Chapter 27 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 027: Go For It, Fuhu Tianzhou City, the first affiliated medical center of Longqian Group. The night life of Tianzhou City was as vibrant as ever. For those who had been bustling about all day, this was only the beginning of their nighttime activities. "So you mean... you want me to help investigate your sister's situation?" The girl with radiant golden hair wore an expression of contemplation. She crossed her arms, fixing her gaze on the other girl before her. After leaving her school, Li Meng had naturally discarded her tasteless uniform. She now donned a cyan dress, her shoulder pins adorned with the emblems of Longqian Group's board of directors, indicating her prestigious status. An air of nobility and arrogance radiated from her. "She... she's not my sister." Nan Xi unconsciously rebutted upon hearing Li Meng's words. "We have no blood ties. We were simply cohabitating." Li Meng dismissed her with a glance and continued, "What exactly do you want me to investigate, and what are you willing to offer in return?" "What... am I supposed to offer?" Nan Xi was somewhat taken aback by Li Meng's question. Just what could she offer? Would money be required? "Of course, I'm a businesswoman," Li Meng responded naturally, nodding. "My father has taught me from an early age that one's expenditure must be met with a corresponding reward. So tell me, did you come here without any prepared compensation?" Compensation? Nan Xi hadn't prepared anything of the sort for this meeting. The formidable reputation of this young lady had prompted her to seek her help. However, it now seemed that the goodwill Nan Xi had assumed based on being classmates was entirely one-sided. The other party simply didn't reciprocate the sentiment. That was only to be expected. Though Nan Yin treated Nan Xi poorly, in some respects, she had provided decent protection. At least, growing up in the Philo neighborhood, Nan Xi maintained the purity of a young girl, uncorrupted by the world. "I have no money..." Nan Xi faltered. The authority over the family's finances lay squarely in Nan Yin's hands. All of Nan Xi's actions required Nan Yin's approval, and most requests for money were routinely denied. "Money?" Li Meng frowned before laughing, shaking her head. "That's not what I lack." Looking at the innocent girl before her, Li Meng's heart felt a trace of contempt. Initially, when she'd started getting to know Su Xiao Yu, she had viewed the girl before her as a worthy adversary. Now, it was apparent that she was nothing more than a pure, naive flower. Though Li Meng didn't know why her grandfather had instructed her to get close to Su Xiao Yu, she had been inculcated from an early age with family loyalties and had already resigned herself to her destiny. Besides, at least Su Xiao Yu wasn't an overweight middle-aged man - so Li Meng thought optimistically. As it stood now, the only person that posed a threat was Su Ling. Nan Xi was of no significance in comparison. Considering this, Li Meng became increasingly dissatisfied with the girl before her. She waved her hand impatiently before emphasizing, "Money? I don't need that at all. If you want my help, show some sincerity." She had come here today to visit her ailing grandfather, not to haggle with Nan Xi, so she wanted to find an excuse to send the girl away: "At least bring something that I don't have." ———————— While Li Meng and Nan Xi were discussing Nan Yin, not too far from the medical center, atop a commercial high-rise building, a mercenary was adjusting his sniper rifle. His earpiece was filled with updates from scattered team members. "We have the central region under control, Number 3, what's your status?" "Longqian Group's security is vigilant. Our first three attempts to infiltrate were thwarted. However, our team's hacker just bypassed their identity recognition system..." The teammates carried on their conversation till it was finally the sniper's turn to report. "Number 4, what's your situation? Have you located the target?" The sniper paused his adjustments at the question. "The scout has found the first and second targets. The third target is still being sought, but it shouldn't delay the mission." "Very well," a commanding voice came through the earpiece, the others addressed him as the leader. "Wait for Team 2 to initiate the interference, then commence the operation. Number 4, ensure the targets are clear of bodyguards after the signal comes through..." Number 4 nodded at this, understanding his task. But just as he turned on the terminal on his arm to respond to his teammates, he failed to notice the figure that suddenly appeared behind him... A minute later, a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit disarmed the terminal from Number 4's hand. After a small cough, he immediately responded in Number 4's voice, "Apologies for the delay, there was a small technical glitch. It's sorted now." Their leader voiced no suspicion after hearing Fuhu Zhengsi's explanation. "Very well, let me reiterate the mission one more time; we can't afford any mistakes." After handling the situation on the other end, Fuhu Zhengsi respectfully retreated to the side, handing the sniper rifle in his hands to the bare-haired girl standing behind him. Nan Yin looked appreciatively at Fuhu Zhengsi, not expecting him to be capable of voice mimicry. "Impressive. It's a pity you haven't learned disguise techniques, else we could have infiltrated the hospital blatantly today." Fuhu Zhengsi's face fell at her words. "These skills were taught to me by a woman known as Bitter Absinthe in the organization. The organization aimed to train top-notch assassins and imparted a lot of knowledge to me... She had planned to pass on her best expertise - the art of disguise - to me, but I escaped before that." As he spoke, a nervous look crossed Fuhu Zhengsi's face. He was still terrified of the organization. Seeing this, Nan Yin didn't say anything. This type of inhibition was Fuhu Zhengsi's personal demon, and he had to overcome it on his own. Any advice from others would be useless. However, the organization did suffer some losses at the hands of the male protagonist Su Xiao Yu in the later part of the story. Seeing that should help Fuhu Zhengsi overcome his demophobia, so thought Nan Yin. Shaking off her distractions, Nan Yin took the sniper rifle from Fuhu Zhengsi and positioned herself where Number 4 had been standing. Number 4 did appear to be a competent sniper, but his skills were still lacking; he had fallen victim to Fuhu Zhengsi before even noticing a threat. "Although this sniper rifle seems to be high-tech, its mechanism is not too different from the military sniper guns of my previous life. I can still use it..." Nan Yin thought to herself, glancing over at Fuhu Zhengsi, who was standing by. At that moment, the professional assassin was holding the dagger he had used to kill Number 4, ready and waiting for orders. "Go for it, Fuhu. I'll cover you."