59 - Martial Might, Foundation (2) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

In the northern part of Hobeok Province lies Mount Mudang. There, one of the Nine Schools of Dao, the Mudang School, resides. Today, amidst the serene atmosphere where the Daoists continue their training, the current leader, Taeho Jinn, asked the young man before him, "Do you truly not wish to leave?" "Yes, I wish to stay at Mudang." Bowing before him was none other than Seonryong Hyungong. At his words, Taeho Jinn expressed deep regret, "I've heard that all the other Dragon Peaks have headed to the Martial Alliance... Ah, but it's not my place to insist." Taeho Jinn smiled bitterly, shaking his head. He deemed it inappropriate to press the boy who wished to stay at Mudang against his will. There was another reason too. "Ha, with such a lack of ambition, you indeed are a heavenly Daoist." To Taeho Jinn's eyes, it was truly gratifying to see Hyungong focused on cultivating Dao even as the other Dragon Peaks ventured out for honor. Hyungong simply smiled, a thought crossing his mind, "Is there really a need to restrict my movements?" Having lived a lifetime as a spy, deceiving others was second nature to him. Nonetheless, the Martial Alliance had too many eyes. Hyungong saw no need to abandon the foundation he had built just to join the Martial Alliance. "After all..." He wasn't the only one infiltrating the martial world; matters of that place could be left to another. * The establishment of the Dragon Peak Squadron. This was bound to cause a stir in Jianghu and offered a glimmer of hope in the currently ominous martial world. However, beyond such matters, "Setting up a new squadron is no easy task." The Martial Alliance wasn't some minor sect. Being a massive group, establishing a new organization required various preparations, From barracks for their stay to buildings for daily life, and even training grounds. Merely allocating a place wasn't enough. Except for Mok Riwon, all members of the Dragon Peak came from prestigious sects. For the Martial Alliance, offering mere halls was a matter of losing face. "This is difficult..." Mok Riwon furrowed his brow in confusion. To him, who could train even in a dirt field and sleep anywhere as long as there was a roof, the need for such dignified arrangements was incomprehensible. Dang Hwa-Seo didn't elaborate further. Understanding the importance of position and face was something one couldn't grasp without experiencing it firsthand. "Anyhow, for the time being, we will reside in this hall." "What shall we do in the meantime?" "Nothing in particular. Ah, wait." Dang Hwa-Seo raised his eyebrows, as if suddenly remembering something. "Would you like to visit the Alliance's library?" "The library?" "The library with secret manuals given to the Alliance's warriors. You were curious about it, weren't you?" Mok Riwon's eyes lit up. "Can I go?!" "Of course. You're now a warrior of the Alliance." "I'd love to go!" Mok Riwon sprang up, his energy fully revived. Dang Hwa-Seo could only smile warmly at his enthusiasm. * Standing before the library, Dang Hwa-Seo told Mok Riwon, "Then, I'll attend to other matters. You'll have to wait patiently, yes?" "Understood!" Mok Riwon was fidgeting excitedly, turning towards the library. Dang Hwa-Seo felt an unsettling worry. "Mok Soseop, if someone unknown tells you to follow them..." "I'll say I'm waiting for someone!" "Right." Though Dang Hwa-Seo wished to stay, there were many matters to attend to with the formation of the squadron. Hoping for nothing amiss, he reluctantly left Mok Riwon behind. Now alone, Mok Riwon entered the library and smiled. "It smells of books." As soon as he stepped in, the musty scent of old scripts filled his lungs, calming his heart. Mok Riwon, finding the atmosphere soothing, began to survey the library. "The Alliance's secret manuals..." There was a vast variety. From the Three Talents Sword Technique and Earth Escape Technique available in any market to the secret manuals of minor sects and those on the combined formations unique to the Alliance. Although not all manuals were immediately accessible to new members, Mok Riwon's title of Dragon gave him the right to peruse them all. After browsing for a long while, Mok Riwon selected and opened a manual: The Thunderclap Sword Technique. "I must learn as much about swords as I can." Mok Riwon was not arrogant. His aspiration to improve was strong. And now, he had a reason to grow stronger. The demonic warrior, Paeung Chu. To properly confront him, Mok Riwon felt the previous method of training was insufficient. "I must master everything I can. Everything that can be integrated into my sword must be absorbed." Mok Riwon did not wish to experience such bitter defeat again. Rustle. The page turned. For a long time after, Mok Riwon meticulously studied the library's manuals, envisioning sword techniques in his mind. Late at night, in the temporary training ground allocated to the Dragon Peak Squadron, Mok Riwon drew his sword. "There has been a harvest." Or rather, it was time to start reaping the fruits. Mok Riwon moved his body, recalling the secret manuals he had read continuously throughout the day. He was deconstructing the techniques. "I will take only what's necessary and from them, forge a new sword." It was an audacious thought. Had anyone but Mok Riwon conceived such a notion, they would surely have been criticized. Of course, that was to be expected. What Mok Riwon was undertaking was the innovation of martial arts. It was an endeavor to become a Grandmaster. But he was a Heavenly Slayer. One of the greatest martial artists to have descended to this land. His qualifications to be a Grandmaster were more than sufficient. "The Meteor Seven Swords become more explicitly forceful in its latter techniques." He could not always rely on the Meteor Seven Swords for every battle. The recent fight with the demonic warrior, for example, had nearly exhausted his internal energy due to forced martial exertion. "I need a martial art that can exert power with just the form." Mok Riwon's sword dropped down. Then, changing its path, it moved horizontally. The unfolding swordplay, though slowly executed, was a crude patchwork of the techniques he had learned that day. Despite the unavoidable awkwardness, as the night deepened, the movements of the sword began to display a natural elegance and a profound secret. "Trim and pare down. The awkwardness between the sword forms should be seamlessly bridged following the guidance of my senses." This was not a sword technique meant to be passed on. It was a sword Mok Riwon was crafting solely for himself. Thus, there was no need to concern himself with the difficulties of learning or transmission. "A form of the sword that's most suitable for me." The sword he could wield best. "With more variables." A sword that would prevent the opponent from becoming accustomed to its techniques. "Therefore, never use the same sword form twice." Mok Riwon thus named the framework of the sword he was creating. "The Myriad Link Sword (萬聯理劍)." A sword that weaves ten thousand sword forms into one doctrine. Though currently, the linked forms were barely more than a dozen, Mok Riwon planned to eventually melt ten thousand sword forms into it. The night at the Martial Alliance deepened. * Days, almost three weeks more, passed in the Martial Alliance. Having spent each day entwined in training to complete his new sword, Mok Riwon ventured outside after a long while. "Today is the day!" It was the day to welcome other acquaintances met during the Dragon Peak Conference. Dang Hwa-Seo nodded. "Yes, I've heard that Gwon Ryong and Geom Ryong are coming together, while Baek Bong will come separately." "Baek Bong alone?" "It's probably because their locations are diametrically opposed." Mok Riwon finally understood. Given that the Ami Sect was located on the left side of Hobeok and Shaolin and Anhui on the right, there was no need for Baek Bong to travel there and then return. "So..." I wonder who will arrive first. Just as Mok Riwon contemplated this, a figure could be seen waving happily from a distance. A 'tch' sound escaped Dang Hwa-Seo's lips. "...Baek Bong is the first to arrive." Approaching them was the bright and cheerful Baek Bong, Hye Un. She seemed delighted as if encountering a pleasant event on her way, greeting them with a radiant face. "Long time no see." "Good to see you!" "Have you been well, Mok Sijoo? My goodness, you've grown even prettier?" As Hye Un covered her mouth with her hand and said this, Mok Riwon’s body jerked in surprise. Wondering why she was suddenly acting familiar, he instinctively hid behind Dang Hwa-Seo, prompting Hye Un to burst into laughter. "I won’t bite. I won’t. On the way here..." Excitedly continuing her sentence, Hye Un suddenly closed her mouth, then looked around and smiled meaningfully. "...Anyway." Mok Riwon swallowed hard. Dang Hwa-Seo stepped on Mok Riwon’s foot with his heel. Jegal San kept his mouth firmly shut. He was unmarried and did not particularly appreciate Baek Bong's frivolous manner. "...Namgung's taking his time." A muttered comment, thinking it would be more entertaining to see Namgung Jincheon's frustrated reaction to Mok Riwon. As if heaven willed it, it wasn't long before a monk and a distinguished-looking gentleman with impressive eyebrows appeared from afar. The arrival of the two brightened Jegal San's face. "Monk! Namgung! Over here!" Their reactions were starkly different. Il Un startled upon seeing Jegal San, trembling and then awkwardly laughing, while Namgung Jincheon did not spare Jegal San a glance, instead glaring solely at Mok Riwon. Perceiving Namgung Jincheon’s demeanor, Mok Riwon tilted his head, then smiling, greeted him. "It's been a while! Have you been well?" Mok Riwon held no ill will toward Namgung Jincheon. After all, he was a martial brother sincerely devoted to the art of swordsmanship, and the last time they met, he seemed to consider more than just martial strength, making Mok Riwon keen on forging a friendship. "...Have I been well?" Namgung Jincheon murmured before continuing with an expressionless face. "Yes, I've been well." He did not shrink back in the slightest. On the contrary, his spirit of competition was ablaze. However, the timing and place were far from ideal. Namgung Jincheon was eager to challenge Mok Riwon to a martial contest but wasn't foolish enough to forget his duties over his emotions. Parting the crowd of Dragon Peaks, he headed towards the Alliance's main hall, stating, "Then follow me. We need to report in first." "You speak as if you were the leader already." Hye Un whispered to Dang Hwa-Seo. Dang Hwa-Seo couldn't help but nod in agreement upon hearing her words. Hearing their conversation, Namgung Jincheon retorted as if their comment was absurd, "Isn't it only natural that I would be the leader?" His arrogance solidified the atmosphere, but Mok Riwon, feeling a surge of defiance, clenched his fist and exclaimed, "What are you talking about! I'm going to be the leader!" The reason Mok Riwon aspired to the position of leader was simple. Because it would be cool. A tense atmosphere hung heavily between the two. Dang Hwa-Seo, dumbfounded by the spectacle, rubbed his forehead, "This is..." He could already feel a headache coming on.