Chapter 68

Chapter 68 The magic blade, having devoured numerous souls, dripped with blood from its edge. Yao Xintong cradled the unconscious Feng Yiliu in her arms. "Miss Song, thank you for saving her. If not for you, I fear I would never have seen her again. She may only have a day or two left. I want to stay with her." Song Weizhi nodded slightly. "I understand your feelings," she summoned the system in her mind, "Is there any way to save Senior Feng? It hurts me to see her die after just meeting her." "Host, I understand your feelings, but the system does not have the authority to bring people back from the dead. However, there is a spiritual medicine that can extend her life for three months, like an ordinary mortal. It will require 600 points for exchange. Does the host want to proceed with the exchange?" The mechanical voice of the system sounded in Song Weizhi's mind. "Let's do it. Being able to use a few points to give them more time is worth it," Song Weizhi clicked the exchange in her mind and a black pill appeared in her hand. "Senior Yao, please wait. I have a medicine that can temporarily extend Senior Feng's life for three months. However, I still won't be able to save her after these three months," Song Weizhi said with some reluctance. Yao Xintong, however, was overjoyed. She had thought that she and Feng Yiliu only had a short day or two to be together, so the sudden three extra months felt like a heaven-sent blessing. "Miss Song, thank you. If you need my help in the future, I am at your service," Yao Xintong said tearfully. "The senior is too kind. We only met briefly yet we are friends. How can I stand by and not help a friend in need?" Song Weizhi said, squatting down to feed the spiritual medicine to Feng Yiliu. "Leave Senior Feng to the senior. I'll come to see you another day. I live in an inn not far from here. If you need me, you can come find me," Song Weizhi said before preparing to leave. Wei Zhao, however, still held the fainted Zhou Qingxue in his arms. "Master, I'll wait for her to wake up before returning." Song Weizhi patted Wei Zhao's shoulder. "Alright, no rush." Zhou Qingxue had only fainted. It shouldn’t take long for her to wake up. Song Weizhi was not worried about her waking up, but was concerned about whether Zhou Qingxue could accept Zhou Yeran's death and whether Wei Zhao and Zhou Qingxue could still get along harmoniously. On the way back, the system reminded Song Weizhi in her mind, "Host, Feng Yiliu only has one soul left. Her soul is damaged, and in the future, she can only be an ordinary mortal and cannot pursue the path of cultivating immortality." Song Weizhi sighed. "Being an ordinary person is fine. It’s just that it will burden Senior Yao. After Feng Yiliu is reincarnated, she will no longer have her previous memories." Seeing Song Weizhi's low mood, the system remained silent. Song Weizhi was thinking of her little girl. It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Was she in pain during her demonic transformation? Was she being bullied by others? Now that she had found two pieces of the shattered primordial spirit and resolved the matters at the Cold Mountain Sword Sect, Song Weizhi promptly sent a message to Wei Zhao, telling him not to waste his efforts. Then, she went to the vicinity of the Blood Demon Cliff. Standing at the top of the cliff, Song Weizhi felt something strange. She remembered that many evil spirits of demon cultivators lingered here, but she felt the demonic aura was weak. Even if there were remnants of demon cultivators, there weren't many. Song Weizhi furrowed her brows, deciding to go down and take a look herself. Though she knew her little girl was not in real danger, she still didn't want her to suffer. After the sword descended to the bottom of the valley, Song Weizhi discovered that the valley was unexpectedly calm. There were hardly any remnants of demonic creatures. It took her half a day to find a few scattered remnants, and she immediately used her spiritual power to intercept them. These remnants seemed afraid and tried to run as soon as they saw Song Weizhi. "Please don't leave. I have some questions for you. Besides, it's not normal for malevolent spirits to flee upon seeing people," Song Weizhi stopped the spirits and inquired. "Miss, spare us, we beg for mercy. Miss, you are not aware. A few months ago, a very powerful lady appeared at the bottom of the cliff. Despite her beautiful appearance, she was merciless in her attacks. In just a few months, she almost eradicated all evil spirits here. We are just the ones she missed. Please spare us," if these malevolent spirits had physical forms, they would have kneeled and pleaded with Song Weizhi. After thinking for a moment, Song Weizhi realized that the lady was probably her younger sister, Zixia. "Where did she go now?" Song Weizhi hurriedly asked. "Miss, we don't know. We only know that after she cleared the evil spirits at the bottom of the cliff, she left," the spirits explained. Song Weizhi sighed. It seemed she had arrived too late. Her younger sister had already left. Those malevolent spirits entreated her, "Miss, if there's nothing else, could you let us go?" "Let you go? Impossible. You can help me deal with the unfinished business my younger sister didn't take care of," Song Weizhi said as she swept her magic blade towards the malevolent spirits, leaving the area peaceful. After searching the bottom of the cliff a few more times and not finding any sign of Song Zixia, Song Weizhi had to return empty-handed. On the other hand, Gao Chengxuan thought that Song Zixia had probably fallen into the demonic path and suffered a lot. He sent some of his subordinates to the bottom of the cliff to search for her. Soon, those practitioners returned. With a stern face, Gao Chengxuan asked, "Did you bring back the person?" The team leader of the practitioners glanced at Gao Chengxuan and hesitantly spoke, "We didn't see anyone. Also, there were hardly any malevolent spirits at the bottom of the Blood Demon Cliff." "What? How is that possible? The gathering of malevolent spirits at the bottom of the Blood Demon Cliff is well known. How can it suddenly disappear?" Gao Chengxuan reprimanded. The practitioners begged for forgiveness on their knees. "Your Highness, we're telling the truth. There's really no sign of Song Zixia at the bottom of the cliff." "These are all useless. Zuo Xuan, take care of these useless people. I don't keep trash by my side," Gao Chengxuan said coldly. Meanwhile, Song Zixia had actually been lurking near the inn where Song Weizhi stayed. She kept a close watch on Song Weizhi's actions, afraid of being discovered and only dared to sneak a few glances from a distance. She longed to see her elder sister more than ever. However, looking at her own current dark and gloomy appearance, Song Zixia didn't dare to approach her elder sister. She intended to continue secretly observing her elder sister like this, but the more she looked, the more she missed her elder sister. Even though her elder sister was not far away, Song Zixia felt an intense longing inside her. Finally, when her elder sister went to find her at the Blood Demon Cliff, Song Zixia's last string of reservation shattered. Her elder sister had been looking for her all along. Even if she had to suppress the demonic aura on her body, she had to go and see her elder sister again. She changed into her previous white dress, suppressed all the demonic aura with her spiritual power, reverting to her appearance before falling into the demonic path. However, this was extremely draining on her spiritual power, and the confined demonic aura caused excruciating pain. By the time she climbed the steps to the inn, Song Zixia was already as pale as a ghost. When she knocked on Song Weizhi's door, she felt like she was about to collapse. Having known there was someone outside the door, Song Weizhi, at the Great Accomplishment stage, opened the door and saw the person outside had an aura very similar to her little girl. She couldn't wait to open the door, and to her delight, she saw her longed-for person standing there, tears welling up in her eyes. Without the slightest hesitation, she pulled her little girl into her arms, holding her tightly as if afraid that she would disappear, "Zixia, you're really back. I missed you so much." Tears had already welled up in Song Zixia's eyes. She had thought she wouldn’t cry anymore, but as soon as she saw Song Weizhi, her tears flowed uncontrollably," I missed you, too, elder sister." Song Weizhi hugged her little girl tightly, one arm supporting her slender waist, the other using spiritual power to close the door and set up a barrier in the room. "Zixia, where have you been all this time? Are you hurt? Let me have a good look," Song Weizhi pushed her little girl away slightly and inquired. "I'm fine, just a bit exhausted. Elder sister, aren't I standing perfectly fine in front of you?" Song Zixia said, but cold sweat was dripping from her forehead. Song Weizhi reached out to wipe Song Zixia's sweat. She seemed to be sweating more and more, her complexion getting worse. Feeling a little flustered, Song Weizhi asked, "Zixia, what's wrong? Your complexion is so poor." "I'm fine, elder sister. I'm just a little tired. I'll lie down on the bed for a while," leaning her head on Song Weizhi's shoulder, suppressing the demonic aura had drained too much of her spiritual power. If Song Weizhi hadn’t supported her, she would have collapsed. Song Weizhi was worried for her little girl, and indeed, she was not well. Song Weizhi felt that something was amiss but she instinctively laid her little girl gently on the bed. She had been too overwhelmed upon seeing her little girl, and had forgotten about many crucial matters. She could be certain that her little girl had suffered tremendously at the Blood Demon Cliff and had fallen into the demonic path. Yet, apart from her physical weakness, her little girl seemed no different from an ordinary person. There was only one possibility: her little girl had forcibly suppressed the demonic aura using her spiritual power. Song Weizhi was somewhat angry that her little girl didn't take care of herself, but she also felt pity for her. Why was her little girl doing this? Was she afraid of scaring her? Sitting beside her little girl, Song Weizhi softly asked, "Zixia, is there something you want to tell me?" Looking at Song Weizhi's concerned eyes, Song Zixia wanted to speak the truth several times, but in the end, she said nothing. Author's Note: Thank you to the angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between June 14th, 2021, 18:11:18 and June 15th, 2021, 22:59:02~ Thanks to the angel who laid mines: Xi 1; Thanks to the angels for irrigating the nutrient solution: Yu Qing Tang was eaten by me 15 bottles; Lance Shaker 10 bottles; Ming 5 bottles; Severe Lazy Cancer Patient 3 bottles; Quantum Entanglement 1 bottle