Chapter 48

Chapter 48 - First Practice Session Contrary to the professor's claim that the "Cultivating Discernment" lecture was open to both first and second-year students, there were hardly any second-year students actually sitting in the classroom. Isabel felt an ominous intuition, a sensation unique to adventurers that served as a warning. "Why are there so few second-years?" "Isn't it still time to choose classes? Surely more will turn up when the lecture starts." As Giselle said, more students gradually started trickling into the classroom over time. However, the majority of the newcomers were first-years, and not a single additional second-year appeared. "It’s just as I suspected; no more have come." Had Isabel's unease become contagious? Giselle, unable to hide his discomfort, walked up to the second-years and asked, "Excuse me, seniors, may I ask why there are so few second-years interested in this class?" "Are you curious because there are heaps of first-years but only three of us second-years?" With an amicable smile, Giselle tried to play it off, but Vixton, one of the second-year seniors, fiddled with the emblem on his uniform that signified his standing. Senior, huh. As of last year, they were also first-years, making the term feel new and oddly alluring, almost tempting him to delay his response on purpose. "I think I know why." "Hm?" "Isn't it because the lecture has a bad reputation?" Oknodie interjected with a curious face into the conversation between Giselle and the second-year seniors. "No, don't say anything that could spell trouble! The professor is here, of all things..." "But why are you breaking out in a cold sweat?" "Who says I'm sweating?" "You are, senior." "No, I'm not!" "It's not because you got an F last year and now there are only three of you having to retake the course, is it?" "No! It's not that the professor grades harshly or that the assignments are difficult, and there’s certainly no rumor about any dangerous people!" Several first-year students, who had been listening keenly, left the classroom with uneasy expressions on their faces. "I certainly wasn't trying to keep appearances for the first-years in the hope of having even one more student to mark down below me!!" About a dozen students glared at the senior before leaving the classroom. "The professor is a former heroic outlaw from the Sacred Central Empire. There’s absolutely no risk of being treated like potential thieves or having one's reputation tarnished by attending this course!!" Half of the remaining students swiftly followed the freshmen who had already exited. Most of them were B-group newcomers, not brave enough to take what was considered a cursed lecture that could obstruct their path to success. "Ho ho, Mr. Vixton. I had no idea you harbored such impure motives in attending the lectures." "Ahhhh! Busted!!" Should have kept silent. Why the sudden self-destructive outburst? Isabel thought to herself that the senior was rather odd. Giggling, Oknodie laughed, covering her mouth with her hand, mimicking the actions of the Arcadian women, which in turn was an imitation of the imperial nobility. While ultimately it was an imitation of the imperial nobility, it was charming nonetheless. "Shall we leave, too?" "But Oknodie is staying." "If the A-group's top ranker can handle it, why should we care about what those from the Central Empire think?" "It's the Central Empire." A student sitting in the corner of the classroom corrected with a serious tone. "The term 'Empire' collectively refers to both the Central and the Eastern Empires. It's offensive to be lumped together, so make sure to get it right." One of the talents who had stood out since the entrance exams, the Eastern swordsman Sing, threw in his correction. "Wow, look at that expression. He seems really angry." "Sorry. I'd feel bad too if I were associated with those from the Central." "We obviously meant the Central Empire." Sing closed his eyes again, removing his hand from the hilt of his sword. Only then did the tension that had filled the lecture hall dissipate. "Don't misunderstand. Vixton isn’t deranged; he’s merely suffering from a side effect of potion-making, a condition called 'The Confession' that lasts for a week." "No! The truth is, I never secretly confessed to a friend I liked only because of potion effects, nor was I ever rejected, and I certainly don't feel suicidal or too shy to meet eyes!" "…That's the situation." The senior is totally confessing everything. But could there be an unexpected possibility? They do hang out despite having rejected the confession. The freshmen, including Isabel, were filled with curiosity. Questions such as "When did you confess?", "What exam will come in the midterm?", and "Where is the hidden treasury located?" bombarded him as Isabel looked after Oknodie. "What do you think, Oknodie? Does this lecture seem alright to you?" "Of course! The lecture might be challenging, the grading tight, and the reputation down the drain, but as long as it's enjoyable, that's what counts!" "......" Maybe Isabel should consider her future prospects and make an escape from the lecture hall. After much contemplation, Isabel realized that too much time had been stolen by the second-years. Drrriiing... "Let's end the chit-chat. It's time for the lecture to start." The lecture began. * * The professor began with an introduction of himself. Bronze de Estrada. The name was elaborately written on the blackboard in ornate cursive. "Bronze de Estrada. That's my name." Drrriiing... "As Mr. Vixton mentioned, before I was invited to teach at the academy, I was active as an outlaw in the Central Empire." Drrriiing.... "Some may doubt my qualifications, yet an outlaw's career entails venturing into the empire's nocturnal streets. I possess ample qualification to teach in the Department of Adventuring. Rest assured." Drrriiing... "Professor. The bell keeps ringing." Even after signaling the start of the lecture, the bell continued to ring unceasingly. Unable to bear it, a freshman raised a hand to speak. "Ah. That simply indicates an exit strategy for this particular lecture." "Eh?" "Discernment can be cultivated not just by reading books but also through intuitive practice. An outlaw is a class always on the move. I'm planning a light practical session for all of you attending this lecture." Professor Aestrada held a conductor's baton in one hand, rhythmically flicking it through the air. Oknodie tugged at the collars of Isabel and Giselle. “?” At the questioning looks of the two, Oknodie puckered her lips into a grin and raised her hands to cover her ears. Was she suggesting they do the same? Perhaps it was a child's playfulness that had surfaced. But wasn't it extremely rude to cover one's ears during a lecture? As they were about to delicately chide her, Professor Aestrada opened her arms wide, like an orchestra conductor, and flashed a playful smile reminiscent of Oknodie's. The next moment. Chaos erupted in the world's premier academy classroom, the likes of which were unimaginable. Beep beep beep beep. Ding ding ding! Wake up. It's morning! Wake up. It's morning! Chirrrrrrring. Chirrrrrrring. Screeeeech! Wooooo. Wooooo. Wooooo. Dingdingding in your ears. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Drrriiing... "Aahhhhh!" "My ears!" "I think I'm losing my mind!" The sound of bells attacked from all directions, exploding like a burst dam! Caught in the onslaught of acoustic terror, Isabel and Giselle also clamped their hands over their ears. "Now, gentlemen and ladies, I shall announce the first practice of the lecture. Students who demonstrate 'discernment' by finding and deactivating the hidden bells can immediately escape the classroom." "Of course, those lacking discernment will remain in the classroom filled with the sound of bells, along with myself." "As a side note, if all bells are found, everyone may escape the classroom at once. If everyone works together to deactivate all the bells, extra credit will be given. But only to those who stay till the end to search together." The first-years quickly grasped the meaning behind the statement made by the second-year senior, Vixton. "Isn't this downright diabolical?!" "No wonder the second-year seniors don't attend this lecture!" "Wait, we have second-year seniors with us! Surely they must know a way to escape..." Armed with emergency escape axes, emergency lights hanging above the exits, and chairs in hand, the second-years bellowed. "Objects, return to your true form!" "Return to Original Form." "I found it, this cursed alarm clock." Boom boom boom! As the second-years pressed the buttons of the reverted alarm clocks, the freshmen were stunned. "The clocks were under a transformation spell!" "Good heavens. This is cheating!" "We haven’t even learned anything like that yet!" The professor received the alarm clocks submitted by the second-years, hummed approvingly, and nodded. "True to second-years, not dull as the newcomers. Pass. Your retake was worthwhile." "That's right. We'll be leaving first, juniors." The first-years looked at their seniors with a sense of betrayal. "Seniors! How can you escape on your own and leave your juniors behind!" "We were abandoned just like you last year." "!!" A vicious cycle of malice passed down through history and tradition, transcending grades and persisting through lecture times! Amidst the dumbfounded first-years, Isabel and Giselle wore different expressions. "Oknodie. How did you know about this?" "Does your family perhaps provide you with the practical assignments as well?" Author's Note The children from next door love their Dingdingding in your ears.