Chapter 185

Upon hearing Bai Lian's response, Xiao Wei Yang's eyes lit up with curiosity. Upon hearing Bai Lian say that she didn't like men, she felt a strange sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her heart. When Xiao Cheng Yin asked that question, she was truly afraid. She feared that Bai Lian's answer might not be what she expected, that perhaps there were other reasons than just not liking men. Because that would mean Bai Lian might not be the person she remembered from her past life, and all her emotions would come crashing down at that moment. Xiao Cheng Yin's face turned pale. He couldn't believe that Bai Lian, with her brilliant intellect, wouldn't notice his feelings for her. She could have used any other excuse to evade him and keep him hanging on. After all, gaining the affection of a prince, even if she never intended to reciprocate, would bring her endless benefits. But without hesitation, she shattered his infatuation with practical actions, telling him plainly that there was no possibility between them, not even a chance for him to persist. He didn't say much, just gave a bitter smile and dryly said, "Thank you, Miss Bai, for dispelling my confusion." Xiao Wei Yang looked at the pale-faced Xiao Cheng Yin and suddenly felt sorry for her royal brother. In her past life, he ended up with nothing in his pursuit of Ma River, and now in this life, he found out that the object of his affections prefers women. Could there be anything more pitiable than a lovelorn man? Yes, a lovelorn man infatuated with a woman who loves another woman. Xiao Cheng Yin quickly adjusted his emotions. After all, he was a prince, with exceptional poise, not the type to continue pestering Bai Lian when he knew she didn't like men. But as he looked at Xiao Wei Yang clinging to Bai Lian, his expression suddenly became somewhat peculiar. Hold on, if Bai Lian likes women, and Wei Yang is so close to her, his lips twitched, he didn't dare continue his train of thought. Although the requirements for sexual orientation in the cultivation world were not as strict, there were still worldly constraints. And as a princess, Xiao Wei Yang's situation was even more about the royal family's reputation. If it were known that Wei Yang liked another woman, it would likely worsen the emperor's already fragile health. And seeing Wei Yang sticking to Bai Lian like that, he felt a strange pang in his eyes. Are you here to do business or to show off your love?! Bai Lian seemed to realize that the atmosphere was getting awkward, mainly because Xiao Wei Yang wouldn't let go of her. After all, her former brother-in-law was watching from the side; didn't he look dark as a bottom of a pot? She couldn't help but look apologetically at Xiao Cheng Yin. Annoying, her image must have suffered in Bai Lian's eyes. Strange, she could usually distinguish between urgency and non-urgency, why did she become so uncontrollable when she was with her teacher? It must be that her teacher was too captivating! In her past life, she was completely captivated by her, and now, being reborn as a woman, she still felt the same overwhelming impact! The interlude in the great hall soon passed. Xiao Cheng Yin led the two to the place where the berserk monster was being held. Due to the injuries inflicted by Bai Lian and the presence of the Xiao family's guards, Xiao Cheng Yin did not take any further measures. The berserk monster was cowering in the shadows of the room. It could no longer form a complete human figure, and a hollow cavity in its chest sluggishly pulsated, attempting to repair its injuries. Upon seeing Bai Lian approaching, it showed a look of fear on its face. It both hated and feared the woman who had nearly killed it, despite being of similar cultivation level. As Bai Lian moved closer, it shrank back further, curling into a ball. Trembling, it said, "Don't come any closer." Bai Lian: ? She wasn't a fierce beast or a raging river; was there any need to be this frightened? She squatted down and calmly asked, "Leaving aside the fact that you are a monster, just sneaking into Wei Yang's palace with the intent to harm the princess, that alone would be enough for you to die multiple times over. Do you understand?" "The berserk monster is inherently weak and unable to stabilize. Now that you've finally achieved human form and developed awareness, you must face the end of your life. Are you willing to accept that fate?" The berserk monster buried its face in its arms, trembling. It began to understand what human emotions were as it absorbed more and more emotions, such as jealousy, anger, fear, and reluctance. Yes, it had just managed to assume human form, hoping to live freely in the world, but now it was facing imminent death. How could it possibly accept that? "I-I didn't kill... don't kill me," it stuttered. Bai Lian knew it was telling the truth; despite the monster's aura, it had not shed human blood. The threat of rampant killings was just an empty boast. She said, "Whether to kill you or not, that's for the princess to decide. But if you honestly answer my questions, perhaps I can put in a good word for you in front of the princess." Hearing her words, the berserk monster trembled and looked at Xiao Wei Yang behind her. It recognized its former host, but it was well aware that the princess was not one to be easily swayed. Having done what it had, it knew death was likely its only end. However, at this moment, Xiao Wei Yang said, "If you behave and cooperate, this princess may spare your life." Bai Lian couldn't help but be taken aback. She was just deceiving the berserk monster earlier and did not expect Xiao Wei Yang to spare its life. After all, Xiao Wei Yang, being the most favored princess, was known for her willfulness and never shied away from revenge. Even in her previous life, Xiao Wei Yang's character hadn't changed much, always appearing innocent and lovely, and now it seemed she had changed a lot. As Bai Lian turned around, she saw Xiao Wei Yang's calm expression, not flaunting her royal status but rather exuding the aura of a commanding empress.