Chapter 213

"I'll be done soon if you relax and lie down comfortably." I was lying on a cold iron bed with nothing covering my upper body. An Joohyuk, speaking in a confident voice that seemed to reassure me not to worry, was truly reliable. If only I hadn't seen him injecting strange medicine into the syringe, this trust would have continued. "...I can't relax at all. Could you at least do it where I can't see?" "Huh? Oh, this isn't for you. It's for Laura." "Hmm." Laura Hartmann nodded slightly and rolled up her sleeves. As she turned her head with a slight distortion on her face, Evangeline Loengreen, who was watching her, burst into laughter. "Rara, are you still scared of acupuncture needles?" "I'd rather fight a dragon. And I told you not to call me that... Huh!?" When the acupuncture needle pierced her arm, Laura gritted her teeth and flinched. Seeing this, An Joohyuk promptly tapped her forearm, as if it were a familiar sight. "Don't tense up. If you break anything inside, we'll have to take it out with a knife." "I know..." "Well, then I guess I should start preparing as well." Leaving the teary-eyed Laura behind, Evangeline Loengreen began laying out the items she had brought. There were peculiar-colored candles, bottles filled with powders, and herbs—items befitting her title as a "witch." "Tsk." Even though Laura had just received the injection, she awkwardly began to arrange the items she had brought out while biting her lips. There were thin silver needles of varying lengths, strangely shaped bells, and antique-looking basins that seemed to be cultural relics from another country. "What on earth..." An Joohyuk cautiously helped me lie back down and spoke. "Since you know your body the best, it's better to be straightforward." He looked straight at me and asked. "You're aware that a curse is currently affecting your body, right?" I nodded in response to his question. It was true that I had been cursed as a consequence of using the King of Thorn to its limit. "And I'm going to do something about it." "What?" Taken aback, I looked at him with furrowed brows. And he seemed to interpret my reaction in a different way. "I can do it. So please trust us." "...." Unable to say that time would heal me, I couldn't reassure him with a serious expression. To have that conversation, I would have to talk about the King of Thorn, and that would also risk exposing information related to the Sbanagilli Seven Agents, which included Han Sooyoung, Choi Hyunwoo, Jin YeSeul, and Lee Yuna. And, above all, the King of Thorn was the most powerful skill and a hidden card for me at the moment. I hadn't even revealed it to Jin Yejeong. But here and now, I couldn't divulge that secret. "Evangeline is also knowledgeable in curses and healing magic." "Yay." Following An Joohyuk's words, Evangeline made a V sign with her fingers and giggled. "I haven't gained the title of 'witch' for nothing." "...And Laura is skilled in charm magic, exorcism, and warding spirits." "...." Laura silently filled the basin with water and examined the silver needles she had taken out. An Joohyuk let out a small sigh and cautiously took a step back from the bed where I lay. A large magic circle was inscribed on the floor, centered around the bed. And then, the geometric patterns that had slowly formed began emitting a strange light. "And I will also examine the overall condition of your body, not to mention assisting the two of them." "Well, excuse me for a moment." "It might sting a bit. Endure it, Yujihyuk." Evangeline started applying an ointment made of juice squeezed from herb-infused ashes mixed with her own blood all over my body. Laura, who had received the injection, also took out the needles she had prepared and inserted them into various parts of my body. Then, she put her hands in the basin and moved them around playfully, making a splash, and lightly touched my body with her wet hands as if playing a prank. "An unknown ointment is seeping into your skin!" "For a certain amount of time, the recovery speed of all abnormal conditions will increase dramatically!" "For a certain amount of time, you will gain resistance to all attributes!" "For a certain amount of time, the recovery speed of stamina and magic power will increase!" "Congealed holy water is seeping into your skin!" "For a certain amount of time, all attacks will be imbued with the 'light' attribute!" "For a certain amount of time, you will acquire high resistance against attacks of the 'darkness' attribute and undead!" "All ability values will temporarily increase!" "It might be painful, but please bear with it a bit longer." With those words, An Joohyuk clapped his hands lightly. In response to his magical power, the magic circle inscribed on the floor below trembled and reacted more intensely. Evangeline and Laura, sitting a little apart from me, closed their eyes and began muttering something incessantly. "...Let's begin." With those words, a strong energy emanated from An Joohyuk's body, becoming visible to the naked eye. * * * ...The wind brushing against my cheek and the pleasant warmth settling on my cheeks. Gradually, my consciousness awakened, and I heard someone mumbling. "...Hmm?" At some point, I must have fallen asleep without realizing it. I was even sitting on a wheelchair. When I twitched my body, someone pushing the wheelchair suddenly pushed their face towards me. "Oh, you're finally awake." With chestnut-colored hair and fair skin, she resembled a squirrel or hamster. It was none other than Lee Yuna. "Jihyeogi, how long have I been sleeping...?" "How do you feel?" Choi Hyunwoo, who had been joking while laughing, stepped on one of his feet upon hearing my question. But instead of answering him, I turned my attention to Jin YeSeul, who was looking at me with a worried expression. "...It brings back memories. I was also in a wheelchair back then." Then, she murmured softly as if reminding herself. "And I was more injured than I am now... Why?" "Oh, right. By the way, I used to push your wheelchair back then, do you remember?" Choi Hyunwoo quickly spoke up and tapped my shoulder. "There weren't many competitors back then, and it even came down to a vote." "A vote?" "A vote on who would push your wheelchair." Jin YeSeul continued from where he left off. "Yuna won with a vote of 3 to 1 to 1." "Ahaha...." Lee Yuna chuckled awkwardly. "For now, aren't you my employer, Jihyeogi... So I thought it might be my duty to take care of you." Just as she said that, a slight shiver ran down my spine, and I smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry for making you all worry and bother you when I'm perfectly fine." "...." However, Han Sooyoung remained silent and continued to push the wheelchair at a steady pace. "Ah, there's a car!" My reflexes kicked in, and I brought my hand towards my back. As if the wind was blowing, water droplets fell from above. "Oh, right. It rained before." Choi Hyunwoo mumbled while I was still unaware of what was happening. "Here's a handkerchief." Lee Yuna quickly took out a handkerchief and handed it to me, while Han Sooyoung started wiping off the moisture on my back efficiently. Feeling apologetic, I smiled slightly, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry for startling you all... and for troubling you when I could have just let you be if I wasn't injured." "...." But Han Sooyoung didn't say anything, only quietly wiping the wetness off my body. I felt guilty and closed my mouth a little late, but she spoke after a moment. "I won't respond to your apology for a while." "What?" Before I could react to her unexpected words, Han Sooyoung tilted her head a bit and stuck her tongue out at me. "Neener, you foolish idiot." "Hey, how dare you call someone an idiot after seeing them?" "Heung." Han Sooyoung turned her head as if she was annoyed and stood up from her seat. Then, she looked at Lee Yuna and smiled teasingly. "Oh, Yuna. Thanks for the handkerchief." "....What." Surprised by her sudden action, Ahn Sooyoung showed an exaggerated reaction. However, instead of answering her, Lee Yuna bowed her head apologetically and disappeared into the shadows as if she melted away. "Wow." And at that sight, Ahn Sooyoung showed a slightly surprised expression. Then, Choi Hyunwoo and Ivan exchanged glances and relaxed, following her lead. "Hey, Yuna?" "Yeah? Oh, sorry." Suddenly coming to her senses, Lee Yuna turned her head, a little late to follow them. "...." She remained silent as before. As always.