Chapter 12 - I Became the Daughter of the Academy’s Villain

Chapter 12 12 - The 0.1% Event <12 - The 0.1% Event> "Are you kidding me?" "I'm serious. The higher up in the ranks those so-called hero candidates go, the more they're all men. There's no fun in watching or cultivating them. Just being a woman is rare enough in and of itself." In other words, this is what it meant: If Oknodie had been a man, she would have only passed the test after using wand magic, but as a woman, even her current strength was enough to secure a passing mark. "Is that understandable?" "Not at all." "It doesn't matter if you don't get it. A sword needs to taste blood now and then to follow the right path. If you want, come at me. Though the lady you serve might be saddened." Jonah, the butler, glared at Michael as if trying to bore holes through him. Then he turned his back. "...Forget it. It was foolish to expect a proper answer from a weirdo." The butler relaxed his grip and entered the inn. Michael was left with a lingering sense of dissatisfaction, unable to draw the hand he had tucked away. "That's a shame. It's been a while since I found an opponent worth cutting." A Double Number is a ticket reserved only for those who might be the next-generation heroes. However, it's the examiner that appraises its value. Michael's true standard of judgment was simple: "Will they grow into a talent worth cutting within ten years, or not?" 'The lady' did. Nothing more than that. "Another tedious day begins." After Jonah and then Michael departed, The insects in the yard finally resumed their evening chorus. * * A peculiar ticket was obtained. "Hmm. Hmm? Hmmm." "Lady. Does the ticket bother you?" "No. Um. That's a lie. Honestly, it's bothering me." In the game, tickets had no color. A ticket was simply a ticket. And she was unaware of any settings like Triple Number or Double Number. 'Is this because it's not a game, but reality?' The capricious method she stubbornly clung to was for the hidden reward of reputation <Acknowledged by Michael> to receive. Candidates who held this reputation strangely received favorable evaluations during the entrance exams and even after becoming students, they received numerous positive adjustments. Surely a student recognized by someone as incredible as Michael? Sugoiha, indeed. Worth keeping an eye on. That's probably what many professors thought. It was also beneficial for Michael's own evaluation to increase. If he were to appear as a guest lecturer at the academy someday, having his favor would surely be of great help in securing good grades. When she went through the hidden route with a muscular male character, Michael had never shown such favorable reactions. 'Is it because I'm a woman?' She shook her head immediately at the notion. The prince Michael? Hardly likely. With his looks, he could probably find a woman to spend the night with on any street corner, any night of the week. When Michael reappears as a guest lecturer at the academy, he is known as a man of integrity among all the lecturers one might see. That time, however, it happened to be a session where the class was all men. At any rate, he didn't seem like the fantasy man (fantasy male) to discriminate between men and women. "Mr. Jonah." "Did you call for me?" "What did you talk about with the examiner?" In a calm tone, Jonah lied, "Nothing much." Looking at the butler, it suddenly dawned upon her. Wasn't all the deviation from the game settings beginning with the butler's whistle? Seeing the hidden route work in this ticket test, she surmised there were likely significant changes, not everywhere but surely in the fine details. Yet, that was enough of a clue. 'With pro gamer tactics, one could cut through luck and employ both physical and mental strength to conveniently aim for the highest reward, isn't that incredible enough?' Yet, one persistent question remained unresolved. Michael's hidden route. The difficulty of this challenge varies based on how much time you bide. After six days, not even seasoned gamers could crack it. But five days? Then maybe. If one uses both swordsmanship and wand magic. He had prepared in secret, ready to incur Jonah's wrath, but before he could even use wand magic, the evaluation was already over. To begin with, even the words indicating a pass had changed from the game. 'Why? Though as a man, decent strength was expected, I've never once been complimented for it.' The question was brief. She stretched, ticket in hand. "The real challenge is the entrance exam. We've not yet officially passed." "An admirable mindset." "Please, prepare for our departure!" It was time to leave the inn. The next goal was the entrance examination hall. The final barrier to entering the prestigious academy awaited. * * While the butler arranged for transportation, The dark merchant Giselle approached. "I never really thought you would make it." "The bet was won by me, correct?" "I acknowledge it." Upon seeing the platinum ticket, Giselle couldn't help but express genuine admiration. "Do you understand what makes these tickets different?" "Roughly, yes." Oknodie had originally been a player. She had played the game <Graduating from the Academy with the Help of Luck> as a mere fantasy. But now, that game had become her reality in this other world. The differences between the game and reality created a feeling of estrangement. The color and grade of the tickets were part of this. Ten gold coins - Ticket (30% chance of being a defective ticket) One hundred gold coins - Guaranteed Ticket If one spends less money, they get a crappy ticket with a chance of drawing a dud. Now she understood that this could actually be an Iron Ticket, preventing her from even entering the examination hall, or a Bronze Ticket, making it impossible to sit for the exam if there were too many participants. Conversely, a Platinum Ticket is a ticket you get when you're lucky, and for some reason, it's good. In the game, where there were no colors or grades, it was regarded as a lucky ticket whose essence could not be grasped. Triple Number, Double Number, and such privileges were also stories unknown to her. 'The noble house that raised this child must've been quite determined.' Yet, she had a basic understanding of the tickets. And so, Giselle thought: This knowledge was a result of education provided by a noble family. The Gift Academy. There was no shortage of noble houses striving for admission into the continent's foremost academy. Some undergo training akin to abuse for this purpose, while others suffer almost torture-like ordeals to prevent their admission, happening as frequently as there are noble houses. "Lady. May I inquire the name of your house?" "I don't know." "You don't need to worry. The butler who's been bothering you has gone to arrange transportation, and the maid is busy at the table, so she won't be eavesdropping on our conversation." "I really don't know." "Truly, you don't even know the name of the house where you were raised?" Oknodie made a troubled face. "Don't speak ill of my servants. They aren't bad people. They make sure I'm well-fed and let me train in good facilities." "What about your debut in society?" "I don't need such events." "And the tea parties with other young ladies?" "Does that entail a lot of food?" This was hopeless. She wasn't raised in a proper noble house at all. It was clear that she had been raised solely for admission purposes, a pitiful life sacrificed for the glory of a house, devoid of the pleasures of childhood and womanhood. Her situation was so sad and regrettable that it filled one with pity. Even if she were admitted to the academy, it seemed she would inevitably remain a marionette manipulated by her family’s wishes. "I've made up my mind." "What about?" "This entrance exam. I’m going to take it too.” Oknodie's eyes widened. * * What is this man talking about? Only those under 20 years of age can take the entrance exam. "But you're old." "Ha ha. Age can be falsified just like that." "Even if you can deceive them about your age, what's the point of forcing yourself to attend if you'll struggle to adapt?" The rigorous schedule of the Academy is not something the average person can handle. Although Giselle is no ordinary man, it’s natural for physical strength to decrease with age. If he lacks the stamina to pull all-nighters for assignments and exam preparations, no amount of sharp wit and brilliant talent will enable him to graduate from the academy. "Besides, you managed to get through the ticket exam with the power of money. The entrance exam won't be so easy, will it?" "You're so naïve. Unlike what our little lady knows, the world is ugly. In the dirty games of adults, the impossible becomes possible and the possible becomes impossible with nefarious deeds." Is he planning to use bribery? While it's none of my business, I can't help but admire such bold spirit. 'Can a dark merchant who doesn't sell tickets just go and take the exam?' An event that was never in the game. It seems off, but I can't just tell someone who wants to take the exam to go back to selling tickets in some backwater. Above all, the fact that this event has never happened in the game carries special meaning. The law of 600 vs. 300 vs. 99 vs. 1. Common branches are 600 and 300. Rare branches are 99. Unique branches are 1. An event that occurs only when one hits the 0.1% chance, avoiding the probabilities of 60%, 30%, and 9.9%. It signifies extraordinary odds. Of course, odds are just odds. Whether this is a great fortune or great misfortune, I can't say. But Giselle approached the challenge seriously. He graciously accepted the outcome. Unlike his status as a ticket dark merchant, his humanity was not so poor. "Like a dream of middle age, is it? I hope it goes well for you." "...Middle-aged what? It's not like that," "I'll be rooting for you. Fighting!" Giselle went up to Michael's room, holding the ticket he had not sold. Shortly after, he came down, waving a platinum ticket boldly. His enthusiasm to achieve academic success at the academy, even at an advanced age, was certainly tremendous. "They say it's never too late to learn. Good luck!" "Damn brat. I really could use a honey-slathered sleep." "Why?!" I was cursed even after offering encouragement. Because of whom... Muttering to himself, Giselle shut his mouth when he saw the maid. "Do you like leaf?" “…” "Shall I introduce... Ouch." Got a slap on the head. A Word from the Author (Afterword) Giselle, the perpetual student