83 - Defiance, Resolution (1) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Dang Hwa-Seo was striding down the corridors of the alliance, her face etched with exhaustion. "Endless tasks," she mused, a headache throbbing with the workload she faced. From routine responsibilities like mission reports and budget allocations to unexpected incidents requiring explanations, and even the checks and balances amongst other faction leaders. "They're just looking for a reason to pounce," Dang Hwa-Seo clicked her tongue in irritation. Upon reflection, the source of her anger primarily stemmed from Jin Won Dan's leader, Gyeon Dong. "If you're going to act so impulsively, why not leave the alliance? This is a collective, not a place for acting solely on personal beliefs, don't you understand?" Despite their similar ages, his words, delivered in a nagging tone, felt incredibly patronizing. His goatee, an attempt at sophistication, only made his lecturing all the more insufferable in her eyes. Dang Hwa-Seo ground her teeth in frustration. "Politics over martial virtue, every single time." Despite holding the title of faction leader, Gyeon Dong was somewhat an anomaly, barely reaching the first ranks of mastery. Rumors even circulated that his vice-leader could outmatch him in a duel—a sign of his relative weakness. His rise to power wasn't attributed to his martial prowess but to his networking and political maneuvering. Skilled more with his tongue than in combat, he ambitiously eyed positions even beyond his current stature. Dang Hwa-Seo despised it—both the character and being subjected to his unpleasant diatribes. Fortunately, White Sword Gwon Pyo Wol sided with her, sparing her from immediate peril, though the irritation lingered. Thud. Thud. Her steps turned fierce with rising aggravation, startling any martial artists she passed by. Dang Hwa-Seo flinched, not without reason. A distorted version of her recent performance in a mission had spread rumors like "The Viper's Tongue can kill a man, betraying her venomous nature." "Damnable rumors." She made an effort to compose her face, aware of how her anger might be quite intimidating even for Mok Ri Won. Amidst this, she heard a familiar voice. "Ah, Viper Faction Leader!" Gold Sword Gwon Pyo Wol greeted her from across the corridor. "Ah, Gold Sword Great Hero." "Are you on your way back?" "Yes, I must see to my members." "See to them, you say..." Gwon Pyo Wol chuckled awkwardly, understanding the implications. As someone who often interacted with the Viper Faction, he was likely aware of the circumstances. "You've been working hard." Recent incidents, like Mok Ri Won and Namgung Jincheon causing damage during their training, meant that Gwon Pyo Wol couldn't help but sympathize with Dang Hwa-Seo. "It's just what needs to be done," she responded with an enlightened smile. Gwon Pyo Wol shared a laugh before hesitantly bringing up a rumor. "Have you heard that the alliance leader might have a private meeting with Mok Ri Won?" Dang Hwa-Seo's fingers twitched, her face revealing shock. "The alliance leader?" "Could Mok Ri Won have caused another incident already? Without my notice? No, no, that can't be right if the alliance leader is involved...!" Her complexion turned pale. Gwon Pyo Wol burst into laughter, shaking his head. "No, it's not due to an incident. I heard there's a personal interest." Dang Hwa-Seo breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness." "You worry too much." "Given the unpredictable nature of some people..." Dang Hwa-Seo chuckled wryly before expressing her gratitude and deciding to speak with Mok Ri Won. Gwon Pyo Wol left without lingering. "I should teach him some manners," Dang Hwa-Seo thought, contemplating the importance of instructing Mok Ri Won in dining etiquette. Her mind was preoccupied with this singular task as she returned to her chamber. * "Dining etiquette, you say?" Back at the Viper Faction's main hall, Mok Ri Won posed the question in the leader's chamber. Dang Hwa-Seo nodded, explaining. "Yes, you might not be aware, but you will soon have a private meeting with the alliance leader." "Ah, I've heard from Advisor Kang." "That makes sense, seeing as how Kang So So was personally invited by the alliance leader." Upon aligning with this reasoning, Mok Ri Won offered a strained smile. "It's peculiar." Knowing Kang So So's true identity but still startled by its mention, Mok Ri Won struggled to hide his discomfort, given his secret stance. Regaining his composure, he inquired further. "What exactly do you mean by etiquette?" "Nothing too difficult. Just the proper manners, posture, and protocol to be observed at the table." "Ah, there's no need to worry! I've served two elders before venturing into the martial world!" Mok Ri Won declared with confidence, which wasn't unfounded. After all, he had spent a lifetime serving two of the great masters among the Six Kings of Martial Arts, particularly Geolwang Mile Seok, who was notably sensitive about manners. He vividly remembered the lessons on dining etiquette with elderly, learned even through the hard way of receiving knocks on his head. Dang Hwa-Seo looked at him with an "Oh?" expressing a newfound respect. "So, you had two masters." With this revelation, a slight hope sparked within her. Perhaps she had underestimated Mok Ri Won, forgetting he was a disciple of a skilled master. While she wasn't aware of his identity, considering Mok Ri Won's martial arts, his master must have been a renowned expert of the prior generation. Surely, such a person would not neglect teaching dining etiquette. Breathing a sigh of relief, she suggested, "Ah, that's reassuring. But just to be safe, shall we go through a quick rehearsal?" "Of course! I'll treat Lady as if she were the alliance leader!" Mok Ri Won stood up abruptly, thumping his chest. "Prepare to be astounded!" --- And astounded she was. Astonished by the utter chaos. "...Master Mok?" "Eh? What’s the matter? Come on, taste this! Ah~!" Dang Hwa-Seo looked at him blankly, mouth firmly shut, as Mok Ri Won held a piece of chicken leg meat in front of her with his chopsticks, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Isn't it proper to serve the elderly the legs? To debone it and feed it to them?" What exactly had Mok Ri Won's masters taught him? Dang Hwa-Seo was filled with doubts. Indeed, upon closer examination, it became clear. Geolwang Mile Seok, having been a beggar by origin, despite reaching the status among the Six Kings of Martial Arts, prioritized the ways of the streets over conventional etiquette. He had mixed his teachings with physical punishment, not to inculcate manners but to manoeuvre Mok Ri Won to his comfort. With even his peers watching these lessons with amusement, it was impossible for Mok Ri Won to have learned proper etiquette. "Here, Lady! Try 'Ah~!'" Once again, Mok Ri Won pushed the chicken leg towards her. Without realizing, Dang Hwa-Seo opened her mouth, and with a radiant smile, he fed her the meat. "How is it? Seasoned well?" The thoughtfulness in considering her taste was evident, though the care verged on that of a hospitable innkeeper rather than proper decorum. After chewing and swallowing, Dang Hwa-Seo managed to respond, "...It's certainly tasty." "Glad to hear! Wait a moment, let me see what's next..." "Master Mok." She had to stop him. Amidst the unexpected enjoyment of the situation, it was crucial to remember the purpose of their meeting. "Eh? What is it?" Mok Ri Won asked innocently, his demeanor so pure that for a moment, Dang Hwa-Seo wondered if revealing the truth was the right decision. However, not clarifying matters now could lead to complications later on. With conviction, she corrected him, "That is not how you show respect to your elders!" "Th-that's not-!" "It's how close friends might act!" A methodology that fulfilled both needs and desires, Dang Hwa-Seo's scheming was evident even now. --- Upon hearing the entire explanation, Mok Ri Won was devastated. "It wasn't manners towards elders!" He knelt, fists clenched, shaking from the betrayal. "I was tricked!" Resentment towards Geolwang Mile Seok bubbled within him. Considering all the beatings he endured while learning these 'manners', his frustration was justified. From preparing rabbits he hunted to seasoning them perfectly and even giving up the tastiest parts, he had even trained specifically to handle chopsticks without dropping food. And now, to realize all those days bore no meaning! "I must settle this once I return to the mountains!" "There, there," said Dang Hwa-Seo, patting his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Mok Ri Won's disheartened face inadvertently made her think 'He's quite adorable,' before she coughed to regain composure. "Ahem, well, that aside." Now wasn't the time for such thoughts. "Let's start learning proper dining etiquette. Your chopstick skills are already commendable, so if we just work on your behavior and speech, you'll be perfect." "Understood…" "Let's begin with seating arrangements. Despite being a private meeting, your counterpart will be the alliance leader, so naturally, there's a distinction between the higher and lower seats. Typically, the higher seat is..." Dang Hwa-Seo continued her explanations. Mok Ri Won listened intently, quickly regaining his spirits. He was keenly aware of the usefulness of her teachings, not just for the occasion but for his life in general. Though verbal instructions might have been ambiguous, Mok Ri Won had no trouble understanding. He was simple, not foolish. "...That's the basic idea. Do you understand?" "Yes! But some parts are clearer in practice. Could we possibly go through a demonstration?" "Of course. I came prepared for that." Dang Hwa-Seo smiled gently as she took her place at the head of the table. "Shall we start with your entrance then?" "Thank you for your help!" Mok Ri Won rose from his seat and stepped outside the room. Closing the door behind him, he announced, "Let's begin!" Following his words, Mok Ri Won re-entered, performing the formal fist-and-palm salute. "I greet the alliance leader." His posture was correct, his tone struck the right balance between tense and relaxed. Impressive. Just as Dang Hwa-Seo allowed herself a moment of satisfaction, "Eh? Mok, what are you doing here? And what's this about meeting the alliance leader?" Jegal San, passing by the corridor, noticed Mok Ri Won and questioned him. Mok Ri Won looked up, "Ah, Jegal Hyung! I'm learning etiquette from Lady here for my one-on-one meeting with the alliance leader!" "From the Lady?" Jegal San's eyes narrowed. At that, Dang Hwa-Seo clenched her fists under the table, feeling a twinge of guilt. -It's just the etiquette between very close friends! The suspicious glance made her think of her earlier justification. Jegal San, known for his keen intuition, might uncover her shameful secret, prompting Dang Hwa-Seo to swallow nervously before stating, "Is there a problem?" When poked, humans tend to react defensively, and Dang Hwa-Seo’s tone sharpened in response to the truth behind her words. Jegal San slowly backed away, exclaiming, "Not at all!" And with that, he fled, though his thoughts lingered, 'I might have to reteach everything myself!' Dang Hwa-Seo was usually sharp and composed, but whenever Mok Ri Won was involved, her judgment seemed to blur. Jegal San was certain: Dang Hwa-Seo, under the guise of teaching, must have imparted some odd knowledge to Mok Ri Won. Indeed, Jegal San was a man with remarkably accurate intuition.