Chapter 235 - Infinite Mage
Khazra, a nation with relatively weak magical power compared to others, had no officially recognized first-class magicians aside from the association president. In Tormia, the position of head of the Magic Division was typically held by a third-class grand magician. Nevertheless, Shirone was not in a position to evaluate such individuals lightly. Aymar Bosun, as if alleviating his pent-up frustration, gazed at Shirone for a long time. Then, with a slight chuckle, he picked up a dish from the table and approached him. "Greetings. I am Aymar Bosun." Both Shirone and Amy nodded their heads in greeting. Regardless of any political inclination, a fourth-class member of the Red Line was a senior as distant as the sky. While Shirone's rank in the palace might be higher, respecting senior magic-users was a matter of pride for him. "Your abilities are impressive, particularly the power of the Archangel. This could become a great asset to the Kingdom of Khazra. Assuming, of course, that Shirone becomes the first prince." Shirone remained tense and silent. Despite similar provocations, this felt different from when Zion did it. Each word felt like a blade stabbing into his psyche. Bosun offered the dish he'd brought from the other table. "Would you like some?" "No, I'm..." Shirone's face turned pale upon examining the food. It was fresh truffles dusted with cocoa powder, the same type as the poison-laced dessert that once appeared on his family's table. A surge of killing intent filled Shirone's heart. Could Bosun be the one attempting to assassinate them? No, that mattered little. If he weren't the culprit, it made him all the more vile. Observing Shirone's expression, Bosun tilted his head and asked. "Hmm? What's wrong? Don't you like chocolate? It really is delicious." Shirone felt an intense urge to strike Bosun’s chewing jaw. He was so agitated that such violent thoughts crossed his mind. Yet, Bosun remained nonchalant, which only fueled Shirone's anger further. "This...!" Just as an unintentional growl escaped him, Amy grasped his hand. It was a trap. Any noble in the palace knew about the poisoned Fresh Truffles. Bosun merely intended to test Shirone's nerves. With a clear mind, Shirone calmed himself. Seeing that his calculated provocation failed, Bosun predictably lost interest and withdrew the dish. "It was a delightful meeting. Until next time." As Bosun departed, magicians who hadn't even glanced at them began to smirk at Shirone. He was a magician whom none could easily dismiss. Shirone came to realize anew the significance of where he was. "Shirone, are you alright? That guy was provoking you on purpose. You held it well." "Yes, he's quite the villain." Though the night deepened, the banquet showed no signs of ending. The nobles, perhaps in a drunken haze, began dancing the traditional Khazran social dance to the court musician's tune. This was precisely when Shirone and his group were meant to start moving. As the wine flowed and conversations with women commenced, secrets were bound to slip out. The plan was for Reina, with her exceptional auditory skills, to eavesdrop on such talks. According to the initial plan, Shirone and Reina should have been entering the ballroom by now. But Amy noticed Reina standing aside, merely watching, seemingly dismayed by the events of the day. ‘Was she always like this? So different from how she appears.’ Though this trait of Reina's didn't bother Amy, a subtle pang lingered in her chest. Regardless, there was work to be done. Sighing, she approached Reina and gently nudged her towards Shirone. Reina, pretending to resist, walked over to Shirone. Yet even then, she hesitated conspicuously. With a smile, Shirone extended his hand. He had been feeling guilty about scolding her earlier in the day. "Shall we begin?" With Shirone treating her kindly, Reina’s playful spirit resurfaced. "After all the lectures I've endured, wouldn't it be wasted if I didn't use them?" Following Shirone’s lead, Reina moved through the ballroom. Numerous couples danced the same step, gliding by them. To a musician, even amidst the playing of dozens of instruments, specific dissonances can be detected. Similarly for Reina, human voices functioned like instruments from which she gathered a wealth of information. Talks about needing to book a villa for the summer vacation now, discussions about switching banks to stash slush funds, and the whisperings of secret meetings under tight security. If a major event were looming, it inevitably would surface in conversation. Yet, from the information gathered so far, nothing special was apparent. 3. Midnight Ball (5) "It seems tonight will pass quietly. Still, we can't let our guard down." Shirone replied with a smile. Her efforts were not solely to obtain high-level information, but also to reassure him. Shirone was grateful for Reina's efforts. "I'm sorry about earlier today. I guess I was a bit on edge." "Haha, it's okay. Don't worry too much. I'll do my utmost to protect you. But relax; if you're too stiff, you might trip." As Shirone relaxed, the two presented a graceful dance, akin to flowing water. They were the most beautiful couple in the banquet hall. "Hoho! What a truly lovely pair. How could Shirone be so enchanting? It must be thanks to his lineage from His Highness, no doubt." "And what about his partner? They say she's a renowned musician from the Kingdom of Tormia. What a pleasant young lady, just looking at her lifts your mood." Amy stood alongside the noblewomen engaged in conversation. Even from her perspective, Shirone and Reina were undeniably an extraordinary couple. ‘Why are they taking so long?’ Checking the time, Amy realized it was dragging on well past the original schedule. She wondered if new information had come to light when someone approached her. Startled, Amy turned to see Zion and hastily paid her respects. "Greetings, Your Highness." "Well, are you enjoying the banquet?" "Yes, everything is to my satisfaction." Zion smiled with satisfaction. Having dealt with Shirone, who regarded royalty so indifferently, Amy’s demeanor made Zion feel more like a prince. "So, would you be interested in partnering for a dance?" Amy looked at Zion's extended hand. According to custom, to refuse a partner request, one must already have a partner. Since Shirone was dancing with Reina, Amy had no grounds for refusal. Zion had certainly approached with this thought in mind. "Yes. It would be an honor." Amy took Zion's hand and entered the ballroom. Though it was her first time dancing the traditional Khazran dance, with her exceptional dance skills and inherent grace, she easily matched Zion's movements. The gaze from the nobles shifted to Zion and Amy this time. Praise was heaped upon them, rivaling the acclaim showered on the Shirone and Reina couple. Words like charming, beautiful, and noble resounded around. Amy’s face grew warm. Is this what it feels like to be a princess? Yet the thrill ended there. She had never once dreamt of becoming a princess, though she did dream daily of becoming the world's greatest magician. ‘Surprisingly naive. This is unexpected.’ For Zion, watching Amy’s shy demeanor, he thought he was more than halfway through. Having experience in courting noble ladies since he was 12, he knew exactly what words worked in such moments. "You are beautiful." Amy felt as if she was under siege. Was this kid in his right mind? She wanted to shout out in embarrassment. However, given the setting, she had to maintain composure. As she silently simmered with inner emotions and continued dancing, her gaze unintentionally collided with Shirone's from the opposite side. It was truly an instant. Shirone looked surprised. Even in that fleeting moment, something in his eyes seemed to ask a question. Amy quickly averted her gaze. She wasn’t sure why. Perhaps she was simply frightened of meeting Shirone's eyes. In hindsight, she realized that she shouldn't have looked away, but by then, they had already moved too far apart. As her mind grew increasingly tangled and her steps began to falter, Zion smiled. Believing her nerves stemmed from being in his embrace. "Relax. As long as you're with me, no one can look down on you." Zion found Amy endearing. Different from the brazen nobles, her essence was captivating. Thinking her adorable, he pulled her closer, causing Amy's dance to abruptly halt. It was an instinctive reaction before her mind ever processed it. Naturally, the nobles’ attention focused on them. Blushing furiously, Amy struggled to find her composure, quickly coming up with a plan. "Oh, I'm feeling a bit tired. It was enjoyable." Feigning as if she had intended to end the dance from the start, she paid her respects and turned away, causing a flash of ire to appear in Zion’s eyes. He immediately grasped Amy’s wrist and whispered in a low voice. "I've assumed control of Vincent and Olina." Amy’s eyes widened in shock as she swiftly scanned the room, searching for Shirone’s location. In a threatening tone, Zion pressed on. “This isn’t good. Don’t tell anyone and follow quietly. Then Shirone’s parents will be released unharmed.” Amy returned the gaze calmly, pretending indifference. The hardest part was not being able to determine the truth. Reina’s attendant was scheduled to report every hour, with the last update 32 minutes ago. Was it possible to act in those 32 minutes? Or was it enough time? Pretending nothing was amiss, Amy followed Zion. Whatever his intentions, she wasn’t the core of it. In any case, within 28 minutes, Reina would make a move. If she held out, the crisis might turn into an opportunity for another breakthrough. ‘Of course, I need to survive first.’ As the two strolled hand in hand, the nobles' suspicions finally dissipated. It wasn’t unusual for young enamored couples to exit the hall. Yet, Zion was fuming on the inside. The tactic involving Shirone’s parents was Plan B, suggested by Arius. Given Arius’s boast that he could seduce any woman, Zion’s pride was distinctly bruised. ‘Fine. All I needed was to lure her out. I've done my part, Arius.’ Once Amy was removed, Shirone would be isolated. Reina couldn’t dedicate all her time to Shirone with the responsibilities at the palace. And even if she acted later, by then, Shirone’s fate would have been sealed. ‘Heh, farewell, Shirone.’ @ Curious, Reina watched as Shirone sudden pause during the dance. He seemed unaware of his stillness. "Shirone, what's wrong? Is something the matter?" "Uh, it's just... Amy is going somewhere with Zion." Reina looked around urgently. As Shirone mentioned, the two were nowhere to be seen. Her research suggested that Zion wasn't particularly fond of women. Yet like many young men his age, he didn’t avoid them either, and it wasn’t rare for him to spend nights with women. On the surface, it might appear that Zion had taken an interest in Amy. Given that Amy was an enchanting young lady capable of bewitching even royal blood, Zion wouldn’t shy away just because she was Shirone’s friend. The real issue lay with Amy. What did Zion say to make her go with him? Reina glanced at Shirone. He appeared composed, but his gaze was fixed on the door. With a wry smile, she patted his back. If he was going to go no matter what others said, allowing him to leave of his own accord was beneficial. “Go. You can ask Amy yourself what’s going on.” “Can I really?” “What are you talking about? She's your friend. Go on quickly. I’ll take care of things here.” “Then… I’ll be back.” Trying not to be conspicuous, Shirone turned around. But after deciding, he left the grand hall without a backward glance. Reina placed her hands on her hips, exhaling heavily. ‘Have I been too harsh meddling between them? Sigh, how do I fix this personality of mine?’ But now wasn’t the time to focus on emotions. The reason she sent Shirone away first was because the attendant's report was due soon. As important as Amy was, Shirone’s parents’ situation couldn’t be neglected either. ‘Hm? His parents?’ As the thought crossed her mind, Reina had a realization. Amy is not someone who would fall for Zion's tricks easily. Yet, her silent compliance in following him was perplexing. ‘Could it be?’ Reina stomped her foot on the floor. This was no time to wait for the attendant. Besides, if Zion had intervened, it was unlikely they would come. Checking the time, she ran to the lodging where Vincent and Olina were staying. 4. Theraze's Proposal (1) Shirone sprinted towards the royal apartments. He had exited quickly to follow Zion, but Zion had already disappeared. Shirone decided to head to Zion's room first. ‘Why on earth did Amy follow Zion?’ There must be a logical reason, but regardless of what it was, it unsettled him. Strange feelings surged, disrupting his usual train of thought. Upon reaching Zion’s room, Shirone hesitated before turning the doorknob. A troubling thought crossed his mind. Images of Amy dancing with Zion filled his mind. Why did she avert her gaze? If there had been a significant reason, she should’ve signaled to him. The Amy he knew was someone who would do that. ‘Am I... doing this for nothing?’ If, by any chance, it wasn’t what he thought. And if it was exactly what he thought. Shirone shook his head sharply. Amy was not someone to act recklessly in the face of a significant matter. Such thoughts were disrespectful to her. Resolving himself, Shirone opened the door. The room was brightly lit, yet devoid of human presence. However, one person was there. Woo Rin could be seen moving towards the table. “Woo Rin ? Why are you here...?” Woo Rin sat leisurely in a chair. Idly stroking a cat on her lap, she seemed oblivious to his entrance. Yet Shirone was starting to understand that actions visible on the surface were not always the most important. “Woo Rin . Where is Zion right now...?” “Sit down.” Interrupting him, Woo Rin offered him a seat. Her voice bore an uncharacteristic authority. Swallowing his nervousness, Shirone sat across from her. “Why are you in Zion’s room? You weren’t at the ballroom.” “I expected you might come. So I waited.” Shirone was not surprised. She clearly knew what was transpiring at the palace. “Where is Zion?” “Who knows? Somewhere, I suppose.” Woo Rin glanced elsewhere as if disinterested. Shirone felt stifled but knew better than to foolishly push her for answers. He had already revealed his intentions at the demonstration hall. All that was left was her choice. When the silence stretched, Woo Rin finally spoke. “Why did you do it?” Shirone fixed her with a determined gaze. There was no reason for her to claim ignorance. Thus, her current question wasn’t the main point. “Why did you reveal all your power? That was more or less a declaration of war against the Theraze faction. Zion was really upset because of it.”