Chapter 30 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 030: The Disposal of Jiang Mi "Nan…Nan Yin?” As she was preparing to leave, Nan Yin didn’t expect the young Miss of Dragon Qian Corporation to recognize her. She glanced back at the now somewhat disheveled miss, raising an eyebrow in response to her question. Instead of providing an answer, she slightly lifted the submachine gun in her hand, the muzzle pointed loosely at Li Meng. "Miss, just wait patiently for someone to come for you and stay out of other people's business." Nan Yin's tone was cold, too cold to seem fitting from a girl with icy white hair. The chill of Nan Yin's voice made Li Meng shiver slightly. However, remembering that it was Nan Yin who just saved her maintained her resolve, and Li Meng bravely continued speaking. “Why…why would you save me? Or perhaps… you came to rescue Nan Xi?” Li Meng felt that the latter option was more plausible since Nan Yin had no particular reason to come and save her - especially given that she didn’t recognize Nan Yin until now! If this were the case, then Nan Xi was the one and only possibility. The woman in front of her must have come to save her younger sister. However, if Nan Yin risked so much to save Nan Xi, why then did Nan Xi deny Nan Yin was her sister? She acted as if she were a disobedient younger sister holding a grudge against her estranged older sister. Unfortunately, Li Meng had no idea about Nan Yin's system—something that only existed in novels. Therefore, she couldn't guess the real reason why Nan Yin came to the rescue—to complete a mission. "To save her?" Nan Yin frowned, only recalling then that there was a disobedient younger sister with Li Meng. Does Nan Xi really need help, though? While Nan Yin wasn’t sure why Nan Xi was not present in the original narrative, given Nan Xi's protagonist aura, she wouldn't be in any mortal danger tonight at most, just some minor injuries. According to the rules of this romance game, this was merely a chance for the male lead, Su Xiao Yu, to play the hero. It appeared that she, as a mere cannon fodder antagonist found it rather ironic that her sister was the favored protagonist of the heavens. A sarcastic smile hung on the corner of Nan Yin's mouth. Coupled with her exquisite face, it gave Li Meng a slightly demented impression. Then, Nan Yin quickly regained her composure. "No," Nan Yin denied that she came to save Nan Xi. Then she revealed her confusion, "Why did Nan Xi come to find you? Was there something?" Was it something concerning the male lead, Su Xiao Yu? Could some unknown plot development have happened? Just as Nan Yin was lost in thought, Li Meng seemed hesitant, having something to say but unsure if she should reveal that Nan Xi came to seek her help in investigating her older sister… “Ding——Chi——” Suddenly, a sharp sound came from the elevator behind Li Meng. The elevator was about to reach this floor—the security team was on its way up. "Miss Li, Miss Li, are you alright?" "Miss Li!" As soon as the elevator doors opened, several elite security personnel rushed out. "I'm fine…I…" Li Meng began, turning her head, only to freeze. The place where Nan Yin had been standing was now empty, only the two moaning guards and remnants of the robot left behind. Where was Nan Yin? Where did that icy-haired girl go? …… Of course, Nan Yin had taken the chance to slip away while Li Meng wasn't paying attention, concealed by the darkness. Perhaps due to the impact of the real plot, this high-tech medical center didn't have many infrared surveillance devices. Nan Yin had managed to sneak out fairly easily. "Miss, all the mercenaries' weapons are here." Fuhu Zhengsi, dressed in a black Zhongshan suit, set down the large collection box he carried on his shoulder, emitting a thunk. "I have collected five Smart Assault Rifles, three Smart Sniper Rifles, and four Smart Submachine Guns. However, there is a problem with ammo. The mercenaries didn't carry much ammo on them," Fuhu Zhengsi explained. After using these mercenaries’ firearms, Nan Yin had discovered that the locally made guns in this world were quite useful. She had then instructed Fuhu Zhengsi to collect the enemies’ firearms after defeating them, as far as it was possible without risking his own safety. From what she could see, Fuhu Zhengsi faithfully carried out her command, with the collection of firearms meeting Nan Yin’s satisfaction. "However… can so many guns fit into such a large collection box?" Nan Yin pointed at the collection box on the ground in question. It wasn't that big; how could it possibly hold all those firearms? Upon hearing this, Fuhu Zhengsi immediately explained, "In order to collect as many as possible, I disassembled all the weaponry into their components… so…" Upon hearing this, Nan Yin's face twitched slightly. This… was indeed a solution. She originally intended to keep just two or three guns, to be used by any subordinates she might have later on. But now, it appeared that she could recruit even more subordinates. The only problem was that putting these guns back together might take quite a bit of work... "No matter, I have inspected these firearms earlier, and their ammunition is common and available in every gun shop. All that's needed is money." Regarding the bullet problem, Nan Yin shook her head unconcernedly. Then, right in front of Fuhu Zhengsi, she put the collection box - which looked as if it were found in any medical storage room - directly into her system space. Upon witnessing this, Fuhu Zhengsi's pupils contracted slightly. With a simple wave of Nan Yin's hand, a large collection box vanished, which gave Fuhu Zhengsi a slight shock. While the science and technology of this world were far more advanced than Nan Yin's previous world, the technology relating to space storage was only beginning. Although space storage technology did exist, it was rather poor. Even the space storage technology Fuhu Zhengsi had seen in his organisation, allegedly ten years more advanced than the GodHwan's, could only accommodate something the size of a cigarette box at most… "Don't be surprised. There are far more surprising things to come." After glancing at Fuhu Zhengsi, Nan Yin made an ambiguous remark, prompting Fuhu Zhengsi to fall into deep thought. In any case, the best way to handle such a situation was to simply say nothing and let the other party imagine the rest. Nevertheless, Nan Yin didn't think that Fuhu Zhengsi would guess that she possessed a helping system like those found in novels. "Alright, it seems the police in Tianzhou City have finally realized what's happening," Nan Yin looked at the several hovercraft approaching from a distance. Their black and white paint job made it clear these were the elite police of the Tianzhou Security Department. "Let's go before we get discovered." Lastly, Nan Yin took a glance at the medical center now enveloped by the hovercrafts and spotlights, then disappeared into the surrounding darkness with Fuhu Zhengsi. They left the food street, which had since been plunged into darkness due to a power outage. … After leaving the food street, Nan Yin, with Fuhu Zhengsi, found a minivan parked at the end of the street. As she approached and knocked on the door, the driver rolled down the window to reveal the cautious and puzzled face of a young girl with orange hair. A half-eaten chicken skewer was stuck in her mouth, still emitting steam, which was a mystery as the entire food street was suffering from a blackout. On seeing her boss, Jiang Mi quickly put away her puzzled expression and opened the door. Once Nan Yin and Fuhu Zhengsi had got in, she took off at a rapid pace. On the ride, Jiang Mi occasionally stole glances at Nan Yin and Fuhu Zhengsi in the back seat through the rearview mirror, looking as if she wanted to say something. "Ask if you have something to ask." Nan Yin noticed Jiang Mi's mannerism and took the initiative. “!" Jiang Mi seemed surprised that her actions had been so evident. Still, after a short pause, she hesitantly asked: "Boss, was that the fire just now…" "Yes, that was me." "And the explosion just now…" "It was also me." "And did you…” "Yes, I just killed someone. No, I'm not hurt." "…" After a string of questions and answers, Jiang Mi and Nan Yin fell into an awkward silence. Watching passively, Fuhu Zhengsi sat quietly like he was invisible. Nan Yin, with her arms folded across her chest, looked at the orange-haired girl in the front seat, calmness reflected in her eyes. She was waiting for Jiang Mi's reaction. From the start, Nan Yin had contemplated how to deal with Jiang Mi. After consulting Can Yin, she decided to include Jiang Mi in the mission and observe her reaction. After all, Can Yin had a small degree of affection for her close friend and subordinate, so Nan Yin could not simply eliminate Jiang Mi . Can Yin suggested that if Jiang Mi reacted with strong resistance or disgust after participating in the mission, she should be released. This wouldn't affect Nan Yin much. At this moment, Nan Yin was waiting for Jiang Mi's reaction. If Jiang Mi showed indifference to the night’s events, Nan Yin would consider bringing her into her inner circle. However, if Jiang Mi followed up with accusations and disgust towards her act of killing, Nan Yin would immediately get out of the car and terminate this relationship. But just as Nan Yin was growing impatient, Jiang Mi's next words left her stunned. Only then did the adorable little orange-haired girl break the silence, her expression concerned: “Sis… Have you properly dealt with the bodies? We won't be found by the police, right?” She spoke as if she were regularly involved in such actions with Nan Yin. Nan Yin & Fuhu Zhengsi: ???