Chapter 45

Chapter 45: The Moonlight Princess of the Nocturnal Realm ...Now, where should I begin my account? In the bone-chilling season of midwinter, my mind too seems to grow cold and it has been rather difficult to organize my thoughts. Well, this is but the first draft. It is not meant for public release in its current state. Since it will undoubtedly be subjected to censorship, I might as well let my pen wander as inspiration strikes me. — I shall now recount the tale of a girl burdened with a curious fate, Moonlight Princess Selene. Hmm? Who am I, you ask? I am one of the civil officers of Helifarthe. Commanded directly by the king, I am charged with the grave task of engraving her achievements into the annals of Helifarthe's history. But let's skip over my personal details; they are of little importance. There is likely no one as sensational as Princess Selene now... no, perhaps not even in the future. Plays, stories, picture books, and even popular papers— the number of publications featuring her as their subject is growing daily. However, most of these publications are frivolous works that exaggerate and distort facts for sheer entertainment, pursuing only sensationalism and their own curiosity. But I am different. As someone appointed directly by the state, I have a comprehensive understanding of matters unknown to the general public. I have spoken personally with those close to her, seen with my own eyes, heard with my ears, traveled on foot, and gathered information using all of my knowledge. There might be no other writer in the country as well-informed about Moonlight Princess Selene as I am. Therefore, I wish readers of this narrative to keep in mind that everything I write hereafter is factual, with not a single exaggeration or falsehood presented. The early life of Moonlight Princess Selene was shrouded in mystery. It was speculated that she might be from Aquila, but it was all conjecture. Today, I shall unveil her true identity. Her real name is Selene Aquila. The title of 'Moonlight Princess' is not just a nickname; she is indeed the second princess of Aquila. From her very infancy due to her peculiar nature, she was shunned and abandoned by her mother, confined in a room reminiscent of a dungeon—a most miserable upbringing. Yet despite this, the young Princess Selene did not utter a single complaint, instead showing concern for her sister, Alue Aquila, demonstrating a fortitude beyond most adults. This information has not yet been made public, but due to Helifarthe's strong request—owinging to her immeasurable achievements and, above all, her devotion, having risked her life for the prince she revered, Prince Milano—, we are currently in the process of seeking Aquila's permission to disclose it. The progress is... favorable. By the time my writing is published, Princess Selene's past will be known to all citizens of Helifarthe. I can hardly wait for that day to arrive. Nonetheless, how inhumane the behaviors of the Queen of Aquila were. Well, perhaps it was too heavy a burden for a minor queen to birth an existence that would go down in the annals of human history... Oh, I must remember to delete this part later. The legacy Princess Selene left behind is truly incalculable. Among her most significant accomplishments were establishing relations with the Elves, which had been severed, and creating opportunities for more people to access magically endowed products, which only the upper class could previously afford. She also diverted her entire personal fortune for public investment in education. But for us citizens of Helifarthe, there is something even more significant. It is that she valiantly defended our Sacred Prince Milano Helifarthe, staking her life to do so. On a new moon night at the end of summer, Princess Selene, with her keen senses, detected an appalling monster created by the so-called Cursecaster and faced it head-on, alone, ensuring no one else was caught in the fray. She did so at the cost of her young life. This vile creature was known as Sun-Blocking Parasite. Using this monster, the Cursecaster intended to throw all people of the continent into a vortex of despair and fear. The unveiling of this plot came through a confession from Princess Ente of Valber. After becoming the first victim of the Sun-Blocking Parasite and falling into a coma for several days, Princess Ente woke up simultaneously with the demise of Princess Selene and tearfully confessed her transgressions to her parents. Princess Ente's drastic change was so shocking that even her own subordinates and parents were reportedly bewildered— as if all her malevolent emotions had been siphoned away, leaving a weeping, fragile maiden in place of her arrogance. Presently, Princess Ente, of her own accord, has been handed over to Helifarthe to be tried. According to her statements, the catalyst for this grand incident sprung from jealousy over Princess Selene, who had won the favor of Prince Milano. While it is true her passions were exploited by the wicked old witch, it does not completely absolve her of guilt, for a crime was committed. I am not at liberty to predict what the judgment will be for Princess Ente, but the decision on her punishment is likely to be determined by next spring. Now, having mentioned Princess Ente, I feel compelled to also document the aftermath in Valber. Consequently, this entails noting another grave matter: the ire of the great Red Dragon, the executor of divine wrath, and the pitiful end of the Cursecaster, the source of all evils. Days after the death of Princess Selene, the Red Dragon descended upon Helifarthe Castle. Presumably learning of her assassination from the sight of mourning humans and the absence of his beloved Princess Selene, he let out a terrifying roar, stirring gales before flying away. Days later, news reached Helifarthe that the capital of Valber had suffered an attack by the suddenly-appeared dragon, leaving it in near ruins. While there are records of dragons destroying human towns in play, there was no precedent for a dragon making a hostile incursion. Later, I made my way to the site to begin my inquiries, and the sight of central Valber was indeed akin to divine retribution. However, Valber was a nation of stark wealth disparities—the affluent suffered, while many of the poor felt a sense of relief... Oops, I'll have to remove this part later too. A dragon, with its immense magical reserves, is akin to a hound with an exceptional nose. It was undoubtedly trivial for the dragon to trace the Cursecaster's magic from the lingering residues of Daybanisher. To avenge his master, the dragon sought retribution with his formidable might. It would be more accurate to say that it was in searching for the Cursecaster that Valber was left in such dire straits. No matter how skilled the Cursecaster was as a sorceress, she stood no chance against a dragon's glare. From the accounts of those who witnessed the scene, the old woman was seen fleeing in half-madness, eventually becoming so delirious that she even sought help from her pet ravens. Of course, birds cannot comprehend human speech, and the ravens flew away without a second glance. Thus, the Cursecaster met the end of her cursed life, engulfed by the dragon without so much as a struggle. The vile old woman's conspiracies crumbled away, unfulfilled to the very end. Now, let us return to the topic of Princess Selene once more. On that night, Princess Selene, heading towards Prince Milano's chambers, plunged a blade of magical energy into the beast, purging the curse that had been festering within Prince Milano. This is an indisputable fact. However, there are cynics in the world who mock the tragic resolve of Princess Selene. It seems that great figures, in all eras, are subject to undue slander and defamation by the ignorant. Among the most insulting remarks is a baseless claim suggesting, "Could Princess Selene have stabbed Prince Milano due to a fit of jealousy gone wrong?" In other words, there are those who outlandishly speculate there was a lover's spat between Princess Selene and Prince Milano, and in a fit of rage, she struck at him with a deadly blade, resulting, by chance, in Daybanisher's death. As one who documents historical fact, I must protect Princess Selene's honor. It is foolish to even entertain such lowly suspicions, but I must offer a rebuttal regarding this point. There are numerous pieces of evidence to prove Princess Selene's innocence. Firstly, on the night of her last day in Aquila, Princess Selene vowed to Princess Alue, her sister, that she would "definitely protect" her. True to her word, Princess Selene shielded Prince Milano, her benefactor, with her own body. But there's more. Moments before stabbing Prince Milano with the dagger, Princess Selene bid him "farewell." This can only be interpreted as a declaration of her readiness for the imminent end and a final goodbye. Despite this clear evidence, there may still be those persistent enough to argue that this "farewell" was, in fact, an announcement of her intent to murder Prince Milano. Therefore, let me provide one more piece of irrefutable evidence, as the final nail in the coffin. —that would be the unclasping of Princess Maribel's ring. There is a well-known charm among girls, propagating the belief that by exchanging each other's hair and making decorative accessories, one can pledge everlasting friendship. Princess Selene had also exchanged such vows with Princess Maribel. However, on the day of her death, Princess Selene unclasped that very ring and left it by her pillow. Of course, this ring of girlish promises had no relevance to Prince Milano at all. So, this unclasping must be a message meant for someone else. Who might it be for, and what does it signify? It is inferred to be a token of parting for Princess Maribel. As beautiful as "everlasting friendship" may sound, it can become a curse that binds the survivor with sorrow if one were to perish. Princess Selene, with death imminent, cared for her best friend, Princess Maribel. The ring, made from Maribel's hair—a token of an eternal vow—was undone by Selene before her passing, perhaps as a message for Maribel to move forward and forget about her. What purity and nobility of spirit! On the brink of her own demise, Princess Selene continued to think of others right up until the end. To link such a spirit to a drama of love and hate is utterly nonsensical. Princess Selene, who defended our Sacred Prince and preserved the future of Helifarthe—and indeed, of the whole continent—now slumbers quietly in her coffin, located within the Saint Selene Mausoleum currently being constructed in the garden of lilies she so loved. This place also marks where she first encountered the Elves, and by distance, it serves as an ideal site for both humans and Elves to pay their respects easily—a true symbol of peace. Although currently only the foundation has been laid, the mausoleum is a magnificent structure that will undoubtedly go down in history. It is expected to take many years to complete, but at the request of Prince Milano, who wishes for Princess Selene to be the first to see the garden in full bloom come spring, she was interred ahead of time. Mysteriously, Princess Selene's sacred remains show no signs of decay, appearing as if she were merely asleep and may awaken at any moment. It seems the poets' dreamy declarations of the Moonlight Princess being a messenger sent from heaven may not be entirely false after all. Despite the structure being under construction and in the midst of the harsh winter, numerous pilgrims visit daily. It is surprising to learn that among those visitors is the Red Dragon, which, like a dog lying down before its master, remains before Princess Selene's coffin for hours before flying off. This has become a daily occurrence. Perhaps, she indeed had the ability to command a dragon. Although skeptical at first, it turns out to be true that the Elves referred to Princess Selene as the Dragon Maiden. ...Which reminds me, I wonder if her peculiar rat, which she used to keep, still cuddles by her coffin. That rat, with its black and white fur and a red ribbon tied like a butler's, was very intelligent, just like its master. After her demise, the rat remained motionless atop her body, never leaving her side for a moment. While faithful dogs are known, a faithful rat is unheard of—yet it likely still remains by the slumbering Princess Selene, like a shadow. Princess Selene met an untimely and tragic death far too soon. Her passing was mourned by all— the citizens of Helifarthe, the Elves, everyone without exception. The Blessed Kingdom of Helifarthe had suddenly turned into the Nocturnal Realm. But no amount of sorrow and mourning can bring Princess Selene back to life. Now, in the depths of winter, we must remember that seasons turn, and eventually, the warmth of spring will come, bringing sunny days once more. Like a shooting star that burns brightly but fleetingly, Princess Selene lived a dazzling but brief life. What she has left us in death, we who live must carry on. And we must never forget, for all eternity, the miraculous bonds she forged between humans and Elves, safeguarding the future of the common folk. Now she has returned to the distant moon, our Moonlight Princess Selene Aquila... 【Nocturnal Realm】 - Nightly companionship between men and women - A vigil (as in watching throughout the night)

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