Chapter 22 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 022: Shameful Violence Creak... creak... The piercing creaks echoed as the leather shoes trampled over the wooden floor. Two guards gradually proceeded down the corridor, their pistols held straight in front of them. The usually ornate chandeliers hung lifeless in the pitch-dark corridor. Even bathed in moonlight, they couldn't decipher the scene at the corridor's end. The corridor seemed endless, devoured by darkness as if stretching infinitely to appease the darkness itself. Drip... drip... The dripping sound of liquid sent a shudder through their spines, prompting them to hasten their steps. Around the corner of the corridor was Miss Xia's former room, their presumed destination. The faint moonlight allowed one of the men to see that Miss Xia's room's door was left ajar. If there were more light, he could make out the scene within. A trail of blood seeped out of the room, stopping right beside the foot of one man. "Boom!" Suddenly, a quick flash of lightning illuminated the entire corridor, naturally, lighting up Miss Xia's room as well! Finally, they could see inside the room. The female corpse was hung from the ceiling. Her head drooped lifelessly, her vacant eyes staring towards the doorway. "Ah!" One man squeaked out in fright, but before he could react, the girl's head in the room twitched, her cheek swiveling 360-degrees, her gaze fixed on the two men. Her shriveled and cracked lips quivered and smears of fresh blood trickled down. "La la, ka chi, ku ji ku ji..." The eerie singing made the men shiver violently. "Run! Run now!" One of them bellowed, firing his gun incessantly, shredding pieces of the girl's body. "Bang!" The two men sprinted towards the ground floor, the bizarre singing echoing from behind: "La la, ka chi, ku ji ku ji...," until the singing ended abruptly. Miraculously, they quickly made it down the stairs. Suddenly, they stopped, still gripping their smoking guns. A sincere look of terror crossed their faces as they gazed at the sight in the ground-floor living room. Seven or eight figures stood quietly inside. Among them was the house's cook, an elderly servant, and a few newly hired maids. They stood, silently watching the two men on the stairs. Their faces were a horrifying sight! Ghastly pale with dark voids where eyes should be, nose bones protruding from where their noses used to be. They were all grinning, their smiles so wide that they reached both sides of their cheeks. They stretched their ashen arms, smiling as they advanced towards the two men. “Ah ah ah ah ah!” One of them finally cracked, screaming as he fled upstairs. Even so, it seemed like running into a corn harvester as blood splattered upon the wall-painting at the stair turn. First, the foot bones, followed by leg bones, and finally, an entire bloody skeleton. It was bloodied because large chunks of flesh bound by black suit fabric were still stuck to the bone… “Ahhh!” Now the other man completely lost his mind. He hysterically shot at the approaching “people,” until his gun finally ran out of bullets... The moonlight faded, the crimson glow illuminating the rooftop spire. A fair-skinned girl held her scalp in her hands, singing a lullaby. Patches of fresh flesh smeared the mirror and the placard outside the house. Pale bodies smiling, lips cracked and eventually the entire skull cracked, dropping to the ground… The black signpost was dyed red with blood that read in gold-plated tiny words: 504 Philo Block. ……………………… "Clang..." As she inserted the key into the lock and gently twisted the knob, she pushed open the iron gate. "Early this morning, a vicious undead attack occurred in the Philo block. The Special Abilities Department has launched an investigation..." The room lights remained off, news from the TV in the dimly lit living room reached her ears as did the faint TV light and a man's snoring. A sigh of relief escaped her as Xia Yi Yi carefully removed her shoes and tip-toed up the staircase. Bag strapped to her back, she headed towards her bedroom. Passing a corridor, Xia Yi Yi noted some needles and ** tossed carelessly on the ground. A flash of disgust crossed her face. She gently nudged them aside with her foot. On reaching her bedroom door, she fished for the keys to open it but found the door was slightly ajar! Xia Yi Yi hesitated a moment, gently pushing the partially open door. The room's lights were off, but enough light spilled in through the windows from the street lamps outside for her to see everything clearly. "Sister, you're back," said a boy, lying on her bed. Despite this, he held onto a nearly finished cigarette, with ash scattered all over the bed. "Xia... Xia Bin, what are you doing in my room?" Xia Yi Yi took a step back in fear, but regained her courage reminding herself that this was her room and queried him again timidly. "Nothing, just missed you." Xia Bin chuckled inexplicably, his words devoid of humor. He cast aside the cigarette butt, and sat on the bed, coldly regarding Xia Yi Yi. "What nonsense are you..." Xia Yi Yi retorted instinctively, her eyes then taking in the signs of her room being ransacked. "Why... did you search my room?” “What exactly were you searching for…” Just as she was about to continue, Xia Bin got up and yanked her bag away. "You…" Before she could even open her mouth, Xia Bin's free hand pushed her. Xiao Yi Yi stumbled and fell by the bedside. By the time she got up, Xia Bin had already dumped the contents of her bag. "Where's the money?" His face was emotionless. "What money?" Noticing the disturbed look on her brother's face, Xia Yi Yi was afraid. Regularly, Xia Bin and Xia Jun often banded together to beat her up. "I am asking about your earnings," Xia Bin's voice filled with impatience. The now empty bag was flung back at her. "You know the money is from my part-time job... You have no right with it..." Gathering her courage, Xia Yi Yi began, but Xia Bin suddenly lashed out. "Slap!" His hand struck her face mercilessly. Crying out in pain, Xiao Yi Yi fell to the floor and struggled to get up. Just as she was about to do so, a groan left her lips as Xia Bin seized her hair. "Speak, where's the money?" Xia Bin's tone was uncharacteristically calm, but his grip tightened dangerously. "The money...I already..." "Bang!" Before Xia Yi Yi could finish her sentence, Xia Bin slammed her head onto the floor. "Ugh...umm..." She tried to cry, but her eyes were held shut by Xia Bin's other hand. "Spent the entire night out yesterday. My good sister, you didn't go and sell yourself, did you?" Xia Bin smirked, watching as the blood from Xiao Yi Yi's forehead seeped into the cracks of the floor. "…" "Why so silent all of a sudden?" A pained expression crossed Xia Bin's face. "Sister, did I hurt you?" "I'm so sorry eh...” Before he could complete his sentence, he released Xiao Yi Yi's eyelids and reached for the phone. "You're injured... bleeding too. How about, I call dad to help out?"