Chapter 63 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 063: I Found You "Then… would Xi know everything?" Hearing Jiang Mi's worry, Nan Yin fell silent. “Jiang Mi, you should understand, she'll figure this out sooner or later. A couple of days from now, the superpower detection test will reveal everything. Any average person can see what's going on." Nan Yin was right, but Jiang Mi was still apprehensive. “So, what will happen between you and Nan Xi, when the time comes?” Yes, what will happen? How can a sister, whose superpower gene was stolen by her adoptive father and given to her younger sister, continue to get along with this sister? "Let it be…" ……………… To wake up to a brand new day every morning is the best thing in the world, and completely free. Three quick days passed since the registration for the superpower detection test. When Nan Yin hopped out of Jiang Mi's van as usual, the central clock tower of Roland High School just rang. It was a preparatory bell signaling breakfast time for students, because reading time would start half an hour later. However, the atmosphere was very different. Student council members, who usually uphold discipline, were nowhere to be found. Students stood in groups, chatting and laughing, seemingly oblivious to the day. Even the usually reserved security guards didn't mind random people wandering around. The entire Roland High School seemed as relaxed as it generally was right before the college entrance exam. Yes — the college entrance exam. Today is the day for the superpower detection test. For many students, it is both exciting and nerve-wracking. The detection results will determine their future. It is a fairly open lottery drawing — no one knows how their superpower genes have developed. Everyone looks forward to the test three hours from now: will it be a stroke of luck that changes their life or will it leave them average? "I'm a bit nervous..." Xia Yi Yi clutched Nan Yin's hand, her expression slightly panicked. Even her usually peaceful heart started to beat faster. Xia Yi Yi had been faithfully following Nan Yin since then. Her condition had improved, but she remained glued to Nan Yin. Although she didn't stick to Nan Yin all the time, she successfully replaced Jiang Mi as Nan Yin's number one follower. Well… the price was that this follower would use her as a pillow every night. "Why be nervous about this? Don't be scared." Nan Yin gently pinched Xia Yi Yi's cheek. "Besides, I believe that Yi Yi's superpower will definitely amaze everyone." Upon hearing this last part, the orange-haired girl, Jiang Mi wanted to say something, but held back and sighed, standing quietly by Nan Yin's side. "As long as Xiao Yin believes in me..." After hearing Nan Yin's words, Xia Yi Yi mustered up some courage, calming down a bit. "Boss, let’s get going. According to Ju Zi, they've started queuing already," Jiang Mi patted Nan Yin's shoulder. "If we don't hurry to get a spot, we might have to wait until the afternoon." At this moment, Xia Yi Yi also tugged on Nan Yin's sleeve. Nan Yin, confused, turned around, finding Xia Yi Yi carrying her guitar case. "Xiao Yin… I am going to quit the club… I'll come back soon…" Xia Yi Yi said softly. For Xia Yi Yi, the superpower test wasn't as significant as the cultural college entrance exam. She is not one to gamble her future on such an unpredictable factor as superpower. With her good academic results, it would be better for her to focus on preparing for the exam. Even if the superpower test didn’t go well, she would still be able to get into a good university and have a bright future ahead. After waving goodbye to Xia Yi Yi, Nan Yin turned to Jiang Mi, who was standing there deep in thought. "What’s the matter, what are you thinking about?" Nan Yin gently patted Jiang Mi's arm. Jiang Mi came back to reality, looking at Nan Yin and smiling. "If my superpower detection goes wrong, I might have to return home to farm." "Speaking nonsense! Farming? How about the three acres of land behind Bai Gong Apartment Building to practice on?" Nan Yin teased Jiang Mi, enjoying the feel of her face. "I trust you. You've always been daring, so your superpower genes must be potent as well." "You can't really connect the two..." Jiang Mi laughed and rebuked Nan Yin. Nan Yin could make out the worry in Jiang Mi’s voice, but didn't know how to comfort her. Nan Yin indeed possessed predictive powers regarding the plot of the story, and she did know about the results of the superpower detection for instance. For instance, Su Xiao Yu, the male lead, would be a nine-star wind superpower, whereas Su Ling was an eight-star water superpower. And Nan Xi, with her inherited gene from Nan Yin and the extra training from Nan Shan as a child, was a dual system superpower owner with a nine-star ice superpower and a nine-star healing superpower. However, the problem was that while she did possess predictive abilities, she and Jiang Mi were characters who had not appeared in the original story, and so she couldn't foresee their superpowers. Nan Yin naturally didn't possess a superpower, while as for Jiang Mi… It would have to wait until the results three hours from now. "Boss, why do you look so unhappy?" At this moment, Jiang Mi glanced at the contemplative Nan Yin, mistakenly believing she was brooding over her lack of superpowers. Therefore, she immediately tried to divert Nan Yin's attention with a lighter tone. "Unhappy? Me?" Hearing Jiang Mi's words, the contemplating Nan Yin was momentarily confused. Pointing to herself, she wore an innocent look on her face. Ah… the boss is so cute. There’s a compelling need to hold her and care for her… Yes, Nan Yin was slightly shorter than Jiang Mi, making this idea entirely feasible. "Yes, boss, you looked troubled… But regardless of the detection results, I will always follow you. Wherever you go, I will go." Jiang Mi confidently thumped her chest, amusing Nan Yin. Despite the cheerful conversation, a sudden silence enveloped the two. Yes, Nan Yin, who didn't have any superpower, couldn't possibly take the superpower entrance exam. And as for Jiang Mi, even with the worst-case scenario, her superpower would at least be of the ordinary level. Although she couldn't get into any of the twelve universities, she could at least try for smaller institutes. As Su Ling had once said, at worst, Jiang Mi could be an armored soldier. But, this meant that Jiang Mi and Nan Yin were destined to part ways. Yet, they knew they couldn’t live without each other. "Let’s go, since we’re here already," Nan Yin suddenly spoke, and taking Jiang Mi's hand, headed into the school grounds. Seeing her hand held by another, Jiang Mi was stunned. Her face turned inexplicably red and she remained silent, letting Nan Yin lead the way. …………………… Arriving at the superpower testing site, Nan Yin and Jiang Mi were astounded by their wise decision of getting there early. At the moment, there were about a thousand students gathered in the square, waiting to undergo the test, with more students steadily joining them. At present, twelve differently colored testing capsules had risen on the square. Calling them capsules was due to their portable and modular structure, which resembled capsules, thus the nickname. Such high-end technology could only be wielded by the twelve main superpower institutes. Indeed, twelve differently colored testing capsules were scattered around the square, as if confronting each other. Despite being from twelve distinct institutions, the tests conducted were fair and impartial. Just because you were tested in the Carnerus Academy, doesn't mean you can't apply to other institutions. All test results would be privately sent to the students. They would then choose where to apply. Nevertheless, privacy was relative. As for the professors supervising the testing process, they would definitely receive high-ranking results, to potentially retain promising students. Superpowers were classified into nine levels, with nine-star being the highest. In this world, due to the unceasing mutation of superpower genes thanks to the abundant superpower factors in the air, everyone's potential was uncertain. It was quite possible that a child born to a three-star potential superpower user could reach four or even five stars. However, it was equally probable for a high-ranked superpower user's offspring to have lower-ranked power. But whether inherited power was higher or lower than parental power, the gap wouldn't exceed four levels. So, every government kept a large number of high-ranked superpower users to defend their reign, gradually forming the twelve academies. The twelve major academies monopolize the resources for superpower education. As it is known, resources are decisive in developing one's potential. Over time, new superpower users had no choice but to enroll in one of these twelve academies, after which from studying to graduating and then being allocated, they'd be taken care of every step of the way. The distribution of superpower resources was transparent — further ensuring social stability. Moreover, to guarantee the integrity of these major academies, the position of chairman was held by those standing at the apex of human interests, such as Dragon Emperor Xin of Shen Huang. His strength was not something just superpowers could measure... As for the smaller institutions, I’m sorry, but humans usually yearn for more high-class lives. High-ranked superpower users seldom attend these smaller universities. Nan Yin, looking at the twelve large capsules in front of her, snapped out of her thoughts, while Jiang Mi was sweating anxiously due to the large number of people. Feeling the scorching sun, Nan Yin decided to retreat to the school's convenience store for shelter. However, just as she pulled Jiang Mi along, she noticed a petite figure emerging from the crowd. Before she knew it, the petite figure had plunged into her arms. This black-haired girl had her eyepatch off for some unknown reason. Her gaze, though listless yet poignant, struck Nan Yin. "Nan Yin...I found you."