Chapter 72

Chapter 72 The Demon Realm is not as terrifying as ordinary people imagine. At this time of day, the streets are brightly lit, even more lively than the Cloud City. Many cultivators come here to trade rare equipment, so it's not uncommon to draw attention even without considering their cultivation levels. However, despite Song Wei Zhi's advanced cultivation level, nobody foolish enough comes rushing towards them. Their exact position in the Ghost Sect still needs to be confirmed, so Song Wei Zhi and the others are not in a hurry. They head straight to the inn and book two rooms to rest. Song Zhi Xia instructs the innkeeper to bring some spirit fruit and spring water, while Song Wei Zhi, lazily lying on the bed in her middle garment, waits for the food to arrive. Song Zhi Xia teasingly looks at Song Wei Zhi and says, "Senior Sister, the food is here. Come and eat." Song Wei Zhi slightly smirks and replies, "No, I'm in the mood to be fed. Xia Xia, come and feed me, then I'll eat." The little girl lightly laughs, thinking that if her senior sister, who is considered to be "eating soft food," has such high standards, it's better to obediently feed Song Wei Zhi by placing the food on the stool beside the bed. Song Wei Zhi, without hesitation, rests her head on the little girl's lap and starts eating the spirit fruit. Blushing, the little girl recalls the day when she and her senior sister formed a Daoist bond. Her heart beats faster, knowing that today she is alone with her senior sister and not knowing whether her senior sister would act the same way. Lying in the little girl's embrace, Song Wei Zhi notices her distraction and can't help but tease her. She turns over and lightly kisses the blushing little girl, asking with a smile, "What are you thinking about so deeply? So lost in thought?" Swallowing nervously, the little girl replies, "Nothing, just thinking about you." Song Wei Zhi becomes interested and pulls the little girl into her arms, kissing her reddened earlobe, "Thinking of me? I'm right here with you, Xia Xia. Are you planning something mischievous?" "I'm not," the little girl responds, feeling a little flustered. Seeing her junior disciple, Song Wei Zhi cannot resist but play along. She continues to shower the little girl with kisses, eventually making her feel helpless and coquettish, leaning into Song Wei Zhi's embrace. Seeing her dear disciple, Song Wei Zhi cannot resist but to attempt some mischief. However, just as she is about to take advantage of her dear junior disciple, urgent footsteps are heard near the inn. It's evident that trouble is on the way. "Master, should we stay or leave?" Wei Zhao asks. "Let's stay and observe for now. It's better to capture someone and question them directly rather than aimlessly searching for the Ghost Sect," Song Wei Zhi instructs. The three of them settle in the inn's hall, waiting quietly for the arrival of the visitors. Soon, dozens of demon cultivators surround the inn, with Zhou Qing Xue, who hadn't been seen for some time, at the forefront. However, she appears different this time, with black mist enveloping her and her exposed skin displaying a strange purple hue, setting an eerie atmosphere. "Why are you with these demon cultivators? What is going on?" Wei Zhao wants to confront her but is stopped by Song Wei Zhi. "She seems different. Wei Zhao, wait for instructions. If we need to take action later, I will deal with her. Trust me, I know what I'm doing," Song Wei Zhi tells him. Wei Zhao feels conflicted, wavering between trusting Song Wei Zhi and his concern for Zhou Qing Xue. However, he eventually complies with Song Wei Zhi's instructions. "I have come for revenge... I have come for revenge..." Zhou Qing Xue's voice, gradually growing louder, catches the attention of everyone in the inn. "Senior Sister, what's wrong with her?" Song Zhi Xia asks, visibly concerned. "It seems like she's being controlled. I'm not entirely sure. We'll detain her and investigate later," Song Wei Zhi explains. Just then, Zhou Qing Xue suddenly lifts her eyes. Her previously lifeless gaze focuses sharply on Song Wei Zhi. "Revenge, revenge, revenge," she repeats menacingly. At the sound of the final "revenge," Zhou Qing Xue makes a move. Her cultivation has clearly advanced by several stages, but it's not apparent to Song Wei Zhi. She brandishes her sword and charges towards Song Wei Zhi, followed by the other demon cultivators rushing towards them. The demon cultivators charging towards Song Zhi Xia are swiftly repelled, while Wei Zhao also deals with his opponents. Their inferior cultivation levels leave them no match against him. However, Song Wei Zhi, somewhat at a loss, can only use the back of her blade against Zhou Qing Xue, who seems impervious to pain and completely disregards the demonic weapon in Song Wei Zhi's hand. She relentlessly tries to reach Song Wei Zhi, but Song Wei Zhi skillfully evades her attempts. Soon, Zhou Qing Xue grows impatient. Veins on her neck swell, showing an eerie dark purple color. Suddenly, she grins and rolls up her sleeve, drawing a long, bloody gash on her exposed arm. A stream of sinister black blood flows from the wound, seemingly unaware of pain, she flings the blood at Song Wei Zhi. Anticipating this, Song Wei Zhi envelops herself in spiritual energy. The black droplets of blood splatter against her energy shield, falling to the ground and transforming into wriggling, black insects. Frowning, Song Wei Zhi crushes the insects with her spiritual power. However, where the insects were crushed, even more quickly emerge, multiplying and wriggling rapidly, especially after feeding on the crushed corpses. The free-roaming insects swarm the inn. Seeing a few cultists still in the vicinity, Song Wei Zhi warns the others to keep away from the insects. Wei Zhao watches in dismay as Zhou Qing Xue continues to pour the blood, while the other monster suffers from a similar fate. These insects seem to consume their flesh rapidly, leaving their skin filled with writhing bugs, as if there were countless worms wriggling underneath their skins. Song Zhi Xia manages to conjure a large fireball, incinerating the insects on the ground. Seeing its effectiveness, Song Wei Zhi also generates fire using her spiritual power, prompting Zhou Qing Xue to retaliate by slashing her own chest, causing more blood to flow. Realizing that this won't work, Song Wei Zhi encapsulates Zhou Qing Xue in her spiritual power, preventing her movements, while using her abilities to control the spiritual medicine and stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, Song Zhi Xia and Wei Zhao eliminate the rest of the demon cultivators, leaving only the one who was initially infected by Zhou Qing Xue's insects. This demon cultivator, now unrecognizable, attacks Song Zhi Xia and Wei Zhao without regard for his own safety. He self-inflicts multiple wounds, sparking a similar transformation, with his blood turning into writhing creatures upon hitting the ground. Seeing this, Song Wei Zhi hurls her demonic blade at him, reducing him to ash in an instant. Helpless, Song Wei Zhi resorts to the system, hoping for a solution to save Zhou Qing Xue. "Host, through system verification, there is no medicine that can save this woman. Her body is infested with parasites, serving as a host for the mother insects. Her organs have been eaten away, and the system is incapable of reversing this. However, there is a pill that can grant her consciousness for ten minutes," echoes the mechanical voice of the system in Song Wei Zhi's mind. "Quickly exchange it," urges Song Wei Zhi in her mind. "Understood, Host. Deducting one hundred points for the exchange. You currently have nine hundred points remaining." As the system concludes, a pill materializes in Song Wei Zhi's hand. She utilizes her spiritual power to administer the pill to Zhou Qing Xue. Moments later, Zhou Qing Xue, held in place by Song Wei Zhi, opens her eyes. Unlike before, her gaze focuses this time. She looks at Song Wei Zhi and the others, enduring the pain of the insects' bites, and pleads, "Kill me, please, Wei Zhao, I beg you to kill me. I have turned into a monster. It's so painful; my body is infested with worms. Only by killing me can you stop me from causing harm." Tears and sweat stream down her face. Author's notes: Thank you to the angels who voted for and supported my work with power stones and nutrition during 2021-06-19 17:48:35~2021-06-20 20:55:59~ Thanks to the angels who supported my work with nutrition: 溟 15 bottles;