Chapter 154 - Is It Funny That the Reincarnated Senior Sister Is Also Being Pursued?

Perhaps realizing that she couldn't bring herself to tear the ethereal garb of Jia Bai Lian, Xiao Wei Yang's movements gradually eased. She was like a lost puppy, lowering her head in confusion, hiding her face in the shadow of her hair, making it hard to discern her emotions. But Bai Lian could feel the slightest coolness spreading around her heart. She lifted her hand and gently pulled Xiao Wei Yang into her embrace, softly saying, "Silly girl, if you want to cry, then cry. Your teacher is here." Hearing these familiar words, Xiao Wei Yang could no longer hold back the emotions buried deep in her heart, and she wept bitterly in Bai Lian's arms. "Teacher..." "I'm sorry..." Bai Lian didn't speak, only holding Xiao Wei Yang quietly, allowing her to bury her head and cry in her embrace. After enduring emotional ups and downs, along with the torment of Heart Fire Poison and Enchanting Poison, Xiao Wei Yang's spirit had reached its limit. She fell asleep in Bai Lian's arms while crying. Even in her sleep, her hands still clung tightly to Bai Lian's robes, as if afraid she would suddenly run away. Bai Lian helplessly patted Xiao Wei Yang's head. In her previous life, after Bai Lian's death, Wei Yang must have gone through a lot, but she still appeared like a child in front of Bai Lian. But it was this very Xiao Wei Yang who seemed especially adorable, wasn't she? Bai Lian directly lifted the unconscious Xiao Wei Yang and walked towards the nearest Heart Nourishing Hall. She remembered there was a bed there, just enough for Wei Yang to rest comfortably. Although the Heart Fire Poison in Wei Yang's body had been mostly purified by her, the mental exhaustion triggered by emotional upheaval was not so easily relieved, and it required careful nurturing. When she returned to the Heart Nourishing Hall, she found Ming Chao and Bao Qin anxiously pacing in front of the hall, like ants on a hot pan. They had sensed the commotion at the lakeside earlier, but because of their low strength, they were held back by the guards for safety reasons, and could only anxiously pray that the princess and Bai Lian were safe. Seeing Bai Lian carrying the unconscious Xiao Wei Yang over, they both held their breath in unison. Bao Qin, who was more outspoken, rushed up and tearfully grabbed Bai Lian's sleeve, asking, "Sister Bai, is the princess alright?!" "If anything happened to the princess... Bao Qin, what should I do, howling..." "Don't worry, Bao Qin." Bai Lian ruffled her hair and said softly, "The princess is not seriously hurt, she just passed out from exhaustion. She just needs a good rest." Bai Lian was naturally not lying, and hearing her words, Bao Qin finally heaved a sigh of relief. She patted her meager chest in lingering fear, "Sister Bai, I was really scared just now." "Oh my, I felt like there was going to be a big storm, and if it blew up the water in Wei Yang Lake and flooded our palace, what would we do..." "Bao Qin, what nonsense are you talking about? That's the Taihua Sect's Thunderous Evil-Banishing Technique, obviously Sister Bai was fighting with a demon!" Ming Chao quipped from the side, as if she thought Bao Qin was too childish and unworthy of being with her. "Of course I know!" Bao Qin retorted indignantly, "It's just the...uhh...hmm… ah!" "It's the Thunderous Evil-Banishing Technique! It's a super powerful technique that only powerful cultivators can learn. It points the sword to the sky, directs the thunder to banish evil! You dimwit, all you think about is eating!" Ming Chao couldn't hold back, feeling quite exasperated at something she yearned for being looked down upon. Seeing these two young girls, who were less than twenty years old combined, arguing with each other, Bai Lian couldn't help but show a faint smile. Such scenes often happened in the game. Back then, Wei Yang sat in the lakeside pavilion, studying the Heart Method, while she stood by her side, explaining and enlightening her. Meanwhile, Ming Chao and Bao Qin argued from a distance. It was evident that Wei Yang really took good care of these two maids, to the point that they remained untainted by the trials of life, still retaining their innocence and kindness. Amidst the heartwarming bickering, Ming Chao and Bao Qin led her into the Heart Nourishing Hall. She walked to the bedside and gently placed Wei Yang on the bed. "Bao Qin, the princess is very weak at the moment and needs to recuperate," she told Bao Qin, "Go prepare a bucket of warm water and some clean clothes. Then, get the Heartgrass, Nightbloom Vine, Peaceful Wood, and Pearl from the Spring and Harmony Hall. Crush and boil them according to this recipe, I need to tend to her body." "Okay, I'll go do it..." Bao Qin responded instinctively, but then widened her eyes. As the princess's personal maid, she naturally knew that the Spring and Harmony Hall stocked many spiritual medicines, prepared by the princess herself for emergencies. Why did Sister Bai, who had come to the Wei Yang Palace for the first time, know about the Spring and Harmony Hall? And she even knew what kinds of spiritual medicines were stored there? Could it be that Sister Bai... Bao Qin's contemplative gaze suddenly became keenly sharp, as if she had hit upon a crucial realization— Could it be that Sister Bai bribed the princess with delicious food, getting the layout of the Wei Yang Palace in return?! Damn it, usually when she tried to bribe the princess with good food, the princess would send her away, even saying she was just a food-loving glutton. She had thought the princess was the type who was completely uninterested in food. What kind of delicious food could move the princess like that? Bao Qin also wanted to eat... Even Bai Lian couldn't fathom Bao Qin's leap of thought. After she instructed Bao Qin to prepare the calming powder, she turned to Ming Chao. This time her expression was somewhat serious, "Ming Chao, go check who has been to the Wei Yang Palace during this period, especially around the lakeside. Also, gather a list and background information of the palace's servants, including the guards, and provide it to me." Ming Chao's character was much more mature than Bao Qin's, and she naturally recognized the gravity of Bai Lian's words. The fact that the princess encountered danger by the lakeside clearly indicated that there was a traitor in the palace, someone who was behind it all. And for her to have failed to perceive it, as the princess's personal maid, made her feel deeply guilty and angry. So, she temporarily set aside her clash with Bao Qin and promptly began her investigations. At this moment, however, a similar thought arose in the minds of the two personal maids to the princess. Even though it was her first time here, how did Sister Bai/Sister Bai Lian give off such a familiar vibe in the Wei Yang Palace? And she directed them on the tasks so naturally. This feeling made the two maids feel especially strange and new. Because the princess rarely took charge of the palace's affairs. Normally, the daily operations of the palace were left to them to manage. Although this situation was comfortable for them, as they didn't have to constantly worry about meeting the princess's demands, it also left them feeling like a flock without a leader, unsure of what they should be doing, which caused some chaos in the palace affairs. But after Bai Lian appeared, it was as if they had found direction with a clear purpose. This feeling was like... The Wei Yang Palace had found a mistress.