Chapter 51 - Transmigrated as a Fake Daughter in Cultivation Novel

Chapter 51 Zhou Qingxue reached out and grabbed Wei Zhao's wrist. This person was a bit annoying, but blocking the heavenly tribulation for someone else was no small matter. She didn't want Da Bingkuai to get hurt. In the time it took to speak, the dark clouds over Song Zixia's head pressed lower, and a bolt of heavenly tribulation had already come down. Fortunately, the talismans Zhao Xunkun gave were quite reliable, blocking the first wave of heavenly tribulation for Song Zixia. Yet, before everyone could catch their breath, the second heavenly tribulation struck. Song Weizhi's hand, holding the sword, filled with spiritual power, rushed to meet the heavenly tribulation. Due to her continually advancing cultivation, this heavenly tribulation only cost her some spiritual power. Song Weizhi forcefully split the heavenly tribulation open in mid-air, without a trace of it touching Song Zixia. Just as the third heavenly tribulation was about to strike, Song Weizhi gently placed her palm on Song Zixia's waist and took a step back. Song Zixia felt a warmth on her body, as if the spiritual power she had lost had returned. Song Zixia filled her right hand that held the sword with spiritual power and faced the third heavenly tribulation coming from above. Just as a cracking sound reverberated, breaking the air beside her, Song Zixia remained unscathed, except for the large crater forcefully created on the ground beside her. After the three heavenly tribulations, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, as if nothing had happened, leaving only the deep pit at Song Zixia's feet as evidence that someone had indeed passed through the heavenly tribulation. After the last heavenly tribulation, Song Zixia appeared unscathed, while Song Weizhi's complexion appeared ashen. Song Zixia quickly ran to her side. She had just sensed that something was amiss. She clearly had only 30% of her power left. How could she have effortlessly withstood the third heavenly tribulation? It must be related to the hand her senior sister had placed on her back. Even now, she felt a warm sensation in her dantian. Song Zixia lightly tugged at Song Weizhi's sleeve and asked in a subdued voice, "Senior sister, what's going on? How could I have taken it so easily?" Song Weizhi set up a barrier around them before softly speaking, "I placed the small golden figure in your dantian, investigate with your spiritual power and see what it's doing." Song Zixia was stunned. Her senior sister had placed her small golden figure in her body? That was the most important thing for a cultivator. Seeing Song Weizhi's pale complexion, it dawned on her that her senior sister had used her spiritual power just now. This meant her senior sister had helped her block two waves of heavenly tribulation. Anxiously, she said, "Senior sister, you should take it back. How can you leave such an important thing with me? You've been hurt for my sake again." Seeing the redness in the girl's eyes, Song Weizhi hurriedly embraced her, soothing her, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll just take some spirit-recovering medicine later, and for now, let's keep the small golden figure with you. It's a crowded place, and I don't want others to know my secrets." "Senior sister, are you really okay?" "Rest assured, I'm fine. Besides, this time you can also protect me. I'll just hide behind you and be lazy." Song Weizhi giggled, then removed the barrier around them and went to sit and rest in an empty area. However, Wei Zhao couldn't wait and immediately ran over from Zhou Qingxue's side to see if Song Weizhi was hurt. Zhou Qingxue watched Wei Zhao rush to Song Weizhi's side and muttered under her breath in irritation, "What's the rush in running over there? Your master blocked the heavenly tribulation for another woman. Can't you see it? Yet you still hurried over there." Zhou Chengwen observed his sister grumbling to herself and felt uncomfortable. He always felt like his sister was not quite right about that Wei Zhao! After resting for a few hours, Song Weizhi's group set out again, joined by Zhou Qingxue's group. Zhou Chengwen intended to leave with his sister first, but Zhou Qingxue insisted on taking some time to recuperate, so they went with Song Weizhi's group deeper into the secret realm. Compared to the initial secret realm, this time journeying into the depths of the realm was less dangerous. Along the way, some demonic beasts appeared, but the disciples quickly dispatched them. Song Weizhi even stayed directly behind her little sister, allowing her to accumulate points, as her little sister's strength was enough to deal with the demonic beasts, backed by the small golden figure. Wei Zhao also hovered by Song Weizhi's side, allowing Song Weizhi to have an easy time. By the evening, everyone returned to the square where they had entered the secret realm, and the top thirty participants of this secret realm had already emerged on the spirit stones in the square. Song Weizhi's name stood out at the first position, with Song Zixia, Wei Zhao, and Zhao Xunkun following. Song Weizhi's group had dominated the top spots. At this moment, Qi Yingzhe arrived with some of his disciples. He stood on a platform and softly announced, "The top thirty participants of the secret realm have been decided. I will have the managing disciples take everyone to the living quarters for inner disciples. And for those who didn't make it, don't be disheartened. Cultivation is a long path, and I will be here to welcome you all in three years." Though Qi Yingzhe's voice was soft, everyone on the square could hear him clearly. He then instructed his disciples to guide the top thirty participants to their quarters. Unexpectedly, Qi Yingzhe personally came to lead Song Weizhi's group to their quarters. He approached them politely, "Welcome, everyone. From now on, we are all fellow disciples. If you need anything, feel free to come to me at any time. It's not early now; let me take you to rest." "Alright, thank you." Song Weizhi responded. The group followed Qi Yingzhe and flew to the disciples' living quarters. Song Weizhi initially planned to fly on her flying sword but was stopped by her little sister. "Senior sister, let's ride on my sword together." Song Weizhi smiled, nodded behind her little sister, and held her waist, obediently watching her little sister control the flying sword. Upon arriving at their quarters, Qi Yingzhe briefly gave some instructions to the disciples and then left. The group didn't dally; they had been tired from their long time in the secret realm and went to their rooms to rest. Only Song Weizhi went to Song Zixia's room. As soon as she entered the room, the girl set up a barrier and hurriedly said, "Senior sister, your Nascent Soul is still with me. Please take it back quickly." Song Weizhi smiled, "No rush. I saw her sleeping quite soundly in your dantian. Let her sleep a bit longer." "Senior sister, I'm not joking. You've helped me block all the heavenly tribulations this time. Every time it's you helping me. When will I be able to protect you?" The girl's eyes were slightly red. Song Weizhi hurriedly comforted her, "Aren't we family? It doesn't matter who protects whom. Where's the 'each other' in the equation?" "Senior sister, please take the Nascent Soul back first." "Alright, I'll listen to you, little summer," Song Weizhi said. She touched the little one's head and returned her Nascent Soul to her dantian. She urged Song Zixia, "Do it quickly, take the Nascent Soul back." "Okay, I'll listen to you, senior sister," she said hesitantly, tucking her head into Song Weizhi's shoulder. Unlike Song Weizhi's situation, Wei Zhao was exhausted and was about to go to sleep when she heard a knock at the door. She thought it was strange because her master and her little Dao companion had already gone to their rooms. Could it be her master coming to find her? She answered, "Coming, coming," and hastily opened the door, thinking it could be her master. However, when Wei Zhao opened the door, she saw Zhou Qingxue and felt a headache coming on. She shouldn't have been kind. How could the young lady still come to find her after leaving the secret realm? And how did she know where Wei Zhao was staying? "It's you?" Wei Zhao muttered, her mouth twitching. Chapter 51 (Continued) Zhou Qingxue had come to find Wei Zhao, feeling quite pleased. However, Wei Zhao's expression upon seeing her irked Zhou Qingxue. She exploded, "What's wrong? Can't find the person you want to see? It's clear that Song Weizhi is into Song Zixia. She can even block heavenly tribulations for her. It's not your concern! Why do you keep hovering around her every day?" "Ugh, she is my master. If not her, then who should I follow? Are you expecting me to follow you, miss?" Wei Zhao found it laughable. What did this miss want? "Okay, if you want me to follow you, then I'll reluctantly do so," Zhou Qingxue said with a raised eyebrow, smiling. Wei Zhao scoffed, "You're daydreaming. Stop talking nonsense. Say what you need to, I'll go to sleep if there's nothing else." "Wait a minute, Da Bingkuai. Here, take this." Zhou Qingxue awkwardly placed a jade earring in Wei Zhao's hand. Frowning, Wei Zhao asked, "What's this supposed to mean? And why is there only one?" Snapping angrily, Zhou Qingxue said, "This is a spirit device for transmitting sound. Whenever and wherever you talk to me with it on, I can hear you. Consider it a reward from me." However, the color on her cheeks hinted at her shyness. "Why do I need this? I don't want to talk to you," Wei Zhao grumbled. Her words angered Zhou Qingxue, "I gave it to you, and you're giving me so much backchat! If you don't want it, I'll just stay here. I won't leave." Wei Zhao managed to let out a smile. So she had no choice but to accept it? "Fine, fine, give it to me. I want to go to bed," said Wei Zhao, trying to close the door while the room was blocked by the miss. Wei Zhao was stunned. She had only read too many books, and now she had somehow offended this miss? She won't read again! Realizing that she couldn't afford to provoke the miss, Wei Zhao had to say, "Sure, help me put it on quickly." Zhou Qingxue's smile didn't fade. She said in a restrained tone, "Just lower your head a bit; I can't put it on if you don't." With a resigned look, Wei Zhao lowered her head and waited for the miss to finish so she could be free. Zhou Qingxue's smile didn't leave her lips as she gently used her spiritual power to create a small hole in Wei Zhao's left earlobe and then gently put the jade earring in place. After fitting the earring, she nonchalantly said, "Remember, don't take it off. If you have anything to say, just activate the earring with a bit of spiritual power, and I'll hear you." Wei Zhao nodded, "I understand. I understand. Goodbye, then." Zhou Qingxue glanced at the earring on Wei Zhao's left ear, exactly like the one on her right ear, and left with a slightly flushed face. She knew it—the Da Bingkuai was completely at her mercy! As soon as Zhou Qingxue left, Wei Zhao locked the door and touched the earring on her left ear. It felt strange, an uneasy sensation, but after hesitating for a while, she didn't take it off. If she did, she knew that she would face the wrath of the miss and decided it was better to keep wearing it. Author's Note: Thank you to the angels for voting or giving nutrients from 2021-05-24 to 2021-05-26! Thanks to the angels for voting: Puppet Cat, Girlfriend Ink 1 vote each Thanks to the angels for giving nutrients: Girlfriend Ink 32 bottles; Mik_hcjf 20 bottles; Eat your little cookies 10 bottles; Night, Respectable Person 6 bottles; Rush Rush Rush, Little Swelling Ghost 5 bottles