51 - Travelling Relationship (1) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Three more days had passed. During that period, the company had wrapped up all their affairs in Seohyeon and set off, leaving the city they had grown fond of behind. Before them stretched an endless road. Mok Riwon, with a heart full of excitement, gazed upon it before suddenly recalling something he had forgotten and spoke up. "Ah! That reminds me!” “Hmm? What’s the matter?” “Miss! I can’t believe I forgot about Il Woon! Didn’t I say we need to stop by Shaolin before heading to the Martial Alliance!” Mok Riwon turned pale as he made a fuss. It was to be expected. This was due to what he had heard during the course of the Dragon Phoenix Gathering. To aim for the position of the Alliance Leader, the recommendation of a prominent master was necessary. Dang Hwa-Seo had also considered this and mentioned stopping by Shaolin before going to the Martial Alliance. But look at us now. To enter Shaolin, it would be proper to bring along someone from Shaolin, yet we have set out on this journey without discussing this matter with Il Woon at all. It seems we’re off to a rocky start from the beginning. Dang Hwa-Seo chuckled at his fuss. Je Gal San did the same, bursting into loud laughter and slinging an arm around Mok Riwon’s shoulder. “Look here, Mok youngster. The situation is different now compared to then.” “Uh, umm? What do you mean?” “Initially, yes. If the madam went alone to establish a sect in the Martial Alliance, she certainly would have needed the recommendation of the previous Alliance Leader, Won Myeong Daesa. But again, that’s if she went alone.” A look of confusion clouded over Mok Riwon’s face. Je Gal San playfully raised a hand, pointed successively at Dang Hwa-Seo, himself, and Mok Riwon, then spoke. “Now, what are our nicknames?” “The lady is Poison Phoenix… Je Gal brother is the Mysterious Dragon, and I am…” Mok Riwon’s cheeks flushed. He coughed awkwardly as if embarrassed before finally saying his nickname. “…Silent Dragon!” Mok Riwon straightened up, a fire in his posture. Dang Hwa-Seo covered her mouth with her sleeve, her face reddening. Je Gal San nodded in satisfaction and continued. “Exactly, we are the dragon and the phoenix. All three of us bear such nicknames. Moreover, we all wish to establish a new sect and join it. Mok youngster, you need to take the significance of being called a dragon more seriously.” The nicknames of dragon and phoenix were significant not just in meaning but also in the status they conferred in the martial world. “We are proven talents, the future leaders of the martial world. Even if we don’t think so, the martial world does. So, if we declare our intention to establish a sect in the Martial Alliance together, they would be compelled to welcome us with open arms.” Dang Hwa-Seo nodded in agreement to his words. It was a bold claim, but it was true. That the next generation of eminent figures was seeking to join the Martial Alliance was more than welcome news for an organization tasked with governing the righteous martial world. Of course, there were political motives as well. ‘It could change the power dynamics of the next generation of great houses.’ For the Martial Alliance, dealing with great houses was a delicate matter. Each clan or family’s power was substantial, and meddling carelessly could lead to substantial losses. Thus, if the heads of these houses were to establish ties with the Martial Alliance, it would create an ideal scenario where the opponent’s power could be weakened and theirs strengthened. ‘Well, considering their origins, they could return to their families if they wished…’ Nevertheless, it was a win for the Martial Alliance. To foster a friendly relationship with the next generation of the eminent houses. Dang Hwa-Seo didn’t delve into complex details but simply stated to Mok Riwon. “Anyway, as Je Gal said, we no longer need to stop by Shaolin. We should head straight to Wuhan in Hubei province.” Mok Riwon’s expression grew solemn upon hearing this. “…I can feel the gravity of it!” He clenched his fist. Being told that they were the future leaders of the martial world, and realizing he was one of them, was no small burden. Mok Riwon, who had only wished to conduct his affairs nobly and leave laughingly, now felt the need to adjust his mindset to match the weight of the Dragon title. “I understand! I’ll show that I can truly live up to my nickname!” Silent Dragon, Mok Riwon. He would become worthy of such a name! Seeing Mok Riwon’s newfound resolve, Dang Hwa-Seo and Je Gal San could only smile. Both thought the same thing at that moment. ‘If he just kept his mouth shut, he would naturally become so.’ The epitome of a country bumpkin. An innocent unfamiliar with the ways of the world. If only those traits didn’t surface, Mok Riwon had a demeanor that suited the title of Dragon more than anyone. In short, his mouth was the problem. * According to the map, Hubei province was directly to the left of Anhui province, but that doesn’t mean they were close at all. Why indeed? This was the vast Central Plains. A single province was so large that it could take weeks of travel across it. Given this, it was perhaps inevitable that Mok Riwon and his party’s journey was extended. Two weeks after departing Seohyeon, Mok Riwon finally arrived at the last city of Anhui, expressing his gladness. “Once we pass through here, it’s Hubei province!” "That's right. We arrived sooner than expected. Maybe it's because we didn't encounter any mishaps." Dang Hwa-Seo also expressed her satisfaction with a content face. She was indeed filled with a joyous heart. 'Mr. Mok’s curious nature didn't find much to latch onto on the way here. That must be the biggest reason.' His distractingly curious nature that could turn a day’s journey into three had not been a factor, thus the pace had been quick. Of course, having planned the route with that in mind from the start played a part, but even considering that, it was a speedy journey. 'At this rate, we'll arrive soon.' Or, if we take it a bit leisurely, we might even make it in three weeks. Either way, being quite satisfied with the pace, Dang Hwa-Seo entertained the thought of pursuing the remaining journey with a more relaxed attitude. "Shall we go then?" "Where to?" Mok Riwon asked with sparkling eyes. Dang Hwa-Seo was about to spit it out right away but then, she let out a sly smile. She had become quite curious about how Mok Riwon would react. He would probably jump in joy. With a rising sense of peculiar expectation, Dang Hwa-Seo broadened her smile and spoke. "We're going to a courier station. We'll be escorting a courier out of Anhui." Mok Riwon’s body stiffened. Then, he began to quiver. His eyes started sparkling, and his mouth dropped open. "Co-courier escort...!" Mok Riwon clenched his fist. It was an even stronger reaction than Dang Hwa-Seo had anticipated. "I'm so excited!" Mok Riwon's romance was ignited. * Courier escort. This was a common theme often mentioned in [Tales of Martial Heroes] that Mok Riwon sincerely revered. Given the story’s focus on the martial world, it was natural for courier escorts to feature prominently, but one chapter, in particular, discussed it extensively. Chapter 6. The chapter of the wandering hero. The wandering, mystical master who enjoys idly spending time on tasks such as courier escorts, reveling in the gatherings with acquaintances made along the way. Since this chapter primarily took the format of a travelogue, it was not particularly popular among the main readership of young kids, but Mok Riwon was an exception. A scene from Chapter 6 had ignited his heart. -'This too is fate; let me assist you this one time.’ The climax of Chapter 6 could very well be called the life-and-death duel between the wandering hero and the leader of the Black Serpent Gang. It was the moment when the hero, who had never known love, falls for a woman he meets during the courier escort, revealing his true identity for the first time in his journey through the martial world. -'Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Cheon Gwak, the last successor of the Seven Valleys Sect.’ The mysterious master’s identity was that of the last successor to a once-great but now disappeared sect, and the moment this was revealed, causing the Black Serpent Gang leader to hesitate, was thrilling beyond measure for Mok Riwon. ...Indeed. Mok Riwon was captivated by the idea of ‘the last successor of a hidden powerful sect.’ The thought that his situation was somewhat similar had an undeniable impact. "Quick, let's hurry to the courier station!" Mok Riwon, unable to contain his excitement, urged Dang Hwa-Seo on. Je Gal San chuckled and added his encouragement. “Come, sister. Since the youngster is so fired up, let's get going.” Dang Hwa-Seo was caught off guard by Mok Riwon’s intense reaction and Je Gal San’s urging. Having belatedly thought, ‘perhaps I underestimated Mr. Mok too much,’ Dang Hwa-Seo sighed deeply then let out a resigned laugh. “Right, let’s head over.” Always an engaging crowd to be with. With that thought, Dang Hwa-Seo began her steps. * The Unseong Courier Station was a fairly well-known establishment in Hubei, primarily used as a hub for the region. It mainly transported precious metals for merchant groups. With a success rate of 90%, it always had plenty of work, and many martial artists were eager to partake in its courier escorts. Today, however, it was hosting some unexpectedly distinguished visitors. “We’ve come to take part in the courier escort.” In the meeting room of the Anhui branch of the Unseong Courier Station, a noble-looking beauty sat across from the branch manager. Poison Phoenix, Dang Hwa-Seo. The revived leader of the Sacheon Dangmun from this year's Dragon Phoenix Gathering. Her presence alone was enough to make the branch manager’s heart flutter, but the presence of the two men standing behind her made him seriously wonder if he was dreaming. On Poison Phoenix’s right, snickering like a weasel, was Je Gal San, the Mysterious Dragon. And on the left, the dazzlingly handsome man was… ‘Mu, Mok Riwon…!’ Silent Dragon, Mok Riwon. He was the shining new star causing ripples throughout the martial world. The branch manager pondered. Why had these people come to this modest courier station? It wasn't a small establishment, per se, but considering that these folks could easily take on tasks for the top merchant groups, it was unavoidable to feel its modesty in their presence. Amidst this, Dang Hwa-Seo spoke. “We are on our way to Hubei and have some time to spare. It seemed better to have a task to occupy ourselves rather than just passing through, so we decided to stop by.” “Is, is that so…” The middle-aged branch manager struggled to keep his head from dropping. ‘There’s no harm in it, but…’ Having them participate in the courier escort would indeed be wonderful news. Especially since rumors had been rather ominous lately. '...I've heard that bandits targeting couriers have become more prevalent recently.' It was a rumor that had started circulating a week ago. To call them mere bandits seemed an understatement due to their excessive brutality, to the extent that those who found the remains later were said to have been nauseated. The branch manager swallowed dryly. While it would be great to have them join, there were still considerations to be made. "That... We cannot offer more than the predetermined rewards. You will receive the same payment as the other escorts." A courier escort is, after all, a formal job. Even if they are known as the dragon and phoenix, that alone doesn't justify offering them more than the standard compensation. He would be grateful if they accepted the terms, but if they expressed dissatisfaction with the reward, he would have no choice but to send them away. The branch manager entertained these thoughts as he awaited their response. And then. "Worry not. As you said, we’re looking for something to pass the time, so we’re not concerned about monetary compensation." He received the perfect response he had hoped for. "Much appreciated." Poison Phoenix flashed a smile. True to her reputation, it was indeed an elegant smile.