Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Xi Ning was sitting in a chair, with Roushun, a young girl, on her lap. Her fragrant hair brushed against Xi Ning's nose, leaving a faint sweet scent. She tossed aside the pen in her hand and interlaced her fingers, which Kong Nianxi held and placed on her waist. The embrace from behind, the warmth seeped through the closely fitted fabric and spread on her skin. Xi Ning blinked and tried to pull her arm back, but her hand was held tightly, and the cool touch of the fingertips gently hooked her palm. "... Stop fooling around and sit down." Her line of sight was completely blocked, making it impossible to continue with her work. After bearing it for a while, Xi Ning spoke up, urging the person to sit down. "I'm not going down." Kong Nianxi leaned back, her thin back almost sticking to Xi Ning's face, and the scent in the air was particularly strong. Turning over the test paper on the table, Kong Nianxi complained and coquettishly said, "It takes so long to finish this paper, and I have no motivation to pick up the pen until I complete it and get a reward." As expected, Xi Ning helplessly raised the corner of her lips, "So what?" Kong Nianxi stood up, turned around, and straddled her, face to face, with a bargaining smile, "How about you kiss me once for every three questions I complete? Is that okay?" Xi Ning leaned back on the chair and met her gaze. However, the distance was too close, and the position made her a little uncomfortable, so she turned her eyes away and gently adjusted her shoulder to straighten her body, "Six questions." "Deal~" Kong Nianxi smiled, readily returned to her seat. "...Fine." Xi Ning raised her eyebrows, and indeed, she caught a glimpse of the smug smile on her lips. However, this method indeed worked well. Kong Nianxi's efficiency improved a lot, and her motivation to study soared. Nonetheless... it soared too much. After completing two sets of test papers, kisses progressed from simple lip touches to deeper kisses, demanding more each time – one second, half a minute, two minutes... "Put a little more of your tongue... and lick me." "..." Blushing, Xi Ning pushed her away, her voice low and hoarse as she reminded her, "Only kissing." Kong Nianxi pouted, her lips still carrying the rosy hue from the kiss. Her delicate collarbone was faintly visible under the slightly messy neckline, leading to a slender and smooth neck. She lazily leaned back against the chair, tapping her fingertips on the desk, breathing lightly. For some reason, she was never satisfied with Xi Ning. Before this, she had thought of herself as having a psychological aversion to physical contact, even shunning the slightest touch from her former "boyfriend" after dumping the boy who attempted to hold her hand. However, she never thought of dating someone else during her school days to pass the time, as the monotonous school life itself was more interesting. Until she met Xi Ning. Being in a relationship is really nice. Sitting at the desk, flipping to the next page of the test paper, Kong Nianxi suddenly felt passionate about studying, "Let's continue~" Although she was pleased that Kong Nianxi was displaying rare enthusiasm for studying, Xi Ning touched her numb lips and glanced at the time. Clearing her throat, she suggested, "It's been two hours. Let's take a break; balance work and rest." It was rare for Xi Ning to take the initiative to suggest a break. Putting down her pen, Kong Nianxi leaned in and pecked at the corner of Xi Ning's eye, saying, "Alright, I'll listen to you. Let's go downstairs for a walk and buy some ingredients. We can cook at home tonight." Xi Ning had only cooked once here. The refrigerator contained some frozen food and drinks, with many open condiments, indicating that Kong Nianxi rarely cooked on her own. She curiously asked, "Do you know how to cook?" "No, but you do." Ever since tasting the hamburgers Xi Ning made, Kong Nianxi had been thinking about it. Although they used pre-made ingredients, Xi Ning's cooking was much better than her own, and her skilled movements showed that she knew how to cook. Having Xi Ning cook for her made her happy. After making the arrangement, Kong Nianxi went to her room to change, while Xi Ning waited on the sofa in the living room. At this moment, she received a message on her phone. 【Xi Mu: Ding, are you not coming home tonight?】 Their previous message was two weeks ago, and the record of Xi Mu asking her for money was still there. Xi Mu rarely initiates contact unless he needs something, directly asking, 【Anything wrong?】 【Xi Mu: Sigh, you not being at home means all the attention is on me. Even peeling an orange gets me scolded. I'm going crazy at home.】 Xi Mu poured out a series of complaints, creating an image of a neglected high school student. Finally, he revealed his purpose, 【Won't you come back tonight to save me?】 Her response made Xi Mu's request appear cold and indifferent, 【Not necessarily.】 【Xi Mu: ? But I just saw Xiao Yuan's friend circle post. Xiao Yuan and Su Su are out shopping and having bubble tea. You're probably not with them, are you? Don't tell me you're really staying at school to study?】 Xi Mu wasn't intentionally prying, but his sister's social circle and daily life were too simple. During the weekend, she either stayed at home reading or went out with Xiao Yuan and Su Yuqi. Suddenly not coming home late at night and not being with these two friends was very unusual. 【Xi Mu: Tsk, I had a hunch last time that something was off with you. Could it be... you're in a relationship?】 "..." Xi Ning didn't respond for a while. 【Xi Mu: !? No way, no way, did I really guess it right? Well...】 【Xi Mu: Wait, you didn't come home last night, could it be...】 【Xi Mu: Sis! Even if, but, be careful of that scumbag!!】 "..." Seeing the nonsensical messages, Xi Ning frowned, 【It's not a guy. Don't jump to conclusions.】 【Xi Ning: Oh, that's good.】 【Xi Mu: ? ? ? ?】 Xi Mu sent a long string of question marks and exclamation marks, revealing his feelings, but Xi Ning was too lazy to respond. She didn't want to have too much conversation at the moment and just turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket. "Rumble—" Suddenly, a muffled thunder sounded faintly, and the previously clear sky outside was now densely covered with dark clouds. Soon, the pitter-patter of rain struck the thick glass windows. The recent sharp drop in temperature and unpredictable weather disrupted their original plan. Xi Ning took out her phone and opened a certain app, saying, "Then let's wait for food delivery at home. What dishes do you feel like eating?" Looking out into the pouring rain, Kong Nianxi thought for a moment and said, "How about hot pot?" The pouring rain outside made it suitable to enjoy hot pot in the warm home. No preparation was needed for hot pot; they could just order it later. It was only four in the afternoon, and due to the rain, the outdoor light was dim. The living room lights were turned on, and a movie was playing on the TV. Kong Nianxi huddled on the soft sofa, holding a drowsy TATA, and her gaze quietly shifted from the screen. She then saw Xi Ning holding a book and reading intently beside her. ... She deliberately picked a good romantic movie, but the other party didn't seem interested in watching it. Kong Nianxi raised her eyebrows, about to speak, but her eyes fell on Xi Ning's quiet profile, and she couldn't help but take a few more glances. Her straight, delicate nose, deep and restrained eyes, slightly thin but attractive lips, and exquisite facial features were impeccable under the warm-colored light. Like a painting that was impossible to divert one's eyes from. Kong Nianxi picked up the tablet from the table. Flipping through the pages with her fingers, her neck was a little stiff from reading for a long time. Xi Ning adjusted her shoulder after glancing at Kong Nianxi for a few seconds. Kong Nianxi handed her a tablet. She lowered her head in confusion to take a look and saw a side portrait of a person on the screen. It looked somewhat familiar at first glance, but upon closer inspection, Xi Ning's eyes widened slightly. "Did you draw this?" "Yes, do you think it looks good?" "...It looks good." Kong Nianxi chuckled as she looked at her, "You're quite good at complimenting yourself." "...," Xi Ning coughed lightly in embarrassment and looked at the tablet a few more times. Although she had never learned to draw, and her appreciation level was not high, she was secretly amazed. Kong Nianxi took the tablet from her lap and inadvertently saw a dense mass of English letters on the open book below. She let out a sigh, purse her lips, then suddenly leaned into Xi Ning's arms and rested her head on her lap, "Between me and this book, which do you like more?" The sudden question caught Xi Ning off guard, and after locking eyes for two seconds, she couldn't help but rub her head, smiling, "The movie you're watching is a cheesy romance, right?" "Stop interrupting." Kong Nianxi lazily rested on Xi Ning's lap, her bright eyes staring at her. However, she paused and suddenly sighed softly, "I sometimes worry that I'll fall behind your pace if I'm not careful." Before Xi Ning could react to the meaning of her words, Kong Nianxi's lips suddenly brightened with a cheerful smile again, "Luckily, it's not too late now." It was a fleeting moment of sensitivity and playfulness typical of the early stages of a relationship. After Kong Nianxi finished speaking, she casually sat back down. Xi Ning looked at her profile and blinked before saying after a moment, "What do you think of City B?" "Ah?" Kong Nianxi was puzzled for a moment and responded, "I've visited a few times before, and it's quite nice." "Do you want to attend university there?" "..." Kong Nianxi hesitated for a second, her eyelashes fluttering, before turning her head with a smile, "Are you already eager to plan our future?" Xi Ning calmly responded with a "Hmm" and added, "There's a career planning assignment due this week. You probably haven't done it yet." At the mention of the assignment, half of Kong Nianxi's smile faded. "Your grades are so excellent, you'll definitely be admitted to the top medical schools. But... upon careful consideration, I realize that I don't actually like studying medicine," Kong Nianxi lamented. Xi Ning couldn't help but laugh, "Because that's not your goal; you have your own career aspirations." "Career aspirations..." "You'll need to consider them when working on the career planning assignment." "..." Just the thought of the assignment stressed Kong Nianxi out, and she leaned into Xi Ning's arms, "Can I just write anything?" "You can for now, but you should also have a general directional goal." "Ugh..." Frowning, Kong Nianxi cuddled against Xi Ning, feeling unhappy. While Kong Yun—Kong Nianxi's legal mother in the context of law, had been frank with her since childhood about her unconventional family background, treating her more like a friend and fostering her abilities to live independently from an early age, striving to help her accept the fact that she had no parents and even her birth was not without blemish. This approach had been successful, at least in maintaining Kong Nianxi's outlook on life. Her values hadn't bent or twisted; on the contrary, they were even healthier than some children from normal families. However, certain emotions were etched into her genes and couldn't be erased. Just as many people need a strong bond to feel rooted in this world and alive, Kong Nianxi was similar. She could enjoy the present, make lots of friends to enrich her life, but she never anticipated the future, because at those times, the feeling of being alone was particularly clear. Like a kite with a broken string, without guidance, freedom becomes aimless emptiness. Once the numbing sensation wears off, it will plunge into an abyss. Xi Ning patted her back, "It's okay; just follow your interests. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, I will be with you in the future."

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