Chapter 125 - What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

What You've Tread Upon (13) Countless hues of light converged and stabbed into Wonlip. Chwararak! Wonlip's arms were instantaneously transformed into blood-colored demonic hands. The blood-red demonic hands caught and stopped my colorless glass sword. Kwadudeuk! "It's over." Koogooogoo! Unable to withstand my strength, Wonlip fell backward. He crashed onto the floor of Bongmyeong Fortress. Spiderweb-like fractures crackled and spread out behind him. "Die!" With that, I mustered the power of both the colorless glass sword and the formless sword, thrusting them down upon him. Kwaaaaang! Just like that, his death was imminent. Kuguk, kookooguk! 'This is...' The power, it started to return. The full body strength that had been blocked at Chuqigi level was now reverting to the Gyeoldanqi level. Numerous Gyeoldanqi cultivators who were trapped around us also started to regain their strength. And that meant... ‘The formation of Bongmyeong Fortress has...!’ Koogoooguk! Wonlip once again exuded the strength of Won-yeongqi—energy for the wild—they desparately grabbed my colorless glass sword, pushing my blade away. 'Why...!? It shouldn't be time yet...!?' With all my might, I pressed down my sword, gritting my teeth. But it didn't make sense. Why? Kwaang! And then. Eventually, the colorless glass sword was forcefully ejected. Wonlip stood up from his place. Koogooogoo! [Huff...] He took a deep breath. [I acknowledge it. After hundreds of years, I have experienced a battle of life and death. That was indeed a close brush with disaster.] He turned his head to one side. There, gasping for air, was Byukcheongi, the family head of the Byuk Family Sect, apparently having just formed a crucial seal. "Jo, using a secret method found in the relics of the Jo Family Sect, we were able to disable the formation much more quickly by the skin of our teeth." [Yes. Your contribution is great. However... the crime committed by your family's child is also significant.] "Please, I beg for mercy..." Ddaak! With a flick of his finger, All the traitors, including the head of the Byuk Family Sect, suddenly collapsed, screaming in agony. "Kuaaaaak!" "Aaaaak!" "Euuaaak!" [To think there were only idiots who just stood there doing nothing when their master was in danger, except for the Byuk guy... All equally useless. After all, even that Byuk fellow just cleaned up his own mess.] Giiiiing! I frowned, feeling a familiar energy emanating from the traitors' upper ranks. It was the energy of the Ohaenghyeoljubeon. 'Because it had been planted two hundred years ago, they couldn't resist.' Ddaak! With another snap of his fingers from Wonlip, the screams subsided. [Enough. As I said, we'll discuss merits and rewards later. Right now, there's something far more important.] His gaze fell upon me. [Those who drove me to this point... I shall deal with these individuals first.] I faced him, smiling thinly. "How amusing. Perhaps take a look at the state of your body before you speak?" Wonlip may have recovered the power of Won-yeongqi, but his momentum was not the same as before. The appearance of having expended considerable energy while fighting me. The situation was quite different from earlier when he had demonstrated his true strength in the mid-stage of Won-yeong. His defensive treasures were comparable to the thunder of heaven. Monsters of the same realm and blood-clouded kings were within Bongmyeong Fortress. What remained were his original treasures: the seventeen short swords, the blood-colored weed fan, the blood-colored spear, and the red crystal skeleton staff. His power was steadily diminishing. Koogoooguk! Also, since their cultivation had dropped to Chuqigi level before, other cultivators who had been bound by the treasures of Jinro Sect were gathering their strength, trying to free themselves from the black chains. Although the traitors were numerous, our side had far more in numbers. Moreover, the effects of the curse and the thunder were still unovercome and clearly visible. "Do you really believe you can defeat us?" At my sharp question, Wonlip paused, then he began to laugh. [Huhu, a truly valiant fighting spirit. Indomitable, even when bent... Furthermore, someone who faces a heavenly calamity upon reaching Gyeoldanqi, able to exhibit Gyeoldanqi-level power even within the Bongmyeong Fortress formation...] He extended his hand towards me. [Will you not become my Hyeolno? Though I say Hyeolno, I will treat you like my disciple.] I assumed a ready stance, without a response. [Tsk, how foolish.] He spread his arms wide. I gripped my sword and drew power. Paaang! No need for words. I charged at him and drove the formless sword into him. However, in his hand, he now wielded the blood-colored weed fan. [Cry out, Hupung-hyeolpa (呼風血芭).] Kwaaaaaa! A bloody storm surged, thrusting me back. As soon as I was touched by the blood wind, I could feel my blood boiling. Kwaaaaaaaaang! Ultimately, I couldn't withstand it and was pushed back, flying away. One way or another. He had found the power of Won-yeongqi. But I did not despair. 'I can win!' His strength had clearly weakened compared to when I first saw it. If that was the extent of his power, somehow I could shake it off! "Everyone! This old monster has clearly weakened since the beginning! If we join forces, we will surely win!!" Kwachang, kwajangchang! Starting with the senior members of Cheongmun, numerous Gyeoldanqi cultivators, having fully regained their cultivation, began to rise from their places. "Big brother…!" "Jinro Yeoncheon!!!!! How dare you!!!" "Ah, no!" The tide of battle began to turn. Byukcheongi may have released the Bongmyeong Fortress formation to save Wonlip, but ironically, it allowed our allied forces to regain their power once again. I took out the sound-transmitting talisman and contacted Songjin and Seoran, who were on standby. "It's almost done. You can come now." Wiiiiing! Before the battle began, a small ghost, which Songjin had affixed to me during a visit to Bongmyeong Fortress years ago, stirred awake inside my clothing, poking its head out sneakily. This tiny ghost was surely conveying the situation of the battlefield to the two individuals. 'I've also informed them, now the only thing left is...' I just needed to press the enemy and wait! That's when it happened. [Gather power, Hupung-hyeolpa.] Giiiiing! Wonlip floated his blood-colored weed fan into the air. His original treasure floated in the air, starting to gather energy. And then. "Ah, no! Big brother, let go for a moment! Please!" Led by Jinro Yeoncheon, a few of the traitors began to struggle. Wonlip looked down at them and said, [As per the original proposal, since you failed to subdue them perfectly. I suppose there's no need to keep my promise to spare their lives...?] Jinro Yeoncheon and a few of the traitors cried out as if screaming. "Bloodwood Heresy! Please have mercy! Please don't massacre the Cheongmun Sect Family!" "Bloodwood Heresy! We did our best, please spare these poor souls...!" [Wasn't this the original agreement? If you had properly subdued them in advance, there would have been no need for this. But it's too late now.] And then. Paaaat! From the direction of his black cathedral, something red flew towards us. Oosik Oosik! Certainly, my rational mind was screaming to rush at Wonlip and behead him. But as a warrior, my instincts were holding me back. I would die. To make a move now was to court certain death. Kwaang! What had flown from his black cathedral landed right beside Wonlip. It was. A figure, androgynous in beauty and clad in the same garments as Wonlip, with ebony-like black hair and a corpse-pale complexion. And upon seeing that figure, I shuddered. 'That is...' At the end of my past life. Wonlip back then didn't have white hair or a withered, small physique like the current Wonlip. Certainly, he had. [That body]! [Anyway, you fought well. To think you’d force me to bring out my hidden Blood Body.] Koogooogoo! The younger Wonlip, referred to by him as 'Blood Body,' rose in vigor. Jjeerit, Jjeerit... 'Insanity...' This person, too, possessed the pinnacle of initial Won-yeong energy. And then. Wooowooong! Wonlip's true body. From the Baihui point on his true body, a tiny infant emerged. The grotesque baby I saw before, covered with countless eyes, mouths, and hands. The true body of Won-yeong! That baby, with a chilling laugh, entered the Baihui point of Wonlip's Blood Body situated next to it. And then. Suaaaa... Upon Wonlip's Blood Body, the same pitch-black darkness as Wonlip's true body. A translucent mask, like dark mist, veiled its face. And finally, Wonlip returned to the form I had seen in the past life. [Huff, that’s better.] Kwadeuk! The being with a new body grabbed the head of its previous, aged self. And then. Chwurrurrurrur! His old self. The aged body was wholly consumed. The old body transformed into a fistful of blood mist and was absorbed into his hand. Koogooogoo! His cultivation, once the pinnacle of initial Won-yeong, skyrocketed back to the pinnacle of mid-stage Won-yeong. [Surprised by my Blood Body, aren't you? After the celestial hermits ascended, I created a new body to further dominate this world for another thousand years. Not to mention having extended life with pure Prime Essence for two hundred years… and I've made sure it’s well-trained in all my original techniques to their ultimates, such as Bloody Demon's Sea of Light and Blood Shackles Forest Seal, among others. Furthermore….] His mouth stretched into a grin as he extended his hand towards the floating law treasure. [For two hundred years, I've also refined the technique I stole from the Sea Dragon King. Look closely at the power drawn forth by the freshly forged law treasures and the Sea Dragon King’s technique after two centuries...!!] Koogooogoo! A whirlwind of blood began to spiral around Wonlip. He gripped the weed fan he had been gathering strength in and swung it forth. Koogooogooogoo! Wonlip's voice resounded throughout Bongmyeong Fortress. [Behold the power of the True Blood Wind Change!] Koogooogoo! A bloody dragon rise enveloped the first floor of Bongmyeong Fortress. I clenched my teeth and, wielding the Formless Sword, cut through the bloody winds to withstand it. However, the others seemed unable to hold out as numerous Gyeoldanqi cultivators were swept away by the wind. Koogooogooogoo! The entire first floor of Bongmyeong Fortress was assaulted by the blood wind. In the wake of Wonlip's strike, the bloody dragon rise swept through all directions. I clenched my teeth and withstood the attack. After some time had passed. Hweeoeeeoo― When the winds died down. What remained in the hall were only a few exceptionally strong members, either patriarch-level or Gyeoldanqi elders. I looked around. The scene of Bongmyeong Fortress was not visible. Koogooogooogoo― Where Wonlip's bloody wind had struck, clouds of blood began to rise. The blood cloud flowed into Wonlip. [As expected, it's the best. The synergy between the True Blood Wind Change and the Bloody Demon's Sea of Light is…] Oodeuk, Oodeuk! Small, antler-like protrusions of blood appeared on Wonlip's forehead. Pudeuk... Somewhere, the sound of gnashing teeth was heard. Cheongmun's senior, split in half, clutched the body of the deceased Jinro Yeoncheon. "Why… why kill even your own side so cruelly…?" [It's merely differentiating between those who sincerely served me with loyalty and those who served with other intentions.] He said. [I have only chosen to slay those insolent enough to beg for the lives of the losers. Whether to kill or spare the defeated is my choice as your lord, and here you are, presumptuous.] He looked at us and sneered. [So, hiding behind women and receiving their protection feels good, huh? Spouting worthless drivel. In this world, there is no such thing as being on the same side.] Kiiiiing! From his embrace, familiar formation flags appeared. Red formation flags flew across Bongmyeong Fortress, setting up the formation. Flash! And then. The first floor of Bongmyeong Fortress collapsed, integrating with the second floor. He continued speaking. [Isn't it true that only those who become brutal and cold-hearted survive in the world of cultivators? When the Sea Dragon King, in front of me after I killed his kin, offered to spare my life if I would accept his three conditions. I secretly scorned him. Such a foolish mindset, showing mercy even to enemies!] Koogooogoo! His formation extended continuously into the void as before, collapsing the layers of Bongmyeong Fortress one by one. I clenched my teeth and tried to approach him, but the formidable blood wind he had summoned proved too difficult to penetrate. A stronger blood wind erupted once again around Wonlip. [I took his three conditions and inflicted a slender wound on the Sea Dragon King, stealing a drop of his true dragon essence and succeeded in stealing his race's technique, the True Blood Wind Change as well! I have climbed to this place using the Sea Dragon King's mercy, exploiting the might of the powerful, the reverence and fear of the weak, and utilizing the blood and life of the foolish!] Koogooogoo! Wonlip's conscious realm was compressed, taking on a form resembling that of the Sea Dragon race. At the same time, a presence akin to the Sea Dragon race wafted from him. Kwaaguang! Before long, almost all the floors of Bongmyeong Fortress had collapsed, with only the seventh level remaining. [I've climbed to this position by refining this Blood Body with what I’ve exploited, stolen, and seized! Isn’t seizing and seizing the truth of this world? There are only those who seize more and make others submit and those who are seized from and made to submit!] He laughed maniacally and once again raised the weed fan. Chwajajajak! His formation flags struck Bongmyeong Fortress's last remaining floor. If the seventh floor collapses, Bongmyeong's defenders will appear. [Die, you fools!] And then. Kiiiiing! Outside Bongmyeong Fortress. In the empty void, a Ghost Mist began to form. Through the sound-transmitting talisman, a familiar voice came through. [Sorry about that. It took some time to prepare the Seongmyeongham's transmission feature. And after discussing it with Rani, we decided it would be better to send him instead of me.] Koogooogoo! From within the Ghost Mist, a pale hand reached out. An eerie ghostly energy flowed from the void. [Seeing the situation, he said he could settle it. Take good care of Rani for me.] With those words, Songjin turned off the sound-transmitting talisman. Puhwak! Immediately afterward. From the Ghost Mist, a familiar figure burst forth. Half-human, half-dragon. Now not in the blue robes of the Sea Dragon race but clad in the specific black robe of the Black Crystal Bone Valley. And there, Seoran, who had risen to mid-Gyeoldanqi in the past two hundred years, bowed to us. "Hello, seniors. Long time no see, Senior Seo. And you’ve also been warmly welcomed, Senior Wonlip." Wonlip, who was about to strike down with the weed fan, halted and spewed blood light from his eyes at Seoran. [Hoh... you are...!] "As a half-blood of the Sea Dragon race and a disciple of the Great Black Crystal Bone Valley, my name is Seoran." [Ha, hahaha! Hahahaha!] Wonlip burst into laughter. [The blood of the Sea Dragon King refined with the True Blood Wind Change speaks. Aren’t you, little one, a royal descendant?] "It’s embarrassing, but yes, I am descended from royalty." [Yes, good. How about it? Would you consider becoming my disciple?] Wonlip licked his lips while looking at Seoran. Seoran glanced at his gaze for a moment, then spoke. "First, there is a big misunderstanding, Senior Wonlip. I have three things to clarify." [Hoh, recite them then.] "Firstly, I already have a master, so I cannot become your disciple." Seoran counted off on his fingers as he explained. "Secondly, I have come to dislike those who sacrifice others so easily, as you do. I am here today to help Senior Seoeunhyeon kill you." Wonlip lifted the blood-colored weed fan toward Seoran as if amused to death. "Thirdly." Then, with a sneer, Seoran raised a third finger. "The real name of the technique you believe you stole from the king is not the True Blood Wind Change." Twitch! Seoran twitched his fingers, bending all three at once. Koogooogoo! At that, Wonlip, poised to strike with the weed fan, suddenly knelt before Seoran. [...What...?] "It’s actually called the Call of the Blood Mass Change (호풍혈단변). You think you stole it from the king and used his mercy..." Seoran raised his ghostly energy. Wonlip looked at his knees, as if not understanding. "I suspect it's more credible that the king intentionally let you take it while feigning ignorance. Lamentable, isn't it? To be unaware that you're a puppet of the king, Senior Wonlip." [I, what is this…?] Indeed. Wonlip was mistaken, believing that he had taken advantage of the king's favor. Yet, he had unwittingly been dancing in the palm of the king all along. "You Sea Dragon scum! What have you done to the Bloodwood Heresy!" The patriarch Makli Huangcheol and members of the Makli Family charged at Wonlip. They were like Jinro Yeoncheon, who had narrowly escaped Wonlip's sudden execution. However. Seoran looked at them with icy eyes. "Shut your mouth, you beasts. Do you really think you have the right to speak to me? Had the Sea Dragon race not ascended, you would have been digging through the earth, scavenging corpses... Close your mouths and obey the order of your true master: stop Wonlip's other slaves." "Uh, uh...!" At Seoran’s command, Makli Huangcheol and the Makli members suddenly found themselves unable to speak as they went to block the other traitors. Seoran’s gaze also caught the sight of the Eastern lord and his men trying to flee. "I thought only the Makli Family gathered cowardly runners. Seems there are others, too. Where are you going? Come here and listen to the orders of the royal descendant Seoran!" "Kkkrrr..." The lord in black bandages, who had stolen the main cannon of Manriminrab to give to Wonlip, crawled on the ground at the sound of Seoran's command. [Uh... Ooooooah!!!] Oodeuk, Oodeuk... Oodeuk! Wonlip, who had been suppressed by Seoran's command, began to rise, releasing his initial Won-yeongqi cultivation. [Do not... underestimate... the cultivator of... Won-yeongqi...!!!] He staggered to his feet, resisting Seoran's command. His energy was still formidable, but it seemed that over half of that immense power was being spent resisting Seoran. "If he hadn't switched to this body imbued with the blood of the Sea Dragon race, the one trained in the Call of the Blood Mass Change, even I would have been without means to handle him. But now that it has come to this, it’s much more convenient." Seoran smiled at me. "While I can’t completely restrain him due to the fundamental difference in our cultivations, I can sufficiently interfere. Senior, it’s time to capture him." Receiving Seoran’s smile, I nodded. Only now did I understand why Se unleash had been so insistently trying to kill Seoran. At some point, Wonlip would have learned the technique using Se unleash's blood, the True Blood Wind Change. Once that happened, Seoran, the royal descendant who remained in the Low Realms, would inherently be a weakness to Wonlip's existence.