Chapter 53

**Chapter 53: Even Veterans Skip This Lecture** Following the 4th period's long-range weaponry mastery lecture that lasted from 16:00 to 18:00, Arcadia and I amiably held hands as we made our way to the cafeteria. "The bow you were firing, it made quite the sound, didn't it? Hehe. The terrified expressions of the imperial nobles were a delight to see." "Arcadia unnie looked cool firing the gun too." "Hehe. I'm even better on board a ship. I'll have to show you someday how I turn those audacious pirates targeting merchant ships into fish feed." Arcadia, whom I thought was versatile in so many ways, surprisingly had quite the knack for shooting. As we arrived at the cafeteria, grinning at each other, we found students with despairing looks on their faces, sighing and forming a line outside. Among them were Isabel, Giselle, and Son Ochon, who we'd agreed to meet there. "Why do you all look like that?" "It’s something serious. If it had been Oknodie, we deduced she'd have surely visited the cafeteria during lunchtime and known." "I skipped lunch! They were serving the same menu again." "Figures." "Haha! If we want to put that rat Sing on a diet, we just need to feed him the same food every day." Instead of the unhelpful men, Isabel explained the reason for the students looking as desolate as a people without a country. "Starting today, using the cafeteria earns you points. The students with low points have fallen into panic." "Ah." I thought, so it has begun. It was a disaster foretold. Didn’t the dragon principal say so? This academy is all about points. The week of free distribution, complimentary meals, was merely a service for the admission preparation period. From now on, one must either use points earned through active participation in lecture times to access the cafeteria or gather their own ingredients to cook. "Let's go in." "Are you sure? A single meal costs 10 points." 30 points a day. Just a month of meals will consume a staggering total of 900 points. "Tonight's menu includes honey butter chicken." "Chicken is always right." "Honey butter chicken is worth the 10 points." Isabel and Giselle nodded in agreement as we entered the cafeteria together. Luxuries permitted only to top students? Not something we could resist! * * "The forest near the Knight Academy is vast, have you visited? I heard it bears fruits." "Wouldn’t it be better to raid the School of Production's orchard?" "That’s managed by seniors from the upper years who entered before us. Mess with that, and you're dead." Should we drain our points on the cafeteria? Or save our points for a more valuable use and seek other means in the meantime? Students stood at a crossroads, needing to make a choice, with most resolving to save their points and search for food elsewhere. "Man, I envy those rich central folks at times like this." "I agree." Unlike the imperial nobles who could obtain extra points through donations, frontiers nobles didn’t have pockets deep enough. Students like Mob and Zaku, who barely made it into the lower ranks and weren’t from notable noble families, had no choice but self-help! Like hungry hyenas wandering the school grounds, they were seduced by the tantalizing smell of food. "Meat?" "The smell is insane." Following the scent led them to a conspicuously placed banner. <Congratulations on your admission! Hungry?> <Join the hunting club – don’t starve, go hunting!> A grand bonfire. Pig roasting on a spit, rotating continuously. A senior, fanning with a large leaf to spread the scent farther, stood in front. They had been starving since lunch. In front of the roasting meat's aroma, there were no individuals with the willpower to resist, nor did they want to. "Oh, new students." "Can we... do this too?" "Senior. We want meat!" Next to the senior preparing the meat, another prepared an outdoor folding table and chairs, signaling them over. "Come on and sign up! Join the club, and you’ll get to eat meat!" Mob and Zaku, as if in a trance, sat down and filled out the forms. "Senior. It says here a penalty of 1000 points is charged for each unexcused absence from club activities." "You don’t want the meat?" "We... we do." "What about this clause saying, we can’t hold you responsible for injuries during club activities?" "Just sign!" "Okay!" Students, mesmerized by food, were signing contracts! After the ruthless contract with the hunting club offering roast pork, students seeking food or wandering the training grounds found themselves exposed to numerous temptations. It wasn't just the hunting club that pierced through the psyche of the starving first-years. * * "What club are you thinking of joining, Oknodie?" "I'll think about it tomorrow." Monday is dedicated to lectures. There’s no time to spare for club activities. "Goodness. Oknodie, you’re taking a 5th period lecture too?" "I plan to wrap everything up on Monday!" Isabel was astounded. Evening time from 18:00-19:00. To think of taking the 5th-period night lecture from 19:00-21:00 as well. For students who considered dinner time for personal training, rest, and maintenance, such a schedule was tough, almost shockingly so. But there's a flaw in their thinking. That I am a veteran player. If I already know what needs to be learned, there's no need to spend time on studying or assignments after school. I have enough points for meals, and if push comes to shove, Chef Isabel is there. What's left is time. Filling it just with lectures is the way to go! ‘The problem is choosing a major.’ Monday 1st period, homeroom. That’s not an official lecture. Monday 2nd period, Developing Discernment. That's a liberal arts lecture from the School of Adventure. Monday 3rd period, Fundamentals and Understanding of Mana Use. That’s a liberal arts lecture from the School of Magic. Monday 4th period, Mastery of Long-Range Weapons. That's a liberal arts lecture from the School of Knights. Indeed. So far, I’ve targeted all my lectures at liberal arts. Regardless of which school I choose, I've knocked out the lectures that apply to all students! The remaining option entails choosing one of the schools - Knight, Adventure, or Magic - which would determine the specialized lectures for that school. Now comes the hardest decision: selecting a school. Knight School. Magic School. Administrative School. Adventure School. Production School. Each school brings into play different main and supporting characters in the lectures I share with them. Knight School. Main Characters - Hestia, Sing, Jeyna, Rockpell New Character - Son Ochon Magic School. Main Characters - Irene, Andersen, Female Warrior, Female Saint, Second Imperial Princess New Character - Unknown? Adventure School. Main Characters - Zhuang, Jigoku New Characters - Isabel, Giselle, Dorothy The Knight and Magic Schools had the most main characters among the three schools I'd narrowed down to. And initially, one of them was the school I aimed for. Though I haven't told anyone, the class I'm aiming for is, in fact... a Magic Knight! "With a sword for close range, a bow for mid-range, and magic for long-range. Plus, elemental attacks and self-healing, it's an overpowered class!" With proper development, there's no class more overpowered. A career where, regardless of the situation, I wouldn't rely on companion strength but could overcome anything on my own. The Magic Knight, a class of all trades. The most stable job found by me, a veteran player. The issue is, this time around, the companions are significantly different from the game. 'The companions I got close to during the entrance exam are now entirely different.' Normally, one picks a main or supporting character they want to get closer to during the entrance exam, then works hard at building affinity with them. The only main or supporting character I had developed any affinity with was Arcadia. The problem is, this cycle's Arcadia is an unpredictable character, making it difficult to determine which school she'll choose. 'And the other companions are gathered in the Adventure School.' The Knight or Magic School, to further enhance either the magic or swordsmanship aspect of a Magic Knight. The Adventure School, where many of my friends are clustered. After intense deliberation, my mind finally tipped in one direction. 'Why care about efficiency when you can just do whatever you want as a veteran player?' Want to learn swordsmanship and magic? Self-study and advancing existing knowledge are enough for growth. Want to stick with friends? Choosing anything other than the Adventure School makes it difficult. For now, as first-years, we'll see each other often, but as we move up, the points of intersection will undoubtedly begin to fade. <Adventure School> Therefore, my 5th period is in the Adventure School. The department lecture I'll attend today is also chosen from here. <Basic Physical Conditioning for Adventurers> <Basic Weapon Training for Adventurers> <Supply Knowledge for Adventurers> <Trap Knowledge for Adventurers> <Wild Cooking for Adventurers> <Developing Discernment> The lecture options for the Adventure School during the day were as listed, but the options for night-time were different. <Night-time Behavior for Adventurers> <Sleeping Well Anywhere> <Dealing with Nocturnal Animals> First, daytime activities like Basic Physical Conditioning and Basic Weapon Training, as well as indoor lectures like Supply Knowledge, Trap Knowledge, Wild Cooking, and Developing Discernment, had all disappeared. Instead, new lectures on Night-time Behavior, Sleep, and Dealing with Nocturnal Animals were added. 'That minefield lecture is still there.' Not being the only student who planned a Monday cram strategy, other students lingering in front of the Adventure School lecture board excitedly said, "Sleeping Well Anywhere? Is it a class where you just have to sleep well?" "Wow, total easy mode." "How can anyone resist when just sleeping boosts your grades?" Of course, without even a second glance, I turned and walked towards the location where the <Night-time Behavior for Adventurers> lecture was held. The "anywhere" in Sleeping Well Anywhere truly means 'anywhere'. Sleeping well in a pit wriggling with vipers without falling by setting up a makeshift tent. Setting up a portaledge and sleeping well on a cliff face. 'Even for a veteran player, that's a bit much.' I slightly admire freshmen who deliberately attend a lecture that even veterans skip—though none of them would know what they're getting into.