104 - Missions, Investigation (11)

Despite Seo Ye's impressions, Namgung Jincheon was earnest. Finally, he faced a foe of unparalleled caliber. Boiling emotions and a sharp sense of killing intent. All these were becoming his ingredients. 'Supreme pinnacle.' The ingredients needed to reach that lofty realm. 'I'll follow suit.' Though Namgung Jincheon had once vowed not to be swayed by mere stars anymore, at this moment, he willingly embraced them. Even a temporary alliance was acceptable. For, the future that the Imperial Star sought and the realm beyond Namgung Jincheon's current desires coincided, at least for now. Namgung Jincheon thus contemplated. 'Intention of the heart.' What to focus on and where to advance. What is the purpose of wielding this sword? The ideals to be proclaimed through Qi, the name to be shouted to the world by virtue of these... 'The answer is predetermined.' The Sword King's grandson, the master of the Imperial Star, and the future supreme under heaven. Every descriptor pointing to him led to a single answer. 'Heaven.' To rise above all, to look down arrogantly upon everything. The unchanged resolve since first holding the sword now declares it's time to step toward that ideal. Grrrr— His internal energy tore through the air, emitting a low growl. In the midst of it all, Namgung Jincheon's eyes gleamed even colder. Thud! He stepped forward, raising his sword above his head, then slicing downward. Like a brush over canvas, his sword embroidered the space. Empire Sword Form 1st Technique, Blue Sky Without Thought. Under the blue sky, all thoughts lose their meaning, leaving only lofty dignity. Whoosh— Energy forged from Yang Go Hye's crown fell downwards. She raised her hand to block it. Namgung Jincheon did not halt. This time, a horizontal cut. Distance meant nothing. Empire Sword Form 2nd Technique, Single Annihilation in the Heavens. The Emperor’s sword does not chase after foes; it sits upon the throne and annihilates. With the presumptuous technique true to form, if Namgung Jincheon's internal energy could reach, his sword would too, regardless of the opponent's position. Boom— Yang Go Hye's waist exploded with energy. She grimaced. "Brutish." Swoosh— White flames soared. They fluttered about her body like a fairy's silk gown. Then, from behind her shoulder, four arms manifested. Qi Gong, White Hand Rakshasa. Already at the pinnacle of mastery, Yang Go Hye didn't take long to materialize it. Tap! She lightly spun her foot and dashed forward. Namgung Jincheon intensified his focus. In an instant, he felt his body moving on its own as his vision stretched. -The Empire Sword Form does not repeat the same move against the same opponent. Following the advice of his master and grandfather, the Sword King Namgung Hyuk, he began to weave the next technique. -Even that is a luxury. Namgung Jincheon stepped back with his right foot. Positioning his sword diagonally, he aimed its tip towards Yang Go Hye, who was charging at him. Whiz— A deep blue energy whirlwind swirled around Namgung Jincheon. Twice he swung his refined sword, creating a point through horizontal and vertical slashes. The sword was shot towards the center of that sky constructed by Namgung Jincheon. Empire Sword Form 3rd Technique, Assault of the Heavenly Origin. The sword must only rush ferociously towards the center of the heavens, that's the only place it should reach. Amidst an indescribable focus, the energy wave manifested. It had already become a force. Reaching the intended 'Heart's Intent,' termed as the zenith of the sky. The vastly spread wings of Namgung Jincheon's energy painted the space blue, eventually controlling Yang Go Hye's movements. 'What...!' Rushing forward only to meet Namgung Jincheon's waiting sword. Yet, Yang Go Hye couldn't stop. The flow covering the space drew her to that spot. Even if she tried to explode her Qi, in that instant, her forehead would undoubtedly meet the tip of his sword. Yang Go Hye clenched her teeth. She used the four arms created by her Qi Gong to shield her face. And then, the sword pierced through those arms. Clatter— The swords' path trembled. Finding a gap at its end, Yang Go Hye twisted her head. Luckily, she avoided having the sword pierce her forehead. However, escaping from Namgung Jincheon, she faced something even worse than death. Plop— A warm liquid dropped to the ground. Yang Go Hye looked at it with trembling eyes. 'Blood.' Whose blood was it? The answer came too easily. Aching pain and a wet feeling started on the bridge of her nose. "Uh…?" Yang Go Hye touched her face. The hot and sticky liquid flowed down her hand. Her face was damaged. "Ah, ah…" As Yang Go Hye trembled and let out noises, Namgung Jincheon straightened his posture. His icy gaze fixed on her face, his lips twisted slightly. "Now that even your face is marred, I doubt anyone would take you even if given." It was his form of revenge. And it hit Yang Go Hye's raw nerve precisely. "...What?" "Disgraceful. Such a face suits you well. Now, there won't be any man who would desire that wretched body of yours." His voice was full of derision. Rage seethed in Yang Go Hye's eyes. "Dare you..." Her demonic energy began to erupt. "How dare you―!" "Stop yelling. What right does a whore like you have to raise her voice?" Boom— Yang Go Hye charged. Four arms, formed of white flames, unfolded once again to aim at him. Namgung Jincheon, too, released his internal energy with an indescribable sense of exhilaration. He swung his sword, batting away the arms. ————! The clash of internal energies generated a noise near to tinnitus. Seo Ye, standing a step back, covered her ears with wide-open eyes. 'What...!' Had they truly reached their peak in that moment? Astonishment filled her eyes as she watched Namgung Jincheon. The profoundness of the exchange was beyond Seo Ye's understanding. The flash of swords and white flames soared to the ceiling. The ground shook, and breaths were caught in throats. Struggling even to stand. Yet, amidst this, Seo Ye noticed something. 'The Sword Dragon is at a disadvantage!' Despite having reached a level capable of confronting Yang Go Hye by transcending realms, that was all. Enlightenment naturally required time to stabilize. Adapting to a newfound weapon was necessary, after all. It wasn't an unfounded worry. As the exploding demonic energy cleared, Seo Ye could see Namgung Jincheon's aura was not in good shape. 'Then...!' While Namgung Jincheon was engaged with Yang Go Hye, she had to activate the formation. Seo Ye's gaze turned toward the bed. Where the study desk was usually situated. Behind that was a towering bookshelf. Pushing it aside would reveal the safe, and hence, the formation's center. Seo Ye gritted her teeth. 'I can't just stand by!' She staggered to her feet. Muffling her presence, she cautiously began to walk along the wall of the chamber. Boom— "Dieeeee!!!" With her face twisted like a vengeful spirit, Yang Go Hye pressed on Namgung Jincheon. Despite chunks of his internal energy being shaved off, Namgung Jincheon countered all her moves. He saw Seo Ye moving behind Yang Go Hye. 'Just need to buy time.' Namgung Jincheon provoked Yang Go Hye to make his decision. "Don't look at me. Your ugliness is enough to make one vomit." "Aaaahhh!" The top two arms of the White Hand Rakshasa clenched into fists. Boom— Namgung Jincheon tapped around the energy field he had set up around him. Then the two lower arms and Yang Go Hye's arms began to shoot out wildly. Boom— "Ugh!" Namgung Jincheon grimaced as he endured. But it wasn't easy. Bare Hand Demonic Technique. One of the most sinister demonic techniques known, capable of absorbing the internal energy of anyone it touches. The longer this stalemate drags on, the faster Namgung Jincheon's energy would deplete. It was a matter of compatibility. To counter the energy-absorbing technique, overpowering it with force before it could absorb internal energy was the standard. However, for Namgung Jincheon, who had only recently awakened his intention, that was no easy feat. Ironically, the fact that Namgung Jincheon could still withstand the consumption was thanks to his originally well-surpassing realm of internal energy. Despite having his energy siphoned, he still had the capacity to endure. 'But, just enduring isn't enough.' Seo Ye was on the move. Therefore, he must continue to capture Yang Go Hye's attention to prevent her from noticing the anomaly. Namgung Jincheon went on the offensive. His sword soared from below with great force, targeting her chin and lips, and Yang Go Hye felt it. "This...!" Trying to damage her face again. Instinctively, Yang Go Hye jerked her head back, and Namgung Jincheon’s eyes lit up. The sword path changed. An unstable sword path, imitating Neck Vein Cutting, even risking the instability for such unpredictability having experienced it firsthand. The sword that soared upwards twisted, making a long slash across her chest. Yang Go Hye, realizing too late, erupted her demonic energy to retreat, but the sword had already reached its destination. Swoosh— With the top of her outfit along with its ties, a lengthy gash was carved across her chest. Blood spurted out, and her clothes came undone. Thud! Yang Go Hye landed on the ground. Namgung Jincheon spoke with disgust. "Even your breasts sag. Disgusting." "You worthless virgin brat...!" "Even as a virgin, the thought of offering myself to you doesn't cross my mind. An ugly face, ugly breasts, and now an ugly wound too. The epitome of repulsiveness. It's almost as if there's a stench of a chicken coop. Please, I beg you, stop looking at me." The provocation was effective. Meanwhile, Seo Ye had almost circled half the room to where the bookshelf was. Despite everything, Yang Go Hye was still fixated solely on him, unpleasant as it was, it could be considered a strategic success. "Aaaahhh!!!" Yang Go Hye burst forth in a frenzy once more. Namgung Jincheon, steadying his breath, swung his sword. Boom— The chamber was long since trashed from the explosion. Yet, the relentless onslaught continued, and Namgung Jincheon found his gaze drifting increasingly towards Seo Ye under the growing pressure. She was just starting to push the bookshelf. But at that moment, Yang Go Hye also noticed the anomaly. Seeing Namgung Jincheon's eyes roll towards her, she spotted Seo Ye. "Damn you both!" Yang Go Hye could tell at a glance. These damn brats were up to something. She attempted to turn her body. Her target had changed to Seo Ye. Namgung Jincheon, grinding his teeth, clung onto Yang Go Hye. "We're out of time!" "I've pushed it!" True to Seo Ye's words, a dark space revealed itself behind the bookshelf. The moment Seo Ye disappeared into it, Yang Go Hye started to unleash all the demonic energy she had absorbed, attempting to push Namgung Jincheon away. "Disappear!!!" A critical moment. If he was pushed away from Yang Go Hye now, Seo Ye would be in danger. And their plan would fail. Desperation urged Namgung Jincheon to think of a solution. 'How...!' Suddenly. '...That might work.' What was the cause? In that moment, Namgung Jincheon recalled a conversation he had had with Jegal San in the near past. -"Namgung, do you know this?" -"What?" -"They say a woman feels the same pain in her chest as a man does in his groin when hit." -"...Why bring that up?" -"Just thought it might be useful information for you, Namgung." -"Speak clearly, before I draw my sword." -"Eek! I have urgent matters to attend to!" Flash! Namgung Jincheon's eyes brightened. There was no time for lengthy contemplation. Namgung Jincheon swung his sword mightily as if to show it off, and Yang Go Hye poured an enormous amount of energy into swatting that sword away. Namgung Jincheon released his sword. Clang! The sword easily flew up into the air. Yang Go Hye, caught off guard, exposed a vulnerability. Namgung Jincheon clenched his fist, forcefully concentrating his remaining energy into it. And he thrust forward. Thwack! Towards Yang Go Hye's chest. "Uugh...!" In an instant, Yang Go Hye's breath halted. Her eyes rolled back. Namgung Jincheon mentally thanked Jegal San. 'It worked.' A simple word of thanks. Rumble— The formation was activated.