Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Pressed by Xi Ning to obediently study during evening self-study, the school bell rang in the blink of an eye. Kong Nianxi, unusually, didn't leave early or rush out as soon as the bell rang. Instead, she sat at her desk, twirling her pen leisurely, waiting for most of the classmates to leave. After Xi Ning finished tidying up, she curved her eyebrows and reached out her hand, "Girlfriend, let's go~" Xi Ning put her book away and smiled helplessly. She turned and held Kong Nianxi's hand, intertwining their fingers. As they passed by Kong Nianxi's dormitory, they could hear the lively chatter inside. Kong Nianxi didn't stop, she just held Xi Ning's hand and headed straight to their room. Xi Ning shared the room with two others, so it was relatively quiet. According to her roommates' habits, they wouldn't return until it was almost lights out. Kong Nianxi smiled at Xi Ning as she unlocked the door, then proficiently closed it behind them after entering. "Now we can discuss tonight's sleeping arrangements, can't we?" "..." Xi Ning placed her bag on the desk, and Kong Nianxi sat on her lower bunk, picking up the pink leopard plush at the head of her bed and playfully pinching its soft, chubby bottom. Kong Nianxi had placed this pink leopard on the bed as a decorative addition, finding Xi Ning's bedsheets too plain. The dormitory had been closed up all day, so it was a bit stuffy inside. Xi Ning walked over and opened the balcony door to let in some fresh air. With a smiling tone, she suggested, "It's not that we can't, but let's wait until after the exams. It's a bit cramped for two people to share a bed, and not getting a good rest tonight could affect tomorrow's exam." Exams, exams, cursed exams... Kong Nianxi lay on the bed with the pink leopard in her arms, playfully rolling around a bit, and pouted, "You've never slept with me, how do you know if it's cramped or not?" Xi Ning turned and walked over with a light smile, standing at the bedside for a moment. She said with a hint of helplessness, "Be good, go back to sleep early tonight." Upon hearing this, Kong Nianxi immediately puffed out her cheeks with an aggrieved look and gazed at Xi Ning, "I've studied an extra hour tonight. If there's no reward, that's fine, but are you really sending me away?" After speaking, she raised her leg and teasingly rubbed against Xi Ning's leg. Remembering her previous experience, Xi Ning stood firmly this time, only slightly tilting her head, looking somewhat helpless. However, Kong Nianxi had indeed performed well tonight. A little praise and reward should be given; otherwise, the child might develop a rebellious attitude – as Xi Ning remembered reading in a book on educational psychology during her free time. Suppressing the restless leg that was touchingly rubbing against her, Xi Ning sat down beside her and said slowly, "Well..." As the words were about to come out, she found it a bit hard to articulate. She looked down at the floor and cleared her throat, saying, "Goodnight kiss, can be extended by half a minute." The light above Kong Nianxi's head was blocked by Xi Ning as she lay on her back in the lower bunk's shadow. However, her eyes brightened. She moved closer to Xi Ning, and with slightly tousled hair, she looked up at Xi Ning lazily, the slightly upturned corner of her eyes containing a hint of ambiguity, "Tonight, I want to try a different position." Xi Ning: "..." Kong Nianxi changed her position to a comfortable lying down posture, with a faint smile on her face as she looked directly at Xi Ning, then beckoned with her finger and pointed to her own lips, "Come here, kiss me." Xi Ning's faint eyes blinked, she looked at Kong Nianxi's lying posture, pondered for a moment about how to kiss her in this position, and her back slightly tensed. "Xi Ning, am I your girlfriend?" Kong Nianxi chuckled softly, raised her upper body, leaned towards her neck, and then dragged Xi Ning towards herself, and the two girls ended up lying in each other's arms on the bed. The bed beneath them was narrow. Kong Nianxi hugged Xi Ning and turned over, pressing Xi Ning's back against the hard wall on the side. Recovering her senses, Xi Ning found Kong Nianxi's face only inches away from hers. “Wait…” She was about to speak when Kong Nianxi covered her mouth. The wet, soft tip of her tongue slid across her lips, tenderly sucking, making a subtle, ambiguous sound. After a light kiss, Kong Nianxi lifted her head, rubbing her fingertip over where her lips had just been, gazing deeply at Xi Ning, with a smile tugging at her lips, "Alright, now it's your turn to kiss me." Xi Ning's head was a little dizzy, and lying on her side on the bed made her feel unsupported. She looked at Kong Nianxi, who was lying there, and couldn't help but feel a bit short of breath. It was as if she was instinctively drawn to it. She leaned down and slowly brought her soft lips to Kong Nianxi's. Their warm breaths intertwined, each teasing touch was filled with profound affection until the breathing beside her ear became noticeably rapid. Xi Ning stiffened her hand against the bed and ended the kiss. It was indeed a bit longer than the usual goodnight kiss. After the deep kiss ended, Kong Nianxi's lips looked especially red, almost glaringly so. She lay on the bed with her eyes half-closed, lazily holding the pink leopard plush in her arms. Xi Ning looked at her porcelain-like neck, her fair and delicate skin, unable to help feeling a dryness in her mouth and throat. As if by some inexplicable force, she leaned in slowly. As she entered with the light on, just as her name was about to be called, the door was pushed open. Xi Ning thought Kong Nianxi had locked the door, but it seemed she had only closed it tightly. Tu Xiaoyuan had come to chat with Xi Ning for a while, but as she pushed the door open, she saw the two of them in a very strange but intimate embrace. Xi Ning's lips were poised to kiss Kong Nianxi's neck at any moment! Well, she was seeing Xi Ning acting so assertive and seductive for the first time. Could it be that she hadn't woken up properly? Tu Xiaoyuan rubbed her eyes and, confirming once again that this wasn't a dream, she felt the atmosphere become awkward. Xi Ning stood up, and though her expression was slightly stiff, Kong Nianxi remained composed, not getting up, lazily propped up against the bed, with a smile on her face. "Is there something you need?" Xi Ning said, forcing a smile. "Uh, uh, I have something. I'll just leave, ha-ha." Tu Xiaoyuan didn't make much sense, but she had a strong feeling that it wasn't suitable for her to stay in this strange atmosphere, so she sensibly turned and left, making sure to firmly close the door behind her. "..." "Have you not told her yet?" Kong Nianxi leaned against the wall on her side and looked at Xi Ning. "Yes." Xi Ning answered candidly. Her reserved and low-key character was evidently different from Kong Nianxi's outgoing nature, and they often had different attitudes towards many things. So when it came to publicly acknowledging their relationship, she was more cautious and considered. Kong Nianxi understood Xi Ning's personality. She tidied her disheveled hair and collar, walked over, and said softly, "I've told my mom and a few of my closest friends about our relationship. Do you mind?" Xi Ning, touched by her cautious tone, felt a slight twinge of tenderness. She reached out to smooth the corner of Kong Nianxi's clothes and said with a smile, "Why would I? I'm very happy." Kong Nianxi held Xi Ning's hand to her lips and kissed it, then smiled, "Great, why not come over to my place this Friday? I can introduce you to them, and we can make up for the date I was owed over the weekend." Xi Ning hadn't expected Kong Nianxi to remember this. She lightly agreed as she didn't have much else to do on the weekend, only that every weekend she would see Kong Nianxi staying in the apartment nearby, never seeing her go home, arousing some curiosity in her. "Are you not going home this week either?" Xi Ning asked. "Home?" Kong Nianxi looked at her and smiled before saying, "I'm indifferent. As far as I'm concerned, the small apartment is my home." Xi Ning realized something, but didn't know how to broach the subject, so she remained silent. Kong Nianxi didn't mind, and with a natural expression said, "I come from a single-parent family, and I've always lived with Kong Ying, who is my nominal mother. However, she's usually very busy and I rarely see her. I've long been accustomed to living alone." Xi Ning was momentarily stunned, "Nominal..." Kong Nianxi smiled, "Because biologically, she's my second aunt. My biological mother gave birth to me before getting married, and not long after, she passed away in an accident." Kong Nianxi spoke in a calm voice, as if she was discussing a trivial matter. Xi Ning stood still for a while, then gently took her hand and whispered, "I'm sorry..." Kong Nianxi burst into a big, carefree smile, "Why are you apologizing? I was afraid you'd think it was melodramatic. Kong Ying told me all this when I was old enough to understand, so I don't have any other thoughts. Besides..." Kong Nianxi took a step forward and embraced her, smiling gently, "Now that I have you, I feel so content. Even when I'm old and unable to walk, or when I've lost all my teeth, I'll still see you by my side, right?" Xi Ning opened her mouth, only to find her throat felt constricted, leaving her unable to speak. She tightened her embrace around Kong Nianxi and rested her chin on her slender shoulder, nodding firmly. Author's note: After finishing writing, I realized that ending it quietly like this seems quite suitable *laughs* Of course, that's not true, there's more to come.

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