Chapter 2 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 002: A Cannon Fodder Has a Best Friend? Tic-tac...tic-tac... The sound of a ticking watch. Luo Bo was standing by the entrance of the hotel, casually flipping open his phone whilst waiting for a text from the person he was due to meet for a deal. He hadn't received any message yet. "The lower town isn't far from here, why is she taking so long?" Luo Bo warmed his chilling hands, tightly clutching the leather bag in his arms. He was responsible for meeting a pitiful girl who had been sold by her sister, a mere fifteen-year-old chick. When Luo Bo saw her photo, he almost couldn't resist the urge to keep her for himself. The girl depicted was pitiful yet defiant in some way, impossible to resist. But unfortunately, those in their line of work strictly follow the rule not to “pluck the grass from your own nest", moreover, this girl named Nan Xi has been chosen by a certain gentleman... "Click!" Luo Bo pulled out a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigar in his mouth. He didn't inhale but puffed out a few smoke rings instead. "Damn… This brat better not be having second thoughts, how could she be this late?" Luo Bo grumbled resentfully, feeling the air grow colder. He wasn't particularly afraid of the other party utilizing entrapment laws, considering Nan Yin, the well-known female delinquent of the lower town, surely doesn't have a cleaner record than himself. Having reached a point where she is forced to sell her own sister, Luo Bo wondered if she would soon resort to selling herself. Luo Bo gave it a warped thought, after all, sharing genes, the sister couldn't look that far off... "Buzz!" Just as Luo Bo was lost in thought, a burst of light from a distance stung his eyes. Upon a closer look, it was a drone from the municipal patrol team. Seeing the drone, Luo Bo quickly put out his cigar and turned around to avoid being caught on the camera. However, in the reflection of the glass door as he turned, Luo Bo spotted a patrol car from the Skyboat Security Agency. Damn, talk about bad luck! Running into the cops during a transaction! Luo Bo thought furiously, but he began to lose his cool as he saw a male and female officer stepping out of the patrol car, heading in his direction. "What's going on?” Alarm bells started to ring in Luo Bo’s head, his hand subtly held onto the suppressant in his bag. The item was his trump card, capable of temporarily reactivating his special abilities which were previously sealed off due to his criminal record. "Sir, could I ask…” By this point, the male officer had already approached Luo Bo who could tell that the policeman was about to strike up a conversation. Shit! Cursed inwardly, Luo Bo promptly swung open the large door of the hotel, swiftly heading for the back door. "Stop! Police!" Spotting Luo Bo’s suspicious behavior, the male officer quickly reached for his stun gun while chasing Luo Bo into the hotel. "Philo Street District, Chia Hotel, requesting backup." The female officer swiftly activated her power ring upon seeing this - her special ability was x-ray vision, which allowed her to track Luo Bo’s movements from afar. “Zhang, he entered from the back door, it's a crowded area, try to avoid using firearms." ……………… "Damn it, that bitch didn't just sell me out, did she?” Luo Bo cursed as he knocked over a bystander who was in his way. Glancing back at the pursuing officers, it became clear that he was a marked man. While swiftly passing through the hotel lobby, he decided to alter his escape route, making a beeline for the hotel’s back exit which led to a plaza. His special ability was fire-based. A few balls of fire would be no trouble to conjure, but the police wouldn't dare to act rashly in crowded situations. As he thought this, Luo Bo darted across the street while simultaneously opening the suppressant in his bag. Worst case scenario… He would take out these two cops before running into the lower town... “Huh?” Squeeech—— Suddenly, the sound of brakes squealing brought Luo Bo to a halt. Following soon after was the world spinning around him. A twisted pain emanated from his left arm as he felt something violently collide with him. Finally, inertia threw him onto the ground. “What..." Luo Bo barely managed to open his eyes, his vision blurred into a sea of red. The last thing he saw, was a dazzling silver-haired figure on a shared bike... “Don't move! Police!” …………… "Squeeee-" With a heavy brake, Nan Yin turned into an alley, smashing the electronic lock of the shared bike before tossing it into a nearby garbage bin. Then, bag in hand, she headed to the end of the alley and took another route onto the main street. Everything went smoothly. With her interference, the human trafficker Luo Bo was now arrested. The suppressant she had on him was enough to get him into serious trouble since it was a military illicit item. [Ding, Congratulations on completing mission one: Bring the human trafficker to justice.] [Reward issued: Fifty health points.] As the voice in her head ceased announcing, Nan Yin felt a warm flow coursing quickly from her abdomen throughout her body. Immediately, Nan Yin was relieved of the lingering weakness she had experienced since coming into this body. The dull aches that had been spread across her body vanished - Even the dryness and clogging sensation in her throat disappeared. "Cough, cough...hmm…" Nan Yin attempted to make a sound and indeed, the resulting sound was no longer the husky voice she had before. What she heard instead was a melodious, girlish voice. To think, the original body's voice was quite pleasing to the ear. Upon this thought, Nan Yin began to anticipate the appearance of the body she currently inhabited. For some unknown reason, the face was masked with thick makeup, making it impossible to discern the original appearance. In the game, her character didn't even have a profile picture, so Nan Yin had no way to estimate the original’s beauty. "Hmm?” Nan Yin got lost in her thoughts while she waited at a crossing. No voice was heard in her mind for almost fifteen minutes, she figured there won't be a new mission assigned for a short while. Hmm? So what was she expected to do now? Would she go home and face her sister, Nan Xi, with whom she had an awkward relationship? While contemplating this, Nan Yin remembered from the original’s memory, she dialed up a known contact. "Hello? Boss, have you settled everything?" The call was quickly picked up, and a young female voice came from the other side of the line. Judging from the background noise, it seemed she was in transit. "Alright, it's all settled. Come and pick me up," Nan Yin thought for a while before speaking, trying to match the tone the original would use when speaking to this person. However, Nan Yin overlooked the significant change in her voice. Naturally, the person on the other end of the call was taken aback upon hearing Nan Yin’s voice, she exclaimed after a brief pause: "Holy smokes! Boss! What miraculous pill did you take? Your voice is cured!" “……Is it settled, are you coming or not?", Reflecting on the original’s coping methods in the past, Nan Yin opted to bypass the startled girl’s reaction, instead, she responded with impatience. Perhaps used to Nan Yin's hot temper, the girl on the other side of the call didn't mind her attitude. Successfully diverting her attention, the girl spoke in a hearty manner: "Coming, of course, I am! I'd even turn down the King of Heaven's request but not yours, boss." "Boss, will you ping me your location? Trust my driving skills, I guarantee I'll be there in ten minutes no matter where you are in Tianzhou city!" …………… After ending the call, Nan Yin took a deep breath. She couldn't keep imitating the original's character and tone forever, she had to quickly deal with the original’s personal relations. She had called one of the original’s young gang members and best friend, Jiang Mi. She also lived in the lower town and went to the same high school, Luolan High School, and was in the same class as the original. Jiang Mi was orphaned since childhood, stuck by Nan Yin’s side after she saved her in a past incident. Jiang Mi was inherently kind and unconditionally supported Nan Yin no matter what she did, including selling Nan Xi. Though Jiang Mi had attempted to dissuade Nan Yin countless times -arguing that there was no need to be so ruthless to Nan Xi who was her sister- the deal with Luo Bo ultimately went through due to Nan Yin's firm resolve. Within the game plot, Nan Yin, being the cannon fodder, didn’t have such a best friend. This was what she gathered from the original’s memories after transmigrating. Not long after, before even ten minutes had lapsed, an old van parked in front of Nan Yin. A girl clad in a worn-out leather jacket with beautiful orange hair hopped out of the driver’s seat. She approached Nan Yin, understandably stunned, meddling with Nan Yin’s face in disbelief. "Boss! Your throat is actually cured? You look much more energetic than before!" Jiang Mi's surprise was written all over her face.