Chapter 67 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 067: Being protected? Nan Yin opened her eyes and found herself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. The pale-haired girl half-rose in bed, gazing listlessly at the dimly-lit room — the sky was only just beginning to brighten, and the neon lights outside filtered through the window, providing minuscule illumination. Ah, an unfamiliar ceiling... Even though she had lost count of the days since she crossed over to this other world, she still struggled to accustom herself to waking up in strange environments – the harsh odor in the air, the uncomfortable mattress, the pleasant scent of her younger sister. Old habits died hard. “My head...hurts...” Nan Yin rubbed her snow-white locks. The mattress at her original home was surprisingly too soft, causing aches and pains after a mere eight hours of lying down... “Beep... Beep... Beep...” The alarm clock on the bedside table blared. Without thinking, she knew that it was the alarm set by the former owner of the home. Nan Yin picked up the alarm clock, and a faint surprise flickered across her face as she noted the time: 6:30 in the morning. This habit was a carryover from her military days, it seemed. In the military, they needed to appear for training at seven, which required waking up at six. Even after a year out of the service and having crossed worlds, her old habits still ruled, causing her to wake early. Hearing the sound of even breathing from the other occupant of the room, Nan Yin turned her head slightly and saw Jiang Mi’s adorable sleeping face… Such a lovely girl, she wondered who would end up winning her heart. Going back to sleep was out of the question now. Nan Yin decided to rub her face and get straight out of bed- very carefully, of course. After all, she didn’t want to disturb the young girl sleeping next to her who needed rest for growth. After swiftly attending to her biological needs, Nan Yin spent another seven minutes washing up. If not for the long and difficult-to-manage hair of the body she currently possessed, she could have finished up even quicker... Then, Nan Yin decided to call Fuhu Zhengsi. “Fuhu Zhengsi, how are things on your end?” "Miss, everything has been taken care of. When can you come over to inspect?" When should she head over? Nan Yin thought while rubbing her smooth chin. “Jiang Mi, I’ll be stepping out, okay?” .......... As Nan Yin was busy dealing with her own affairs, an equally eventful scene took place in a restaurant near Roland High School. "Congrats to Nan Xi for almost finishing her high school life!" These words, shouted by many people simultaneously, echoed deafeningly across the restaurant, drawing the attention of the other patrons. “Thank you... thank you all...” Nan Xi was visibly moved, tears glistening in her eyes, as she gazed at her classmates who had specifically come to celebrate with her. Ever since she left home with her sister, the girl had grown used to the absence of such attention. “Ha ha, Nan Xi, why are you crying? Today should be a happy event! Come, give us a smile!” Su Ran Ran, holding Nan Xi’s hand, chirped encouragingly. “Oh yes, you should be happy! After all, you have such a rare gift...” Just as Nan Xi was grappling with how to respond to her classmates’ enthusiastic remarks, a few paces away, Su Xiao Yu, holding a compass-like device, was frowning deeply in stark contrast with the surrounding joy. “What’s the matter, Xiao Yu? Is something bothering you?” Seeing his troubled expression, Su Ling, who also wore the uniform of Roland High, asked concernedly. “No, just...I can't figure out Nan Yin's power information," Su Xiao Yu complained, staring at the compass in his hand. Indeed, it wasn't the day for power detection results to be announced. In fact, Nan Xi's highly-ranked ability was divined by Su Xiao Yu through his compass. And these classmates, who'd supposedly come to celebrate Nan Xi's success, were there due to this very information. Yet, unbeknownst to innocent Nan Xi, these classmates' motives were far from pure. “Bro, stop moping around with your lousy compass! Didn't you say that your divination method was the best in your sect? And now you're sulking?” Su Ran Ran, hands on her hips, gave Su Xiao Yu - who was cradling the compass in his furrowed brow - an annoyed look. “You better not tell me that you made up those divination results to console Nan Xi.” “How could I?” Su Xiao Yu immediately shook his head. No one, not even his sister, could question his divination skills. "The divination is absolutely correct. Nan Xi’s ability is certainly at least of the seventh tier and above." “Then why are you fretting so..." “It’s because of Nan Yin…” Su Xiao Yu unconsciously muttered. “What has Nan Yin done?” Su Ran Ran inquired, turning to Su Ling beside her. “Su Ling, you should talk to him. My brother is too obstinate. If he can’t divine it, then he can’t." Su Ran Ran was puzzled by her brother's behavior. Ever since he'd divined Nan Xi’s exceptional ability, Su Xiao Yu had been trying to divine Nan Yin’s power. But unlike the ease of divining Nan Xi, he found Nan Yin’s information to be a chaotic mess. Accepting this was difficult for Su Xiao Yu, for this was the first time in many years he had struggled with a divination. As they stared at each other in silence, cheerful laughter came floating over from a distance. Turning to see, they found Nan Xi chatting and laughing heartily with a girl. They didn't know what these unexpected guests had said to the naive girl. “That girl over there seems to be the young lady of a prestigious family in the northern city of Tianzhou.” “Not just that, the demon race guy close to Nan Xi is also not to be underestimated. I last saw him at the demon slayer association meeting, very close with an elder…” Oh, the ways of this world, so cruel, so cold. When Nan Xi's abilities were still under wraps, the only notable thing about her was her good looks. But in this world, where special ability users held sway, good looks didn't amount to much. However, when Su Xiao Yu divined the exceptional abilities of their other friends, including Nan Xi's, the information mysteriously made its way to Tianzhou's upper echelons. That was the reason why so many 'classmates' had gathered around Nan Xi ‘out of concern’ today. After all, Su Xiao Yu and his sister, Su Ran Ran, were from the prominent Su family of Shenhuang, and therefore were out of reach for most people. The status of Su Ling's home was also high, being a marshal’s family from Shenhuang, and they couldn't care less about such personal overtures. Nan Xi, on the other hand, was different. The girl from the Filo block had no influential background to speak of, and the only family she had was a detached sister who wasn't related by blood. Naturally, overtures from people in high places were to be expected. Even though he was aware that associating with these people wouldn't be ideal for Nan Xi, Su Xiao Yu, an outsider, didn't feel it was his place to intervene. What's more, Nan Xi herself was entirely unaware of these people’s motives, nor was she on guard against them. All Su Xiao Yu could do was stand by helplessly, waiting for a chance to lend her a hand only when these people posed some threat to her. “Nan Xi once mentioned that her father had personally admitted that Nan Yin's ability was quite remarkable." Seeing the cheerful girl, Su Ling broke the silence. “Is her ability really remarkable? Perhaps…” Su Xiao Yu replied, a frown still lingering on his brow. He was still hung up on his inability to divine Nan Yin's power, stating, “Are you suggesting...Nan Yin’s ability is superior to Nan Xi’s, which is why her information has been protected in advance by the magnates of the academies?” Of course, this protection of information also included shielding from any divinations. If one of these intellectual heavyweights were indeed pulling the strings, it was entirely plausible that Su Xiao Yu was unable to predict her abilities. Yet, was Nan Yin's ability truly that extraordinary? Su Xiao Yu wasn't certain. The only thing he was sure of was his deep impression of the pale-haired girl’s remarkable stride. “I wonder how Nan Xi would react on finding out that her sister's ability is actually superior to hers."