111 - Sichuan, China (2)

It was late in the afternoon that day. "The next mission has been assigned." Dang Hwa-seo had returned to the pavilion, her complexion somber. It was a countenance different from usual fatigue. The members instantly realized this mission was not like the others. Yet, despite the tension they felt upon hearing this, the following words came as a shock. "We are going to the Dang Clan." There was a moment— Mok Riwon’s fingertips trembled. His face, filled with surprise, turned towards Dang Hwa-seo. She was smiling bitterly. "The investigation in the Sichuan area is being obstructed by the Dang Clan. We are going there to gain their cooperation." Nobody in the room was unaware of the relationship between the Dang Clan and Dang Hwa-seo. Naturally, they all started imagining one thing: what Dang Hwa-seo must be feeling as she uttered those words. "Lady…" Mok Riwon involuntarily spoke up, but Dang Hwa-seo did not let him continue. "We leave in two days. Prepare yourselves. That is all." Dang Hwa-seo left the office. The members remained, unable to do anything; amidst this, Mok Riwon suddenly stood up and announced, "I’ll follow her." And with that, he left the office. * Dang Hwa-seo was staring blankly at a pond. It was a spot where she and Mok Riwon once shared drinks, just the two of them. Dang Hwa-seo bit her lip. Her fist was clenched tighter than ever before. 'Finally…' We are going there. It was something that was bound to happen eventually. Dang Hwa-seo knew the value of her own body better than anyone in the Dang Clan. After all, an invulnerable body was the Dang Clan’s long-cherished wish, a miracle that they could not be certain of replicating if not now. Dang Hwa-seo imagined what awaited her. Would they threaten her in some way upon her arrival? Or perhaps try to persuade her instead? It was hard to say. Too much time had passed since she had left that place. But one thing was for sure, 'They won’t let me go easily.' To repay kindness with double, and to repay resentment with tenfold. Living by that ridiculous family motto, the Dang Clan were sure to demand something from her. They would try to bind her in some way. The more she thought about it, the more her thoughts spiraled into a dark abyss. It was then that Mok Riwon appeared. "My lady, you were here." Dang Hwa-seo looked up. Mok Riwon approached, carrying some snacks. "…You’ve come." "Aren’t you hungry? Try some. The dumplings are exceptional." Mok Riwon handed her a dumpling, steam rising off it as if it was freshly made. Dang Hwa-seo couldn't help but let out a faint smile. "You didn’t trouble Master Sook, did you?" "I managed to get some of what he was preparing for tonight’s meal." Saying this, Mok Riwon took a big bite of the dumpling, chewing contentedly with a satisfied smile. "Indeed, delicious. I doubt I’ll encounter anyone as skilled in cooking as our Master Sook in this lifetime." Mok Riwon insisted further. "Try one, my lady! When troubled, filling the stomach first is the way to go, isn’t it?" "…Yes." Dang Hwa-seo looked at the dumpling for a moment, then took a small bite. Juicy filling flowed out, mixing with the batter in her mouth. As the warmth spread from her mouth down her throat, she couldn’t help but laugh. "…It’s delicious." "Told you so." Mok Riwon chuckled, then suddenly threw a glance towards the pond and spoke out of the blue. "Tell me, what is Sichuan like?" Dang Hwa-seo’s fingertips twitched. She bit her lip momentarily, then composed herself and spoke. "…It’s a bit cooler than here. But not too cold, making it quite a nice place to live." "Is there anything else? I’ve heard Sichuan has a lot of good food." "Plenty. Though I am not sure if it will suit Mok Sohyeop’s palate. Sichuan cuisine tends to be spicy and tingling." "Challenges are always welcome." A small smile appeared on Mok Riwon’s lips. "I’ve also heard the scenery in Sichuan is beautiful." "Indeed, it’s not lacking in sights to see." "I’m looking forward to it." Mok Riwon’s gaze shifted to Dang Hwa-seo. "Would you guide me? Through Sichuan, I mean." Dang Hwa-seo looked squarely at Mok Riwon, then burst into laughter. "Is this your way of offering comfort?" "I’m sincerely asking. You know I am not familiar with the martial world, unable to venture out alone. I need you by my side." "Have you no thoughts of independence?" Even as she joked, Dang Hwa-seo couldn’t fully treat her words as jest. The worst-case scenario inevitably came to mind. 'What if we can’t return from that place…' The thought of being separated from Mok Riwon. Against that thought, Mok Riwon flatly denied, "Unacceptable." Mok Riwon smiled brightly. "I don’t wish to be separated from you, Lady, not now nor after our trip to Sichuan. There are still so many places in the martial world I haven’t seen, and I want to explore all of them with you. It seems like it would be more enjoyable that way.” Dang Hwa-seo’s eyes widened slightly. Mok Riwon continued, “So, please don’t harbor any negative thoughts.” “Mok Sohyeop…” “If there’s anyone there who tries to harm you, I’ll give them a piece of my mind. And I’ll make them apologize to you. You have nothing to worry about.” This was his comforting assurance. Dang Hwa-seo knew it. Yet, even knowing it was meant to comfort, she found herself leaning on his words. ‘…Would he really do as he says?’ Mok Riwon was a man who stood by his words, not backing down even in the face of overwhelming odds. Appreciative of his genuine kindness, and yet feeling undeserving, Dang Hwa-seo smiled bitterly. “What if you end up hurt in the process?” “I wouldn’t forsake my morals—or a friend—out of concern for my own harm. You mean that much to me.” Dang Hwa-seo burst into laughter. She then turned her gaze to the pond, chuckling at the absurdity of her suddenly lessened worries. “Do you know, Mok Sohyeop?” “What is it?” “Every time you say things like that, I feel an emotion that’s hard to suppress.” “Hard to suppress?” “Several things.” What was the point in elaborating? Dang Hwa-seo held her words back, but she could clearly express one thing. “…Thank you, nonetheless, for saying that.” From the day they first met in SuYangHyun’s GyeongHwa Tower, Mok Riwon had always been someone she was grateful to. He had rejuvenated forgotten values and straightened her waning courage. No amount of thanks could suffice. Dang Hwa-seo looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, painting the thinly spread clouds in shades of reddish gold. ‘Why worry so much, after all?’ She reminded herself, smiling faintly, realizing it was fruitless to shrink back at the first sign of threat. She had learned such courage from the person beside her. “…Shall we get going? The dumplings were delicious.” “Ha! Then, I shall see you tomorrow!” “Yes.” Dang Hwa-seo stood and watched Mok Riwon dart off toward the dining hall, chuckling at his haste. Despite the lingering anxiety, she found herself somewhat at ease. * The next day, the YungBongDan set out, their journey from Hubei to Sichuan was not short and was marked by several incidents along the way. During the travel, Dang Hwa-seo once again felt how much the others were striving for her sake. “Lady! Look over there! A troupe!” In every village they passed, Mok Riwon would find attractions and take her to see them. "Lady Dang, when you feel troubled, chanting sutras can also be a good method. Would you like to join us?" Il Woon, along with Hye Woon, offered uncharacteristic suggestions, showing concern. “Sister, I am doing this because I’m your brother after all.” Jegal San slyly passed her a pouch of poison he’d found somewhere. "A clan leader should never be underestimated. Stand tall." Namgung Jincheon offered out-of-the-blue advice. Dang Hwa-seo found herself able to smile. With these people joining in her concerns, showing their awkward kindness without embarrassment, she felt distanced from her worries. By the time they arrived in Sichuan, Dang Hwa-seo was no longer troubled. "Here we are. The land of the Dang Clan." Dang Hwa-seo spoke as they viewed the sprawling city, the entire region under the Dang Clan's domain. A city that once bound her, now a distant, painful memory. Dang Hwa-seo felt a whirlwind of emotions. It was then, "Lady!" A figure in the garb of a low-ranking official ran out from the city's entrance. Dang Hwa-seo stared in surprise. "So Hyang!" So Hyang. One of her companions who had fled the Dang Clan with her, whom she had separated from on the day they headed to the martial alliance. How could she be here? On the day they parted, Dang Hwa-seo had asked her to secretly gather information on the Dang Clan. The puzzlement was inevitable upon seeing her within the Dang Clan. "Have you been well? I hope you’ve suffered no harm?" So Hyang greeted Dang Hwa-seo with a mix of worry and joy on her face. Dang Hwa-seo asked, "How come you are here? Eh?" "I heard you were returning here. So, I came back to the Dang Clan a bit earlier to ask for a place to be prepared." "Such a risky venture!" “If things go awry, fleeing again is always an option.” So Hyang smiled brightly, although her cheerful demeanor brought comfort, it also stirred Dang Hwa-seo’s concerns. At that moment, Mok Riwon stepped forward. "It’s been a while!" His appearance, greeting from behind Dang Hwa-seo, was cheerful. Naturally, given Mok Riwon’s affinity for people, his excitement for this long-awaited reunion made sense. "Oh, yes." So Hyang replied with a frown, seemingly unpleased. Dang Hwa-seo chuckled quietly. The reason being the words So Hyang had spoken before their departure lingered in her mind. "Lady, I don’t quite trust that man. I fear he might hurt you…" Even until the moment of their departure, she had doubted Mok Riwon, who seemed rather clueless; and it seemed that even after Mok Riwon had gained some renown, he still didn't meet So Hyang’s expectations. "So, the Dang Clan sent you? To welcome me?" "Yes." "How are things at the Dang Clan now?" "It hasn't been fully assessed yet. Considering I fled following you, Lady, I've been mostly assigned menial tasks." So she wouldn’t be providing information. Dang Hwa-seo smiled faintly. 'Some things never change.' The distrust in people, and the tendency to conceal one’s true intentions. 'Then.' They must also be planning to betray her. Dang Hwa-seo’s expression hardened. She then said to her members, "Let’s go then." The members nodded with solemn expressions. 'As a sect leader of the alliance, they can’t afford to treat me lightly.' Dang Hwa-seo was confident about this. 'So, we’ll enter with the mindset of taking care of our business and leaving promptly.' “So Hyang, lead the way.” “Yes.” Thus, Dang Hwa-seo returned to the homeland that now seemed to exist only in her memories. "Welcome, leader of the Xiao Clan." At the entrance of the Dang Clan, she was greeted by someone. "...Dang Un Gyeong." The one offering the greeting was her half-brother, Dang Un Gyeong, whom she had met at the Yongbong Branch.