Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Milano's Dilemma The market held on the main thoroughfare of the Kingdom of Helifarte had been bustling with activity over the past few months, arguably the busiest since its founding. Quality magical materials from the White Forest could only be obtained here, and merchants from various countries were rushing to get their hands on these fine products. And where people gather, street performers and minstrels find their stage. Drawn to these cheerful folk, people converged from all nations, turning Helifarte into a daily festival. Visitors from other lands, upon hearing that a single girl was the cause of such revitalization, were astonished. The girl in question, with skin like white porcelain, hair like silk threads, and eyes of deep crimson, was beautiful. She was often seen riding in carriages, and the rumor had it that she devoted her time to academics, frequently visiting the Helifarte National Academy for inspections. Some even claim that the 'Princess of Moonlight, Selene, is an envoy from the heavens mediating between elves and humans,' such was the fanciful talk amongst the minstrels. Shrouded in mystery, Selene was almost regarded as a living deity. The real Selene, however, was nothing more than a worldly creature packed with all kinds of earthly desires but silent and introspective in appearance, which only made her more enigmatic. Her concerns lay elsewhere than the basic needs, and traveling only between the castle and the academy, she paid no mind to what the citizens thought of her. The notion that her mere presence bestowed blessings upon the nation was far from her thoughts. Whenever her carriage passed by stirring up the streets, the indifferent Selene would merely glance outside and think it noisy, nothing more. However, her unbending attitude inadvertently elevated her mystique, though sadly, Selene's thoughts were mostly on superficial matters. Setting Selene's actual character aside, Helifarte was now considered a "blessed nation," an ideal land by other countries. Yet, where the light shines brightest, the shadows deepen as well. The echoed joy of the celebrating populace and the stern soldiers protecting the citizens, even the robust city walls, were mere stepping stones for the nefarious Hikarimushi (Sun-Blocking Parasite) At the command of the cursecaster, the Hikarimushi effortlessly infiltrated the Helifarte royal palace in search of their first target, Milano, crawling through the immaculate halls as if they owned the place. After a while, the movement of the Hikarimushi ceased—they had found their prey. Merging into the polished marble, the Hikarimushi entered Milano's chamber without a sound. It was the audience hall. Kneeling on one knee before Shuban and Ibis who sat upon the throne, Milano faced Shuban's stern gaze. "Milano, just how long do you intend to stay in this country?" There was anger in Shuban's voice as he questioned. Milano took a moment before answering. "The exchange with the elves is only beginning. As their intermediary, I must stay for a little while longer..." "The relationship between elves and humans is already sufficiently deep, in my judgment. Surely you haven't forgotten the task I set forth?" "Of course not!" Milano's response was hurried but unconvincing. He understood that his excuse of negotiations with the elves was just that—an excuse—and he was well aware of the task his father mentioned. —That task was to wander the continent and broaden his own horizons. For this, Milano, accompanied by Kumahachi, had journeyed through many lands. It was during these travels that he stumbled upon Selene, rescuing her from darkness. After various occurrences, he ended up staying in Helifarte by default, but it was time for a turning point. Born under the star of greatness, Milano could not spend his days in the comfort of his homeland forever. "You've already completed your visit to Valber. Surely, there is no resistance to proceeding to other lands." "You are correct, Father." As Shuban had said, thanks to Selene, the postponed visit to Valber had already been effortlessly accomplished. Due to Selene's influence, the situation would be much different in other countries. Where once nobles everywhere offered their daughters upon his arrival, Selene's shining achievements now eclipsed the standing of any local noble. Asserting that he had a companion like Selene would make dismissing unwanted advances all the more straightforward. Thus, Milano had found himself with the possibility of an untroubled journey through various nations—the very thing he originally sought. Yet, Milano's expression remained clouded, which Shuban perceived with a sigh. "Let me guess why you hesitate to embark on your travels. It's Selene, isn't it?" "It is as you say." Milano conceded with candor to his father's accurate insight. To resume his travels meant leaving Selene behind in Helifarte. Bringing a young girl on his journey would only increase the dangers and slow him down. "Let us take responsibility for Selene. Surely, you do not wish to travel the countries with her in tow?" "That is..." "Oh, why not?" Just as Milano struggled for an answer, Ibis chipped in. Turning to Ibis, Shuban frowned. "Don't say such foolish things! This is no holiday! Taking such a child on a journey is madness!" "But you took me traveling all over the continent, didn't you? That was fun." "Well, that's different! You were already fourteen, and I was twenty-four. Milano is but eighteen. Too young to protect Selene." "When you brought Selene here, you said to treat Milano as a man. It's unbecoming of a king to change his stance so readily." "That is... ugh..." Even Shuban, known as the Lion King, was at a disadvantage against his beloved wife. Ignoring Shuban's fluster, Ibis turned back to Milano. "Life is fleeting. Even those with wealth and power may one day slip on stairs and die. Therefore, isn't it better to live with as few regrets as possible?" "You're too optimistic." "And you're too pessimistic." Ignoring Milano, Ibis and Shuban exchanged barbs. As Milano watched, unsure of what to do, Shuban cleared his throat and delivered his verdict. "...Indeed, I have said that I would treat you as a man, but I also said you must take responsibility. It is pointless to bicker here. Milano, it is for you to decide the path that will bring the most happiness to that child." "Right... We can't just decide on our own. We should respect Selene's wishes." "I understand." With that, the discussion came to a temporary close, and Milano, having bowed to the two royals, left the audience chamber. Leaning against the wall just outside the room, he saw Kumahachi, who had been waiting for him. It seems that Kumahachi had some foresight into the content of the conversation as soon as Milano had been summoned by Shuban. "I have a general grasp of the situation. It's about departing on a journey, isn't it?" "As perceptive as ever. Yes, that's right." And so, Milano confided in Kumahachi, his most trusted retainer and a friend like no other, about the entire conversation with his parents. It boiled down to two choices: to leave on a journey without Selene or to take her along. After listening to Milano, Kumahachi stroked his chin beard and fell into deep thought. Gone was his usual playful demeanor, replaced with an expression of utmost seriousness. "In my view, I agree with the king's opinion. It's not commendable to wander abroad with a young child in tow. No doubt, showing the different countries would be a good experience for Lady Selene as well, but the uncertainties are just as manifold." "…Indeed, I suppose so." "However, the queen's opinion also has merit. As the saying goes, 'One may have the blush of life in the morning, and be white bones by evening.' As we live today does not guarantee peace tomorrow." "So whose side are you on, after all?" "I stand with the prince." Surprised by his words, Milano's shoulders were lightly patted by Kumahachi, who chuckled. "I shall follow the conclusion that the prince reaches. It's my duty to guard your peace of mind. With that, I shall take my leave." Having said what he wanted, Kumahachi turned on his heel and left. Milano felt encouraged by Kumahachi's departure but remained inwardly torn. "Selene's happiness, huh…" What should he do? Milano was troubled. Unseen to him, the Hikarimushi didn't miss the wavering of his heart. Slipping out from the shadow of a hallway fixture, it slid into Milano's shadow and penetrated his body. "Ugh!?" Milano was suddenly struck by dizziness, bracing himself against the wall. He felt a chill down his spine, but laying his palm on his forehead, he found no fever, and a quick scan of his body showed no visible signs of disturbance. The dizziness left as quickly as it had come. "Perhaps I'm just a bit tired…" Several months had passed since he met Selene, and it was undeniably the most intense period of his life. Negotiations with other countries, conflicts with Marie, confrontations with dragons, exploration of the White Forest... A continuous string of hardships, it was possible that fatigue had accumulated. Yet, looking back, Selene had brought them an innumerable amount of things. —Thinking of the approaching farewell with Selene made Milano's heart heavy. For now, it was an emotional problem, but the pain in his chest was becoming physical without him noticing. The newborn creature of Hikarimushi, which had used substantial energy reaching Helifarte, now coiled itself around his heart inside his body. It settled there, entering a dormant state until the night of the new moon, when the powers of darkness would be strongest. Completely unaware of the terrifying creature lurking within, Milano's concerns were focused purely on the immediate future. He needed to discuss the situation with Selene. Dragging his heavy legs, he made his way to Selene's room. "So, I must journey through the various countries again." "Prince, traveling? What about me?" Upon being told of the imminent continuation of the journey, Selene looked round-eyed, surprised. Then, answering her question about what she should do, Milano gave a strained reply. "…I'm sorry, Selene, but I need you to stay behind and take care of things here." "When will you return?" "Me? I can probably come back once in a few months, but I can't make any promises." Milano was taken aback by how grim his own voice sounded as he disclosed the facts. He hadn't realized that the idea of not being able to see Selene would be so painful. "Do your best!" "…Eh?" But what surprised him even more was the radiant smile Selene gave him, unlike any he had seen before. He hadn't expected her to cling to him, but this response was quite unexpected, and Milano was somewhat taken aback. "If Selene has no particular requests, then that concludes our discussion…" "Bye-bye!" With the most splendid smile, Selene waved frantically at Milano and then hastened to close the door. Milano stood alone in the corridor, left behind and feeling rather hollow. "This is for the best, but what is this feeling…" Milano murmured to himself, feeling rather empty. While it was indeed easier for him to move about if she chose to stay behind, he hadn't anticipated things to proceed so abruptly. To be honest… he was quite disheartened. "Ha ha… Have I become so dependent on Selene?" As a nobleman who had dismissed countless women, Milano had never felt down about being turned away by one. Could this be what they call heartbreak? Except the other party was still an eight-year-old child. Milano thought to himself with self-derision. "Oops, I also have to inform Marie that I'll be going on a journey." While heading towards Marie's room, Milano couldn't help but look back repeatedly. Perhaps even now, Selene might chase after him, asking to be taken along. He thought it rather pathetically feminine of himself, but he couldn't help it. However, until the corner of the corridor turned and Selene's room was out of sight, she never came out. "Uu… ku, ku-ku-ku…" 『Princess, you did well to endure. This Butler understands your kind consideration better than anyone.』 Buried face-down in her bed pillow, Selene was shaking. The Butler watched her with a look of sorrow. Despite facing a separation from the beloved Prince Milano, Selene had sent him off with a broad smile. What a gracefully reserved gesture. Despite her youth—or perhaps precisely because of her young yet astute wisdom—she understood that her lack of strength would only hinder Prince Milano. To not feel pained by parting with her savior would be impossible. And sure enough, as soon as she closed the door, Selene had run to her bed and lay there, sobbing silently. The Butler knew better than to intrude on his mistress's time of sorrow. Everyone needs a moment to cry sometimes. For now, he decided to give her space and retreated back into his alcove. "(Yes!)" Of course, Selene wasn't crying at all. Overwhelmed by the serendipitous news, she wanted to burst out laughing. However, not knowing where servants might be eavesdropping, and the news reaching Milano's ears, she stayed facedown on the pillow, desperately stifling the laughter that sought to escape. I had been pondering how to bring down that prince, but an unexpected opportunity presented itself. The less time the prince was around, the more I could avoid the watchful eyes, and the more time and freedom I would have to strategize. Even though I had been diligently feeding him poisoned lunches every day, not only was there no effect, but he seemed to be getting stronger than when we first met. It was time to rethink the plan. The Red Dragon had also not shown itself since its initial visit. However, if the prince would only return once every few months, there was a good chance it might come again during his absence. Maybe this time, I could take Arue with me and move to the elf village. Selene looked forward with anticipation to the time the prince would embark on his journey. ◆◇◆◇◆ "Is that really true!?" "Yes, Selene smiled and saw me off. So I will soon be traveling alone…" "Idiot!!!" After I explained everything to Marie, she abruptly grabbed a stuffed rabbit and hurled it at my face with all her might. And she didn't stop there; she seized a cushion and began hitting me with it again and again. It didn't hurt, but I was bewildered by my sister's sudden attack. "What's the meaning of this all of a sudden!?" "It's not 'all of a sudden' at all! Why are you so clueless!?" Although I was confused, I noticed tears forming at the corners of Marie's eyes, and I was even more astonished. Through her teary voice, Marie threw down the cushion and began slapping me with both hands. "Stupid big brother! You're always like this! Courting countless girls from afar, yet you're oblivious to the important things right in front of you! Idiot, idiot, you big idiot!" "What's with all this 'idiot' talk, what are you even referring to?" "It's obviously about Selene! Why would you just abandon her so easily!?" "I'm not abandoning her! She chose to stay here of her own accord!" "That's exactly what's so idiotic! There's no way she wants to stay behind alone!" With that one shouted sentence from Marie, I froze, as if stitched in place. "Why… Why can't you see it! She was abandoned by her mother and has been all alone, you know? I can hardly be there for her because of school, and if you, her savior, depart on your travels, she'll be all alone again!? Isn't she?" "She won't be alone; Father and Mother are here, and so are you." "We're not enough! To Selene, you are the special person who saved her from hell! Why can't you understand that!?" "But, that's just your assumption. In fact, she was smiling, right? I didn't notice anything unusual…" "She was smiling to make sure you wouldn't worry, obviously! Was Selene really the same as always?" "…Now that you mention it…" I recalled the scene from earlier. Selene has always been a child of few words and becomes especially silent when she's with me. Yet, as soon as I told her about my departure, she was abnormally happy. Yes, abnormally. It hadn't occurred to me at the time, but now that I thought about it, her behavior was indeed peculiar compared to how she usually acted. After letting out her feelings in a torrent, Marie glared at me, her breaths heavy. Normally I wouldn’t falter under Marie’s glare, but today there was such an intensity I couldn’t help but take a step back. For Marie, Selene was an important younger sister. "At least think it over again. And consider Selene's feelings properly." "…Understood." "Besides, are you okay with it? Not being able to see Selene for a long time?" "That is… no, I’ll think about it a bit." "Please do." "Marie, I'm sorry, and thank you." I bowed deeply to Marie, offering my respect sincerely for the first time to the sister I had always seen as a child. Then, I retreated into my own room in silence to contemplate the future path and whether I should take Selene with me. After agonizing over it until night, I decided, after all, to leave Selene behind. I could understand what Marie was saying. The theory that Selene was suppressing her own wishes had credibility. Nonetheless, there were many issues with taking Selene along. Knowing that Selene was nocturnal and likely still awake at this time, I stood in front of Selene's room and knocked on the door. I needed to explain my decision to her more thoroughly than I had in the daytime. "Come in!" Immediately after I knocked, Selene opened the door quickly. Normally it would take her a while to open it slowly, but like earlier that day, her mood was oddly good, and her movements agile. "(Indeed, something is off.)" Selene was smiling from ear to ear throughout, not her usual composed self. At the very least, the Selene I knew wasn't a girl who smiled so often. "Selene…" "Yes?" I peered intently into Selene's smiling face. She wasn't usually childlike, which led to her estrangement from her mother. Yet Selene, smiling her age, looked as though she was a maiden blessed by the gods. And here I was, about to leave this innocent princess and set off alone. I had to tell her the truth from now. "Would you like to come with me after all?" "…What?" Before I knew it, I had said the exact opposite of what I intended to say. Even I wasn’t aware of what I had said until after speaking, and I was taken aback. That meant, for me, these words were indeed my true feelings. Once the words poured out, there was no stopping the flow of emotions. Beyond being a prince of a nation, I was also a young man. Without waiting for the stunned Selene to respond, I let out all my feelings. That I needed Selene. That, if possible, I wanted her to stay with me forever, without any reservations. "My father might have felt something similar when he invited Mother on a journey," I laughed, as if to hide my embarrassment. "But, I'm slow, I'll be in the way!" Selene frantically argued that she would only be a hindrance, that I would regret taking her with me, so we should just stop this idea, but to me, it just seemed endearing and further solidified my resolve. "Those who walk fast are not necessarily better. It's fine to walk slowly and take small steps at a time. That's why I want you to walk with me." Perhaps out of considerable embarrassment after conveying what I needed to, I rushed away with a flushed face. Left alone and utterly confused, Selene stood still, in front of the open door. 『Princess! Congratulations! It seems that indeed, the gods favor the righteous!』 Butler leaped from his alcove and rushed to Selene's side, rejoicing as if it were his own joy, offering her words of celebration. For Prince Milano, bringing Selene along would undoubtedly be a significant burden. Yet, despite this, he chose to prioritize her. This filled Butler with immense pride. "...This won't do." Selene, in a state of shock, could only mutter that much. For some reason, it was in Kansai dialect.

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