Chapter 57 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 057: Thankfully, the Lily Hasn’t Bloomed Yet Strictly speaking, Nan Yin wasn't penniless. In terms of the so-called wealth standards of this era in Tianzhou City, she could even be considered a person of stature in society-- at least, that was true in terms of wealth. The source of Nan Yin's confidence was the one million credit points previously given to her by Shang Dongchang. Strictly speaking, this fortune was intended as compensation for Xia Yiyi. However, those one million credit points were currently in Nan Yin's possession. Regardless, that one million belonged to Xia Yiyi in essence. Hence, unless really necessary, Nan Yin wouldn't touch this money, which is why she was hopeful of some financial aid from the Long Qian Group. Lazy to openly express her thoughts, she didn’t know what kind of compensation they could provide her. It would be quite embarrassing to mention financial compensation if the Long Qian Corporation was just like her boss from her previous life, rewarding her with just a monetary reward of 500 yuan and a banner of honor for immense contributions. Fortunately, the Long Qian Group didn't let Nan Yin down. While she was momentarily dumbfounded, the consultant sitting across from her handed her a red card. Seemingly noticing her perplexed expression, the consultant explained with a smile, "This is the supremely privileged red card of our Long Qian Group. As long as you hold this card, you can enjoy the premier guest-level services across all of Long Qian Group's industries." "And this red card contains a consumption balance of one million credit points, which can be used throughout our Long Qian Group's industries." At his words, Nan Yin raised an eyebrow, her burgundy eyes revealing a glimmer of satisfaction. These big shots were always so generous with a million credit points at hand, be it Shang Dongchang from the previous days or Long Qian Group now. This money would last quite a while, even in her grand plan for power expansion. Compared to the black card containing one million credit points given to her by Shang Dongchang, this red card proved to be even more useful. After all, not everyone could become a guest of the Long Qian Group. This card was like a calling card, allowing face-to-face communication with the Chairman of Long Qian Group at any time. But whether or not the other party would meet with her remained an unknown. Don't think that a million is marginal in a big city like Tianzhou. The purchasing power of the credit points in this world surpasses all currencies and equivalents Nan Yin knew in her previous life. Because credit points in this world could be directly exchanged for equivalent magic crystals in World Bank, which were resources even more valuable than gold. Perhaps seeing Nan Yin's satisfaction with these, relief appeared on the consultant's face. His next words were spoken with a relaxed tone compared to before. "For Miss Nan Yin, our chairman has prepared more than just these, but he prefers to thank you in person." At this point, the consultant finally revealed the real purpose of his visit, "In ten days, our chairman will host a banquet at the Guibe Tower. The goal is to celebrate our second Miss's safety and to thank Miss Nan Yin for her assistance to the second Miss.” Despite the reluctance of the senior members of the Long Qian Group, including the consultant, to hold the feast at the Guibe Tower--after all, it was a property under the Huanban Corporation, their competitor, the headquarter of the Long Qian Group simply wasn’t a suitable place for a banquet. Thinking of this, the consultant maintained his smile. He continued, “At that time, we sincerely hope that Miss Nan Yin will bless us with her presence!” .................. As she watched the two counter-terrorism troopers escort the consultant from the Long Qian Group leave, the silver-haired girl lent against the door, musing expressions on her face. Nan Yin pondered why the Long Qian Group would throw a banquet in her honor and why the chairman of the Long Qian Group insisted on meeting her. After all, she genuinely saved the chairman's beloved daughter, who was also the future heir to the large business empire. But truth be told, Nan Yin was just a small-time trouble-maker from the Filo neighborhood. Even the seemingly respectful consultant from earlier was not someone she could casually meet, let alone the Chairman of the Long Qian Group. So, after mulling for ten minutes at the door, Nan Yin concluded that there must be a catch with this banquet. Although it might not be a Hongmeng banquet (a banquet planned with the purpose of murdering the guest of honor), she was convinced that the father of Li Meng meant no good. After all, usually, those one million credit points would've been sufficient to reward Nan Yin. In fact, it seemed more than enough. She didn't bother dwelling further on it, especially when she was positive that the Long Qian Group's chairman wouldn't harm her. Not only did she save his cherished daughter Li Meng, but considering her current influence and status... If he intended to harm her, those two counter-terrorism operators earlier would've been enough to kill her countless times. There was no need to host a special Hongmeng banquet. Nan Yin chuckled at herself. She was too weak at the moment. In the eyes of these so-called bigshots, she might not even be comparable to pastries served during afternoon tea. Power truly was the hard truth. Well, what needs to be done now is to transfer the money to Fubu Zhengshi. After all, she was weak. Receiving such a large sum and not using it to implement her plan would truly be a waste. However, just as Nan Yin was about to turn around and head back in, she noticed another convoy approaching. Each vehicle was a high-end car from the Long Qian Group. What's going on? Had the consultant forgotten something? That didn't seem right though. The scale of this convoy clearly outnumbered the consultant's from earlier… Yeah, Nan Yin had a vague idea of who might be arriving. As expected, a girl descending from the most luxurious silver car validated Nan Yin's guess. Her vibrant golden curls and extravagant attire... who else could it be besides the second Miss of Long Qian Group, Li Meng? Watching Li Meng approach her amidst a grand entourage, Nan Yin raised an eyebrow. Honestly, she'd always thought Mary Sue entrances only existed in novels. Now it seemed like her imagination had been limited by her poverty. "Nan Yin! Nan Yin!" Li Meng looked rather excited upon seeing her, which made Nan Yin a little uneasy. Perceiving Nan Yin's continued silence, Li Meng wrinkled her brow in distress and sniffled, "What? Is there something on my face?" "No, I am just curious as to why the illustrious Miss Li Meng is visiting my humble abode?" said Nan Yin as she shook her head. The Filo neighborhood simply didn't befit someone like Li Meng. "Humph, can't I come see you if there's nothing wrong?" Snorting, Li Meng saw Nan Yin ignoring her, and helplessly turned to her entourage. "I can't believe you live in a place like this." “…” Nan Yin touched her forehead helplessly. Honestly, she didn't want to have any connection with the predestined harem girl for the protagonist. "Then… where do you think I should live, Miss Li Meng?" Nan Yin asked perfunctorily. In the crowd behind Li Meng, she spotted the consultant from earlier. Currently, this well-dressed man offered Nan Yin an embarrassed smile. "In my opinion…" Li Meng hugged her arm, giggling mischievously, "Anyone I, Li Meng, fancy should at least live in a mansion, right?" "The person you fancy?" Nan Yin was alert. "Come work at our place! Why not become my bodyguard? You're much stronger than those useless guards." The snow-haired girl sighed in relief. Thank god. The mushroom clouds… uh, no, the lily flowers of her hometown weren't blooming yet.