Chapter 75

Chapter 75 The tension persisted until Kong Nianxi was escorted into the examination room, where Xi Ning waited outside, feeling anxious. It's not that she lacked confidence in Kong Nianxi's professional level and talent. During the few months of intensive training, Xi Ning witnessed her remarkable growth and still saved every piece of work shared by Kong Nianxi on her phone. However, the competition in this exam was equally fierce. After all, it was an extremely low admission rate for a top art academy. Every year, the norm for candidates who failed was to retake the exam the following year. Besides, she knew that Kong Nianxi had only prepared for the entrance exam of this school. To avoid affecting Kong Nianxi's mentality, Xi Ning did not show this emotion. However, compared to her nervousness, Kong Nianxi seemed as relaxed as if she was just sightseeing. She happily planned the celebration activities after the exam while having breakfast. This season, city B was much colder than their city. Xi Ning, calculating that the exam would soon be over, queued to buy a cup of hot milk tea, then returned to continue waiting. Worried about the chilly wind, she tucked it into her clothes to keep warm. Kong Nianxi spotted Xi Ning's face amidst the crowd as she emerged from inside. Quietly sneaking up from behind, she covered Xi Ning's eyes and arched her lips high, saying, "Classmate, may I interview you? Are you waiting for your darling girlfriend to finish her exam?" Helplessly, Xi Ning handed over the milk tea, "Are you tired? Did the exam go smoothly?" "A little tired, but as soon as I think about you waiting for me outside, I'm not tired anymore." With her chin resting on Xi Ning's shoulder, Kong Nianxi rubbed against it before letting go, taking the milk tea with a relaxed expression. "Naturally, the exam was a breeze. After the retest, I'll be completely free!" Seeing her confident smile, Xi Ning also relaxed. She had intended to remind her about the upcoming college entrance exam but held back. As Kong Nianxi took the milk tea, she touched Xi Ning's hand, feeling the coldness. She saw that her fingers were red from the cold and quickly held them, feeling sorry, "Why are your hands so cold? Why not warm them in your pockets?" Only then did Xi Ning notice that her fingers were indeed a little numb from the cold. Distracted by her thoughts on Kong Nianxi, she hadn't realized it. "It's okay, it's not very cold." As she finished speaking, Kong Nianxi suddenly lowered her head and kissed her fingers. Xi Ning recoiled like an electric shock, "Don't do that... It's unhygienic." Kong Nianxi looked aggrieved, "Do you despise me?" "...," Xi Ning sighed, "I don't despise you." Pursing her lips, Kong Nianxi suddenly tiptoed and gave Xi Ning a peck on the lips, taunting, "Now we're even." With people coming and going around them, Xi Ning was not prepared for Kong Nianxi to kiss her in public. Glancing at a girl standing nearby with widened eyes, her ears turned red as she grabbed Kong Nianxi and moved forward. "I've arranged for a ride. Let's go wait at the intersection ahead." "Huh? Where are we going?" "Back to the hotel to pack." "Ah... are you leaving so soon?" Although reluctant, with Kong Nianxi's retest approaching, Xi Ning did not want to interfere. She had only taken a day off and had to return to school the next day. The second meeting was after half a month in late March. Xi Ning had taken leave for the second time in high school to pick up Kong Nianxi, who had successfully completed the retest. The classroom blackboard displayed a countdown to the college entrance exam, with less than a hundred days remaining until June 7th. Throughout the entire senior year, Kong Nianxi had fallen behind in her review progress. Therefore, her idea of relaxing after the art exam was naturally vetoed by Xi Ning. Disregarding the teachers' progress, Xi Ning had tailored an efficient study plan specifically for Kong Nianxi. The two of them huddled in the back corner, with desks stacked high with piles of books. After completing the necessary tasks assigned by the teachers, Xi Ning started providing additional help to Kong Nianxi, recharging whenever tired. Fortunately, Kong Nianxi had a very solid foundation. With Xi Ning's plan, she quickly returned to the level before the intensive training. Not only that, her results continued to improve in various minor and major exams in the third year. Their rankings also began to consistently occupy the top two spots in the grade, leaving the third place far behind without even realizing it. The moonlight was like silver. On the open terrace of the sixth floor of the girls' dormitory, their breaths intertwined. The footsteps occasionally sounded from two meters outside the glass door. As their lips were about to part, Xi Ning leaned against Kong Nianxi's forehead and whispered, "Let's go back; someone is coming." Kong Nianxi, as if not satisfied, licked her lips, "I closed the gap between our scores by ten points this time." Xi Ning murmured, her voice slightly hoarse, "You're amazing." "...," Kong Nianxi hugged her neck reluctantly, "Stop, this time you can't get away with it. It's time to fulfill your promise." Xi Ning lowered her gaze to meet Kong Nianxi's eyes, her emotions restrained. She then leaned closer inch by inch and kissed her on the lips, taking the initiative. After a few seconds, Kong Nianxi gently pushed her away, breathing slightly ragged, "That's not it; I want... a different reward." "..." Xi Ning awkwardly turned her head to look at the glass door that could be pushed open at any moment. Kong Nianxi pinched her chin and turned it towards herself, "I've locked the door. No one will come in." Xi Ning felt even more uneasy, "But, this place should be considered a public area..." Kong Nianxi chuckled, "What are you thinking? Of course, I don't mean here." Xi Ning: "..." She just wanted to mention that locking the public area's door at will was not quite right. "Huh? Who locked the door? Who's so rude?" At that moment, the doorknob of the glass door turned a few times, and someone shouted from outside. Carrying a cup of instant noodles, the girl continued muttering in her heart, but the next moment, the door was pushed open from the outside. She saw a familiar face hurriedly passing by and was immediately stunned. Although they weren't acquainted, the girl knew Xi Ning. Her photo appeared on the school's honor roll downstairs, maintaining the top position. It was hard not to recognize her. Just when she was curious about why the top student of the grade was not studying on such a late night, she caught sight of Kong Nianxi, who hadn't studied for half a year during the training and managed to increase her grades after returning. The latter lazily walked out with a faint blush on her cheeks and an ambiguous look in her eyes. "...," The girl couldn't help but recall some minor rumors about these "big shots." In mid-to-late April, the professional exam scores for the school exams were released. Kong Nianxi's performance was exceptionally outstanding, even higher than expected. Xi Ning's long-standing worry finally subsided. As Kong Nianxi held Xi Ning's hand and felt the clammy sweat in her palm, she asked with a tilted eye, "Why are you so nervous?" Xi Ning blinked a few times and mumbled, "Really? It seems so." Kong Nianxi pulled a tissue from the table and wiped her palm, unable to hide a smile, "If anyone should be nervous, it should be me. If I don't pass, it's okay, I can just retake." "Stop talking nonsense." Xi Ning scolded as she patted her hand, "But you can't retake it now; you have to go to city B with me." Leaning on Xi Ning, Kong Nianxi sounded a bit regretful, "Yes, but don't you think that's also good?" "?" Xi Ning stared at her with wide eyes. Kong Nianxi's playful voice came as she leaned in, cupping her hand next to Xi Ning's ear to whisper, "This way, I'll be your junior sister. Isn't it exciting to date a high school junior sister?" "..." Xi Ning shook her shoulder and pushed her away, "I don't like junior sisters." Kong Nianxi became intrigued, linking their pinkies playfully, "Why not? Don't you like junior sisters?" The classroom was very quiet, with only the sound of pen nibs writing. Hidden behind a stack of desks teetering with books, Xi Ning whispered, "I only like dating you." With the countdown getting shorter and the weather getting hotter, in the last few weeks before graduation, the school began to arrange class photos for the senior students. Time was tight, and the girls, who had been living plain-faced lives since entering their senior year, maximized the limited resources to look as exquisite as possible. After all, this would be a keepsake of their most beautiful years. Having applied lipstick to each other, Xi Ning and Kong Nianxi held hands as they arrived at the library entrance to assemble for the photos. Everyone stood in rows according to their height on the steps. Kong Nianxi squeezed in next to Xi Ning, standing shoulder to shoulder with her in the last row of girls. She even tiptoed discreetly, but the result was getting tired of standing for too long and began swaying, occasionally bumping into Xi Ning's shoulder. Seeing Kong Nianxi's subtle movements, Xi Ning sighed and wanted to advise her to step down to the lower step, so she wouldn't tire herself as much. However, she hesitated and dismissed the idea, instead raising her hand to wrap around Kong Nianxi's waist from below, steadying her. If you'd like to read the full translation, please let me know and I will provide it for you. "Hey, the two girls in the back row, you're standing too close. Could you please separate a bit?" The photographer gestured to the two of them, drawing everyone's attention to the back row. At the sound of this, everyone's gaze turned to the back row. Those who knew the truth, those who had shipped them in jest, and those who were simply observant quickly noticed the subtle actions of Xi Ning and Kong Nianxi. Some whispered remarks of playful teasing circulated around the group. Soon, someone called out, "They have a good relationship. Let them stand closer!" "Yeah, let them be close!" "Let them stand closer, please!" The photographer chuckled at the students' banter, finding it harmless, and didn't say anything more. "Attention, look here. Get ready. One, two, three..." Kong Nianxi's face leaned slightly closer to Xi Ning's, her lips curved into a bright smile, and, accompanied by the camera flash, this moment was forever captured. June. The day after the college entrance exam ended, all the senior three students returned to the school to organize the textbooks and materials left behind in the classrooms. They hadn't realized before, but after organizing, they found that the small desks could actually hold so many books, along with torn calendars, eye masks, pillows, and various odds and ends. Several boxes were not enough to contain it all. Not knowing which class started first, everyone rushed onto the outside corridor, tossing exam papers and torn book pages, fluttering like snowflakes down below. This was a kind of tradition. When they were in senior one and senior two, they had also cleared up the aftermath left by the senior sisters and brothers of senior three. Outside, the cheers of liberation resounded, but only Kong Nianxi and Xi Ning remained quietly seated in the classroom. Knowing that Kong Nianxi enjoyed a lively atmosphere, Xi Ning nudged her with her elbow, "Why don't we also go outside?" Kong Nianxi looked at the tidy and unwrinkled textbooks on Xi Ning's desk and said, "Are you willing to part with these books of yours?" The two exchanged a smile. ------ Note: I think there are a few missing chapters, not sure

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