Chapter 38

<Chapter 38 - I Can't Choose This> I got a nickname. "D, come over here and try some cookies." "I love it!" Acadia. The Princess of the Kingdom of Florence seemed to take quite a liking to me, going as far as to bestow upon me a personal nickname and inviting me to snack time daily. I could feel the wealth of a prominent family of a whole nation in the ease with which she brought over delicacies that were hard to procure during the brief moments she met with guarantors. "Why does Acadia call me D?" Honestly, it's a bit...awkward. It reminds me of a 'D' grade, which sort of rattles me. Perhaps it's because of the academy's structure, more befitting of a college than a high school, that I am slightly concerned. "It's because it's unfair that an adorable child like you has 'orc' in their name, Oknodie. It seems like others might overlook your cuteness." "Ah-ha." "Do you dislike being called D?" How could I say 'no' when she looks at me with a face drenched with disappointment? Ha, she's just too adorable. "No, I don't dislike it." "D~! Even when you're shy, how can you be this cute?" I'm flustered by the physical embrace, her squishing my cheeks as if handling a doll, not to mention the intoxicating scent of sweet skin. "Goodness, it's hot. Stop hugging me now." "Ah! To think D would reject me..." She pretends to be heartbroken, producing fake sobs, but it's all an act. She sneaks peeks at me with expecting eyes, anticipating my flustered reaction. It's only proper to oblige when someone is so expectant. "Are you crying, sister? You're not crying, are you?" "It's because D rejected my hand that I'm so saddened... sob sob." Isabel looks at me from behind with eyes that seem to say, "What an act." Indeed, as an adventurer, Isabel is quick to see through my fox-like deceits. "Miss Acadia. Oknodie is sneaking cookies in the meantime." "Ah! Why would you say that!" Acadia's fan slapped the back of my hand as I stuffed my cheeks like a squirrel hoarding food. "Ouch!" "Oknodie. It's not proper to stuff your cheeks with food at the tea table. I've taught you that." It's nice to eat rare snacks to my heart's content, but carefree Acadia is strict about manners in the face of decorum. Despite her rootless taste, mashing together the latest trends from all directions, her need for recognition fuels her traits. Not wanting to be scorned by the nobility of other countries as a noble without roots, Acadia paid extra attention to etiquette. 'Is hugging and rubbing cheeks at the tea table also allowed in noble etiquette?' It didn't seem so. Still, I had to turn a blind eye every now and then—if not, I might not be invited to such snack times in the future. During the week-long waiting period before the entrance ceremony, my effort in socializing at the noon tea table resulted in both a collection of illustrations and a feeling of fullness—at the cost of fan-shaped marks on my hand. [A rare recipe, <Eustachio's Sugarcraft - Rose>, has been added to your culinary compendium.] ━━━ Dessert Collection 30 Types - Acquired the feature <Sweet Bodily Fluid>. Collecting Rare Recipe [Eustachio's Sugarcraft - Rose] - Increases Spirit Contract Success Rate by 10%. ━━━ [Your understanding of the character <Acadia> has increased.] ━━━ Understanding Acadia Rootless Fashion (Understanding 10) - Isn't it better to add good things to what's already good? Child Fondness (Understanding 20) - She adores cute children to death. Inferiority Complex (Understanding 30) - The Princess of the culture-less Kingdom of Florence is strict with courtesy to hide any flaws. ━━━ [Your affection for <Acadia> has exceeded 20.] [You are already enjoying the 1st privilege <Acadia's Tea Party>.] [The rate of increase in affection towards <Acadia> will speed up.] [Having surpassed an understanding of <Acadia> over 25, you have acquired the linked feature <Empathy - Acadia>.] [You become more sensitive to changes in Acadia's emotions.] Behold the power of social conduct. It wasn't for nothing that I damaged my reputation as a seasoned player by fawning foolishly! * * As we digested snacks with a cup of tea, Isabel broached a subject. "Miss Acadia. It's great that you're fond of Oknodie but I wish you'd pay more attention to the activities of the Quaternary Alliance." "Ah, you mean the central nobility students in Group B?" "As a central nobility has moved into the dorms of Group B, struggles between groups are starting to grow." In the week of preparation prior to the entrance ceremony, confrontations between the peripheral students of Group A and the imperial students of Group B began to emerge, over facilities such as the freshman dormitories, cafeterias, training grounds, gardens, and external promenades. This is the harbinger of a major event that would unfold around this time in the original game. 'The Empire boasts of many top-tier talents.' But with those talents, there were many with terrible attitudes who were fed-up with insolence. The periphery generally falls short in tier ranking. Even Irene, the greatly admired Grand Duchess of the North, holds onto a tier 1 ranking (11th-15th place) overall, while Singdo of the Eastern Empire maintains a tier 1.5 (16th-20th place). The most overpowered characters, tiers 0 (1st-5th place) and 0.5 (6th-10th place), were predominantly from Group B of the Empire. In this game, where popularity and performance tend to correlate, popularity rankings cannot be ignored. 'If a conflict arises, the Empire is bound to crush the periphery nine times out of ten before an incident breaks out.' The issue, however, lies in the fact that this incident can plummet the reputation of the <Hestia> chapter boss into the abyss. If Hestia gets involved in the incident in one way or another, the machinations of the Empire can set a dangerous trigger that accelerates her transformation into a chapter boss. "That's why there's ongoing discussion in the Quaternary Alliance about whether or not we as the upperclassmen should take the initiative against the Empire." "The meeting didn't go well, it seems." "Well, the people from the Empire possess powerful tools that we don't have." These aren't real physical weapons, of course. Weapons with too high lethality wouldn't pass the <Carry Permit> anyway. Yet, the weapons boasted by the Empire manage to intimidate people from the periphery by being as dangerous, if not more, even without sharp edges. "Mana Consolidation Technique and Mana Cultivation Technique." The Mana Consolidation Technique strengthens mana in the body. The Mana Cultivation Technique fortifies mana spiritually. The imperial nobles, with the power of two exceptionally advantageous advanced techniques, possessed high-quality mana and dominated the early stages like bullies on the playground. For those from the periphery, surviving this competition was exceedingly difficult. Most dropped out midway. 'For now, everyone is just careful because they don't fully grasp each other's abilities.' As I picked up a hidden stat stone near the dormitory guard post and worried whether Acadia was doing well, I noticed a crowd of students in front of the cafeteria. The loud voices carrying even from afar gave me a bad feeling, and sure enough, trouble had erupted. "If you've finished exercising, you should change into a uniform before using public facilities. Isn't it problematic to wander around in such vulgar attire that reveals almost all of your bare skin?" "Don't be harsh with your words! We've asked and checked with the instructors. Wearing uniforms is recommended, not mandatory. And apologize to us. We are not vulgar." "Apologize~? If tank tops that bare your shoulders and dolphin shorts that expose your thighs aren't vulgar, then what is?" A war of words between the A group's freshmen, who wanted to use the cafeteria in their light exercise attire, and the B group's freshmen, who were disgusted with their appearance! <Group Competition (1) Event> The informal A group and the strict B group. You have witnessed an argument arising from the difference in values between the two groups. This is your chance, with many people feeling uncomfortable and paying attention. Defend your friends from the periphery to strengthen friendships. Or support the imperial nobles to curry favor. Support the faction you want to befriend! If you stand with the A group, the periphery students. If you stand with the B group, the imperial students. Favorability with characters from different camps will change. With one decision, the favorability of hundreds or thousands may change, so special care must be taken with group events. ...Although, people usually side with the B group. 'After all, the imperial students have higher tiers.' According to popularity polls that correlate performance with popularity, 96% of players support the B group empire. Out of 100 players, 96 support the empire. I, too, when I was a male character, was no different. Setting tiers aside, there were also differences in fetishes. -It's not the empire that we are supporting. It's the pantyhose. -Dolphin shorts OUT! Pantyhose ON! -We, the imperial faction players, wholeheartedly support the wearing of pantyhose by the female students. Those who supported the periphery females who boldly exposed their skin and wore tank tops or sleeveless shirts, and dolphin or hot shorts, were 4%. Those who supported the imperial females, who preferred to adhere to uniform standards with pantyhose or wore full-body tights due to a reluctance to expose skin, were 96%. Honestly, even I had to admit it deserved the 96%. Pantyhose and full-body tights VS dolphin and hot shorts. If we're arguing aesthetics of allure, the former wins, hands down. If features are lacking, at least allure should be added. Compared to the overwhelming imperial faction, which had overpowered performance, popularity, and charm, the paltry dolphin shorts faction seemed too frail and insignificant, like chaff ready to be blown away by the wind. To most players, the periphery was like DLC content supported by those who had completed everything the empire had to offer and were looking to enjoy additional content. And I was a veteran player. One who had already enjoyed all the periphery content. 'Female students obviously should be wearing pantyhose!' I followed the backsides of B group imperial female students who embodied the empire's grand principle of the aesthetics of concealment when a female student, caught up in the heat of the argument, called out to me. "Oknodie! Help us out!" "Ah!" The A group girls in dolphin shorts cried out. Among them was Isabel, who had emerged from the cafeteria after finishing her exercise. 'Oh no. Why must I face such a monumental trial!' Dolphin shorts + Chef VS Pantyhose. I was confronted with the biggest dilemma of my life. A note from the author (postscript): I thought that if the periphery has dolphin shorts, shouldn't the empire have something too? With that in mind, I deleted four reserve chapters and added pantyhose. Goodbye, my precious reserves...