34 - Dragon Phoenix Assembly (7) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Mok Riwon fundamentally liked people. Encounters with strangers were for him sources of new stimuli and experiences, and the relationships formed through social interactions were treasures to him, each and every one. However, there was certainly a type of person that even Mok Riwon kept at a distance. That type was those who cast sly glances his way. For instance, right now, in front of him was Baekbong Hyeun, and then there were the courtesans he met in Gangseo Suyanghyeon. Mok Riwon often found himself captured by an inexplicable repulsion and fear the moment he met such sly gazes. “You seem to have been exercising. Your body is soaked in sweat.” “Y-Yes…” Mok Riwon hesitantly backed away. Hyeun sensed a surge of playfulness at his reaction. ‘Ah, I want to make him cry.’ How thrilling it would be to see his beautiful eyes brim with tears. How exhilarating it would be if he bit his lip in shame. And as for the face, gasping for breath in surrender to desire, and the face of Dang Hwa-Seo watching him... “…Heh.” A laugh escaped her lips unwittingly. Her cheeks began to flush at the thought. Mok Riwon's lips quivered at the sight. “Well then, I must hurry on my way…!” Hyeun approached, recalling Dang Hwa-Seo's words inviting him. Mok Riwon remembered them clearly. And yet, he attempted to flee. Thump-. “Ouch!” He couldn't help but halt at the noise behind him. Mok Riwon turned swiftly. There was Hyeun, sprawled on the ground, fussing over her ankle. Despite being a nun, her outfit was quite provocative, revealing her stark white ankle. “I tripped over a rock…” It was an unbelievable statement. For a martial artist of her renown to trip over a mere rock was as absurd as bandits helping the poor. Yet, Mok Riwon's panicked thoughts didn't extend that far. “Are you alright?” Mok Riwon approached her with worry. Yet, the price of his carelessness was terrible. Snatch-. “Got you.” Hyeun smirked playfully as she grabbed his wrist. The tremble he felt, and the look of escalating fear on his face, was to Hyeun more thrilling than anything. “Let me go…” “Why attempt to flee?” “I-I wasn’t fleeing. I was simply in a rush.” “Is that so? It doesn’t feel that way to me. I merely wanted to be friends by striking a conversation, but you keep avoiding me. Even I would feel hurt by that.” It had been over a week since the start of the Yongbong Branch Assembly. There was a reason why Hyeun hadn't hastily approached him. Just as a skilled hunter studies the habits of his prey before hunting, Hyeun had been observing what kind of person Mok Riwon was. ‘He’s someone who feels guilty easily.’ There was a naive aspect to him, despite his appearance. “It’s not like that…!” Mok Riwon felt indignation rising. ‘Why is she doing this to me!’ Why was she tormenting him? He hadn't done anything wrong to her, so why was she intimidating him? “Did Lady Dang mention something bad about me?” Hyeun's fleeting hesitation as she asked the question made her seem even more pitiable, like a woman wronged. “So… Lady Dang doesn’t like me. Given her competitive nature, she probably feels aggrieved to be on the same level as me. She’s been spreading bad rumors about me since…” She clearly aimed to sow discord between him and Dang Hwa-Seo with her lament. Hyeun’s goal was singular. To wedge herself between them through this momentary seed of doubt. But, it was a misstep. “…The lady is not such a person.” Mok Riwon refuted for the first time. His face, previously flustered, was now set with a firm anger. “…What?” “The lady is not such a person. Apologize.” “What…” ‘Huh.’ Hyeun was taken aback. The thought that she might have touched a nerve crossed her mind. ‘Quickly repair this. And don’t meddle in this again….’ After swiftly continuing her thought, her words took the form of an apology. “Ah, I misspoke…” “Usually, that’s not called a slip of the tongue. What Hyeun did was clearly sow discord.” Baekbong felt incredulous. “…Is that so important to you?” “If this is not important, what is?” Mok Riwon shook off Hyeun’s wrist and stood up, snorting indignantly. “The lady is a person of integrity! And always knows to consider others! Not only that! She is generous enough to cover food expenses for someone like me who lacks the funds!” Crossing his arms, the words that followed were in praise of Dang Hwa-Seo. Suddenly, Hyeun couldn't help but think, `He’s like a little child bragging about his parents.’ “What….” “The lady is also intelligent! While traveling from Gangseo to here, she planned our entire route in her head, showing her keen sense of geography! And do you think that’s all? The lady has read so many books that she can identify all the herbs and flowers we see along the way!” Mok Riwon's voice grew more fervent. Despite being late at night, considering that the Yongbong Branch Assembly was currently ongoing, more martial artists began to gather around due to the commotion. Hyeun was flustered by the incoming crowd. “Mok Sijung, wait a moment….” “Moreover, the lady is exceptionally beautiful! Every city we’ve visited, there were numerous people who blushed upon seeing Lady Dang!” The surroundings grew noisy. -What’s happening there? -Not sure. That guy seems to be a mute swordsman, but he’s been praising the Poisonous Phoenix in front of Baekbong. -In the world, could it be that Mute Swordsman and Poisonous Phoenix are…! -So, Baekbong approached Mute Swordsman but got spectacularly rejected? Ah, touching someone who’s taken brings misfortune. -Hush! Keep such talk to yourself! The whispered conversations amongst themselves grew louder. Unaware of it due to his engrossment in his own words, Mok Riwon did not notice, but Hyeun, who was standing in front, could hear all the murmurs, making her face grow hot with embarrassment. ‘This is….’ Such a shameful spectacle in the middle of the night. No, more than that, this Mok Riwon… ‘…Is he completely out of his mind?’ He was without a doubt, crazy. How could someone speak such embarrassing things and not feel shame? Why did he seem proud instead? Hyeun found herself second-hand embarrassed by Mok Riwon's oratory. “Th-That’s enough now….” “Lady Dang’s hands are delicate, too! You might think her hands would be rough from practicing martial arts and hand techniques, but she minimizes stress on her physique through the excellent manipulation of inner energy! Once, I had the chance to hold Lady Dang’s hand, and it felt like I was in a dream!” Cheers of “Ohh…” echoed around them. Some even started clapping. Hyeun felt dizzy. Meanwhile. “…Mok XiaoHyeop.” Another main character appeared on the scene. It was Dang Hwa-Seo, who came out due to a creeping sense of unease from the night’s uproar. That unease was confirmed. Starting from when Mok Riwon said, ‘Lady Dang is an extraordinary beauty,’ Dang Hwa-Seo, trying to withstand the shame, stepped forward. “Ah! Lady!” Mok Riwon's face brightened. Dang Hwa-Seo, too embarrassed to lift her head, trembled as she looked at the ground, her ears clearly red for the whole world to see. “I was merely clearing up a misunderstanding that Hyeun Nuna had about Lady Dang! Please, come over here!” Thwack-! Dang Hwa-Seo grabbed Mok Riwon's wrist. Then, as if utilizing lightness skills, she quickly left the scene. The onlookers cheered at the departing figures of the two. Hyeun was left staring into the sky with a dazed expression. ‘What in the world….’ For the first time in her life, Hyeun found herself unable to understand men. * If there were ever a person to die of embarrassment in the Central Plains, it would surely be her. Back in the quarters of Jongwon, Dang Hwa-Seo cooled her flushed face, with Mok Riwon kneeling before her. “Honestly, what were you thinking doing that there…!” Flinch-. Mok Riwon's shoulders shrank. Dang Hwa-Seo, seeing this, couldn’t say more and heavily sighed. “Hyeun Nuna slandered you… So…” His excuse came in such a form. An incredible troublemaker, indeed. Instead of running away as advised, why would he sing praises there? The more she thought about it, the more she felt like hanging herself from mortification. Yet, beneath it all, Dang Hwa-Seo felt a spark of joy blossoming somewhere deep within her. -Once, I had the chance to hold Lady Dang’s hand, and it felt like I was in a dream! The words that eventually drew her there lingered in her mind. Why should such words make her happy? A deeper contemplation might have yielded answers, but Dang Hwa-Seo did not delve into it. She wasn’t generous enough with herself to face those feelings head-on. “…Anyway, you did a good job driving that temptress away.” Mok Riwon beamed. It seemed today’s lecture wouldn’t be long, he thought. “But.” “…!” “Don’t ever do that again. Never. Absolutely.” “Yes! Understood!” “Now go and get some rest.” “You too, Lady, sleep well!” Mok Riwon hurriedly left the room. Dang Hwa-Seo then buried her face in her hands on the table and trembled. It was another story when Jegal San arrived, snickering, only to receive a punch in the solar plexus. [Mute Swordsman Wins!] “Woaaaaah!!!” “Kyaaaaah!!!” The next day, during the group stage finals of the martial arts competition. Mok Riwon once again defeated his opponent with a single move and descended from the arena. Dang Hwa-Seo was waiting for him in the seating area, greeting him with a smile. “Well done.” “It was nothing!” Mok Riwon replied with a bright smile and added, “It’s almost your turn, isn’t it? You must also seize victory!” Dang Hwa-Seo’s group was to have its finals today, along with Mok Riwon's group. Thus, the arena, still buzzing with the excitement of Mok Riwon's victory, eagerly awaited her turn. “Yes, I’ll definitely win and return.” Dang Hwa-Seo composed herself with a light smile. ‘Baekbong…’ Today’s opponent. Although not a woman she liked, there was an undeniable truth. That during the last five years when she was in a slump, her opponent had already conquered the summit ahead of her. Dang Hwa-Seo clenched her fists. ‘The odds are against me.’ But that did not mean defeat was certain. Her martial arts were not inferior to sword skills, and her preparation and training for today were more than sufficient. She had invested more than half of her available funds to absorb poison. She had also successfully refined and absorbed the venom sac of a human-faced spider from the Blood Valley. There was no lack in her cultivation. It was a battle she could not afford to lose. ‘I must reach the semifinals.’ For future plans and to demonstrate to the world that she was still a force to be reckoned with, she needed to progress. As these thoughts continued, [We will now begin the group finals for the third group!] The announcer declared. * There was a habit amongst the martial arts community that could not be ignored. That is, to bestow a ‘nickname’ upon a martial artist who achieved great feats, showing the community’s keen interest in such tales. From that perspective, it was no surprise that last night’s eloquent speech by the Mute Swordsman and the story involving the two ladies had become a topic of keen interest. Originally rivals, the situation where the two women now seemed to be competing over a man was premium fuel, heating up the spectators’ excitement for the matches. “Poisonous Phoenix! Ensure the love triumphs!!!” From those cheering for the love between Mok Riwon and Dang Hwa-Seo, “Baekbong! Love is something you seize!!!” To those urging Hyeun to snatch Mok Riwon away, proclaiming love as conquest, “Why not just get along all three of you! Mute Swordsman! The more, the merrier! The more, the merrier!!!” And even those, in their absurdity, advocating for a harmonious trio. The arena was abloom with laughter. However, two people weren’t laughing. “...” “...” Dang Hwa-Seo and Hyeun faced each other on the martial arts stage. A thick layer of embarrassment hung over both women's faces. Upon stepping into the arena and hearing the cheers, they couldn’t help but forget all their previous determination and tension. [Let’s begin!] Hearing this, both women coincidentally shared the same thought. ‘I’ll end this in a second.’ Eager to win quickly and escape from this place.