73 - Missions, Intelligence (4) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Having safely passed through the inspection at Hanam Province, the Yongbongdan's destination was a quaint estate. This estate, notable for its modest pond and nameless flowers, had been prepared in advance by the league for the potentially lengthy investigation that lay ahead. In the largest room of the estate, Danghwa-seo, having freed himself of the burdensome disguise, spoke to his group members. "As I've said before, our mission is to find and apprehend those who have infiltrated this place." "Apprehend, you say?" "Yes, it would be best to take them alive if possible. We need to extract as much information from them as we can." Mokriwon nodded in understanding as if he got the point. Leaving that aside, Danghwa-seo continued speaking. "We do not know exactly where these infiltrators are hiding. The public investigations by Jongnam and Hwasan are ongoing, but the results have been unsatisfactory thus far." "So, we're starting from scratch." Il-woon's expression turned grave. It was a daunting task to locate the infiltrators even Jongnam and Hwasan, established here in Sichuan, had failed to find without any leads. Mokriwon, groaning over the sinking morale around him, blurted out, "Perhaps they've taken out a dark faction already established here? Remember, when we went to Wuhan, the infiltrators did not show themselves as bandits." "Yes, such incidents have not been uncommon in other regions. But the likelihood here is low." "And why is that?" "Because this is Sichuan." Je-Gal San answered. "Sichuan?" "Aren't Jongnam and Hwasan here? With two branches of the Taoist sect gathered in one place, there tend to be fewer dark factions in Sichuan." "Hmm…" Mokriwon's groaning intensified. "This is serious. So, miss, you mean we have no plan?" "Not exactly." Mokriwon's eyes widened. Danghwa-seo smirked and said, "Why do you think we've come to this place looking like riff-raff?" "Ah!" "We'll stir up trouble all over this city. If the infiltrators are hiding among us, they'll surely target us. They wouldn't want any unwanted attention drawn to their hideout." Wasn't this too optimistic and hasty an assumption? None among them had such doubts. "Exactly! The minds of the infiltrators are tainted by demonic arts, prioritizing emotion over reason. Targeting their unease is the right approach!" "Precisely." Mokriwon sprang up, his fists clenched, showing just how fervent he was. "Understood! I'll do my utmost to cluck my tongue!" The other members started laughing at his words. It was amusing and somehow innocent that his solemn vow was to merely cluck his tongue. * After alleviating the weariness of their journey the next morning, the members began their 'hooligan acting' in earnest. Their first stop was an inn. "How dare you charge money for this?!" As Danghwa-seo barked furiously, Namgung Jinchun, wearing an ugly mask, threw the bowl of food onto the floor. Mokriwon clucked his tongue, staring into the void, while Je-Gal San shivered uncontrollably, his face pale with pretend fear. Hye-woon simply bowed her head, and Il-woon, as always, played the foil. For them, such villainy was disagreeable, but necessary. It was essential to build notoriety. But notoriety alone was not enough. They had to spread their infamy throughout Hanam Province's capital to the extent that everyone knew their names and whereabouts. Such ill repute was required to attract the entire capital's attention. Even after leaving the inn, they continued their act of hooliganism with zeal. They kicked fruits sold by merchants in the marketplace, spat on silks in fabric shops, tampered with meat with their bare hands in butcher shops, and deliberately bumped into passersby to provoke fights. However, as they couldn't wholly ignore the pangs of their conscience, Yongbongdan chose 'money' as their form of apology. "What's with that look? Ah~ I see. You need to sell this stuff, but I hindered you, didn't I?" "No, no! How could I...!" "Enough! Take this, you lowlife! Eat this and scram fitting your station!" Clink! Following each act of villainy, Danghwa-seo tossed coins at the merchants, just enough to cover the damaged goods. Though the merchants' expressions turned complex upon receiving the money, it didn't make them view the group any more favorably. Well, human beings are inherently sensitive to any form of attack against them, after all. The group's strategy was beginning to take effect. It took merely five days for the 'unruly trio' to become notorious throughout Hanam Province. * "I'm dying." In the courtyard of the estate, Mokriwon mumbled with a gaunt face. Danghwa-seo patted his shoulder with an awkward smile. "What can we do? It's the mission." "But I feel too sorry for the people..." Mokriwon's pout seemed utterly pitiful. Not only because of his appearance but also due to the significant mental stress he genuinely felt. After all, Mokriwon had spent his life never wanting to speak ill of others. Mokriwon is generally amicable towards those he meets for the first time. Therefore, he felt even more wounded under the resentful stares of others. "Are you alright, Miss?" "For me, having often received such looks while I was on the run from my family, it's nothing new." As if proving his words, Danghwa-seo's demeanor appeared no different from usual. Naturally, there didn't need to look further than when Mokriwon first met him in Shangseosung Suyanghyun, running a pavilion—back when he was falsely accused and subjected to all sorts of harsh words by the dark factions. Danghwa-seo was someone all too familiar with others' resentment. "Hmm..." Pity filled Danghwa-seo's eyes. The sight of Mokriwon hunching over his knees, pitifully gazing at the pond, made him feel sorry. "If it's too hard for you, would you like to take a rest tomorrow?" "Oh, no! How could I possibly rest when everyone is struggling!" Mokriwon quickly straightened up, belatedly catching Danghwa-seo's cue. However, his gaunt cheeks couldn't be hidden. Dark shadows hung under his eyes. Without realizing it, Danghwa-seo reached out his hand. Tap. The moment Danghwa-seo's hand touched his cheek, Mokriwon flinched. As his thumb swept under Mokriwon's eye, his heart fluttered for some reason. "Getting so thin... that won't do. Today, you should eat something other than buckwheat noodles and green plum juice." Normally, such words would have made him panic and shake his head. However, Mokriwon was too tickled by Danghwa-seo's touch to listen properly, only managing to absentmindedly nod. As he looked at Danghwa-seo, seeing the worried expression on her face made him awkwardly shift his gaze back to the pond. Thump. Thump. Mokriwon was confused by his racing heart. Having been raised to know nothing but chivalry, he was yet to understand the name of the emotion rising within him. * Even in the dark of night, the large estate was brightly illuminated by lanterns. Though it appeared cozy and vibrant from the outside, the faces of those living within were gloomy. Or rather, they were withdrawn. Crunch! The sound emanating from the inner halls of the estate was the reason for the unease, as was the stench of blood that came with it. Yet, all of this had become familiar to them. For a month now, without a single day's break from the smell of blood, a boy huddled in the estate's privy. "Again..." Another person had died. He had lost count of how many times this had happened. The worry of who died today had… lost its meaning. It was surely the family of someone who had dared to rebel. The boy pulled up his tattered sleeve to wipe the tears welled in his eyes. Yet, despite his efforts, he kept sobbing and shaking. The boy's only wish was that the person who died inside wasn't his mother. Wasn't someone he was close to. It was a selfish thought, but in the boy's desperate situation, he had no energy to think otherwise. The boy continued his prayer. A prayer to no one in particular, as he tried to hold his breath to stop his crying. It was at that moment. "I found you." The door to the privy burst open. Startled, the boy's head shot up. "Hiik!" The boy's legs gave way, and he fell onto the floor of the privy. Despite this, something disturbed his vision. "A demon...!" The bulging eyes of the man resembled that of a demon. * The Yongbongdan were dedicated to their hooligan acting today as well. They had grown accustomed to acting to a point where they could now improvise. Namgung Jinchun, perhaps in an attempt to vent the frustration caused by the facial disguises, had once again used Il-woon as a step and threw the fruit he was holding at a merchant, hitting him in the face. "This tastes like trash." The merchant's face turned red, but he did not retort. After all, along with their notoriety, rumors had spread that the trio were children of a renowned landlord from Gangseosung. What would happen if the landlord became angry because his children were harmed? What if he hired martial artists to cause harm? The mere merchant, being just a commoner, feared that possibility. Thus, he could only tremble and comply. "I, I'm sorry..." As the merchant bowed his head, Mokriwon frowned again. His face, which had lately become gaunt, now seemed even more fearsome due to the grimace. However, inside, Mokriwon was consumed with torment. It was for the sake of capturing the infiltrators. It was for the sake of righteousness. Even though he tried to reassure himself, the sight of innocent commoners bowing their heads in fear was difficult to endure. Mokriwon, who wanted to make people laugh with righteousness, felt a deep revulsion at the thought of him acting like a villain. "...For a greater cause." Was such a justification right? Was the sacrifice of the few for the many fitting for a chivalrous knight? Mokriwon's thoughts deepened. It didn't take long for Danghwa-seo to notice Mokriwon's distressed state. After all, it was just yesterday that he had confided his innermost feelings. Heartbroken but recognizing the inevitability of their situation, Danghwa-seo simply grasped Mokriwon's hand tightly. It was a gesture made stealthily, hidden from the eyes of others. The tips of Mokriwon's fingers twitched. Gently caressing his hand, Danghwa-seo whispered softly, "I am sorry. Please bear with it a little longer." There was no better alternative available. With ordinary methods, drawing out the infiltrators was an impossibility. Bowing his head to Danghwa-seo's whispering voice, Mokriwon acquiesced. "...Understood." This was, after all, their mission, and no room was left for reluctance. It was the moment Mokriwon steeled his resolve. Thud. A boy grabbed onto Mokriwon's arm. Turning his head towards the boy, Mokriwon's eyes widened in shock. "Pl-please, save me…" The boy's face was entirely bruised, a deep red swelling covering it. There was no strength in his body, and from him emanated the smells of blood and feces. The boy, shaking and letting tears spill over, pleaded. Thump. And then, he collapsed right there.