117 - Sichuan, China (8)

It was a peculiar event. Despite never having been anywhere near the land of Sacheon in his life, an inexplicable sense of longing arose, filled with wonder, and the energy it carried was so uncannily right that it made the situation all the more strange. If it had been demonic energy, Mok Riwon might have considered it a reaction caused by an extreme demonic body, but that wasn't it either. Narrowing his eyes, Mok Riwon gazed towards the north. ‘This is...’ What kind of energy could this be? To call it merely nostalgia didn't do justice to the tingling sensation in his chest. For some reason, his throat tightened, and his eyes began to sting. “Mok Sosyeop?” “…No, it's nothing.” Mok Riwon shook his head. He took a deep breath to compose his emotions and lifted his head. “Let's go.” He urged the members forward, thinking they would understand once they reached the north. Thus, they made their steps. * They encountered spiritual beings two more times. Each found by Jegal San and Hyewoon, and without waiting for someone else to act, they swiftly extracted their inner spheres. The mood softened a bit more, and the valley where Bideong was located soon became visible. The closer they got, the more intensely Mok Riwon felt his emotions fluctuate. Hssss— Once again, a sound akin to a snake slithering was heard. ‘What is it?’ Though he questioned inwardly, the answer eluded him. His heart pressed down, emitting a heat he couldn't understand. For reasons unknown, Mok Riwon was consumed with finding the source of this longing. Finally, they arrived at Bideong. “...It’s closed.” A large stone wall blocked the entrance of the cave. Dang Hwa-seo tapped on the stone wall and, frowning, said, “It seems we can’t break through. It's too thick.” “How did you get past here before?” “...We haven’t before. Last time, I waited in front of this valley, and only the clan leader went into Bideong.” Dang Hwa-seo sighed and turned to Jegal San. “Is there a way to remove it?” “Hmm…” Jegal San scratched his chin, examining the stone wall from different angles. His narrowed eyes and focused aura were somewhat uncharacteristic of him. Shortly after, Jegal San responded. “It’s not meant to be opened from here.” “What do you mean?” “The entrance is right, but the mechanism to open it is located elsewhere.” Jegal San stood up, twisting his waist until it cracked loudly. “Let’s spread out and look for the mechanism. It’s probably somewhere in this valley. I can’t say what it looks like, but it might be somewhere human hands could have reached. Let’s see.” “Indeed, spreading out might be better. And it’s not like we have any other threats in this place.” Dang Hwa-seo scanned the members. “Then let's search. Whether we succeed or fail, let’s meet back here in about two hours.” “I’ll go first then.” Namgung Jincheon immediately turned and vanished between the trees. Following him, Hyewoon and Ilwoon disappeared. Dang Hwa-seo was still there, and as Jegal San was about to leave, he asked Mok Riwon. “Brother Mok, are you feeling unwell? You don’t look good.” “It’s nothing. Just...” Mok Riwon fumbled with his words and shook his head. “...I’ll also go look.” With that, Mok Riwon left the front of Bideong. He headed in the direction where the resonating sound in his chest seemed to lead. * There was no confusion on the way. As soon as they arrived in the valley where Bideong was located, his senses pointed in one direction. Mok Riwon, left alone, could no longer hold back his tears. The tears, too hot for his cheeks, streamed down from the corners of his eyes, heating his face. ‘What is it?’ What could cause such piercing pain in the chest? What was at the end that made his heart so tumultuous? While he kept asking himself, Mok Riwon stood before the grand entrance of the cave. It was so vast that it made him wonder if this was the entrance to a royal tomb, but he didn’t have the leisure to be absorbed in contemplation. He simply clenched his fists and moved forward. Inside was a sight of wonder. Despite being deep within a cave at midnight, faint lights emanating from somewhere illuminated the stalactites and stalagmites, lighting up the space. The air was cool, and echoes filled the chamber. Following this scene, Mok Riwon eventually halted. A much wider space unfolded before him than any he had traversed before. ‘This is it.’ It was darker than before, making it impossible to see clearly what was ahead, but his senses were telling him. What he sought was here. Mok Riwon, wiping his tears with his sleeve, proceeded forward. Suddenly. [Why have you come?] Such words were heard. Not through his ears, but directly into his mind. “Who is there!” Swish— Mok Riwon, startled, unsheathed his sword and released his energy. Yet, he felt nothing. With a sense of puzzlement but still on guard, he shouted. “Stop hiding and show yourself!” Then the space brightened. Whooosh— A throng of red flames floated in the air, lighting up the cave. Finally, as the cave was illuminated, Mok Riwon gasped for breath. [Child, I asked why you have come.] There, was a snake. No, to call it a snake would be an understatement; it was enormous. Should it be said that its gigantic body was enough to fill the entire cave? The snake, coiling itself up, lifted its head high with its body gleaming black, and its eyes shone a bright yellow as it gazed at Mok Riwon. The moment he became aware of its existence, Mok Riwon's body stiffened. The snake's energy, which he began to sense only then, was so vast that the word 'immense' failed to fully describe it. This was beyond the energy any creature could contain. Even if any supernatural being from this world were brought before this snake, they wouldn’t even come close to its power. His body trembled uncontrollably. An overwhelming pressure bore down on him. Though flight seemed the only appropriate response, ‘...Why?’ His body would not turn away. No, it wanted to move closer. Towards the snake, towards the presence it emitted. Instinct told him. The longing he had been pursuing was for this snake. Tears streamed down once more. Mok Riwon's expression began to crumble. He moved towards the snake uncontrollably. [Stop.] At the snake’s words, Mok Riwon froze. His eyes widened to their limits. The snake spoke again. [Do not come any closer.] At those words, Mok Riwon felt as though his heart was being torn apart. He felt a despair akin to a child being abandoned by his parents. With a trembling jaw, Mok Riwon managed to ask, “Why...?” [Because it is an affection I have already discarded.] “What does that mean?” [It's a piece of flesh I've severed; I have no intention of reclaiming it.] Mok Riwon quietly looked at the snake. Severed flesh. At that phrase, Mok Riwon, struck by a passing thought, asked, "...Is this Chunsalseong yours?" Again, it was a question prompted by the sense that it might be true. After all, wasn’t Chunsalseong the only thing that stirred his emotions so uncontrollably and incited an endless craving in his body? The snake affirmed it. [It's a mistake of the past, now unwanted.] The snake laid its coiled body down, half-closing its eyes as it did so. [Do not seek it from me any further.] Mok Riwon was baffled. By the snake’s existence, its words, this situation, and his own emotions. In his mind, countless questions arose and disappeared amidst this interaction, while the tragically mundane limit that prevented him from approaching any closer wrung more tears from him. At the end of it all, Mok Riwon posed a question. “...Who are you?” A spiritual being. That was the first thing that came to mind. However, calling it simply a spiritual being did not seem to fit the snake before him, as Mok Riwon knew it to be different. At least, the spiritual beings Mok Riwon knew of fundamentally couldn't speak human languages. Even if wise and intelligent, their capabilities barely surpassed those of ordinary animals. Moreover, though considered guardians of nature, none exhibited such an overwhelming presence. This being clearly surpassed the bounds of Mok Riwon’s understanding. The snake looked down at Mok Riwon unhurriedly and after a long silence, spoke. [Perhaps, you're a simple creature.] “That was not the answer I was looking for.” [Maybe, you are a seeker dreaming beyond your station.] “Neither is that the answer I seek.” Mok Riwon wasn't curious about such things. He yearned to know the reason for the ache in his heart and why the snake rejected him. “What are you?” For some reason, he felt that the answer would explain why he was born with such a fate. -I should not have kept you alive. As the words he had heard in the formation replayed, Mok Riwon was desperate to know why such a fear should be warranted. Unable to approach any closer, Mok Riwon remained rooted to the spot, looking up at the snake. Then the snake answered, with a sigh. [Perhaps, you are a ghost (귀) wishing to become an immortal (선).] “A ghost…?” [Once belonging to demons (마) that indulged in their instincts to kill, and now, after repenting for those days, continues nine hundred and ninety-nine years of atonement.] Mok Riwon’s brows furrowed. “That means…” [Child, I am the original owner of the fate within you; it is the resentment I discarded.] Mok Riwon froze. [I will give you the answer you seek; I am the original Killing Star (살성).] The snake extended its head. Its previously tilted neck now pointed directly at him. The gleaming black scales disoriented Mok Riwon’s gaze. Mok Riwon asked, “Why did you do such a thing?” [Do what?] “Why did you allow your resentment to scatter across the world?” [I did not scatter it; someone unearthed the buried mistake.] Mok Riwon quietly mulled over the snake’s words. The Chunsalseong was the snake’s. The snake sought to shed and bury its killing intent, and someone had dug it up. And Mok Riwon knew those who had borne the Chunsalseong, and who had been the first among them. “...Lee Mubaek.” The Third Demon King, Lee Mubaek. A devil of unmatched cruelty, always named among the foremost tyrants of all times. The calamity that embodied the Chunsalseong in this world. Looking for an answer, Mok Riwon watched as the snake slowly closed its eyes. [Was that the name?] It could be interpreted as an affirmation. Mok Riwon clenched his fists tight. He bowed his head. "...You said it was yours." [Indeed, it was.] "Then take it back." [That is not possible.] "Why not? Even now, this star longs for you. The fact that I feel this longing towards you merely because I bear it proves it." Anger filled Mok Riwon's voice. It was the pent-up fury he had repressed for so long. Raising his head, Mok Riwon’s gaze shimmered with a crimson light. "So take it back. I never wished for this star." Indeed, Mok Riwon had never desired to harbor killing intent towards anyone. "Even if it brought me martial prowess, it means nothing to me." He could have lived contently as a commoner. That too would have been a satisfactory life. "I..." Mok Riwon's voice broke. His face, already streaked with tears, became even more distraught. "...I never wanted the killing intent that originated from me. So why must I bear it?" Why did it have to be him? The resentment that Mok Riwon had harbored for so very long erupted through his words. This was a complaint he had never dared voice, not even to his mentor who knew of this curse. [It is the will of the heavens.] "Why is the heaven so cruel to me? Why does it torment me so?" His tone sounded almost petulant. Indeed, Mok Riwon was being petulant. He felt that only by doing so could he soothe the burning inside him. Staring down the snake, Mok Riwon's expression eventually crumbled miserably. "Please... take it back..." His voice was laden with pleading. "How can I remove this star?" A hot breath escaped him. Mok Riwon spoke as if sobbing, then swept his face with his hand. "I don’t understand. What is the will of heaven that such a star exists, and why must I bear it?" The snake remained silent until then. Mok Riwon felt his head so overheated that he could hardly think. After a long while, during which Mok Riwon’s sobbing echoed in the cave, the snake finally spoke. [I cannot divulge the secrets of heaven. But.] The snake’s tone softened. [Do not doubt that every fate has its purpose.] The flames illuminating the surroundings gently flickered. [Your path surely contains killing intent, but I cannot guarantee that will be its end.] Mok Riwon lifted his head. The snake bore no expression. Yet, Mok Riwon sensed the snake was trying to console him. [Just move forward.] At that moment the snake spoke. Boom— A rumble echoed. Outside the cave, the vibration emanated from Bideong. [Then, fate shall follow you.] Suddenly, Mok Riwon felt a strange force pulling him, ejecting him out of the cave.