Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Before those ghosts and demons could react, Song Zhi Xia had already taken action. Those closest to her in the void were torn to shreds by Song Zhi Xia. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her lips. She would not let go of the suffering she endured or the ghosts and demons at the bottom of the cliff. Chaos erupted at the foot of the Blood Demon Cliff—some fleeing for their lives, some evading Song Zhi Xia's pursuit. While tearing apart those ghosts and demons, her cultivation unexpectedly broke through once more. Dark clouds shrouded the Blood Demon Cliff, not as low as before, but still dense enough to send shivers down people's spines. Ordinarily, cultivators needed to undergo seven Heavenly Tribulations to reach the Great Vehicle stage. However, after descending into the demonic path, Song Zhi Xia needed to endure fourteen Heavenly Tribulations. She no longer feared pain. In the days gone by, her senior sister would always stand by her when she experienced the Tribulations. Summoning her spirit sword, she was no longer afraid of the Heavenly Tribulations, having recovered from her injuries and empowered by three Soul Fragments. The encroaching clouds loomed lower, enveloping Song Zhi Xia. "This young girl is too terrifying. In just a few days, she has elevated her cultivation again." "That's right. If we had known she was this formidable, we should've eliminated her to prevent future trouble." The ghosts and demons at the bottom of the cliff had suffered significant losses at the hands of Song Zhi Xia, regretting their initial contempt for her. The Heavenly Tribulations descended, and Song Zhi Xia initially managed to withstand the first seven with her cultivation. However, she struggled with the subsequent seven, sustaining injuries as the final Heavenly Tribulation struck. Although exhausted, her dantian surged with even more vigorous spiritual energy. "Kick her while she's down. We can't let this woman live. She's torn our brothers into pieces. We must kill her quickly." "Alright, let's go together." Countless shadows in the void closed in on Song Zhi Xia. Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide, a resolute glint shining within. "Good. Are you all here to meet your end? Then so be it. I will grant your wish." As she spoke, Song Zhi Xia promptly began, and any ghost or demon that neared her exploded into smoke in her sword aura, leaving no trace behind. Perhaps due to being continuously consumed by these entities day and night, her injuries healed at an astonishing pace. In a short while, the wounds from the Heavenly Tribulations had already closed up. Her sword movements grew increasingly swift, tirelessly brandishing her spirit sword. None of the oncoming creatures were spared. Eventually, seeing Song Zhi Xia's uncanny prowess, the ghosts and demons began to scatter and flee, no longer daring to seek their deaths before her. With a sneer, Song Zhi Xia said, "What's this? Just now, you were planning to kill me. Now you're thinking of letting me go? I, however, have no intention of sparing any of you. Until I tear you all to shreds, I will not leave this cliff." Charging after them, the retreating entities, in fear, ventured to reveal the secret of the Phoenix Soul Fragments hidden at the bottom of the Blood Demon Cliff. "Please spare me, and I will take you to the Soul Fragments. I beg you to spare my life," the trembling entity pleaded. "Certainly. Escort me there," Song Zhi Xia responded. The entity now regarded Song Zhi Xia as if she were a ghost, leading the way with trepidation, fearing that one wrong move might reduce it to nothing. Under the entity's guidance, Song Zhi Xia finally laid eyes on the identical Soul Fragments. She lightly flicked them with her spiritual energy, and they swiftly merged into her spirit, bringing her total Soul Fragments to four. "Miss, I have brought you to the Soul Fragments. Will you spare me now? If so, I'll take my leave," the entity inquired. But before it could react, it was reduced to dust by Song Zhi Xia in an instant. Over the past few months, Song Zhi Xia methodically cleaned up the demonic remnants at the Blood Demon Cliff. The previously corrupted and sinister air dispersed, rendering the place no different from any other, save for the increasingly heavier black aura shrouding Song Zhi Xia. After subduing the demonic blade, Song Wei Zhi slowly ascended the steps, entering the formerly locked hidden chamber. She lightly pushed the sealed door open, startling the guards inside. "Who's there?" The guards were taken aback as Song Wei Zhi appeared before them. One sharp-eyed guard immediately recognized Song Wei Zhi as the traitor. "It's Song Wei Zhi, the traitor. Let's take her down together and make her pay." As the guard's words finished, dozens of disciples charged toward Song Wei Zhi. They were no match for her. With a gentle flick of her hand, she acquired their storage pouches, effortlessly finding clothing and shoes to replace her attire and dispelling the surrounding mist. "Vile woman, you dare to steal our belongings on your deathbed? Kill her." The crowd brandished their swords and advanced toward Song Wei Zhi. While her demonic blade had not taken any lives, bloodstains persisted on its edge. Feeling that these individuals wanted her dead, she saw no reason to show mercy. Raising her demonic blade, Song Wei Zhi displayed no hesitation. As the disciples rushed, they were swiftly neutralized, their three souls and seven spirits absorbed by the blade. They soon turned to ashes. The blade continued to drip fresh blood, its eerie words echoing, "Following the master is great. Fresh three souls and seven spirits as soon as I'm out. Hehe, delicious, delicious." The unnerving sound sent shivers down one's spine, but Song Wei Zhi remained unflinching. She was far from one to show mercy. The commotion attracted more disciples, along with someone heading to inform Zhou Ye Ran. However, none dared to stand in her way as she cleared the remaining disciples in the cultivation room, the victors having long fled, leaving Song Wei Zhi alone in the aftermath. The cultivation chamber was left in ruins, and even the magma beneath the surface was exposed. As Song Wei Zhi planned to confront Zhou Ye Ran directly, Wei Zhao, carrying a pile of fire-resistant artifacts, rushed over and found Song Wei Zhi standing there. Wei Zhao's eyes reddened as she charged toward Song Wei Zhi. "Master, you're really unharmed. I thought you were..." Song Wei Zhi chuckled softly, "I was indeed thrown into the magma by Zhou Ye Ran. I died and revived multiple times, my flesh repeatedly incinerated by the magma and regrown. I will not let Zhou Ye Ran off the hook. What about you? How have you been these days? Why would Zhou Ye Ran spare you?" Wei Zhao sighed, "Zhou Qing Xue saved me. However, rest assured, Master. I have severed ties with her. Whatever Master asks of me, I will do." While understanding Wei Zhao's loyalty, Song Wei Zhi did not want to involve her in her own affairs with Zhou Ye Ran. But if she were to exact vengeance against Zhou Ye Ran, Wei Zhao and Zhou Qing Xue would be inevitably affected. However, the matter between Zhou Ye Ran and herself had to come to an end. "I will be dealing with Zhou Ye Ran. You must not interfere at that time." "I stand by the Master," Wei Zhao hurriedly assured. Her life was granted by her master, and she considered it natural to prioritize Song Wei Zhi's wishes. "Understood. When the time comes, do not get involved," Song Wei Zhi patted Wei Zhao's shoulder and instructed her firmly. She would not allow Wei Zhao to act. Wei Zhao understood that her master's intentions were for her own good, nodding slightly. "Host, the system has detected that there seems to be a Phoenix Soul Fragment nearby," a mechanical voice sounded in Song Wei Zhi's mind. "Why didn't you mention this before?" Song Wei Zhi retorted mentally. She had been at the Cold Mountain Sword Sect for some time, and the system had never brought up this matter. "Earlier, your strength wasn't adequate to go there. The location is the Sword Tomb of the Cold Mountain Sword Sect, perennially eroded by countless qi. Those whose cultivation is insufficient there are like live targets. They will be wounded by the energetic swords and could lose even their three souls and seven spirits, let alone perish," the system explained. Grabbing a disciple in the midst of chaos, Song Wei Zhi demanded, "Where is the Sword Tomb?" The disciple was terrified at the sight of Song Wei Zhi. He hurriedly said, "It's beyond the back hill. Spare me, please spare me." Releasing the disciple, Song Wei Zhi commanded her blade towards the back hill, with Wei Zhao closely following. As they approached, the air became charged with sword energy. Trees withered the closer they got to the Sword Tomb, until the area was littered with bare stones. This was Song Wei Zhi's first visit to the Sword Tomb of the Cold Mountain Sword Sect. The valley floor was adorned with an array of swords, a magnificent sight to behold. With a leap, she swiftly descended to the valley floor. She dispersed her divine sense to track the whereabouts of the Soul Fragments, only to discover the presence of someone else in the valley. Author's Note: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution between 2021-06-13 00:36:42 and 2021-06-13 20:18:38~ Thanks to the little angels who donated grenades: zai zai, Mountain Camellia (1 each); Thanks to the little angels who gave nutrient solutions: DM (11 bottles), Mingyue, You No (4 bottles), 46671504 (2 bottles), Li Xiaonan's girlfriend (1 bottle).