44 - Dragon Phoenix Assembly (17) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

It might seem ludicrous, but Mok Riwon did harbor his own version of romance. Upon his advent into the martial world, he encountered his first duel meet. There, the romantic notion of exchanging blades with a formidable adversary, debating justice and chivalry, was what he cherished. Considering this gathering at Yongbong Branch, it was only fitting to count Namgung Jincheon as such an opponent. Accordingly, Mok Riwon couldn't contain his indignation. No, it was the frustration of being misunderstood that he couldn't bear. To be mistaken for a pedophile by the very person he wished to discuss justice and chivalry with was utterly maddening. "No! I assure you, I do not have such tastes! I favor mature and sharp-featured beauties!" His outcry seemed to squeeze the frustration from within. Following this, servants trailing Namgung Jincheon began whispering amongst themselves. "Sharp and mature…" "This definitely sounds like…" "He's gone. Totally gone. Off his rocker." Mok Riwon's face turned beet red at the servants’ words. "A-ah, that’s not it…!" "Look at him, his face is all red." "Good heavens…" Mok Riwon wanted to hang his head in shame. But that was not an option in someone else's residence. While desperately wishing for someone to mediate this situation, Namgung Jincheon stepped forward. "Soa, go back to your room." His command was given with a casual wave, as he passed Namgung Soa to a servant with an indifferent expression. The servants dispersed. Namgung Soa gave Mok Riwon a fleeting glance, merely repeating words like 'mature' and 'sharp' under her breath. "J-Jincheon! I truly do not harbor such preferences!" "No need to explain. I'm not interested." Namgung Jincheon turned to leave after saying so. "Just a moment!" "What now?" "It's unbearable! I clearly told Soa! I cannot be her husband!" "I said I'm not interested. Whether you have peculiar tastes, or Soa sees you as a husband." Mok Riwon froze in place, his expression turning into a frown, filled with incomprehensible alienation. "Even your sister? You have no interest in Soa’s affairs either?" Perhaps that was the reason. Despite being blood-related, Namgung Jincheon seemed to harbor no feelings towards his younger sister. In fact, reflecting on past events, it seemed he seldom showed any emotion. His demeanor was akin to someone whose emotions had all dried up. "Should I be curious?" Namgung Jincheon directed a cold gaze towards Mok Riwon, who, unsure of how to respond, scratched his cheek and hesitantly spoke. "Um... Considering she's your kin, isn't it natural to show some concern?" "And that's a reason?" "I believe so. Blood is thicker than water, as they say. A true martial artist should first know how to protect his family. That’s what I believe." "I've never said I wanted to be a martial artist." What did he mean by that? Mok Riwon was left pondering. It wasn't about the underlying intention of the words, but rather a fundamental doubt about the sentence itself that arose. Mok Riwon tilted his head. "If not to become a martial artist, then why learn the sword?" "Power is merely a means. The stronger, the better. Especially in the world of martial arts." "To what end is it a means?" "The world." Namgung Jincheon’s tone remained dry even as he spoke. "A means to grasp what rightfully should be mine." Surprise flickered in Mok Riwon's eyes before dulling. His fingers curled into a fist as disappointment tainted his words. "You're merely honing a sword for the sake of cutting." "All swords exist to cut. Be it life, honor, or status." "There are swords meant to protect." "That's beyond the purpose of a sword. Swords exist to cut." "If the person wielding it intends to protect with it, then it becomes a protecting sword." "Inefficient. If one truly wishes to protect something, better carry a shield, or better yet, build an impregnable fortress that none dare challenge." "It's that inefficiency that people love, driving them to become martial artists." "As I said, I never intended to become a martial artist." Mok Riwon finally understood Namgung Jincheon. He was a merciless person. No, an emotionless person. He reminded Mok Riwon of something Mok Seon O once said. "A sword has no eyes. It does not distinguish its target, nor speaks of good or evil. There is only the swordsman who wields it." The words meant to comfort his true nature resurfaced. "What's wrong with being a slightly wicked sword, or an ugly one? If you, the wielder, know of chivalry, isn’t that enough? Then wouldn't that sword be a martial artist's sword?" According to Mok Seon O, the swordsman defines the sword. Thus, his sword would be an emotionless one. His values were in direct conflict with everything Mok Riwon had learned in his lifetime. Of course, Mok Riwon had no right to judge. After all, if there are a hundred people, there are a hundred different values. Despite everything, Mok Riwon felt regretful. "Why would you say such things?" He felt this regret particularly because the one holding such beliefs was Namgung Jincheon, the Dragon Sword. He is a star of emperors. A name to reign over this land. Hence, it's lamentable that someone who should overflow with love for the common folks is so devoid of compassion. "The Dragon Sword could afford to be generous. Don't you have the capability, status, and power?" Wasn't he no different from himself? Wasn't he someone who could receive the hopes and blessings of all simply by his birthright? Someone who could use those blessings to make the world a more righteous place. "To amass power for the sake of wielding it… That is…" Mok Riwon hesitated. He knew the remark he was about to make could be considered impolite, yet he ended up voicing it regardless. "Isn't that a thought more befitting of the dark path…?" Namgung Jincheon's brows slightly raised. "It's different." "How so?" "They lack order." He spoke as if stating an obvious truth, his expression unchanging. "They lack order. But, I possess it. With an unwavering order, I can establish my will, what I aim to construct fits the righteous path." It was then Mok Riwon realized. "Ah…" He could not communicate with this man. This man was too arrogant and unyielding, without any room for negotiation. But, fortunately, there was something. Clench-. Mok Riwon's fist tightened. His lips formed a straight line. With a face filled with resolve, he looked at Namgung Jincheon and said, "Then, Dragon Sword, you will have to prove it." "Prove? There's no need for me to do such a thing." "No, you must. To me." Namgung Jincheon examined Mok Riwon's expression. This was something completely new to him, arousing a rather novel sensation. "What exactly?" "That your ideals are truly just, that you are worthy of speaking such words." Mok Riwon’s qi leaked out. Along with emotions yet to be contained. "Here in the martial world, the Dragon Sword must prove that worth to me through strength." "That won’t be difficult." "It will be." Mok Riwon estimated. The difference between their levels, the total amount of internal power he was behind, his observed techniques of the other, and even the moves he had yet to reveal. A smile appeared on Mok Riwon’s lips. "Reminds me of a scene." This argument reminded him of a scene from a book that dominated his life. He found enjoyment in it. "The protagonist of 'Tales of Martial Heroes, Chapter 1', the Sword Hero, said.” The overwhelmingly popular hero of the first chapter of the so-called 'Tales of Martial Heroes'. He taught an arrogant warrior by saying, "One who considers trials as something easy cannot become a true warrior." Mok Riwon’s favorite was the Demon Hero. His great will that overcame even his own nature to achieve chivalry. But, for now, it was alright to be different. Mok Riwon decided to become the trial that would teach chivalry to this man, who shone brighter than anyone else. "Arrogant." Namgung Jincheon replied. There was no sign of displeasure. "But, I look forward to it." He expressed a peculiar joy to this new kind of challenge he had never faced before. "Survive three seconds." With that, he turned and walked away. --- "What happened?" Back at the residence, Dang Hwa-Seo noticed something different about Mok Riwon’s usual demeanor and asked. Mok Riwon suddenly lifted his head and shook it from side to side. "Ah! No. I just had a moment with the Dragon Sword!" "The Dragon Sword? What did you talk about?" "About an upcoming duel." Dang Hwa-Seo felt surprised. Not about Mok Riwon but that Namgung Jincheon would engage in such a conversation. "He was willing to talk about such matters? That's surprising. I've never seen him discuss duels." "Um… it was more of a one-sided discussion." Mok Riwon chuckled awkwardly. At that, Dang Hwa-Seo finally let out an 'ah' and chuckled. 'I can picture it.' That affable man, Mok Riwon, must have kept Namgung Jincheon captive in conversation. That was the thought that came to her. "You didn’t bother him, did you?" Mok Riwon flinched. "Isn't that a thought more befitting of the dark path…?" He recalled the words he had blurted out in the midst of their conversation, a clear insult. Dang Hwa-Seo’s eyes narrowed. Mok Riwon, startled, rapidly shook his head. "Ah, it wasn’t a grave mistake! The Dragon Sword didn't seem angered by my words!" "Not showing anger doesn't mean he wasn't angry." "…" Realizing that such a premonition wasn't entirely unfounded, Mok Riwon broke out in a cold sweat. Dang Hwa-Seo sighed deeply. "Reflect on this. And make sure to apologize.” "I understand…" Mok Riwon looked downcast. Dang Hwa-Seo, finding his dejection similar to that of a scolded puppy, couldn’t help but let out a series of chuckles. As she stroked his head, she inquired further. "So, how are your duel preparations coming along?" "Always ready!" "I'm glad to hear that. I truly wish for Young Master Mok to achieve great results in the duel." "I will. I believe I'll win." "Confidence is good, but…" "It's certainty." Dang Hwa-Seo blinked. Mok Riwon, with his characteristic sunny smile, declared confidently. "The Dragon Sword cannot beat me." Dang Hwa-Seo was at a loss for words, her lips parting slightly. Confidence was indeed great, and she admired the spirit with which he faced the upcoming duel, so typical of Mok Riwon. Yet, there was such a thing as a difference in levels. Namgung Jincheon was at the pinnacle of mastery. His internal energy was already at the level of quite a formidable grandmaster. In comparison, Mok Riwon’s internal energy was just about average for a master level. While his swordsmanship was undoubtedly exceptional, the finesse and explosive power of his qi paled in comparison to Namgung Jincheon’s. Thus, Dang Hwa-Seo asked. “...Why are you so certain?” Mok Riwon felt the hand petting his head pause. He also caught the worry in Dang Hwa-Seo’s eyes. With a reassuring grin that should dispel any of her concerns, he announced, “I never lose to those who are not chivalrous.” His response was decidedly fitting for him. It was a situation that could be deemed almost laughable. Both parties heading into the duel fully confident in their victory, a peculiar situation indeed. Yet, duels were ultimately about determining a winner and a loser. And so, a week passed. The final duel of the Yongbong Branch meeting began, with no one yet able to predict the outcome.