Chapter 194

When Bai Lian received the dress from Ming Chao, she realized the seriousness of the situation. She stared blankly at the stack of clothes in her hands, incredulously asking, "This... this is just one set, not several sets of clothes, right? How can there be such complicated clothing in the world? There are at least four or five pieces of clothing in this set, aren't there?!" "Of course, Miss Bai, these were all custom-made for you by the princess. You should try them on quickly. If they don't fit, there are several more sets here," Ming Chao pointed to the wardrobe. Following Ming Chao's gesture, Bai Lian felt her head spin. This wasn't just several sets; it was clearly dozens of them! There were more clothes inside than she had ever owned in her previous life and the present one! "But you all dress so plainly..." she decided to put up a struggle. Then Bao Qin looked at her with a look that said, "You're clueless," saying, "Miss Bai, you are going to meet the emperor as the princess's personal maid of honor. You can't wear the clothes we usually use for chores!" Being called clueless by Bao Qin dealt a tremendous blow. Gritting her teeth, Bai Lian kept reminding herself in her mind that this was the necessary path for her plan, a sacrifice she had to make to escape the fate of being a courtesan! "Alright, I'll wear it," she said resignedly. Luckily, Ming Chao and Bao Qin were understanding. Before leaving, they taught her how to put on the clothes, avoiding the embarrassing situation of her not knowing how to wear them. She struggled into each piece of clothing and was surprised to find that they fit quite well, especially around the waist. It seemed as though Wei Yang, who hadn't even measured her body, could somehow tell her size just by looking. She suddenly thought of the black and white silk and lingerie in Wei Yang's room, feeling a pang of jealousy. She hadn't expected Wei Yang, who usually seemed like a spoiled princess, to unexpectedly excel at tailoring... But soon she realized that relying solely on visual measurements would lead to serious, even grave issues. The chest of these clothes... was too small! It was already a struggle to put them on, and the fabric was squeezing her chest so tightly that she felt suffocated. Looking down, she realized that her flesh was about to burst out! Bai Lian felt a mix of indignation and grievance. Why did she have to go through all this trouble? It was infuriating! Could it be that the reason she went from being 1.85 meters tall in her previous life to just over 1.6 meters in this life was because all the height had turned into chest fat? At this point, even if she didn't want to, she had no choice but to seek help from someone else. "Ming Chao..." she opened the door and peeked out, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Miss Bai, what's wrong?" Ming Chao asked, cocking her head. "The... the neckline of these clothes is too tight..." she hesitated. "The chest is too... too tight??" Ming Chao was dumbfounded. These clothes had been specially tailored by the princess to accommodate Bai Lian's unconventional body, and they were already larger than the standard size. Yet Bai Lian still found them too tight? How could that be possible? The princess had few hobbies, but she particularly enjoyed having them try on those peculiar clothes, such as maid bunny outfits. It was said to be a specialty costume from the Western Regions, but no one knew who the princess had learned it from. In any case, the princess's tailoring skills were much better than those of the maids. She could even visually estimate their body measurements with minimal errors. And yet she had made a mistake this time. At that moment, Bai Lian suddenly understood something and looked at her own chest, then turned to look at Bao Qin's chest, and finally thought about the princess's chest. She was filled with sadness. Indeed, one couldn't imagine having something one could never possess, no matter how hard one tried! But why did it make her so despondent? That cursed mantou!!! "It's... it's okay, Miss Bai. Bring the clothes here, and I will make some adjustments for you." "Okay," Bai Lian obediently nodded. For some reason, she felt that Ming Chao's tone seemed somewhat begrudging. And while Ming Chao was altering the clothes, she kept muttering something about mantou and baozi, which Bai Lian found incomprehensible. "Bao Qin, what does Ming Chao mean by 'mantou'? What does it mean?" she couldn't help but ask in a hushed tone. "Mantou? I don't hear anything about mantou," Bao Qin replied with sparkling eyes. Bai Lian knew that asking Bao Qin wouldn't yield any results. Soon, Ming Chao finished altering the clothes for Bai Lian. Although they still felt a bit tight, she could at least put them on. Dressed in the exquisite palace gown, Bai Lian walked out feeling somewhat awkward. Ming Chao and Bao Qin, upon seeing the flushed cheeks of Bai Lian, couldn't help but be dazed. Despite the fact that the gown prepared for Bai Lian this time wasn't particularly extravagant, and was even somewhat plain, it exuded a unique charm when worn by Bai Lian. Especially when matched with her fragile and delicate appearance, she looked exceptionally beautiful, making people's hearts flutter. As the saying goes, "Some people are born clothes horses, and anything they wear looks good on them." Perhaps Bai Lian was such a person... "Why are you both looking at me like that?" Bai Lian asked, feeling uncomfortable as she adjusted the fabric at her chest. Despite wearing five layers of clothing inside and out, the fabric on her chest stood out as being frugal and modest, much like the style of the strapless Tang Dynasty robes she had admired in her previous life. She loved seeing them, but wearing it herself was terribly embarrassing. It felt as if she wasn't going to serve Wei Yang as a lady's maid but as a forbidden concubine... Ming Chao found herself inexplicably flushed. Recalling the recent rumors in the palace, she suddenly realized that... it was understandable if the princess ended up as the subject of those rumors. After all, with her enticing appearance, anyone would be captivated... "Ahem, it's nothing," she coughed and said, "Miss Bai, please follow this servant to the main hall to meet the princess." "From now on, the princess herself will guide you." Following Ming Chao and Bao Qin, Bai Lian arrived at the entrance to Wei Yang's main palace, feeling a strange emotion welling up inside her. It was her first time standing before Xiao Wei Yang in this appearance. In her previous life, her relationship with Xiao Wei Yang was more akin to that of master and disciple. Even before becoming Xiao Wei Yang's master, their interactions had been quite equal, unaffected by the fact that Xiao Wei Yang was a princess. But now, she had to face her former student in the role of a lady's maid. "Princess, Miss Bai is ready," Ming Chao said. "Come in," Xiao Wei Yang's voice was calm, betraying no emotion. Bai Lian pushed the door and stepped inside. As the door opened and a breeze swept through, lifting her green silk and the hem of her gown, Xiao Wei Yang, now looking up from behind her desk, met Bai Lian's gaze, lost in thought.