell is disgusting. Can't they cast a purification spell and clean themselves?" "Yeah, it might not trouble them, but it does bother us. Let's move away." Following the gazes of the conversing individuals, Song Weizhi noticed that the female cultivator looked like her junior sister. However, she was in a dismal state, covered in blue slime, emitting a fishy smell. She took a few steps forward, and her junior sister saw her, immediately becoming flustered, "Senior sister, don't come closer. I look hideous. Sob." Zhao Xuankun was stunned. Song Zhixia wasn't afraid when facing numerous demons, but upon seeing her senior sister, she turned timid? Helpless, Song Weizhi cast several purification spells and approached, "What's wrong with you two?" Her junior sister, with red-rimmed eyes, sniffed herself and, feeling no different than a salted fish, said, "Senior sister, just wait. I smell bad." Song Weizhi chuckled and said, "No need to worry. I've just cast several purification spells, and now you both are clean." Song Zhixia looked at Song Weizhi skeptically. Was her senior sister assuming she was upset and trying to comfort her? As her junior sister contemplated, Song Weizhi approached, sitting next to her and gently placing her hand on her wrist to check her spiritual power. She found her junior sister's spiritual power completely depleted. Furrowing her brow, Song Weizhi asked with concern, "How did this happen? How did you run out of spiritual power?" "We went into a sea area and were attacked by countless octopus demons. After that, we ended up in this state," Song Zhixia explained. Song Weizhi promptly took out spirit pills from the storage bag and instructed them to meditate and regain their spiritual power while she watched over them. Before long, several others arrived at the same location. Accompanied by a few disciples, Zhou Chengwen appeared as well. It seemed like this place was becoming a gathering spot. The rankings on the wooden sign kept changing, but Song Weizhi maintained the top spot. Even Zhou Chengwen took notice of her and approached, "Congratulations, Junior Sister Song, for rising to the top so quickly. Would you like to explore other places together later?" Standing still, Song Weizhi coldly eyed Zhou Chengwen and replied, "No need. I have my own companions." "That's fine. I won't disturb you further," Zhou Chengwen said as he went back to rest, surprised by Song Weizhi's refusal. Nonetheless, he wasn't in a rush. He would have plenty of opportunities to get to know her in the future. During the wait for companions and the chance to rest, over twenty disciples were eliminated. Some fainted from exhaustion and were teleported out by the formation, while others broke their wooden plaques. Zhou Chengwen was worried about his sister. She lacked experience and had been overly pampered by their family. He feared that she might suffer. While anxiously waiting for his sister, two people emerged from the barrier: Wei Zhao and Zhou Qingxue. However, Zhou Qingxue was being carried by Wei Zhao, held horizontally in her arms! Zhou Chengwen's expression darkened instantly. Before he could rush forward, Wei Zhao put Zhou Qingxue down, grumbling, "You're heavy, Miss. We're here. Get down quickly." "Do you think I want you to carry me?" Zhou Qingxue couldn't take it anymore. She raised her voice, feeling unfairly treated. She had never suffered such injustice, and besides, she wasn't even fat! That Ice Cube was deliberately trying to provoke her! "In that case, Miss, feel free. I can't attend to you anymore." Wei Zhao gave the person still leaning on her a nudge, prepared to leave without considering whether Zhou Qingxue had the strength to stand on her own. Song Weizhi was dumbfounded. Was her guard really this insensible? She pushed the girl while she struggled to stand? Seeing Zhou Qingxue's predicament, Zhou Chengwen's face turned as dark as coal. He rushed over to hold Zhou Qingxue in his arms and asked, "Qingxue, what's going on? Who is she? Did she bully you?" Author's Note: Song Zhixia: Uh-oh, I smell like fish now. Will my senior sister still want me? Song Weizhi: Of course I will. Wei Zhao: Cabbages are such a hassle! Special thanks to the angels who voted for me or fertilized me with nutrient solutions between 2021-05-23 14:56:25~2021-05-23 20:15:26. Thanks to the angels who fertilized: 47673361 (10 bottles); 沐兮 (9 bottles); 何以解忧,唯有暴富 (1 bottle).