Chapter 32 - What Should I Do if My Younger Brother’s Crush Has Taken a Liking to Me?

Chapter 32 On Friday afternoon after school, the school gate was packed with students—some heading home for the weekend and others stepping out to relax. Several snack stalls lined the street adjacent to the school gate, bustling with business and filled with the fragrant aroma of various foods. Having already planned to spend the week at Su Yuqi’s small apartment, the three of them walked towards their destination not far from the school after leaving the campus. When they reached the adjacent school gate, Tu Xiaoyuan stopped in front of a stall selling pan-fried tofu and said, "It smells so good. Do you guys want to try some?" Su Yuqi, walking and staring at her phone, stopped and said, “It’s only a few hours before evening. Weren’t you planning to have barbecue and watch a horror movie tonight?” "It’s still early, we should fill our stomachs first. Do you guys not want any? I’ll have it myself then?" Tu Xiaoyuan asked when she saw both of them shaking their heads. She then turned to the stall owner and ordered a serving, "Boss, give me one, with a little bit of spice!" The hot oil sizzled on the iron plate, emanating the aroma of pan-fried tofu. Two girls were standing in line in front of the stall, and Xi Ning was standing by a tree, silently watching the bustling crowd up ahead. As students continuously poured out of the school gates, the area was noisy. The snack stall was parked by the sidewalk, and Xi Ning stood with her back against the trees, silently watching the bustling crowd. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind. A curly-haired figure, carrying a single-shoulder bag and talking on the phone, walked along the sidewalk with a slightly bent back. “What? The grandson from the No. 11 Middle School is trying to take over the spot again? Damn it!" "Is Xi sister with you? I was wondering where she went this afternoon... the arcade in Xiaopo Street, right? Alright, I’ll go there now." After finishing the call, the curly-haired person hung up the phone, picked up his pace, slung his bag, and ran off. Xi Ning retracted her gaze as Tu Xiaoyuan approached with a bowl of pan-fried tofu in hand, holding disposable chopsticks. "Wow, this is really delicious! You guys should try it!" After buying the food, they continued walking. They crossed the traffic lights and passed through the commercial street playfully named "Xiaopo Street" by the students. Xi Ning slowed her pace and finally stopped. "It’s still early. Should we... go inside for a look?" Xi Ning’s hands were in her pockets, and she bit her lip, shifting her gaze to the bustling street. Every time they came to Xiaopo Street, they went straight for the snack stalls, so Tu Xiaoyuan, with a mouthful of tofu, asked curiously, "Huh? Are you hungry, Ning Ning? Isn’t it a bit early for dinner at this time?" Xi Ning clenched her hand in her pocket and paused for a moment before saying, "There isn’t only street food inside. Isn’t there also an arcade?" Tu Xiaoyuan exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, you rarely show interest. I also want to play with the claw machine, gogogo!" Tu Xiaoyuan jumped over and the three of them changed direction, heading towards the only arcade on Xiaopo Street. The arcade was on the third floor, adjacent to the cinema. It wasn’t very large, and there weren’t many game machines. As it was the weekend, it was packed with students, making it particularly noisy. While Tu Xiaoyuan went to exchange for a recharge card, Xi Ning looked around. Next to the mini karaoke, a group of students had gathered around the dance machine. From their uniforms, it seemed that they were from two different schools—one was theirs, and the other was the neighboring No. 11 Middle School. After standing still for a while, Xi Ning hesitated and then walked over. The dance machine in the arcade was reverberating with loud rhythmic music, and the crowd’s focus was on a graceful figure moving to the beat, wearing a school uniform. The uniform jacket was tied around the waist, outlining a slender waist. The girl's posture was alluring and unrestrained, seamlessly blending each movement with the rhythm of the music. Her actions were crisp and powerful, exuding a mix of softness, sensuality, and a hint of wildness. Even every strand of her hair swayed with the dance. It was Kong Nianxi. Xi Ning stood in the crowd, slightly dazed. Except for the music, there was no other sound around. Everyone's attention was captivated by the eye-catching figure on the dance machine. As the song came to an end, Kong Nianxi elegantly hopped off and walked straight to a girl to take the water. Turning around, her gaze coincidentally met Xi Ning's. "…" Xi Ning blinked, her eyes glinting faintly. Kong Nianxi paused, holding the water, as she glanced at Xi Ning, then turned her head away expressionlessly. Suddenly, the curly-haired guy jumped out from the corner, gesturing rudely at a No. 11 Middle School student, wearing their school uniform. "Haha, you guys lost again. You can’t even beat us at basketball and arcade games. You guys are a bunch of losers. Get lost already!" "You, him—" A male student with a streak of red in his hair next to him stepped forward angrily but was pushed back by the guy. The guy didn’t show any signs of anger but smiled and said, "We did lose. Let's consider it team-building for both sides. We admit defeat. The billiards hall and the outdoor basketball court near the street belong to you this week, but it won’t necessarily be the same next week." After saying that, several students from No. 11 Middle School pushed and shoved their way out of the arcade. As they passed by, Xi Ning noticed that the guy looked back and followed his gaze to see Kong Nianxi sitting and chatting with the girl on the chair. "…" High school students were inevitably a little impulsive. The three schools were squeezed together in a remote suburb, and the only entertainment street in the vicinity was this one. With frequent encounters and mutual dislike, school conflicts had become common. Gradually, it evolved into a struggle for weekend entertainment venues. Of course, they didn’t always resolve it peacefully. Among the surrounding schools, No. 11 Middle School was notorious for its poor school atmosphere in the entire city, and there had been incidents of students getting stabbed with sharp objects during fights. Xi Ning lowered her gaze, feeling a sudden chill in her heart, frowned, lost in thought, and still stood in place as the people around her dispersed. "Are you here to play, Scholar?" The curly-haired guy was observant and didn’t miss Xi Ning’s thoughtful expression. Her solemn and serious demeanor seemed out of place in that environment. "Is it really you?" He walked closer and theatrically rubbed his eyes, confirming again. Xi Ning looked at him, and with a hint of sarcasm, she said, “Do you need to verify my identity with my ID?” The guy was stunned for a moment. He was used to Xi Ning's "icy" habits and was suddenly taken aback by the cold joke she made, feeling a bit "flattered." Peering over his shoulder at the vacant chair where Kong Nianxi had been, Xi Ning noticed she wasn’t there. "Oh, are you here to find Sister Xixi?" The curly-haired guy slapped his head, talking to himself. "Although I don't know what’s going on between you two, explaining is necessary to resolve conflicts, even if it means being wronged, especially since Sister Xixi is so proud." "…" To his surprise, the curly-haired guy actually seemed to hit the root of the problem. Since this morning when Kong Nianxi moved her desk without a word, Xi Ning could sense her deliberate avoidance and indifference, as well as some emotions that she herself couldn't express. Regardless of what Kong Nianxi was like before, she had escalated her truancy, which was obviously related to Xi Ning. Though unintentional, Xi Ning was responsible for the misunderstanding, which made her feel guilty and uneasy. In any case, this had to be explained in person. She couldn’t find a chance to be alone with Kong Nianxi at school today, and she was deliberately avoiding her. Perhaps now was a more suitable time. Glancing through the bustling crowd, her eyes landed on several machines in front of her. Xi Ning casually said, "I just happened to pass by." With that, she walked away, bypassing the curly-haired guy. "… You just happened to arrive on the third floor?" The guy raised his eyebrows and scratched his head. Not finding Su Yuqi and the others at the recharge card exchange, he reckoned Xi Ning hadn’t found them and went to play first. As she held the card in her hand, Xi Ning walked over to the basketball machine. The vicinity was loud, filled with the music from various entertainment devices and noisy voices. Three out of five basketball machines were occupied. Kong Nianxi was standing in front of the one on the far right, holding a ball aloft. Her shooting motions were sleek and powerful, but the score display showed nothing but zeros. The closer Xi Ning got to the machine, the slower she walked. She wasn’t good at handling such situations, especially after being betrayed and mocked behind her back by those she had trusted. She doubted her ability to manage complicated relationships and tended to display aloofness just to avoid trouble and risks, an instinct for self-protection. Walking while hesitating how to broach the subject, she halted a few meters away, and a girl ran over and jumped to Kong Nianxi's side as they started chatting. Xi Ning stopped in her tracks, hesitated in place, turned around, and walked to the machine next to the one they were using, swiping her card. The basketball machine was activated, and as the basketballs fell, Xi Ning picked one up and casually took a shot, seemingly distracted. "Watching you makes me itchy to play. I want to give it a try too!" Another girl who came to find Kong Nianxi jumped to the neighboring basketball machine. After missing several attempts, she lost interest and turned her attention to the figure who was skillfully landing shots at the adjacent machine. Xi Ning’s gaze was fixed on the hoop, but her mind had drifted far away as she unconsciously threw a couple of balls. Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "You're amazing! Xi Ning, have you played basketball before?" The girl who addressed Xi Ning was in the same class but had never spoken to her. Her train of thought interrupted, Xi Ning hesitated before replying, "I've had some experience." This was because Xi Muc, Xi Ning's brother, particularly enjoyed basketball, but was rather poor at it. He persistently pestered their father to find him a coach, and coincidentally, their father had a friend who was a basketball coach, who taught them for some time. It was during this period that Xi Ning was forced to learn basketball. "Really? No wonder you're so good." The girl turned her head to look back at Kong Nianxi who was still scoring zeros, and couldn't resist telling her, "Hey, Nianxi, stop shooting and take a look at this demonstration over here." Kong Nianxi paused for the first time, panting lightly, beads of sweat glistening on her fair-skinned nose, and a rosy color adorning her cheeks. After hearing the girl’s words, her gaze shifted. "…" The atmosphere fell silent for about two to three seconds. Kong Nianxi gave a slight smirk, though her voice lacked warmth, "Then stay here and watch." With that, she turned away with a cold expression. "Huh?" The girl was puzzled. Xi Ning watched Kong Nianxi's back and stood still without saying a word. "I wonder what has got this lady's temper up. I'll leave for now. You continue playing, Scholar," the girl said, then hurried after Kong Nianxi. "…" As the people disappeared farther, Xi Ning made her final throw before turning and leaving. After taking a few steps, she received a call from Su Yuqi. "I couldn't find you for ages. We’re over by the claw machine. Come over!" Ending the call, Xi Ning hesitated and decided to join them first. As she neared the area with the claw machines, she heard Tu Xiaoyuan's sharp voice from a distance, "I refuse to believe it! If I don’t catch this little fox today, I'm not leaving!" "Ah, just a little more!" "Sigh…." Xi Ning walked over and witnessed Tu Xiaoyuan's unwavering pursuit for the toy. Su Yuqi eventually gave up, releasing the joystick, "This machine is malfunctioning. I'm done. You try your luck." Tu Xiaoyuan was determined, rolling up her sleeves, "Humph, if you want something done right, do it yourself. If I don’t catch it, I won’t leave today!" "…" Feeling anxious about the commotion, Su Yuqi eagerly pulled Xi Ning over, "You’ve nearly spent all the coins in the card without catching anything. Your face is bringing us bad luck. Let Xiaoning give it a shot." Suddenly pulled to the claw machine, Xi Ning looked at the array of colorful dolls inside and said, "I’ve never played this before." "It's all about luck, no skills required. Just give it a shot," Tu Xiaoyuan said, pushing Xi Ning to try her luck regardless. Reluctantly complying, Xi Ning observed the arrangement of the dolls and chose one that appeared easier to grab, then pressed the confirmation button. The machine made some noises, and unexpectedly, she successfully grabbed a doll. "Ah! I actually caught it!" Tu Xiaoyuan was over the moon as she joyously grabbed the first doll from the outlet. Su Yuqi raised her eyebrows, "In all my years, this is the first time I've seen someone grab a doll from a claw machine." "Neinei, I want this one!" Tu Xiaoyuan pointed at the fox she desired, and after a few failed attempts, Xi Ning finally managed to grab the desired fox. Xi Ning’s unexpectedly high success rate at the claw machine excited both Tu Xiaoyuan and Su Yuqi, prompting them to use almost all the coins in the machine. After a few successful grabs, Xi Ning suddenly looked at the time and realized it was nearly 7 o'clock. She pressed her lips together and stood up, saying, "I need to use the restroom." Tu Xiaoyuan, satisfied with her hoard of dolls, said cheerfully, "Alright, hurry back!" …like an exploitative landlord overseeing laborers. As Xi Ning walked to the end of the long row of claw machines and turned around, her peripheral vision caught sight of two machines propped against the wall. She hesitated for a moment. Kong Nianxi, with her jacket still tied around her waist, stood near the machines with her smooth long hair tucked behind her ears. Her collar was slightly open, revealing delicate clavicles, and she had a white Bluetooth earpiece in her right ear as she was intently focused on the machine. This time, Xi Ning didn't hesitate and took a deep breath, walking decisively over. "Scholar?" "…" Nearing, Xi Ning spotted a curly-haired guy standing beside Kong Nianxi at the other machine. She hadn’t spoken, but he called out to her first. Kong Nianxi paused, and as the machine's timer ran out, she let the claw drop unsuccessfully. She reached over to tap the control panel, and a crisp "C" language phrase floated out of her mouth. "…" Conversation was impossible in such a freezing atmosphere. Xi Ning stood a few steps away from her, lips pursed. After a few seconds of silence, she forced herself to break the ice, "Which one do you want… I can help you grab it." Kong Nianxi looked at Xi Ning with surprise, then smirked, not quite smiling. Her tone, however, was icy, “Oh, is that so? I’m honored to be so flattered by your offer.” Standing next to the two, the curly-haired guy’s eyes widened in shock, his ears perked like antennae, sensing that he had stumbled upon a provocative conversation. Xi Ning remained silent and stepped forward to stand in front of the claw machine at Kong Nianxi’s side. Guessing based on her previous aim, she asked tentatively, "Is it this giraffe?" After a moment, Kong Nianxi murmured a low "mm." It was indeed difficult to grab the giraffe, as half of its body was caught underneath the others. However, perhaps due to Xi Ning’s extraordinary stroke of luck that day and her recent practice, she managed to eventually pick up the apparently uncatchable giraffe after first reeling in other nearby dolls. "Amazing, Xining, you're really a god!" The curly-haired guy, suddenly full of excitement, bent down to pick up doll after doll, cradling the rabbits and dogs in his arms. Taking the last giraffe, Xi Ning handed it to Kong Nianxi. After a long pause, no one took it. The curly-haired guy saw Kong Nianxi not moving and cheerfully reached out with a smile, "If you don’t want it, I do. Hey hey, this is the best one out of the bunch." And just as he was about to touch it, Kong Nianxi reached out, took the giraffe, and embraced it, giving the guy a disdainful look as she spoke in a displeased tone, "Who said I didn’t want it? Anything I’ve set my sights on, I won’t give to anyone else." The curly-haired guy’s jaw dropped and, sensing another meaning in her words, shrank back in the next moment, finding Kong Nianxi thrusting the giraffe back towards him. "???" Kong Nianxi turned her head, "I’m going to the restroom. Hold onto this for me. Don’t touch it." The curly-haired guy: "…" With Kong Nianxi leaving, Xi Ning followed suit. The curly-haired guy couldn’t help but ask, "Hey, Scholar, where are you going?" "The restroom." As he watched Xi Ning and Kong Nianxi leave one after the other, the curly-haired guy pointed in the opposite direction and murmured to himself, "But... isn't the restroom that way?" It was Xi Ning's first time there, and she had no idea where the restroom was. She followed behind Kong Nianxi until they reached a desolate fire escape stairwell, where she started sensing something was amiss. Upon nudging the fire escape door, Xi Ning was surprised to find an empty stairwell. "Why are you following me?" Kong Nianxi turned around, propped against the wall, her arms crossed as she fixed her narrowed eyes on Xi Ning. "I…," Xi Ning hesitated to speak, struggling to find her words, but was gradually backed into a corner by Kong Nianxi’s steady approach. Facing the encroaching fragrance of her aura, Xi Ning instinctively took a step back. However, the narrow space of the stairwell left her little room to move. Gradually, Kong Nianxi’s finger lightly touched her shoulder, pinning her to the wall, an enigmatic smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Have you been looking after me?" she taunted. "Do you need something from me?” Under such close quarters, Kong Nianxi's cold and piercing gaze made Xi Ning feel flustered. She hesitated before replying in a deep voice, “I just wanted to clarify some misunderstandings—” Kong Nianxi chuckled and interrupted her, "What more is there to clarify? I already know everything." "You just… wanted to help your male friend pursue me." The stairwell fell silent, the air thick with tension. Kong Nianxi smiled wryly, lowered her head, and spoke in a tremulous voice, "I assumed too much and troubled you. For that, I apologize. Let's just consider it a joke." With the pressure on her shoulder lifted, Kong Nianxi turned to leave, catching Xi Ning off guard. "Don’t think that," she hurriedly interjected. She stood up straight, gripping her sleeve cuffs, and said, “I never had any intention to mock you.” Kong Nianxi paused for a moment and then turned around. It was the first time Xi Ning had faced such a situation. She wasn’t very good at speaking and had long been accustomed to using aloofness to avoid trouble, which left her at a loss for how to handle the current situation. Finally, Xi Ning met Kong Nianxi's gaze and said, "You're really good." "…" After a moment of silence, Kong Nianxi smirked. “Are you... handing me a 'good person' card?”